The Town of Cathlamet has implemented an updated computerized billing system.
Customers of the town’s water and sewer system should have noticed a change in their recent bills, Mayor Dick Swart said this week. Larger blue statement postcards have replaced the smaller white cards as part of the town’s updating of its computerized utility billing system and software.
The change was deemed necessary by the council because of the original system provider’s inability to continue servicing or supporting the software, Swart said.
“We were very close to the end of the operating life of the billing system,” Swart commented in an e-mail. “The new system is fully compliant with the state’s business accounting and reporting system requirements, and provides many options for better report generation, more accurate audit reports, and faster staff responses to customer inquiries about their accounts.”
Many customers noticed a small increase in their October water bills.
“The old hand-held meter reading computer has apparently told the new computer software the end of the last billing cycle was two days longer than it actually is," Swart said. "Customers billed an extra $1 to $2 will be credited in the next billing cycle. I have never heard of a computer or utility system change-over that did not pose some technical start-up glitches. Our staff are on this and will get things squared away.”
The town is also replacing its aged hand-held meter reading system with a new unit that is capable of reading meters by radio signal. As new meters are installed, and older meters are replaced, the read-by-radio system will increase accuracy and reduce meter-reading time.
“The new meter reading computer is guaranteed to be fully compatible with our new utility billing software and accounting system," Swart said. "If by chance there are any new glitches, they will be fixed on warranty. In the medium to long run, we will see greater accuracy and efficiency.
"I am really pleased that the council was able to find a way to finance these upgrades before we experienced a system crash."
Swart added that he has spoken to a number of customers about the change-over and welcomes input on how the new system is working.
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