Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Commissioners to consider budget

October 18 , 2007

Wahkiakum County commissioners begin meetings with department heads next week to go over proposed budgets for 2008.

Treasurer Paula Holloway said her estimate of revenue from state managed county trust timber land is $2-$2.2 million. The timber revenue is a major source of funding for most courthouse offices.

This year, timber revenues are expected to be around $730,000, the lowest total in 20 years.

County officials said they would go into the 2008 budget cautiously, expecting to have to borrow from some source to cover 2007 expenses and reducing the estimated revenue from the loss of state criminal justice funds.

Holloway said the county can come very close to meeting its 2007 budget despite a $250,000 revenue shortfall. It all depends on last minute revenues and expenses, she said.

Commissioner Tom Doumit noted that the shortfall for the Wahkiakum Family Practice Clinic won’t be as much as feared earlier this year. The clinic has implemented cost savings, and its overall revenues are up, thereby reducing the expected deficit.

Commissioners George Trott and Dan Cothren commented that although the revenue picture is improving, county government still needs to reduce costs because of the long-term trend for little revenue growth.

“Somewhere you’ll have to make some cuts,” Trott said. “You’ll have to reduce the size of government.”

“That’s my plan,” Cothren said, “but how much?”

County land owners may be asked to begin paying assessments to support the county noxious weed control program.

Officials said a process exists for identifying agricultural land and levying assessments on it to help support the weed control program, which currently relies on fees and funding from the Current Expense Fund.

The weed control board would have to hold public hearings to gather information and input in classifying lands and then develop proposed assessments. The county commissioners would then hold public meetings on the proposals and subsequently take action on them.

Commissioners will meet next week with department heads to discuss proposed budgets.

On Monday afternoon, they’ll meet with Sheriff Dan Bardsley, commission Clerk Holly Pfenniger and Weed Supervisor Bob Brons (3:30 p.m.).

On Tuesday, they’ll meet with Treasurer Holloway, Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow, Lower Columbia Economic Development Council Executive Director Richard Erickson (2 p.m.), and Health and Human Services Director Judy Bright.

On Wednesday, they’ll meet with Planning Department head Chuck Beyer, Fair Manager Kathleen Morgain (10 a.m.), Johnson Park Board representative Norm Bolton, Extension Agent Jennifer Leach, Auditor Diane Tischer, and District Court Judge Bill Faubion.

On Thursday, they’ll meet with Cathlamet Mayor Dick Swart and Clerk Barbara Blix.

On Friday, they’ll meet with Public Works Director Pete Ringen, clinic Business Manager Kathy Patterson (1 p.m.), and Assessor Sulema Zerr.

Copies of the preliminary budget will be available to the public in November.


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