Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891
August 9 , 2007
Beginning today (Thursday), the Convergence For Climate Action will bring dozens of speakers and performers into Wahkiakum County to address a range of issues relating to climate change, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and fossil fuels.
Organizers hope to use the weekend both as an activist training and an educational forum on a host of energy, climate change, and sustainability issues, said spokesperson Daniel Serres. Multiple panels will involve local anti-LNG organizers who will discuss the status of NorthernStar's Bradwood Landing proposal and recent developments in the LNG situation on the Columbia River.
Featured speakers include Dr. Robert Pyle, founder of the Xerces Society, co-author of "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies" and author of "Wintergreen", who will give Saturday evening's keynote address. Other featured presenters include Ron Reed, cultural biologist for the Karuk Tribe on the Klamath River; Catherine Thomasson, president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Starhawk, author and justice activist.
The event will also feature a host of workshops on issues ranging from LNG development on the lower Columbia to organic gardening and solar power. Evening music performances will follow keynote addresses, and Convergence organizers were thrilled to be joined by local performers Willapa Hills on Sunday evening and the East Valley Liberation Army (EVLA) on Friday evening.
The free event is designed to be family-oriented and will be held at Fairgrounds Park and the adjacent fairgrounds in Skamokawa through the weekend. People are welcome to visit for a day or stay and camp at the site. More information about activities is available at
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