Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • Sign dedication on Nov. 6

    Oct 28, 2021

    Two permanent signs erected in Cathlamet in honor of the Chinook tribes who once occupied this area will be dedicated Nov. 6, 12 noon, at the Elochoman Slough Marina. They tell the stories of Queen Sally, canoe building and greeting the Lewis and Clark expedition. The signs were funded by a grant from the Lewis and Clark Trail Stewardship Endowment, the efforts of town councilman David Olson and with cooperation from Tony Johnson, chair of the Chinook Indian Nation. Representatives from...

  • Leaf exchange set for next two Saturdays

    Oct 28, 2021

    On October 30 and November 6 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., join the WSU Master Gardeners for a leaf exchange at the Cowlitz County Fairgrounds, Washington Street entrance. Shredded leaves are an amazing organic amendment to put on your garden beds over the winter. Rake up and bag your leaves so gardeners and composters can put them to good use. Bagged leaves may be dropped off on the event day. Leaves only, no weeds. Leaves will be available for pickup on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. Master Gardener volunteers will be...

  • Bats, Spiders, Owls-Oh My!

    Oct 28, 2021

    Presented by Lewis and Clark National Historical Park The 11th annual “Bats, Spiders, Owls – Oh My!” event will be held Saturday, October 30, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for anyone who would like to participate. Rangers will be stationed at the Fort Clatsop replica presenting information and telling stories about three creatures of the night: bats, spiders and owls. Participants need to dress for the weather. Night creature craft bags will be available to pick up from the Fort Clatsop Visitor Center; be sure to take one before you head out. The p...

  • Student of the Month

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Wahkiakum Lions club continues to honor a senior student each month for their scholastic accomplishments, their community service and their improvement as a student. The September Student of the Month is Emerald Niemela. Emerald is the daughter of Chad and Michaela Niemela. She is active in basketball and volleyball. Emerald has chosen to wait a year to choose her career path, and is employed at Vista Park at this time. Courtesy photo....

  • State trooper visits Wahkiakum students

    Oct 28, 2021

    Sergeant Brad Moon of the Washington State Patrol visited with students in Jeff Rooklidge's classroom at Wahkiakum High School last week to talk about his experience in law enforcement, and let them know what to expect if they got pulled over. Moon has 19 years of experience in law enforcement, and had some interesting stories to tell, as well as some good advice for the young drivers. Photo by Diana Zimmerman....

  • FOS auction coming to a close this Saturday

    Kay Chamberlain|Oct 21, 2021

    WET START--As this week begins we certainly are having a soggy day, so I'm happy that we had a nice Saturday and hopefully the forecast for a dry Monday and Tuesday came true, as the rest of the upcoming week looks pretty doggone wet! Fortunately for us, the forecast often changes at a moment's notice and we wind up drier than planned, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that this latest storm system will veer to the north of us. However, if it does happen to come straight at us, it definitely loo...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Oct 21, 2021

    Sad day for state workers: Today is the date set for state and other workers to lose their jobs if they haven't had a covid shot. Did we have to go this route? I want folks healthy, especially children, but this does seem extreme. Masks are easier than this! I feel for all those who now have no job and are leaving the state or looking for another job in the area. Stay believing in better days and say a prayer for those who are without jobs, please. Photo of the Week: Debbie Littlefield and her...

  • Clear vegetation around your home to reduce the risk of fire

    Oct 21, 2021

    As leaves change color and begin to fall, the State Fire Marshal’s Office reminds residents that accumulation of leaves, branches, or other debris around the home can increase the risk of fire. Dry vegetation in roof valleys, gutters, and below decks can ignite if exposed to burning embers from open chimneys or nearby landscape burning. To reduce the risk of these hazards, create a safety zone around your home by: · Removing dead or dry leaves, pine needles, and fallen branches from your roof and rain gutters. · Trim back branches hanging...

  • Harvest Festival

    Oct 21, 2021

    Last Friday, J.A. Wendt Elementary school children made their way up to Wahkiakum High School class by class for the annual Harvest Festival, organized by the Parent Teacher Organization. Kyle Hurley's ag students showed Jamie Cothren's first graders how to make apple juice, watched over them as they played pumpkin tic-tac-toe, and cheered on the obstacle course races. Photos by Diana Zimmerman....

  • LCC Speech & Debate opens conference season

    Oct 21, 2021

    The Lower Columbia College Fighting Smelt Speech & Debate Team began the Northwest Forensics Conference (NFC) season with the Steve Hunt Classic tournament, hosted by Lewis & Clark and Whitman Colleges. The Smelt participated in this virtual tournament from their campus in Longview. The team came out of the gate strong and emerged with a convincing result to start the year. Sixty-nine colleges and universities from 26 different states participated in speech and debate events at this year’s Steve Hunt Classic. Participating schools included r...

  • Archives center offers lessons and workshops

    Oct 21, 2021

    The Appelo Archives Center will offer Kantele Lessons in a 3-part series on Saturdays, beginning October 23. Subsequent lessons will be held November 20 and December 18. It is not required to take all three classes. An introductory session will be held from 10 a.m. to noon for $20 per person. A Progressive Session will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for $30 per person. Starting at 1:30 p.m., private lessons are available to book at $40 per person. Call or Email to reserve a spot, 360-484-7103, Instructor Valerie...

  • Free legal clinic set for Friday

    Oct 21, 2021

    The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, will host a free legal clinic on Friday October 22 at 2 p.m. in Cathlamet. Lisa Walgdovel, an attorney with Northwest Justice Project, will help individuals with specific family law questions, such as how to get a divorce, determining primary custody and visitation and/or establishing child support. If you are interested in learning more about this clinic or to sign up you must call The Charlotte House at 360-795-6401 or toll free at 1-866-795-9381. Northwest Justice Project provides...

  • Nature Matters series begins October 28

    Oct 21, 2021

    Nature Matters begins this season with Ecologist Doug Glavich, who will define coastal prairies, explore what impacts have led to the loss of this habitat type, and ongoing restoration efforts. This talk will include environmental factors that maintain prairies on the landscape and plants that define them. Glavich will discuss recent applied science projects he has been involved with that look at better understanding these habitats, including those that the threatened Oregon Silverspot Butterfly call home. This free event is online. The 7 p.m....

  • Book sale at library Friday and Saturday

    Kay Chamberlain|Oct 14, 2021

    VEHICLE CHECK--We went through a lot of road work around here this past summer. Many folks were dealing with chipped or broken windshields, but those kinds of issues are readily seen and most likely taken care of rather quickly. What some don't see are the running lights, brake or signal lights or headlights that may have gotten dinged by some of those flying rocks. I have seen multiple vehicles lately that have lights that are no longer working, so with more hours of our day being dark, it would be wise of us to do a "walk around" our...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Oct 14, 2021

    I appreciated Rick Nelson’s statement in last week’s Letters to the Editor because it is hard to read letters from folks when they are negative and the information is not accurate. I recently watched a documentary on the PBS documentaries app on TV called, “The Forgotten Plague.” It gives the history of tuberculosis in our country and how the medicines were developed to cure it. People still get TB and still die, but nothing like the deaths in centuries past. TB is 3,000 years old and it took over 100 years to develop the science (bacter...

  • Reporter earns writing awards

    Oct 14, 2021

    Once again, Eagle reporter Diana Zimmerman has racked up awards in the annual Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Better Newspaper Contest. She earned first place honors for a story about a sea lion that came into Hull Creek at Grays River and a profile about the late Tom Irving. She also earned a second place award for a profile about Wahkiakum High School senior Paige Mace....

  • VFW Wahkiakum Post 5297 supports local youth essays

    Oct 14, 2021

    Working alongside America’s youth and instilling a sense of patriotism has always been a VFW priority. Each year local VFW posts hold three essay competitions, the Voice of Democracy for grades 9-12, the Patriots Pen for grades 6-8, and the Youth Essay for grades 3-5. Students write essays based on given patriotic themes and the essays are evaluated by the local post. Last year, first, second, and third place winners of the essay competition were recognized with certificates and a total of $1,525 in cash awards from Wahkiakum Post 5297. F...

  • WSU Master Gardener On-line Workshops: November

    Oct 14, 2021

    On Tuesdays at noon, and Wednesdays at 6 p.m., WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 7756056320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State...

  • FOS online auction happening now

    Oct 14, 2021

    The Friends of Skamokawa is hosting an online auction, “A Cornucopia of Treasures” via from Oct. 9 at 10 a.m., through Oct. 23 at 5 p.m. Items include great gifts for the holidays and special getaways. Place your bids now. The link for the auction is www.32auction/fos2021. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to operate and maintain the historic River Life Interpretive Center at Redmen Hall-1894 Central School. This is their 31st auction and second online auction....

  • Progress at RM 38 expansion site

    Oct 14, 2021

    Progress! The pandemic has slowed supply chains and raised prices, but this week, River Mile 38 Brewing Co.'s expansion finally started to take shape at the Port 1 waterfront. Owners Rex Czuba and Javier Sanchez described the finished project, which incorporates shipping containers in the design. It will have a fully equipped kitchen for the restaurant, indoor dining, an upstairs deck, patio, and garden with seating in front, and one of the best views in town. Photo by Diana...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Oct 7, 2021

    Wow! We are in October. That means all the little ghosts and goblins will be coming out. Once again we will have the Halloween Carnival on October 30 from 4-7 p.m. Come out and play some games and enjoy some time with family and friends. All games are $1.00 each and you can win some awesome prizes. We will also have a costume contest with age divisions as follows: 0-4, 5-9, 10-14 and anyone over 14 including adults. So get those costumes on and come on down and have some fun. We will also have a Haunted House, I will have more on that next week...

  • Wahkiakum County celebrates National 4-H Week

    Oct 7, 2021

    Local 4-H members are showcasing their projects and awards in the front window of Jabber Shack on Main Street in Cathlamet, in celebration of National 4-H Week, October 3-10. Susan Zabel invited 4-H members to display their talents and awards in her shop to help celebrate their achievements, considering the traditional 4-H Covered Bridge Dinner was canceled this year due to rising Covid numbers. Zabel and Laurel Waller of Hotel Cathlamet also generously offered their space for a silent auction...

  • Great ShakeOut includes AHAB siren warning

    Oct 7, 2021

    At 10:21 a.m. on October 21, Pacific County will participate in the largest earthquake drill ever: ShakeOut! Earthquakes can happen anywhere, so everyone should know how to protect themselves when an earthquake occurs. Coastal earthquakes can be followed by tsunamis – which is why the Great Washington ShakeOut includes a tsunami drill. Washington’s network of All Hazard Alert Broadcast (AHAB) sirens will be tested around 10:21 a.m. on October 21 using the wailing sound of a tsunami warning, not the Westminster Chimes that are used during the...

  • WSU Master Gardener Workshop: Worm Composting

    Oct 7, 2021

    On October 13 at 6 p.m. Master Gardeners will present Worm Composting. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners. You can purchase a simple composting box kit for $30.00. The kit contains everything you need to begin your vermiculture...

  • Evaluating Mason Bees cocoons

    Oct 7, 2021

    On October 14 at 6 p.m., Billie Bevers, Washington State University Master Gardener will present a workshop on how to evaluate mason bees cocoons for disease. During the spring and summer other bees, diseases and parasites can invade mason bee nests. Learn how to identify what’s in your mason bee cocoon, if it is still viable and how to reduce disease. The program sponsored by Washington State University Extension. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 6...

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