Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Mar 10, 2022

    Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful week. We will start with lots of fundraising events soon. Here are some dates to mark on your calendar. This Saturday, March 12 is the monthly Flea Market starting at 9 a.m. and going until 3. We have some new vendors coming in this month so come on down and grab a treasure or two. April is a really busy month at the fairgrounds. We will have the flea market on April 9. Tables are available for $10 at all flea markets. Call the office if you are interested in one, 360-795-3480. Then...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Mar 10, 2022

    Free days at Washington State Parks: The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission invites visitors to enjoy a state park on Wednesday, March 9 in honor of Billy Frank Jr.'s birthday, on Saturday, March 19 in recognition of Washington State Parks' birthday and on Friday, April 22 in celebration of Earth Day. Visitors are not required to display the Discover Pass for day-use visits to a Washington state park or on lands managed by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or Was...

  • Master Gardener Program: Worm Composting Workshop

    Mar 10, 2022

    On Saturday, March 12 at 10 a.m., join WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller for this in-person Worm box composting workshop. Vermiculture, or worm box composting, which is a process in which red wiggler worms and microorganisms are used to convert kitchen fruit and vegetable waste (peelings, etc.) into nutrient-rich, humus - “black gold” - compost. This is an amazing fertilizer and soil conditioner that will make your garden plants healthier and more productive. You will learn about this method of composting and have a chance to ask questions. The...

  • Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade set for March 17

    Mar 10, 2022

    Misty River Irish Wolfhounds invite the public to the 16th annual Cathlamet St. Patrick's Day Street Parade. As usual, they will meet at the NE corner of Main St. in Cathlamet on March 17 at 11 a.m. Join them and walk block long Main St. up and back. The parade will end in front of the Courthouse as usual. From there, they will adjourn to Duffy's Irish Pub located in Grays River with Wolfhounds allowed inside and outside the pub....

  • STEAM kits available

    Mar 10, 2022

    Second free set of STEAM Kits for children available at Cathlamet Public Library, Tuesday, March 7. These kits are on insects and are for children ages 3-8. Courtesy photo....

  • AAA & D requesting nominations for Senior Heroes

    Mar 10, 2022

    Join in honoring the people in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties who serve seniors. A senior hero is a person who serves older adults with excellence and compassion. This prestigious, annual award program brings together national, state, county, city, and civic leaders to honor the people in our communities who serve seniors. You can honor someone you know who serves seniors with compassion and excellence in Cowlitz or Wahkiakum Counties by nominating them on the Senior Heroes website at It's easy. Just tell some stories abou...

  • Woman's Club presents check to library

    Mar 10, 2022

    In honor of Read Across America Day, a check was presented to Carol Blix (librarian) at the Cathlamet Library by Cathlamet Woman's Club Member Maureen Zacher-Bockius to assist low income residents who live outside of the city limits to get a library card. Photo courtesy of Pearl Blackburn....

  • Georgia-Pacific Wauna Mill presents check to sheriff's office

    Mar 10, 2022

    The Georgia-Pacific Wauna Mill located near Westport, Ore., has contributed $1,500 to the Wahkiakum Sheriff's office to be used towards the purchase of safety supplies and the Sheriff's citizen support program. "We don't have the funds readily available to purchase safety supplies and items that support our citizens, so we appreciate this donation from the Georgia-Pacific Wauna Mill," said Sheriff Mark Howie. In addition to this contribution, the Wauna Mill has also provided funds to the...

  • Annual Crab and Oyster Feed was a success

    Mar 3, 2022

    This year, The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce's 36th Annual Crab and Oyster Feed was enjoyed by 600 people, a record number. This could never have been accomplished without all the volunteers (Chamber board members, Bank of the Pacific employees, the High School FFA students and local citizens) cooking and serving, and a new location, the gorgeous Columbia River Ranch to host the event. "I actually started coordinating this event back in November. There are so many little details that go into an...

  • LCC speech & debate students win awards at nationals tune-up

    Mar 3, 2022

    The Lower Columbia College Fighting Smelt Speech & Debate Team began preparations for the Phi Rho Pi national tournament the weekend of February 26-27 by competing in the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association (PSCFA) Spring Championship, hosted by Mount San Antonio College (Walnut, CA). In a competitive field of 37 colleges and universities, LCC finished fifth in two-year college team sweepstakes. This tournament gave LCC debaters a valuable opportunity to test their skills against...

  • WordFest salutes outgoing library director Chris Skaugset

    Mar 3, 2022

    WordFest resumes in-person events on Tuesday, March 8, with a farewell and appreciation for Chris Skaugset, outgoing director of the Longview Public Library. The event will be held from 5-6 p.m. at the Broadway Barrel Room, 1333 Broadway Avenue in Longview. The public is welcome to participate in the informal event. There will be a formal presentation at 6 p.m. “It’s an opportunity for people to express their appreciation to Chris for the many roles he has played over the years in supporting the literary community here,” said Alan Rose, who c...

  • Redmen Hall reopens for season on March 4

    Kay Chamberlain|Mar 3, 2022

    SOGGY--As this week begins, we are certainly in a wet and soggy weather pattern which they say will last all week, with possibly a dry break on Saturday. Last week the forecast for snow on Thursday did indeed show up but thankfully did not last as long as the batch before that. As we march into March, we are hopefully heading into warmer weather, but then again, I’ve seen it snow in April at Easter time! TURNING IN EARLY--As I begin this column, I’m told that we have a high wind advisory being posted and a scheduled PUD outage for my particular...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Mar 3, 2022

    Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful February. Things are going to start getting busy at the fairgrounds this next month. The Flea Market is on Saturday March 12. Tables are still $10 and are available by calling the office (360)795-3480. The fair will start looking for fair royalty; this year we are adding a junior court. If anyone is interested please call the office and leave me a message. The 2022 Fair theme is "Tractor Wheels And Cowboy Heels" and the Fair Book is Dedicated to Kay Walters....

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Mar 3, 2022

    Photo of the Week: Bob Burkhalter is seen with a banner when he won his Scholastic Sportsmanship Award. Look at that smile. It's been one of the best smiles in Grays River for many years. Bob is well known to older folks who attended the Rosburg Grade School where he taught for many years. A loving man and a good neighbor, Bob will be deeply missed. A good teacher and committed farmer, he has always been a wonderful role model for kids. Here is the announcement from his family: "It's with heavy...

  • FOS seeking vendors

    Mar 3, 2022

    The Friends of Skamokawa will host their annual Antique Sale on April 8, 9 and 10 this year, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. They are asking for any vendors who wish to participate to contact them for more information. You do not have to be present to sell. All proceeds help to maintain property and provide programs and services for the community through the FOS/River Life Interpretive Center. For further information contact Lori Cagle, office manager, Tuesday or Thursday from 10-2 at the Friends of Skamokawa Interpretive Center. (360) 795-3007 or...

  • 4-H youth teach free tech and computer skills

    Mar 3, 2022

    Local teens are meeting weekly to teach a variety of technical and computer skills to adults in Cathlamet and Naselle. Lydia and Ruth Blalock, Grace Hunt, and Micah Johnson are Wahkiakum 4-H members who are part of a national 4-H program called 4-H Tech Changemakers. 4-H Tech Changemakers are 4-H members who deliver a variety of technical workshops in rural communities across the U.S., on topics like internet safety, video conferencing, and password security. At each workshop, youth teach short lessons and offer one-on-one support for questions...

  • Mobility training series offered

    Mar 3, 2022

    Join the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Government’s Mobility Management Coordinator to learn how to find and use online resources for public transportation users. This training will provide public transportation users with an overview of the available resources within Wahkiakum County. Attendees will be shown resources for finding information on available services, as well as some walk-through demonstrations on how those resources can help find answers to their transportation needs. The training will be held March 17 at 6 p.m., via Zoom. P...

  • Lions Club Students of the Month

    Mar 3, 2022

  • SBA to open disaster loan outreach centers in Wahkiakum County

    Mar 3, 2022

    Director Tanya N. Garfield of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Disaster Field Operations Center-West on February 28 announced the opening of two Disaster Loan Outreach Centers in Wahkiakum County to help meet the needs of businesses and individuals who were affected by winter weather and flooding that occurred Jan. 5-16, 2022. “SBA customer service representatives will be on hand to answer questions about SBA’s disaster loan program, explain the application process and help each individual complete their electronic loan appli...

  • Public Servant EMT Award

    Feb 24, 2022

    On February 17, Steve Lewis, center, was presented the VFW Public Servant EMT Award by local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297 Commander Bill Tawater, left, and Bob Roche, right. According to Cathlamet Fire Department EMS Battalion Chief Jodie Mason, Lewis has been one of the top responders for multiple years in a row. He is extremely well known in the community. His wealth of experience in the EMT field, his attitude to volunteerism and a passion to care for people make him uniquely qualified...

  • Wahkiakum students learn about aquaponics

    Feb 24, 2022

    The Wahkiakum High School Outdoor Club, led by teacher Jeff Rooklidge and volunteer M.D. Johnson, heard about J.D. and Shira Honoré's adventures in aquaponic gardening at the Town of Taylor on Friday. The Honorés explained the components, the set up, and what has gone wrong and right as they learn to grow their own food in a way that might be less conventional but may be more sustainable and environmentally friendly in the long run. Photos by Diana Zimmerman....

  • SBA offers disaster assistance in area

    Feb 24, 2022

    Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to Washington businesses and residents affected by the winter weather and flooding that occurred from Jan. 5-16, 2022, announced Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman of the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBA acted under its own authority to declare a disaster in response to a request SBA received from Gov. Jay Inslee on Feb. 14, 2022. The disaster declaration makes SBA assistance available in Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum and Yakima counties...

  • SFA fundraising for firefighter training

    Kay Chamberlain|Feb 24, 2022

    COLD ENOUGH?--By the time you read this, we may have had some super cold evenings and depending on which weather report is correct, we may even be seeing some snow flurries today. I hope that doesn’t happen but with this cold system moving in, anything is possible. I just hope everybody was prepared for this “arctic blast” and had plenty of extra feed for their outdoor animals and if you had any plants out that you got them covered up ahead of time and were able to protect and save them, as those temperatures in the teens don’t exactly bode we...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Feb 24, 2022

    Aunt Hattie: My sweet 96-year old aunt who lives in Arizona called last weekend. I gave her The Wahkiakum County Eagle as a gift. She told me she loves to read about "the old people" who lived here over 100 years ago. She knew me as a baby and young girl. She is a jewel who lives alone, cleans her house herself and loves Hallmark movies. I love hearing her feedback and her stories as much as I love the stories our folks here tell of their early years here. Don't forget to ask for a story when...

  • Johnson Park news

    Denise Blanchard, Advisory Board President|Feb 24, 2022

    Johnson Park is getting into the swing of being open for events. Last year we had a very good turnout for our bingo night, and our Christmas craft day. Thank you to all that attended these events. This year we are looking forward to having more. March 19 from 9-4 p.m. is our annual Super Sale. It is time to book a table to reserve your space. All tables must be paid in advance to hold your spot. Set up time is the night before from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday morning from 7-9. To reserve a table call Denise Blanchard 360-355-0472 cell or leave a...

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