Sorted by date Results 801 - 825 of 6514
Volunteer Denise Doughty and Master Gardener Joyce Orr showed off the new hoop house at the Community Garden, which can be found at Erickson Park in Cathlamet. The new structure is in place thanks to an anonymous donor and volunteer labor from Chris Holmes, Craig Nielsen, John Wells, Sue Docker, Orr, Doughty, Roger Kavan, along with an assist from Kim and Mike Howell. Orr, Doughty, and Kavan were working last Wednesday to get the community garden ready for spring planting. Volunteers and master...
SPRING IS HERE--As this week begins, a lot of folks are hoping that now that Spring is officially arrived, we will see some much drier and warmer temperatures.While we may have begun this new season a bit on the damp side, the current forecast shows more dry days than wet, so we can only hope that holds true. It also shows the rainy weather may come back on Sunday but with only a 30 percent chance, we can hope it’s just a brief shower and won’t last long. Here’s to Spring and sunshine, which should make us all feel a lot cheerier and it will ce...
The Friends of Skamokawa will host their Annual Antique & Vintage Sale on April 8, 9 and 10 this year. The sale will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday from noon until 4 p.m. Any vendors who wish to participate should contact them for more information. You do not have to be present to sell. All proceeds help to maintain property and provide programs and services for the community through the FOS/River Life Interpretive Center. Contact Lori Cagle, office manager, with any questions, Tuesday or Thursday from 10...
Just got word that Ted Swanson died March 21 at home. We offer our prayers and tears. Announcement: A community meeting has been scheduled for this evening, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. at the Naselle Community Center with Rep. Jim Walsh in attendance to discuss the possible closure of the Naselle Youth Camp. Governor Inslee has also been invited. The Community Center is on Parpala Road just past the library in Naselle in the former Congregational Church. Karl Marlantes: Last Saturday, Karl Marlantes,...
The Super Sale at Johnson Park originally scheduled for March 19 has been postponed until Saturday, April 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The good news is that now vendors have more time to finish preparations. Some tables are available to rent, but reserve yours early or you may bring your own. Set-up times are Friday from 6-8 p.m., and Saturday from 7-9 a.m. For further information contact Denise Blanchard, 360-355-0472 or Shonda Ware, 360-465-2722. The center is located at 30 Rosburg School Rd., Rosburg....
The Wahkiakum Lions Club has announced that their annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 16. The hunt begins promptly at 11 a.m., and the Easter Bunny will make an appearance. There will be prize eggs in each age category: preschool, K-3 and 4-6. Parking will be in the large lot near the main entrance to the fairgrounds. The Lions will also hold a coloring contest, with coloring pages available at the school or at theCathlamet Pharmacy for those students who are home schooled. Coloring pages...
Director Tanya N. Garfield of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Disaster Field Operations Center-West reminded Washington businesses and residents of the April 18, 2022, deadline to apply for an SBA federal disaster loan for property damage caused by the winter weather and flooding that occurred Jan. 5-16, 2022. According to Garfield, businesses of all sizes, most private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters may apply for SBA federal disaster loans to repair or replace disaster damaged property. SBA can also lend additional f...
Mary Horton of Tacoma joined the 29th annual Cathlamet St. Patrick's Day Parade last Thursday. Eleven Irish Wolfhounds attended from Portland and Tacoma as well as locally, and paraded their 16 people down the east side of Main Street and back up the west side, ending in front of the courthouse for pets, cookies, and photo ops, then adjourned to Duffy's Tavern in Grays River to complete the festivities. Photo courtesy of Howard and Judy Brawn....
Container ships make their way up and down the Columbia River on a regular basis, but at 1,100 feet in length, the Navios Unite is reportedly the largest container ship to do so. It is capable of carrying 8,200 containers, much more than 6,000 carried on other container ships, which are usually less than 1,000 feet in length. Thanks to Joanne Rideout at who alerted readers to the spectacle. Check out the website or The Ship Report Facebook page to learn about ship traffic...
BIT DRIPPY--After a very nice sunny start this past Saturday, the rain front moved in by about two that afternoon and then we got a soaking that evening; at least West Valley did! Waking up to more gloomy, wet weather on Sunday morning, after losing an hour of sleep, was all the more reason to cozy up by the fire and either read a book or watch a little NASCAR in the afternoon. Whatever you did, I hope you’ve prepared yourself for a damp week as there are raindrops in the forecast for every day; although, that doesn’t mean rain all day, so if...
No Discover Pass is required to park on those two days The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission invites visitors to enjoy a state park on Saturday, March 19 in recognition of Washington State Parks’ birthday and on Friday, April 22 in celebration of Earth Day. Visitors are not required to display the Discover Pass for day-use visits to a Washington state park or on lands managed by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on these dates. The free days align with l...
Thursday update: The Eagle received word late Wednesday after the print edition had gone to press and the online version of this article had been posted that the Supersale at Johnson Park set for this Saturday has been postponed to April 23. Naselle Youth Camp: Thanks to State Representative Jim Walsh who kept the Naselle Youth Camp open at the beginning of the legislative process. Unfortunately, the camp was pulled out later on. There is still a chance for it to remain open while it sits on...
Johnson Park will hold their Super Sale on Saturday, March 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They have some tables available to rent, but reserve yours early or you may bring your own. Set-up times are Friday from 6-8 p.m., and Saturday from 7-9 a.m. For further information contact Denise Blanchard, 360-355-0472 or Shonda Ware, 360-465-2722. The center is located at 30 Rosburg School Rd., Rosburg....
The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce is looking for a new executive director. Following is an announcement received last week from Chamber President Shannon Britt: "The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce would like to announce the resignation of our Chamber Director Stacey Lane. Stacey has resigned and is pursuing a new career. During Stacey's two years with the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce, she assisted greatly in reviving our Chamber during a challenging pandemic. She brought a new passion for our economic development division, and enjoyed seeing...
Lewis and Clark National Historical Park Ranger Izzy Sanchez has delivered programs and demonstrations at the park since June 2018, and some of his favorite skills to share and teach are fire starting and candle making. Ranger Izzy offers a session on fires and candles 10-2 p.m. Monday, March 21, as part of the park’s Klahowya Youth Volunteer program. The session is one of five living history workshops to be held this spring, with participants agreeing to demonstrate their new skills later during public sessions at the park. For each s...
Wahkiakum 4-H teens are sharing more technology skills with the county through March and April. Workshops are free of charge to participate, and open to all. Participants are encouraged to bring their phone, tablets or laptops for assistance with technology or internet questions. In addition to one-on-one coaching and troubleshooting, 4-H teens will also share short lessons on a variety of topics: March 17, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Naselle Timberland Regional Library- Email Basics. March 24, 5:00-6:30 p.m., Naselle Timberland Regional Library- Setting...
On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, call Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. March 22--Noon Tuesday: Growing Blueberries (online.) Do you want to grow blueber...
KMUN will hold a pledge drive March 14-20. The long hours of research and preparing questions for a guest during local public affairs or the hours and focus it takes to curate a 2-hour music program, comes down to this: Opening up the microphone and inviting the audience into a partnership for the duration of the show. Partnership, because not only is it important for a radio station to have listeners (KMUN has 30,000 weekly listeners) but also for the community to know that this is your voice in the region. KMUN's mission is to provide your...
These laptops were purchased with a grant from the Washington State library to provide patron access to the internet from a computer laptop with MS Office Suite, away from library facilities, and to help close the digital divide. The laptops will allow patrons to complete tasks that require internet access such as completion of school assignments; looking for and applying for jobs, assistance, and housing; connecting with others via videoconferencing; accessing consumer health information or...
Sheriffs across Washington have started a campaign to collect material and equipment that can support police in beseiged Ukraine, Wahkiakum County Sheriff Mark Howie announced this week. Sheriff department and retired Washington State Patrol officers have identified specific ways that agencies in your communities can assist Ukraine and help provide medical supplies and other equipment. Retired Mabton Chief Raul Almeida has worked with the Ukrainian Police as an international trainer and has communicated with his contacts in the Ukraine about...
Washington fishery managers unveiled on March 4 salmon run forecasts for state waters in 2022, with many forecasts looking similar to last year’s predictions, and some slight improvements or declines by area. Cooperatively developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and tribal co-managers, these forecasts mark the launching point for the annual North of Falcon process to develop Washington’s salmon fishing seasons. The forecasts cover expected returns of Chinook, coho, sockeye, and chum salmon in Puget Sound, the Col...
NICE START--As I begin this column, the air is crisp at just 27 degrees and the ground is white with thick frost but the sun is shining and it looks like this Super Bowl Sunday is going to be a really pretty day. Unfortunately the work week looks to start out pretty wet and so does the coming weekend, but at least a few days in there should be dry, so it looks like we’d best hurry and take advantage of these dry spells while we can. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Feb. 17-23 are Vickie Reid, Jade Mahitka, Alyssa Stratton, N...
Eden Valley Road will be closed during the day March 15 so that the county road department can replace a culvert. The closure will occur about milepost 2.5. A half dozen residents would be impacted, county Public Works Director Chuck Beyer said Tuesday; county staff will go door to door to make sure all residents are prepared for the closure....
DRY BEGINNING--As this week begins, we are seeing some sunshine after a cloudy start so that’s a welcome sight. We had a decent day on Saturday as well, so a weekend of dryness was very pleasant indeed. While we are going to have several nice days this week, it looks like those nice days will bring about freezing temperatures in the late night hours, so I hope you haven’t gotten too gung-ho with all your plantings. Once those dry days get over, the forecasters are saying we are in for a weekend and more of rain, so while we’ll be warmer, we’ll...