Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • Disaster assistance deadlines nearing

    Apr 14, 2022

    Low-interest federal disaster loans are now available to Washington businesses, nonprofit organizations, renters, and residents as a result of the winter flooding that occurred Jan. 5-16, 2022. The Agency Declaration covers Lewis County and the contiguous Washington counties of: Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum and Yakima. The SBA deadline to apply for physical damage loans is April 18, 2022. For Economic Injury Disaster Loans, the deadline is November 15, 2022. People are encouraged to complete the SBA...

  • Poetry open mic set for April 19

    Apr 14, 2022

    To celebrate April’s National Poetry Month, Dayle Olson has partnered with River Mile 38 Brewing Company to host what they hope will become an annual event, Cathlamet Poetry Open Mic. In 2020, just before the pandemic hit, there were plans to devote an entire April weekend to poetry in Cathlamet, including a poetry reading by then-Washington State poet laureate, Claudia Castro Luna. Cathlamet resident and poet Dayle Olson was ready with a line-up of local readers, venues and posters to publicize the event. But it never happened. To heal that d...

  • LCC Speech and Debate earns prestigious awards

    Apr 14, 2022

    Competing at their first in-person tournament in more than two years, the Lower Columbia College Fighting Smelt Speech and Debate Team earned several awards and other honors at Phi Rho Pi Nationals in St. Charles, MO. Phi Rho Pi is the national forensic association representing two-year colleges. Its weeklong national tournament is considered the premier end of season speech and debate competition for community college students. In team sweepstakes, Lower Columbia College finished Silver in debate and Bronze overall in the Hindman Division....

  • Local residents turn out to donate blood

    Diana Zimmerman|Apr 7, 2022

    Several Wahkiakum County residents showed up last Friday afternoon to donate blood at a Red Cross Blood Drive at the Norse Hall on Puget Island. "Everyone should open veins as often as possible," Cathlamet Mayor David Olson said. "This is Red Cross. This is basic. It's a civic duty and an honor to do it. It's a very easy way to help people." Suzanne Holmes has been supporting the American Red Cross since she was 16 and a candy striper and even raised money for them in later years. "It's a solid...

  • Big weekend ahead in Wahkiakum County

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 7, 2022

    WET START--As I begin this column, it’s a damp Sunday morning, and from the looks of the forecast, we’re only going to get a couple of nice dry days and if you get this paper on Thursday, that might be the second one and the last dry one for several days, so here’s hoping you didn’t have any outdoor plans. Due to the possibility of a very nasty storm system coming in, as well as appointments coming up, I’m going to be turning my column in extra early, as we just never know about the timing of these windy predictions or their consequen...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Apr 7, 2022

    Greetings from the fair office. This month will start our busy season. This Saturday is the Flea Market and we have lots of great treasures. The Fair will open up the T- Building with its sale. The tables are still only $10 and you just need to call the office at (360)795-3480 to reserve one. Then on Friday April 15 we will have Easter Bingo. The doors open at 5 p.m., and bingo starts at 6 p.m. Cards are still 3 for $10 and they play all games. We will have the raffle prize table and a big raffle. So come out and have some fun. Then on...

  • WSU On-line Workshop: Estate Planning for Farmers

    Apr 7, 2022

    On Wednesday, April 20, from 12-1 p.m., Jeff Petersen, Attorney in Longview, will discuss the basics of estate planning for farmers. Learn the best course of action when transferring a farm. Find out ways to divide the farm among family members. Discussion will include farm and estate taxes. This free presentation will be followed by the opportunity to ask questions. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android:...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Apr 7, 2022

    Weather: Big hail, wind, rain and cold so far, so I'm hoping weather improves later in the week when you get your Eagle. I often try to get a sense of who subscribes to The Eagle but still I'm not sure. If you think you can just read it on-line, you still will miss a lot. So think about supporting one local business, The Eagle, would you? Naselle Camp: The Governor did not change anything in the supplemental budget, so it appears the camp will close. Boys will be gone by December 31 and...

  • State Parks Commission to meet in Ilwaco

    Apr 7, 2022

    The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will hold its regular in-person commission meeting Thursday, April 14 at the Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum in Ilwaco. Commission action items include 2023-25 capital budget target request level and proposed modifications to the Klickitat State Park Trail long-term park boundary. In addition, the commission will hear updates and reports from agency staff and the Washington State Parks Foundation. A work session is scheduled the day before the regular meeting, on Wednesday, April 13. Work...

  • Kindergarten registration runs April 18-22

    Apr 7, 2022

    Kindergarten Registration Night will be held Thursday, April 21 in the Multi-Purpose Room at J.A. Wendt Elementary School from 5:30 to 7 p.m., for children who are five years old on or before August 31 of the upcoming school year. Registration paperwork will be distributed to students attending pre-school at St. James and may also be picked up at the main office at J.A. Wendt Elementary School between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Items needed for registration include the child’s birth certificate, immunization records and legal documents if applicable. P...

  • How do you get around town?

    Apr 7, 2022

    The Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) is inviting all residents of Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, and Wahkiakum Counties to help them understand your transportation needs. The survey results will be used to update their Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan which will help them plan for better use of public transit throughout the region for people with disabilities, seniors, young people, individuals with lower incomes, and others who depend on public transportation services. The Accessible T...

  • Hennrich town hall will be held Saturday

    Apr 7, 2022

    Brent Hennrich is running to unseat Jamie Herrera Beutler as the representative to Congress for District 3. He will hold a town hall meeting at Maria’s Place in Cathlamet on Saturday, April 9 from 11 a.m. to noon. Attendees are asked to bring questions and comments. He says he welcomes Democrat and Republican questions equally. There is room for 30 people in Maria's back room. This town hall will also be shown on Zoom live, and it will be recorded and made available on YouTube later that same day. The Zoom link is: https://u...

  • KMUN station manager Nystrom to step down

    Apr 7, 2022

    After nearly five years at the helm, Graham Nystrom is stepping down as station manager for KMUN. Susan Peterson, development director for KMUN, will take his place. Nystrom, a musician and live sound and recording engineer, previously worked as technical director for Live Wire Radio and Oregon Public Broadcasting. He was hired as KMUN's operations manager in 2015 and took over as station manager in 2017. Under his leadership, KMUN regained significant financial and operational stability. Nystrom also planned and helped fundraise for major tech...

  • State Parks participates in April 23 coast cleanup

    Apr 7, 2022

    As a member of the Washington Clean Coast Alliance, the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission will participate in this year’s Washington Coast Cleanup. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to noon on April 23. Along with parks, many other collaborating partners like Surfrider and the Grassroots Garbage Gang will help clean the coastal beaches. Thousands of volunteers come out every year to remove several tons of marine debris from Washington’s Pacific Coast and Salish Sea. Beach cleanups allow family and friends to have fun and par...

  • Biden declaration okays winter disaster assistance

    Mar 31, 2022

    The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) announced Tuesday that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the state of Washington to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe winter storms, straight-line winds, flooding, landslides and mudslides from January 1-15. President Joseph Biden's action makes federal funding available to state, tribal and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair...

  • FOS seeking vendors for annual antique sale

    Kay Chamberlain|Mar 31, 2022

    DECENT START--As I begin this column it’s a bit cloudy but with the sun peeking through now and then, it beats the pouring rain by a mile! Plus, with devastating weather events happening in the southeast part of our country, and wildfires in other states, I’d say we are very fortunate to be where we are right now. The forecast for the weekend looks to be on the dry side, with rain coming back Monday, so we’ll hope the good weather hangs in there and we don’t get fooled on April Fool’s Day! BIGGEST GAG/JOKE?--Speaking of April Fool’s Da...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Mar 31, 2022

    Photo of the Week: Theodore Willard Swanson May 30, 1929 - March 21, 2022. He was the youngest of eight children and the only boy. As a child he was called Teddy. His sister Lillian Swanson Whitten (born 1909), the oldest child in the family, said in an interview in the book, "Water Over the Bridge" by Ruth Busse Allingham that "their family was always musical and they loved to sing and dance. Dances down in Rosburg were at the Grange Hall there -Rosburg Hall. The Grange disbanded and some of...

  • Youth camp closure impacts our community

    Mar 31, 2022

    Commentary by Karen Bertroch The town hall meeting about the planned closure of the Naselle Youth Camp held March 17 gave the group that attended a sense of the latest reality of what’s happening as the deadline for the governor’s signature that would stop the camp’s coming closure gets closer. An excellent article in The Chinook Observer gave the readers plenty of data. The number of employees, the amount of money lost, the loss of economic life for both western Wahkiakum and eastern Pacific counties was laid out in dollars receding from...

  • DNR, WSU to hold forest stewardship courses for small forest landowners

    Mar 31, 2022

    The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Washington State University Extension Forestry program will offer three versions of its Forest Stewardship Coached Planning courses this spring, geared toward northeast, northwest, and southwest region forest landowners. Courses beginning in May provide guidance for small forest landowners on creating forest stewardship plans. Registration ends April 19. The courses cover topics including tree health and identification, wildlife on private property, noxious weeds, soil, forest...

  • Congressional Art Competition open

    Mar 31, 2022

    Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler announced March 24 that her office is accepting submissions for the 2022 Congressional Art Competition. The Congressional Art Competition is open to all high school students, grades 9-12, in Southwest Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. The winner of the competition will have his or her artwork displayed for one year in the U.S. Capitol Building. The second and third place winners will be invited to display their artwork in Herrera Beutler’s congressional office. The submission deadline this year is May...

  • Kite STEAM kits available

    Mar 31, 2022

    Kite STEAM kits are available at Cathlamet Public Library starting March 29. This is the fourth set of free STEAM kits for children ages 3-8. The theme is Kites. Soar in the sky! Learn about physics in the flying world and create your own flying machines. Parents are asked to fill out a short online survey to say what their children learned from the kit, or fill out and return a paper survey from the library. Kits courtesy of the Washington State Library. Courtesy photo....

  • Readers challenge offered at Cathlamet Public Library

    Mar 31, 2022

    Grow your reading habit with Beanstack, April 1, through June 18. Just 20 minutes of reading a day will put you well on your way to completing this challenge. Read books and log their titles to win free prize books at the library. Sign up by logging into Beanstack at or downoad the free Beanstack app. For more information, contact librarian Carol Blix at 360-795-3254, email , or come in during the library's open hours, Tuesdays through Satudays from 2-5 p.m....

  • Free legal clinic offered

    Mar 31, 2022

    The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, will host a Free Legal Clinic on Friday April 15 at 1 p.m., in Grays River and 3 p.m., in Cathlamet. Lisa Walgdovel, an Attorney with Northwest Justice Project will help individuals with specific family law questions, such as how to get a divorce, determining primary custody and visitation and/or establishing child support. If you are interested in learning more about this clinic or to sign up you must call The Charlotte House at 360-795-6401 or toll free at 1-866-795-9381. Northwest...

  • Lions Club Student of the Month

    Mar 31, 2022

    The Wahkiakum Lions have honored Daron Fleming as their February Student of The Month. Daron has met many challenges and is happy to thank his family, friends, teachers and peers for the help they have given him, to become the man he is today. He says that without them he would be just a bump in the road. He is looking forward to the future and what it holds for him and is planning to pursue a career working with dogs and animals through some kind of rescue facility. Pictured with Daron (l-r)...

  • WSU Master Gardener On-line Workshops: April

    Mar 31, 2022

    On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. April 5-Noon-Tuesday: Soils and Fertilizers (on-line.) Great gardening starts...

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