Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • Redmen Hall has announced new hours

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 28, 2022

    GREAT WEEKEND--I hope you were able to enjoy the glorious weekend weather we had. While we may have some more wet stuff during the week, we are supposed to have another glorious weekend to end April and begin May, so I hope that happens as we could all use a little “Sunshine Medicine” to help brighten our spirits these days. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from April 28-May 4 are Shannon McClain, Jenna Engle, Carrie Backman, Darren Olsen, Connie Luthi, Troy Heagy, David Faubion, Wolfgang Hoven, Ricky Montgomery, Scott Holland, Car...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Patty Dursteler|Apr 28, 2022

    Greetings from the fair office. Wow! April is almost over and now the busy season starts. We have a lot of things happening out here at the fairgrounds this summer. We will be starting on our grants so that means a new goat, sheep and swine barn, new pavement and the third aisle of the horse barn will have the concrete put in along with an ADA walkway around the outside stalls. Along with that we will paint a lot of the buildings. To start things off we will have a clean up day on May 14 from 10 a.m., until? We will BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Apr 28, 2022

    Stories bring us together: I talked with Gail Wirkkala this morning. She called from Longview to give me information on the Rosie Nelson Johnson story that was in the April 21 issue. Rosie talked about the Shamrock Hotel in Deep River. Gail told me that the original story came from Marlene Wirkkala Wiitala. Gail worked in the Shamrock Hotel as a young girl, so she has her own stories and some of the things left from the hotel, too. She invited me to come and talk with her at her home in...

  • Secretary of State addresses concerns regarding third-party canvassers in Washington counties

    Apr 28, 2022

    The Office of the Secretary of State has received multiple reports of third-party canvassers presenting themselves as elections officials and going door-to-door across Washington asking residents about their voter information and other election-related questions. These canvassers are not affiliated with and do not represent the Office of the Secretary of State, its Elections division, or any of Washington’s 39 county elections offices. “I want to assure Washington voters that you are under no obligation to answer any questions from, or dis...

  • Tsuga Gallery to hold open house

    Apr 28, 2022

    Tsuga Gallery will hold an “A May Zing” Open House on Saturday, May 7, from 3-7 p.m. Ruth Doumit will be the featured artist for the month of May. This will be the first Open House for the gallery in two years. The public is invited to meet the artists and talk to them about their art, inspiration, and anything else of interest. Finger foods and refreshments will be served. Ruth Doumit is an artist who has lived locally all her life. She is a stained glass, ceramic, and mosaic artist, along with many other mediums. Ruth Doumit Designs Stu...

  • Museum to open for season May 1

    Apr 28, 2022

    The public is invited to celebrate May Day and the season-opening of the Wahkiakum County Historical Museum, Sunday, May 1, 1-4 p.m., at Strong Park in Cathlamet. The event includes Maypole dancing, crafting of May Day flower baskets, museum scavenger hunt, raffles, and more. Admission is free for children and $5 for adults. Raffle tickets are $1/ea., with Patty Cakes and Scribbles generously providing baskets full of great gifts. A Membership Raffle will be held. Become a museum member and enter to win a $100 gift certificate to the new...

  • Master Gardener offerings in May

    Apr 28, 2022

    On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly online free programs. No need to register; just pop in. Connection information (you must have a Zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. · May 3 - Noon: May Garden Tips (online) WSU Master Gardener Adam Weeks will...

  • Heidi St. John open house on Tuesday

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 21, 2022

    NICE START--We are starting this column on a very sunny Easter Sunday and wow, that couldn’t have come at a better time as it’s always nice to have a special holiday be a pleasant one. It’s especially nice considering that the couple days before that were wild, with all kinds of Spring weather, as it “sprung” between rain, hail, snow, thunder, wind and that stuff called “grauple.” Considering many were dealing with snow last Sunday, April 10, this was a huge improvement! Of course, this entire week looks to be on the wet side so please turn o...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Apr 21, 2022

    Wow! What a weekend at the fairgrounds. Easter Bingo was a packed house and fun was had by all. Then on Saturday the Lions Club had their Easter Egg Hunt. After that the Fair Foundation had its carnival and Easter Egg Hunt. Fun was had by all that came out. The next big event at the fairgrounds will be the Mud Wrestling Extravaganza on May 21. The monthly Flea Market is the second Saturday of the month and tables are still $10. The fair is looking for fair royalty. This year we will have a Junior Prince/Princess division (8-12 years) and a...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Apr 21, 2022

    Photo of the Week: The family of Marjorie Elder Kraxberger gathered with her for a family photo in 2006 at a Covered Bridge Celebration. For Finns, family is probably the most important value. As an illustration of that, Marjorie's photo shows how important she was to her family. Appelo Archives Treasures: At the Archives in Naselle, there are so many things to enjoy. I worked there for many years helping Carlton Appelo establish the center. I went through many of Carlton's collections in those...

  • Free technology assistance available in Rosburg

    Apr 21, 2022

    Technology assistance will be available free of charge by local 4-H members in Rosburg this Saturday, 9-11 a.m., at the Johnson Park Super Sale. Get one-on-one troubleshooting for any tablet, phone or computer problems, free of charge. Information will also be available on video conferencing, email basics, and a variety of other technology issues. Wahkiakum 4-H teens are part of a national 4-H program called 4-H Tech Changemakers, where they are helping rural communities like Wahkiakum County with internet and technology access. For more...

  • WDFW approves razor clam digs

    Apr 21, 2022

    Shellfish managers with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) confirmed that the next round of razor clam digging can proceed as planned from April 21-May 7 with an increased limit of 20 clams. Digging is allowed during low tide from 12 a.m. through 11:59 a.m. only: · April 21, Thursday, 10:59 a.m.; -0.9 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks. Additional tentative digs pending final approval for marine toxin testing are: · April 29, Friday, 6:31 a.m.; -0.1 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis. · April 30, Saturday, 7:10 a....

  • Johnson Park news

    Denise Blanchard, Advisory Board President|Apr 21, 2022

    Johnson Park advisory board would like to remind everyone the Super Sale is coming up this weekend, Saturday April 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Set up times will be on Friday night from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday morning from 7-9 a.m. Also a soup and sandwich lunch will be available in the cafeteria. Johnson Park Library has a new look, stop in and see when you’re at the Super Sale Saturday. Rosalinda Wilson and Carillon Nicol have been working non stop to clean and organize the library. They will have a book sale table at the super sale, nice b...

  • News from The Wahkiakum County Community Garden

    Joyce Orr, Master Gardener|Apr 21, 2022

    Brrrr, lately it has been hard to remember that it is Spring Plant Sale Time, but the Wahkiakum Community Garden volunteers have been working diligently to prepare for the 2022 growing season. We are planning for our Annual Plant Sale in May. We rely on community support for the success of our only fundraiser. The Community Garden has 17 raised beds in which we grow vegetable produce we donate to Wahkiakum County area food banks during our harvest season. Most years we have donated around 1,500 pounds of produce. Funds we raise are used for...

  • Middle school Honor Roll has been announced

    Apr 21, 2022

    John C. Thomas Middle School has announced the grade point averages recently earned by grades 6-8. The following students earned a 4.0 GPA: 8th grade Josiah Garrett and Parker Leitz. 7th grade Abigail McKay-Beach and Hank Wilson. 6th grade Mayleonna Casey, Jameson Heston, Ryen Hurley, Addison Johnson, Payton Mendez, Joseph Merz, Josh Moon and Annelise Vik. Students earning 3.2-3.9 GPA are: 8th grade-Evelyn Hogue, Anna Goldinov, Margarita Goldinov, Kamden Scuito, Rylie Wills, Maddi Grangroth, Jason Bachmeier, Jessie Lefever, Cor Hoogendoorn,...

  • Easter basket!

    Apr 21, 2022

    Lauchlin Lorenzo won an Easter Basket in the K-3 division of the Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt held on April 16. Other basket winners were Preschool: Ezekiel Mendoza and Joy Hoven; K-3: Royce Knight; grades 4-6: Raven Jones and Hadley Robert. Courtesy photo....

  • Lions Club coloring contest winners

    Apr 21, 2022

  • An Easter tradition

    Apr 21, 2022

    There was a big turnout for the Wahkiakum Lions Club annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, which was held at the Skamokawa Fairgrounds this year. Parents and grandparents assisted the littlest ones as they raced around the grounds of the T Building looking for brightly dyed eggs. Photos by Diana Zimmerman....

  • Lots of Easter events happening this weekend

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 14, 2022

    NEW CONTACT INFO--I’ve been “out of the loop” lately, and my former email address is no longer working and I can’t contact everybody all over again, so I’ve opted to put my new email address on here for those of you who would rather contact me that way: Here’s hoping this computer stays up and running! COLD START--As I begin this column, the hills around us are white and we even had some snow on the windshield of our rigs this morning, so when they said that snow levels were dropping, I guess they weren’t kidding! Folk...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Apr 14, 2022

    Photo of the Week: It's hard to get grass cut when it rains and sleets and snows in April. I'm hoping, dear readers, that you won't judge me as irresponsible if my yard appears to be more field than yard. Not only was there snow, as seen in the photo looking north off Covered Bridge Road, but a tree in my front yard also came down last week. It just leaned over in the wind and landed in the yard without touching the house or decks. I'm so grateful for that. I tried for a couple days to find...

  • White Tail Run art contest winners announced

    Apr 14, 2022

    Janessa Tarabochia, a 9th grader at Wahkiakum High School was the winner of the 38th annual art contest for the Great White Tail Run. Her design was selected from 148 entries submitted by students within the Naselle-Grays River Valley and Wahkiakum School Districts. She will receive $25 and a shirt with her winning entry. Second place was awarded to Jaden Baldino, an 8th grade student at Naselle Grays River Valley Middle School. Third place award went to Anita Doubilo, a 4th grade student at J.A. Wendt. Jaden and Anita will receive art...

  • Coin show set for April 30

    Apr 14, 2022

    The Cowlitz Coin Club of Longview-Kelso will celebrate its 52nd coin show April 30 at the AWPPW Hall, located at 724 15th Avenue in Longview. Show hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and admission, parking and dealer appraisals are all free. At the show, the public can buy, sell and trade coins, currency, tokens and medals from numerous Pacific Northwest dealers. There will be hourly drawings, along with a raffle for a half-ounce American Gold Eagle coin and five one-ounce American Silver Eagle coins. You do not need to be present to win the raffle...

  • Klahowya Youth Volunteer Program offered April 16

    Apr 14, 2022

    Lewis and Clark National Historical Park offers a session on wood carving from 10-2 p.m. Saturday, April 16, as part of the park’s Klahowya Youth Volunteer program. The free workshops will be held at the Fort Clatsop Visitor Center. Sessions are limited to 10 high school or high school age participants. Pre- registration is required. Food and snacks will be provided. Instruction will take place inside and outside, so warm and waterproof layers are encouraged. Wood carving on the Northwest coast occurred prior to the Corps of Discovery’s sta...

  • STEAM kits available at the library

    Apr 14, 2022

    The last set of free STEAM kits for children ages 3-8 are available at the Cathlamet Library starting April 12. The theme is Beads--create your own bead bracelets! Parents are asked to fill out a short online survey to say what their children learned from the kit, or fill out and return a paper survey from the library. Kits courtesy of the Washington State Library. Free home COVID test kits are still available (two kits per person). It is now an option for healthy patrons to enter the library...

  • CWCOG housing needs survey available

    Apr 14, 2022

    The Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) is asking residents to complete a short survey to assess the housing needs and issues of availability and affordability in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties. The Housing Needs Assessment Survey includes questions related to your current living situations, are you renting/owning, size, and satisfaction, among others. The results will be used region-wide to support new housing opportunities focused on the needs, challenges and hopes of local residents. The deadline for the Housing Needs Analysis S...

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