Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • Attridge takes helm at Ocean Beach Hospital

    Sep 1, 2022

    Scot Attridge took over as Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Beach Hospital and Medical Clinics (OBHMC), earlier this month, filling the key position vacated by Larry Cohen, who retired on July 29. Attridge had been working side by side with Cohen for the past six weeks to ensure a smooth transition for the community-owned public hospital district. A member of the Washington-Alaska Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, Attridge holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting and business/management from Brigham Young...

  • Land trust names new director

    Sep 1, 2022

    The Columbia Land Trust Board of Directors has announced, that after an extensive search process, Dr. Megan Rutledge has been named executive director. Rutledge will replace Glenn Lamb, who is retiring after a long tenure with the land trust. In Rutledge, the hiring committee found a leader who combines the scientific expertise and strategic vision needed to continue the land trust’s tradition of conservation success. With a doctorate in environmental management, she most recently served as the director of Biodiversity Threats at the New Z...

  • Salmon derby to take place Thursday-Sunday

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 25, 2022

    SUNNY START--After a weekend that saw a few showers out here in West Valley, we were back to sunny skies as this work week begins. Unless things change drastically, it appears we are in for a dry week, and even longer, so it looks like our Summer is going to continue for a bit. Considering there has been some massive flash flooding in other parts of our country, I am certainly happy to be here in the Pacific Northwest at the moment. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Aug. 25-31, are Katie Phillips, Lou Ann Hedges, Devon Mueller,...

  • FOS online auction set for Oct. 8-22

    Aug 25, 2022

    The Friends of Skamokawa will host an online auction, “A Cornucopia of Treasures” via on Oct. 8 at 6 p.m., and run through Oct. 22 until 6 p.m. Great gifts are available for the holidays and special getaways. A “Sneak Peek” will be available on October 7 from 5-7 p.m., at the River Life Interpretive Center. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to operate and maintain the historic River Life Interpretive Center at Redmen Hall-1894 Central School. This is their 31st auction and their second online auction....

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Aug 25, 2022

    One week from today, August 25, will be September 1 and the first day of school for students at Naselle/GRV school. It’s been a short summer for many of us because it seemed summer didn’t truly start till mid-July. The helianthus and dahlias are blooming so that’s a sign of late summer. Photo of the Week: As I left Finn Fest, I stopped to take a photo of Valley Bible Church’s flags on their sign. I have seen both flags, our national flag and the flag of Finland, several times hanging there....

  • 50 year reunion

    Aug 25, 2022

    Members of the Wahkiakum High School Class of 1972 recently held their 50 year class reunion. Attending were, front, l-r, Kathy Hendrickson Yellesetty, Laurel Campbell Hess, Darlene Dobbins Almer, Gail Hattrick McGaughey, Joy Wirkkala Jenkins, and Ellen Johnson Cothren; middle, l-r, Sherri Bendiksen Thompson, Debra Moore Takko, Anita Fox Mosteller, Deborah Fluckiger Brockel, Cheryl Cothren Turner, Sandra Frink Groves, Joyce Shelton Bjorge, and Becky Spooner. and back, l-r, Herb Mosteller, Larry...

  • After the Blast: Mount St. Helens 40 Years Later

    Aug 25, 2022

    Wahkiakum Outdoors will host Dr. Eric Wagner from the Speakers Bureau of Humanities Washington in Cathlamet on Saturday, September 17 at 2 p.m., at the Hope Center. Based on his book of the same title, he will take you on a journey through the blast zone. He explores not just the surprising ways plants and animals survived the eruption, but also the complex roles that people have played, all while showing how fascinating Mount St Helens still is 40 years after the blast. Wahkiakum Outdoors lecture/discussion series provides an educational...

  • Stella Historical Society to host Remnants of the Past

    Aug 25, 2022

    The Stella Historical Society will close their 2022 summer season with the annual presentation of Remnants of the Past on September 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Remnants uses both the society museum in downtown Stella and the Stella Lutheran Chapel two miles up Germany Creek Road to present demonstrations of soap making, China painting, ornamental wood burning, blacksmithing and much more from the early settlement of western Cowlitz and eastern Wahkiakum counties. Activities at the church will include a farmers market, live music and lunch. Requested...

  • Pacific County EMA hosting the Big Shaker

    Aug 25, 2022

    The Pacific County Emergency Management Agency (PCEMA ) is proud to announce that in conjunction with the Pacific County Fair, Pacific County Fire District 1, and the Long Beach Fire Department, PCEMA will host the Big Shaker Earthquake Simulator on Saturday at the Pacific County Fair in Menlo from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and on Sunday, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the 2022 First Responder Safety Fair located at the Long Beach Fire Department, 701 Washington Avenue North, Long Beach. The Big Shaker safely simulates a magnitude 8.0 earthquake and...

  • WSU Master Gardener on-line workshop offered August 30

    Aug 25, 2022

    On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account and be signed into it--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. · August 30 - Noon - Tuesday: Extending your Garden...

  • Comments sought on white-tail deer status

    Aug 25, 2022

    The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking public input on its draft status review for the Columbian white-tailed deer. The department is recommending re-classifying Columbian white-tailed deer from endangered to threatened based on encouraging conservation gains and population growth, but continued vulnerability. Columbian white-tailed deer (CWTD) were listed under the federal Environmental Species Act in 1973, and by the state of Washington in 1980. Since 1980, the size of the lower Columbia River Columbian white-tailed...

  • Fair week and berry sales taking place

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 18, 2022

    WARM WEEK--As the week begins, we’re seeing very warm temperatures again with my thermometers looking at temps in the low to mid-80s and that’s plenty for me. However, temps could rise a little higher just prior to the paper coming out and then by Friday, it’s supposed to cool down. Current weather models even show a chance of some showers on Friday, with temps at 70 degrees but who knows if that will show up or not, and beings it’s fair time, most would hope it does not, but it wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve been in a drought, on...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Aug 18, 2022

    This year, summer feels more like spring or fall to me, but after spending two weeks inside experiencing covid for myself, and the nasty medicine to fight it, I will take any season. I am feeling much better this morning while sitting out in the yard with Ben dog with flowers and birds telling God how grateful I am. I had a couple days that were scary for me because the side effects from the medicine seemed worse than the illness itself. I know there have been others ill with covid recently, so...

  • Buzzing Around the Northwest looking for community input

    Aug 18, 2022

    Buzzing Around the Northwest is gearing up for its upcoming web production, and they want your help. They are looking for local community nominations for places to get adult beverages and fun things to do nearby to showcase in the episodes. Whether it's a cidery, brewery, winery, or simply a great happy hour spot, they want to know what makes your neck of the woods special. Nominate local businesses to be showcased on Buzzing Around the Northwest....

  • They are coming back -- August 19, 20 and 21

    Aug 18, 2022

    The Northwest Steam Society has an annual steam meet each year and the location moves north and south to be somewhat close to various members' home towns. In 2011 the Northwest Steam Society came to Cathlamet for the first time to hold their annual steam meet here, followed by another in 2015. This year it is back again where the members had such great times in the past. The boats will start arriving Friday Aug 19 and most will leave Sunday afternoon. At the last meet 22 steam boats...

  • Island life

    Aug 18, 2022

    Dueling oversize loads squeezed by each other Tuesday on Puget Island. Photo by Rick Nelson....

  • Weed control comments on tansy ragwort

    Aug 11, 2022

    Tansy ragwort, Jacobea vulgaris, is a class B noxious weed in Washington. You might see its bright yellow flowers blooming in summer. This is a biennial plant that forms a rosette the first year, over-winters, then bolts to produce flowers and seeds the next year. Tansy is toxic and can be lethal to cows and horses if it is grazed or baled with forage. Mowing or clipping can reduce flower and seed production. Digging or pulling the entire plant is best. Herbicides applied in the spring or fall are also effective. If you need help with this...

  • Wooden & Classic Boat Show this weekend

    Aug 11, 2022

    The Cathlamet Wooden & Classic Boat Show returns this Saturday, August 13 at the Elochoman Marina in Cathlamet from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. They are expecting all types of classic craft including those of various construction materials, modes of propulsion, and function, be it boats used for work or pleasure. A few examples of boats that will be at the show include “Glencannon,” a beautifully restored 26-foot Bartender designed by the late George Calkins specifically for the waters of the Pacific Northwest. Glencannon is the pride and joy of...

  • Weekend marred by fire, tragic drownings

    Kay Chamberlain|Aug 11, 2022

    STILL TOASTY--Maybe I’m in the minority but I have had enough of the heat wave thing already! We are supposed to cool down some by midweek, which would be nice as it’s in the mid-90s at the beginning of this week, and that’s too hot for me! Here’s hoping you and all your animals are staying cool and hydrated someplace during the hotter parts of the day. TRAGEDY--Our sincerest condolences to the family of the two young men who lost their lives in the Columbia River this past Saturday; just so very tragic. A huge thank you to all those who res...

  • WDFW specialist to speak about hoof rot disease

    Aug 11, 2022

    Hoof Rot disease of elk has been impacting our elk herds for many years. Answers to “What is it and what’s being done?” will be discussed by the Ungulate (elk/deer) specialist of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife during a “Wahkiakum Outdoors Program ” presentation on August 18 at 6:30 p.m., in the Hope Center in Cathlamet (320 S. 3rd Street). Bring your questions and observations. Masks are recommended. Questions concerning the event should be directed to 601-831-0360 (Cathlamet)....

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Aug 11, 2022

    I am so sorry to have missed last week's Dispatch. I was hit hard by Covid just after Finn Fest. I am embarrassed to say it was my own fault because being in a big, concentrated crowd from all over the world, one might think I would have considered wearing a mask, but no. Like so many of us who had begun to think our sweet little oasis was forgotten by the Covid critters, I was quite mistaken. I finally called our dependable ambulance at Grays River Fire Department and they transported me to my...

  • NSS annual steam meet to be held August 19-21

    Aug 11, 2022

    The Northwest Steam Society will hold their annual steam meet in Cathlamet August 19-21 at the Elochoman Slough Marina. The boats will start arriving on Friday and most will leave Sunday afternoon. The oldest boat in the fleet is Uno. She started out with a mast and oars on Lopez Island in 1894. Through the years she lost the mast and centerboard and picked up a steam engine and boiler. The boats vary in length from 15 to 40 feet and there are a variety of engines. The only scheduled event will be the boat parade, tentatively scheduled for...

  • LCC hosting forums on civil dialogue

    Aug 11, 2022

    Submitted by André Stepankowsky A series of public forums at Lower Columbia College will pose a simple but challenging question: Can local people have polite and productive political discussions about hot topics — even if they strongly disagree? “Community in Crossfire: Seeking Civil Dialogue in Uncivil Times” is a five-part series organized by a group of community leaders. It will focus on homelessness, drug addiction, the economy and the environment and the causes and troubles of political polarization. The goal is not necessarily to come t...

  • Island life

    Aug 11, 2022

    A three-point white-tail buck enjoys grazing on Puget Island. Photo by Rick Nelson....

  • WordFest celebrates storytelling through film

    Aug 4, 2022

    WordFest will meet on Tuesday, August 9, 6-8 p.m., at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 1428 22nd Avenue in Longview. Filmmaker Ron Walker of Astoria will discuss filmmaking as a form of storytelling, showing excerpts from films he has made over the past 40 years. Long time Kelso resident Dan Myers will read from his first novel, a murder mystery titled Kill the Rich. Myers grew up west of Longview and graduated from R.A. Long High School in 1961. A computer programmer and system analyst, he began programming computers in 1964, he says, ...

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