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Instead of burning your branches and tree debris, bury it and use nature’s technique for creating a rich soil without fertilizing called Hügelkultur. Learn the benefits and procedure for building a Hügelkultur bed on April 1 from 10 a.m. to noon. Following the class is a tour of a local garden where you can see a Hügelkultur bed in use. This free workshop, sponsored by WSU Extension Master Gardeners, is held at the Cowlitz Training Center, 1942 First Avenue, Longview, located just south of the Cowlitz County Courthouse. For more info...
Landon Nielson is the Lions Club February Student of The Month. They presented him with an achievement award and a check for his accomplishment given to him by Lions President Terri Elfers. Landon is very interested in music and is able to play numerous instruments. He will attend WSU and major in music teaching and composing. He enjoys skating, drawing, painting & athletics. Landon is the son of Jesse and Kathy Nielson. Courtesy photo....
Pacific Lutheran University has announced that Malia Ana Silva, a student at Wahkiakum High School, has been named a President’s Scholar, earning a scholarship of $34,000 per year. Malia Ana was part of an applicant pool of over 400, of which 120 President’s Scholars were selected. All applicants met a rigorous standard of academic excellence; however, students awarded this scholarship displayed exemplary qualities in leadership, service, and academics, while also displaying the potential to enrich the campus community in the classroom and bey...
The Wahkiakum High School Key Club will host a drive-in/walk-in movie this Friday, March 31, 7 p.m., behind the football grandstand or in the WHS Gym if raining. The movies will be Megamind and then Lights Out. It costs $10 per parking spot and the second movie is an additional $10 if staying. Concessions will be available. On April 13 at 6 p.m. in the WHS Gym, there will be a pasta dinner and live auction. Tickets are $20 each and can be bought in the WHS Office, from a Key Club member, or from Malia Ana Silva (360) 849-9003. Their last event...
It’s time to build up your summer reading library at the spring 2023 BBML Foundation book sale. The books have been piling up since the October sale with books donated by fellow booklovers. The proceeds of the sale are given to the library to purchase reading materials and provide library cards to lower income families and, with parental approval, library cards for children. Equipment and supplies have been purchased in the past. The book sale will be held Friday, April 14, from 2-5 p.m., and Saturday, April 15, from noon to 4 p.m., at the B...
Greenwood Road resident Joyce Orr spotted this bull elk having a snack in her back yard over the weekend; the bull had just shed an antler. Photo courtesy of Joyce Orr....
Submitted by Sarah Lawrence As April quickly approaches, the volunteers for Wahkiakum Autism Awareness are excited to announce a joint fundraiser with the WHS Varsity Baseball Team. Scheduled for Saturday, April 15 starting at 4 p.m., volunteers will host a bake sale to raise funds for a Sensory Room at J.A. Wendt Elementary during the home game against Rainier. The baseball team will wear the locally designed Autism Mule Puzzle patch on their warm up shirts to help raise awareness and show their support. These special patches, as well as stick...
The Washington Senate on March 21 passed a capital budget providing $40 million for a new vocational training center at Lower Columbia College in Longview, $8.3 million for improvements to Cape Disappointment State Park, and other public works projects across southwest Washington. The new 46,000 square-foot building will replace four aging structures on the community college campus, and will house the school’s welding, machining, manufacturing, information technology and computer science programs. It also will house College and Career P...
SPRING IS HERE--According to the calendar, we are now officially done with winter and as of this past Monday, spring is here! There’s just one little issue that we may have however, as forecasters have said by the time you read this, we will be back into a wet and chilly mode! In some places, temperatures will be in the lower 30s and forecasters say that the higher elevations could even see some snow in some areas, so it looks like winter may not be done with us just yet! I can only hope that we valley dwellers escape any of that “white stu...
Congratulations to Diane Hollenbeck for being named the Woman's Club Citizen of the Year. Diane, you are a wonder to your friends here in Grays River/Rosburg. You show up to help and you do it without thought of yourself. You deserve this honor one hundred times over. My friend, Kayrene Gilbertsen, is coming to the "Catching the Last Ferry!" event this Saturday at the Hope Center in Cathlamet at 2 p.m. I hope to connect with her there. It's hard to see friends I've known for 20 years sometimes...
Poetry and Pie at the Clatskanie Library will launch the 2023 Raymond Carver Writing Festival (RCWF) Poetry Contest on Tuesday, April 4, from 5 to 7 p.m. Pie was known to be Carver’s favorite dessert. The poetry contest is open to to youth living within the Clatskanie School District boundaries and adults from throughout the Lower Columbia region will be judged in the following categories: Youth (ages 8-10, 11-12, 13-15, 16-18); Adults: Published and Non-Published, and Haiku: Open to both youth and adults. Entries are limited to two poems p...
A Wahkiakum Outdoors presentation by Jim Aalberg on the history of the last ferry still operating on the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington will be held Saturday, March 25 at the Hope Center (320 S 3rd St.) at 2 p.m. Hear about the multiple ferries that have operated here during the last century. For further information call 601-831-0360....
Gene O'Neil, owner of Puget Island Gardens, is ready to welcome customers. Photo by Ian Brandon....
This free class will be held April 4, 6-8 p.m. and will discuss how to maximize grass production by using grazing management and weed control techniques. Topics include grazing management, how to maximize grass quality, weed control and types of grass species. This workshop is presented by Chris Volmert, Lewis County Noxious Weed Control and Gary Fredricks, WSU Extension. The presentation will be followed by the opportunity to ask questions. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a Zoom account--sign up for one...
The Writer’s Guild of Astoria and Astoria Visual Arts have announced the 2023 North Coast Writer’s Residency. Now in its fifth year, this jointly sponsored residency affords both established and emerging writers the time, space, and solitude needed to work uninterrupted on a project of their choosing. Submissions will be accepted by email starting March 15, 2023. One selected writer-in-residence will have the opportunity to spend one week in meaningful pursuit of creative work. The residency provides time and space in an idyllic setting to mak...
On Wednesday, Debbie Fredricks will be in Cathlamet to talk about two programs offered by the WSU Extension Office Fredricks, who was happily retired with 11 grandkids, got pulled back into professional life when she was offered a paycheck to do something that she would have done for free. She had worked for an extension office for 21 years in foods and nutrition, but after retirement, she learned about suicide prevention training while volunteering. “Literally within five days I needed i...
Spring has arrived, and with it, the trees are blossoming. Photo by Rick Nelson...
More than half of the homes are needed for residents at the lowest income levels The Washington State Department of Commerce recently released its final housing needs projections, which show the state needs to add 1.1 million homes over the next 20 years, and more than half of them need to be affordable for residents at the lowest income levels. Based on census data and the Office of Financial Management’s population projections, these final housing projections (.pdf) illustrate that Washington needs more than 50,000 new units annually to keep...
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on March 20 announced $197 million in funding for the federal Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) program -- more than $25 million of which will come to the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for 14 Washington state projects. The Pacific County Emergency Management Agency will be receiving $103,000.00 to develop a Community Wildfire Prevention Plan. This grant and planning process are a continuation of a process that began 4 years ago to develop a plan to address an ever-increasing threat from...
WET BEGINNING--It’s a tadbit soggy out there as I begin this column as one of our atmospheric rivers is making itself known. Of course, if you’ve been here awhile, it’s just known as a typical rainy stretch of weather and it’s not anything too special unless it dumps two or three inches of rain on us every day, so I’m hoping that doesn’t occur! However, we need to make preparations for when these extra wet days cause a bit of flooding over our roadways and the potential for slides, etc., are more apt to occur, so let’s hope we’ve all bee...
Photo of the week: Theo Burkhalter spent time with me last Saturday so I could interview him in depth about his life, his adoption process, and the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver where he lives five days a week. He comes home by bus to Kelso, then is picked up and brought home to be with his family over the weekend, then he catches the bus back to Vancouver on Sunday afternoons. Theo was born in China, then adopted from an orphanage by the Burkhalters. A friend of Susan's tol...
The revived Raymond Carver Writing Festival (RCWF) is back for its second year with an emphasis on poetry. Located in Clatskanie, Oregon where the world-famous poet and short story writer Raymond Carver (1938-1988) was born, the two-day festival, May 19-20, will be preceded by a poetry contest in April “Poetry Month” with the theme from Carver’s poem Happiness: “Happiness. It comes on unexpectedly. And goes beyond, really, any early morning talk about it.” The contest will kickoff with Poetry and Pie (Carver’s favorite dessert) from 5 to 7...
On Tuesdays at noon WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line free programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a Zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops are sponsored by Washington State University Master Gardeners....
Wahkiakum Outdoors will host an educational presentation, “Wings over the Long Beach Peninsula” on Saturday, April 1 at 2 p.m., with Madeline Kalbach, Ph.D. Southwest Washington (especially the Long Beach Peninsula area) has long been a bird-watching “hot spot” of the Pacific Northwest. In addition to the numerous shorebird species wintering and nesting along the beaches, many in-shore seabirds can be seen there. Several raptors migrate across its coast and inland areas, including an occasional snowy owl. Birding locations and events on the...
According to information received from Carol Blix, Librarian, Cathlamet Public Library now has 1040 and 1040-SR tax forms for 2022 taxes, and instruction booklets available....