Sorted by date Results 251 - 275 of 6514
2 mile: Top Female, Maddison Leigh; 12 & under: 1. Emmaline Vik, 2. Sadie Gifford; 13-19: 1. Annelise Vik, 2. Libby Davis; 30-39: 1. Kristy Gifford; 50-59: 1. Heidi Heywood; 60-69: 1. Denrse Doughty; 70 & over: 1. Lore Twiet, 2. Vicki Wiest, 3. Diane Matthews. Top Male, Greyson Roper; 12 & under: 1. Randy Vik; 13-19: 1. Derek Suomela; 20-29: 1. Jacob Hammond; 30-39: 1. Jacob Greenslade, 2. Josh Gifford; 50-59: 1. Duncan Cruikshank; 70 & over: 1. Steve McClain, 2. Mike Matthews. 5K: Top Female,...
Fish Preservation Classes, provided by a grant through the Wahkiakum Marine Resources Committee, will be held Thursday, May 25 at 10 a.m. and Friday, May 26 at 1 p.m., in the Johnson Park kitchen located at 30 Rosburg School Rd., Rosburg. Contact the Wahkiakum County Extension Office at 360-795-3278 or email to register for a class....
TOASTY--If you wanted the heat to show up, you certainly got your wish for Mother’s Day weekend as most areas around our parts were sporting temperatures in either the upper 80s or low 90s and that was plenty hot for me! I believe our temperature gauge said 94 and to me, that’s just miserable and it means “hiding indoors in the AC” so it might as well be raining! Anyway, for all you “like it hot” folks, I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t get too sunburned! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 18-24 are Courtney Helms, Mitch Moonen,...
Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. This Saturday starts the Farmer's Market at the fairgrounds. We are still looking for vendors and there is no charge. We also welcome people to come out for the Junk in the Trunk Sale. It starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 1 p.m. on this Saturday. Saturday is also the clean up day and all volunteers are welcome. It starts at 10 am. and we will serve lunch at noon. We will also open the T-Building for the sale. We are still looking for fair royalty and will have a...
From Marie Green, Athletic Director at Naselle GRV High School: "Congratulations to our baseball boys on their win against Rainier Christian Saturday. With that win they will now move onto the regional round of State Playoffs. Baseball will be playing Crosspoint on Saturday. Place and time to be announced. Last week we concluded our Middle school track kids where we had 24 of our kids qualify for League. Our 7th grade girls were league champs. Congrats. Softball is entering their round of...
The Naselle Community Center and Finnish American Folk Festival will host a concert with world renowned violin player Kim Angelis and professional concert pianist Jennifer Goodenberger on Sunday, May 28, beginning at 3:00 p.m. The address is 14 Parpala Road, Naselle. The concert will be followed by refreshments downstairs. CD’s will also be on hand for purchase. Kim Angelis creates impossible techniques and sounds on her violin. Her music was highlighted on NBC’s world-wide coverage of the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. She inspires eli...
The 39th Annual Wahkiakum 4-H Great White Tail Run is on Saturday, May 20. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Skamokawa Vista Park Office, run starts at 10 a.m. Several walk/runs are available: 10K, 5K or 2 mile through Julia Butler Hansen National Refuge in Skamokawa. Participants can register online or in person at the registration table. Contact run coordinator Carol Ervest with questions, 360-465-2275 or email Lisa Frink, Wahkiakum 4-H Program Coordinator, Recognition will be given for overall male and female winners in...
In addition to the Memorial Day holiday, which will be observed on Monday, May 29, offices at Wahkiakum Health and Human Services will remain closed on May 30 while all employees attend a training session. Normal hours will resume on Wednesday, May 31....
The Friends of Skamokawa will exhibit the watercolor artwork of artist Stan Riedesel in their “Water Colors” Exhibit from May 12 through July 2. There will be a reception and demonstration with the artist on May 13 from 12 to 4 p.m. All proceeds help to maintain property and provide programs and services for the community through the FOS/River Life Interpretive Center. Contact Lori Cagle , office manager, with any questions, Tuesday or Thursday from 10-2 at the Friends of Skamokawa Interpretive Center. (360) 795-3007 or email fos...
WARMING UP?--As the weekend comes to a close it’s not pouring down rain. The work week may start with some temps in the low 40s and include a bit of drizzle but the good news is, it’s supposed to warm up. I think we’ll all be happy to see that happen as long it’s a gradual thing and not a 40 to 80 thing! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 11-17 are Christeena Bassi, Don Nicholes, Bryce McClain, Mike Iverson, Hannah Helms, Shelly Hedges, Kamryn Watkins, Evan Quigley, Stacy Wegdahl, Steve Doumit, Kaelee Dearmore, Stephan...
Greetings from the fair office! This weekend is the Monthly Flea Market and Sale in the T-Building from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hope everyone will come out and find some treasures. The fair sale in the T-Building will be open every Saturday starting on May 20 to coincide with the Farmer's Market which starts on the 20th of May from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All vendors are welcome at no charge. Also this day load up your trunks and bring your stuff out for the Junk in the Trunk Sale. No charge. May 20 is the fairgrounds annual Clean Up Day. All volunteers are...
There was a Crime Watch meeting at the Naselle Fire Hall last week. One estimate said there were up to one-hundred in attendance. Here's Samantha Hollo's report on Facebook: "It was a great turn out at the community Crime Watch meeting at the Naselle Fire Hall tonight. I think the biggest take away was "Report, Report, REPORT." Law enforcement cannot do anything unless you call and report it. As little as it may seem, it could help form a pattern or maybe they already have that individual noted...
The Raymond Carver Writing Festival (RCWF), will be held Friday and Saturday, May 19 and 20, in Clatskanie, Oregon where the world-renowned poet and short story writer was born 85 years ago. Centered at the Clatskanie Cultural Center (CCC), 75 S. Nehalem Street, the RCWF’s guest of honor will be Anis Mojgani, Oregon’s Poet Laureate. He will read poetry during Friday’s evening reception from 6 to 9 p.m. in the CCC ballroom. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit with RCWF presenters and purchase their books. Refreshments will be serve...
Lions Club president Terri Elfers presented the April Student of The Month, Dominic Curl, with a certificate and check for his achievements. Dominic is a 3-sport athlete and is proud to come back and play baseball this year after his ankle surgery. He enjoys being outside and hunting and fishing. In the fall he will start an apprenticeship to become an electrician. Dominic is the son of James and Michelle Curl. Courtesy photo....
Nicholas Ryan West of Cathlamet graduated from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota on April 29, 2003 with his Bachelor degree in Biochemistry. West received the 2023 outstanding student in chemistry award from the Lacrosse-Winona local section of the American Chemical Society. He plans to attend the University of Iowa this fall and will pursue his doctorate degree in Chemistry. Nicholas is the son of Derek and Christine West. Grandparents are David and Kathi West, Veryle West, Sandra Gibson...
Officer Brian Hornback received The Marine Corps League's Eugene A Bolstad Memorial law enforcement officer of the year award presented by Wahkiakum County Commissioner Gene Strong. Photo by Ian Brandon....
Lower Columbia College students Jaida Barrows, Quiana Daniels, Samantha Deleon, and Nicolas Tinoco were honored at the All-Washington Academic Team ceremony with Governor Jay Inslee at a ceremony in Olympia on April 27. The All-Washington Academic Team program recognizes and honors academic high achievers, students who have demonstrated commitment to success in the classroom and the communities in which they live. Jaida Barrows plans to transfer to Western Washington University to study political science and education after receiving her...
Submitted by Kari Kandoll, Secretary The Seal River Cemetery Association has scheduled their cemetery clean-up for Saturday, May 20 at 1 p.m. at the cemetery outside of Rosburg on State Route 4. One of the biggest expenses we incur each year is the mowing of the cemetery grounds but this annual clean-up makes a big difference for the whole year. We appreciate Micah Johnson mowing the cemetery prior to our event. Many hands make the duties enjoyable and lots of stories can be heard from the different families involved in cleaning of the...
Mckensi Jo Fluckiger, of Lakewood, formerly of Cathlamet, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education, with an English language learners endorsement. She is the daughter of Glenn Fluckiger of Cathlamet and Kelly Madsen on the Oregon coast....
The Long Beach Peninsula is a great place to be active, while exploring the beauty of the Washington Coast. The Long Beach Peninsula will host a series of family-friendly active events this Spring and Summer to keep busy. Upcoming family friendly, active events include the following: · Pacific Coast Running Festival (May 12-14) is a three-day, fun-filled festival that has events for kids, a non-competitive bike tour, and several race options that are USATF-certified and professionally timed including a sand marathon, a half marathon, 5k/10k...
An osprey surveys his surroundings Monday on Puget Island. Photo by Sarah Lawrence....
The Johnson Park Advisory Board is seeking donations for a family-friendly Bingo Night they will host on Friday, May 12. Cards will cost $5 per card or $10 for three cards. The event will be held at Johnson Park Community Center, 30 Rosburg School Road, from 6-8 p.m. For further information or to make a donation call 360-465-2310....
NICE/HOT/COOL--We've had quite a variety in weather lately, as one day it was just perfect to me; mild temps and easy to work outside, but then the following day we were at 92 degrees at my house; too hot! Sunday morning we were a bit damp in West Valley, so my boots didn’t get soaked but they weren’t dry either! The forecast changes from day to day and from town to town, but supposedly we should be a bit cloudy with no rain until the weekend; we’ll see! THURSDAY--If you’re one of those that gets this paper early on Thursdays, don’t forget th...
Greetings from the fair office, wow, May is here, that means we only have three months until the fair. Hope everyone is getting ready to enter stuff in this year's fair. This will be a busy month at the fairgrounds. We will have a cleanup day on May 20. Anyone who wants to join us for the cleanup day can show up at 10 a.m., and we will find you a task to do. We serve lunch at noon. We are getting excited about the 4th Annual "Cruzin To The Fair Car Show" which is happening June 3. If you need a registration you can email the fairgrounds and I w...