Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

wahkiakum people

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  • Downriver Dispatches

    Darrell Alexander|May 7, 2020

    In Remembrance of Edwin Warren Wirkkala I barely knew Ed Wirkkala, but I did have the honor of speaking with him on several occasions and I was able to interview him at the 9th Annual Loggers' Reunion at the Appelo Archives Center in Naselle. This was a wonderful experience for all who attended, not only for the memories that were shared, but also for a glimpse into the past by then 95 year old Ed Wirkkala. He was part of a time when men went through the school of hard knocks to learn their...

  • Community Garden plant sale set for May 13

    May 7, 2020

    Due to the vicissitudes of life resulting from the Corona pandemic, the annual Community Garden Plant Sale format will be changed this year. They will hold an open-air sale at the garden on Wednesday, May 13, rather than on a Saturday. The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Usually the plant collection is held in the pavilion at Erickson Park. But this year, they will have plants available at the front corner of the Community Garden, out in the open air where customers can select their desired purchases. Master Gardeners (wearing...

  • Coming Events--Community Center in Cathlamet

    Meadow Meeder, Healthy Community Specialist|May 7, 2020

    To be of service is one of the most fulfilling aspects of civic life. At times, not everyone will find themselves in the position to help and sometimes those who didn’t need help, suddenly do. There is a balance within a community that is important to maintain, and this need for stability is most apparent when you look at the children of our county. Wahkiakum, I’m often challenging you to experiment with your food, health and limits. Today, I am challenging you to rise to this Call to Action: The summer meals program known as Outdoor Café need...

  • The Birds-Part 2

    May 7, 2020

  • More cancellations have been announced

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 30, 2020

    ALMOST GONE--If you are getting this on Thursday, then this is the last day of yet another month; where did April go? So, tomorrow, Friday, is May Day; Happy May Day, everybody! Here's hoping you can surprise somebody with some flowers, like we used to do in the old days, as that's always fun, while practicing social distancing of course! I'm seeing lots of great pictures on Facebook of folks' lawns and flowers, and I have to say, they are looking awesome. This month is also "Cinco De Mayo" time (May 5) and as luck would have it, it actually...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Darrell Alexander|Apr 30, 2020

    Astoria-Megler Bridge The mouth of the Columbia River was a devious and dangerous place for early explorers. Most exploring the west coast couldn't see it at all, and many who did find it were cautious to enter. Robert Gray successfully navigated the river in 1792. He named it after his ship, Columbia. Although the Columbia River was discovered, it remained a tough place to settle. A small band of American settlers tried to establish a town 40 miles upriver in 1810, but were rapidly discouraged...

  • WHS senior is a semifinalist

    Apr 30, 2020

    Nai’a Freeman, a senior at Wahkiakum High School, has been selected as a semifinalist in the US Presidential Scholar’s Program, which was established in 1964 to “recognize and honor some of our nation’s most distinguished graduating high school seniors.” Thousands of students throughout the United States were nominated for the prestigious award this year and about 600 were selected to advance this month. No more than 161 students are named US Presidential Scholars each year. The winners will be announced in early May. Traditionally, students...

  • Happy Birthday, Mason!

    Apr 30, 2020

    Cars and even a couple fire engines lined the street on Sunday, as friends paraded past Mason Wilson's home on Sunday to celebrate his 18th birthday. Mason is a senior at Wahkiakum High School, and the son of Todd and Nicole Wilson. Courtesy photo....

  • Wahkiakum Autism Walk receives $5,300 donation

    Apr 30, 2020

    After the 2nd Annual Wahkiakum Autism Walk was cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus, the organizer’s decided it would be best to wait until next year before attempting any fundraising activities. That is when Beau Renfro, owner of Renfro Ventures and Island Pearls Live and Show Hostess Lisa Johnson Watkins stepped in to save the day. Born and raised in Cathlamet, Lisa knows many families in the community, including friends who have children on the autism spectrum. It was her passion about helping children with autism which inspired last y...

  • GWTR canceled

    Apr 30, 2020

    The Wahkiakum County 4-H Council has decided to cancel this year’s Great White Tail Run. The annual event benefitting the local 4-H program will continue next year on May 15. The art design contest winners will be awarded prizes and their entries showcased at a later date. Reagen Hoogendoorn, a student at John C. Thomas Middle School is the first place winner and will receive $25 and art supplies instead of a shirt with the winning design. Second place is Haley Depoe of the Naselle Grays River Valley High School and third is Tucker Kangas, a s...

  • WSU Kid's Garden Workshop: Making Homemade Paper from Plants

    Apr 30, 2020

    On May 1 from 12:00 – 12:30 p.m., WSU Master Gardener Karen Adams will teach children (ages 6-16) how to make homemade paper. Send a friend a card and some flowers when you make plantable paper. The program can be accessed on-line by Zoom or by calling in by phone. To register for free, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 for connection information. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners....

  • Commerce provides $9 million in rent and energy assistance

    Apr 30, 2020

    The Department of Commerce last week provided up to $1,000 in rental assistance and up to $500 in energy assistance for households that qualify for the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The crisis funding will be distributed through Commerce’s statewide network of community action agencies, and is expected to serve an estimated 5,000 eligible households. “Imagine not having enough funds to pay rent, the heat bill, and put food on the table. Thousands of families in Washington face this predicament, and the COV...

  • Vista Park re-opening Tuesday

    Apr 30, 2020

    Port District 2 of Wahkiakum County has decided to reopen Skamokawa Vista Park for limited day use effective May 5. Manager Jeff Smith said that in accordance with Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-25.2, the port encourages all visitors to observe social distancing and coronavirus related hygiene requirements. Visits should be limited to local travel only. Visitors should plan to bring all necessary provisions, such as hand sanitizer and face masks, as they will not be available at the Park. High contact areas such as playgrounds will be c...

  • WSU Master Gardener workshops

    Apr 30, 2020

    On Tuesdays from 12:00 – 12:30 p.m., WSU Master Gardeners present weekly on-line programs focused on gardening in Cowlitz County. The programs can be accessed on-line by Zoom or by calling in by phone. To register for free, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 for connection information. The MG workshops for May are: · April 28 Maintaining your Lawn · May 5 Container Gardens · May 12 Raised Beds · May 19 When to Plant your Garden · May 26 How much to Fertilize your Garden?...

  • The Birds

    Apr 30, 2020

  • Food banks are all open for those in need

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 23, 2020

    MIXED BAG--Last Friday saw us enjoying a truly stunning day with temperatures reaching in the mid-70s and boy, that was nice! But, what a difference a few hours makes, as we woke up Saturday morning to a cloudy and damp morning. It wasn't a whole lot of rain but it dampened things down a bit, so the pollen wasn't so thick, the dust wasn't blowing around and I think all the plants and freshly mowed grasses all enjoyed the "drink" they got. Beings we had dry weather by Saturday afternoon, folks were still able to get out and about, so it wasn't...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Darrell Alexander|Apr 23, 2020

    Life Is Good! Many years ago while living in Oklahoma and playing music for a local church, one of the parishioners asked me if I would share a song at his wedding. I wrote a song specifically for that wedding entitled, "You Don't Know What You've Got until It's Gone." With all that has been happening in the world and here at home locally, part of our world has changed and is gone and new things are taking place. For me, my life has not changed that much because I don't go out that much anyway....

  • County's unemployment rate 4th highest in state

    Apr 23, 2020

    Wahkiakum County's rate of unemployment tied for fourth highest in Washington for the month of March. According to the Employment Security Department report issued Tuesday, the county's unemployment rate was 7.1 percent, with 95 people in the county's 1,330 person labor force out of work. Ferry County's rate led the state at 12.8 percent. Pend Oreille and Okanogan counties hit 8 percent, Stevens 7.9 percent, and Wahkiakum and Grant 7.1 percent. Pacific County was fifth at 6.9 percent, with 576 out of 8,386 out of work. Cowlitz County's rate...

  • NAMI offers online help with classes

    Apr 23, 2020

    NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, of Southwest Washington (NAMI SW WA) is dedicated to helping all people affected by mental illness through education, support, awareness, and advocacy. The service area covered is Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Wahkiakum counties in Washington State with an office in Vancouver. They provide unique mental health services that are unavailable or inaccessible elsewhere for individuals and families affected by mental health issues through education, support, and advocacy. The support groups and classes...

  • Coming Events--Community Center in Cathlamet

    Meadow Meeder, Healthy Community Specialist|Apr 23, 2020

    Have you hugged a tree lately? You may laugh, but I’m being quite serious. This might sound silly, but for huggers, this harrowing time of required distance can really do a toll on your dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a huge role inside our bodies and helps determine how we feel. Dopamine levels contribute to mood, sleep, focus, energy and memory to name a few. Right now, there is a wide array of feelings amongst individuals and families. Grief, anger, despair, frustration are all byproducts of this unknowing, and the...

  • New baby

    Apr 23, 2020

    Nikolai Gabriel Barth was born March 14, 2020 in Longview to Nicholas James Barth and Rebecka Lee Barth of Cathlamet. He joins siblings Korben, age three and Reese, age one. Grandparents are Jeff and Linda Barth and Fred and Darlene Hoven, all of Cathlamet and Shirley Patterson is Nikolai's great grandmother. Photo courtesy of Rebecka Barth....

  • PIFD and the drive by birthday

    Apr 23, 2020

    With lights flashing and horns blaring, the Puget Island Fire Department paraded their entire fleet of engines past Terry and Kay Vik's home on East Sunny Sands on Tuesday to wish Russell Halverson a happy birthday. While most of the vehicles turned around for a second pass and to return to the station, two engines continued down the road to give a salute to another island resident who was celebrating his 78th birthday. Photo by Diana Zimmerman....

  • Nevermore

    Apr 23, 2020

    A raven perches in the budding branches of a Puget Island tree. Photo courtesy of Allen Bennett....

  • Free temporary library cards available

    Apr 23, 2020

    Cathlamet Public Library has announced that people can sign up for free temporary library cards to download e-books and e-audiobooks on the Washington Anytime Library website. Cards are good through June 30, 2020, and books may be downloaded to a variety of computers, tablets, and smartphones. To sign up, Google "Washington Anytime Library" or use the following URL: Then click the "instant digital card" button, and have a mobile phone number to receive a verification code. The Washington...

  • Coast Community Radio receives major equipment grant

    Apr 23, 2020

    Coast Community Radio (CCR), the nonprofit radio station in the Columbia-Pacific region, has received a major grant from M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. The trust awarded CCR $120,000 over three years for the major equipment and facilities overhaul dubbed “Radio For Good” (RFG). This grant is the cornerstone funding for the three year plan to repair, replace, and update all of their broadcast equipment from microphone to transmitter. The funding is a one-to-one match for funding raised from individual donations and other charitable fou...

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