Sorted by date Results 1126 - 1150 of 6514
The Cathlamet Woman's Club recently honored their Citizen of the Year, Stephanie Olsen, center, with planting of rose at Julia Butler Hansen House garden. Front, l-r, are Margaret Glaser, Paige Lake, Maureen Zacher-Bockius, Olsen and JoAnn Prestegard, and back, l-r, Hannah Booth, Pearl Blackburn and Connie Kyser. Courtesy photo....
The Summer Reading program at the Cathlamet Public Library began June 16. The program has three separate challenges for readers: Cathlamet 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten for ages 0-5, Cathlamet Summer 2021: Tails and Tales -Animal Books for Kids ages 5-15 (Minutes), and Cathlamet 2021 Reading Challenge (Minutes) for ages 15-Adult. The Tails and Tales children’s program will allow participants to earn prizes as they log reading minutes, review books, and attend activity events. The teen through adult program runs through the end of the year, a...
Housing Opportunities of Southwest Washington has announced an award from the U.S. Department of Housing (HUD) of 42 vouchers to assist individuals and families that are homeless; at risk of homelessness; fleeing or attempting to flee a domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking situation; or recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having substantial risk of housing instability. This award will enable HOSWWA to provide critical assistance in t...
Dryer summers and more homes being built in heavily wooded areas increase the need to learn about ways to reduce the damage from wildfires. On June 30 at 6 p.m., WSU Master Gardener Judy Masura will explain ways to create a fire-wise landscape. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also call in by phone (no Zoom account necessary)....
Lower Columbia College’s (LCC’s) 85th annual Commencement ceremony will be held virtually on Friday, June 18 beginning at 6:30 pm. A link to the ceremony will be posted at This year LCC is awarding 592 associate degrees, 18 certificates of proficiency, and 46 high school diplomas. Sixteen students will earn Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education degrees; LCC’s first graduating class at the applied bachelor’s degree level. Of the students earning associate degrees, 148 are participants in the Running Sta...
The Coast Guard urges boaters to be ready as summer nears the Pacific Northwest. As air temperatures rise with the arrival of summer, be advised that water temperatures in the Pacific Northwest remain dangerously cold. In 2019 in the U.S., 86% of drowning victims who died were not wearing a life jacket. Alcohol use is the leading known contributing factor in fatal boating accidents. Where the primary cause was known, alcohol was listed as the leading factor in 23% of deaths. Factors that contributed most to fatal accidents were: failure to wear...
Shelby McEneny grew up at the fish hatchery in Grays River. While her brother attended school in Naselle, she traveled over KM every day with her mom to go to school in Cathlamet. Eventually, she drove herself. She grinned when I asked about growing up on the fish hatchery. "It was super fun," Shelby said. "There was a lot to do. Lots of swimming, a lot of people around the hatchery all the time, so whenever I was bored I would go over to the hatchery and ask if they needed help, and go out and...
While Kendall Westcott will not be graduating with the Wahkiakum High School Class of 2021 on Friday, she is a senior, and she is graduating. Kendall has attended classes at Wa-Ki-Hi in the past, but this year she made a transition to home school and its honors program. She has three classes left before she graduates, including Spanish 2, government, and economics. "It's been great," Kendall said. "I've been getting a lot of stuff done. There are a lot more classes and it's a lot more work." If...
While the Wahkiakum High School Class of 2021 was working on senior projects, I spent the last five months working on my own. When this started, I was given a list of 59 seniors. As the months passed, I learned that some students had moved away, and some would not agree to an interview. I confess I was saddened by that, because I wanted to meet them all and celebrate the things that make each of them unique and interesting people. Also, I was having fun. All of them taught me something. Some of...
WEATHER--This week has begun with quite a soaker and Sunday night was pretty wild with lots of wind along with those downpours, so it was not a night to be out and about, that's for sure; although you may have had to chase down a garbage can lid or two if you didn't have them fastened on good! After a tumultuous night, we awoke to sunshine on Monday morning, and that was much more to everyone's liking. It appears that the rest of this whole week is going to be on the damp side except for next Monday, but the forecast can change from hour to...
Wow! What a car show! Even though the weather wasn’t very nice the fairgrounds had 130 cars for the car show. I would like to thank our sponsors: C & H Classic Smoked Fish, The Spar, Marker 29 LLC, Watkins Tractor & Supply, Arts Automotive, Torppa Construction, Mike Swanson Realty, Wahkiakum West, Wrench Bender, Joan Wren, Lee & Diane Tischer, Hart Radiator, The Duck Inn, Wahkiakum Realty, Cathlamet Pharmacy, Napa, The Roadkill Saloon, Summit Racing, Direct Auto Insurance, Rivermile 38 Brewery, Skamokawa Resort, Wahkiakum Noxious Weed Dept., Ma...
Fundraising Report for Doug Sandell: I just had a call from Buddy Strange to let us all know the total raised last weekend to help Doug Sandell's health expenses was over $27,000! He expressed appreciation for the big turnout at the Fire Hall Sale in Naselle and for the donations that have come in from the Peninsula area, as well as Oregon. Doug has been a Naselle firefighter for 35 years. My hope is that all who have not yet given to help Doug with his expenses, will join me to help him in...
On Friday, June 18 at 4:00 p.m., Tsuga Art Gallery in downtown Cathlamet, will hold a Grand Re-Opening/10th anniversary celebration. Over the past year and a half, the gallery has been repainted inside and out. New track lighting has been installed and the area around the outside of the building has been landscaped. Having been closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Tsuga (pronounced Su-ga) Gallery is open and back in business; 2021 also brings the 10th anniversary of the gallery, founded by the late Janet Cimino in 2011. Janet Kerstetter Cimino...
Lower Columbia College (LCC) has announced the lineup for the 2021 Summer Bridge Program, occurring on campus on June 29. This event is open to everyone who is thinking about attending college, and family members are welcome. A variety of activities will be available, including: · Tour the LCC campus in small groups. · Get help with the financial aid application process. · Hear from “college success” instructors. · Learn more about college onboarding steps. · Meet the TRiO Student Support Services team. · Get to know future LCC peers. ...
Anglers across Washington will be able to fish without a license on the state’s lakes, rivers, and marine waters during this year’s annual Free Fishing Weekend on June 12 and 13. Residents and non-residents can fish or gather shellfish across the state on those days, in any waters open to fishing, all without a license. During Free Fishing Weekend, people also do not need a Discover Pass or Vehicle Access Pass to park their vehicle at a state park or lands managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and WDFW. Some of the...
Despite an earlier threat of rain, the weather was beautiful and the turnout was fine last Friday at the first Elochoman Marina Farmers Market and Trunk Sale of the season. Right: Nicole Emery of Daisy Chain Floral was all smiles as shoppers perused flowers, stones and crystals, and more at her table. Below, left: Becky Ledtke was selling her beautiful hand crafted jewelry. Below, right: The Master Gardeners from the Community Garden had lots of tomato starts and more for sale at their tables....
NICE ONE--Unless you hate the sunshine, I don't think you could complain about the weather this past weekend and holiday, as it was very nice outside and certainly a great break from the previous rainy days we had. We enjoyed perfect temperatures here over the weekend I thought, but it sure warmed up on Monday and Tuesday, so those upper 80s were a bit toasty for me. However, for those who like the heat, I bet you were in seventh heaven! Unfortunately, it looks like we'll be cooling off this weekend and may even see some raindrops once again,...
Greetings from the fair office. Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. With that being said the Cruzin’ To The Fair 2nd annual car show has arrived. Come Saturday the fairgrounds will be filled with some pretty awesome cars. Hope everyone can make it out to see them. We will have vendors selling things as well as a bake sale, some silent auctions, and of course the fair will be have a huge raffle and some silent auction items as well. You don't wanna miss this event. It’s going to be huge; we have at least 100 cars entered already,...
Would you like to have year round interest in your landscape that does well in our climate? Join WSU Extension Master Gardener Roxanne Nakamura on June 8 at noon. She will guide you through some of the best native choices for our PNW landscapes. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also call in by phone (no Zoom account necessary)....
Memorial Day: Was this not the best Memorial Day we've had in a long time? Gorgeous weather, people coming together after a year of non-contact. So fun and it looked like a family reunion or party was going strong at the Covered Bridge on Sunday afternoon. Cars and people on Sorenson side of the bridge and kids splashing and swimming in the river. Visitors from all over. When heading to the Covered Bridge, check out the new family sign at corner of Loop Road and Covered Bridge Road to see...
Following an extremely dry couple of months, the Department of Ecology this week issued a drought advisory for most of Washington state, including Wahkiakum, Pacific and Cowlitz counties and all areas east of the Cascade Mountains, portions of southwest Washington and the Washington coast. March through April was the fourth driest such period for Washington state since 1895, Ecology reported. There are growing concerns for farmers and ranchers in Eastern Washington. Early observations of crop stress and expectations for reduced yields are...
Wahkiakum 4-H has awarded Taya Deal a scholarship in the amount of $1,500 to continue "making the best better" in our world. Taya has been a 4-H member for 13 years and been involved in multiple project areas over the years including poultry, needlework, creative arts, fiber arts, photography, rabbits, food preservation, baking, gardening, foods and nutrition, and theater arts. When asked what she has learned from her time in 4-H Taya responded, "When it comes to the 4-H pledge, my head to...
The Tails & Tales Children’s Summer Reading Program will start soon, with fun animal-themed stories, crafts and activities at Erickson Park on Columbia Street, Wednesdays, June 16-August 4, from 1-2 p.m. or later for children ages 5-15. Children should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The complete activity schedule will be published soon. The library is currently open for six patrons at a time to select books for checkout. Hours are 2-5 p.m., Tuesdays through Saturdays. They are also using a new online application, Beanstack, to r...
The Wahkiakum Lions Club's final graduating senior to be honored is Luke Bohn. Lions Presidant Brian McClain presented Luke with a certificate and a check for his accomplishment. Luke wrote, directed and acted in his own 20 minute film with the help of his friends. It took three months to make. He would like to continue toward a future in making films, writing scripts and making movies that will impact people. Luke loves history and would like to travel to other countries to explore their film...
A large number and variety of hounds competed at the AKC Lure Coursing Trials held on Puget Island on Memorial Day weekend. The meet was sponsored by the Willamette Valley Basenji Club and hosted by Misty Rivers Irish Wolfhounds. There were just over 200 coursing runs on Saturday, and 160 on Sunday, with dogs attending from central Oregon to Northern Washington. The fastest speed for the hundred yard dash events was set by a whippet, clocking in at 32 miles per hour. The rarest breed noted was a Norwegian Buhund, a herding dog who has...