Sorted by date Results 1101 - 1125 of 6514
Over 20 businesses will host performances, projects, sidewalk sales, tastings, and more in Downtown Astoria all day on July 16 for AstoriUS Day. They will celebrate the heartfelt ways that everyone has lifted each other up over this past year with a day of unique shop-based events throughout downtown. Participating shops will have AstoriUS Day stickers to hand out that were designed by Autumn Eve, a local illustrator. Discover new businesses that have opened up over this past year. Re-discover others that always have new exciting goods to...
The new KMUN translator in Cannon Beach has finally found it's new home and strength in Cannon Beach. You will now find KMUN at 89.3FM in the Cannon Beach area. The signal should be very strong and clear, as the radio waves are transmitting at 250 watts instead of the 10 watts provided by the old transmitter which was located in a barn, surrounded by trees, east of the highway, in midtown. The new translator site is at the north end of town, well above the inundation zone atop a 50' tower that is much closer to the tops of the surrounding...
The Southwest Washington Symphony is offering scholarships to private music students residing in Cowlitz, Columbia, Clatsop, Pacific, or Wahkiakum counties based on student/family needs. For the scholarship year beginning September 1, 2021, the application deadline will be August 1. The applicants will receive notification by August 15. Applicants must have had some prior musical training, either in school or through private study. Accordingly, instrumental applicants must be enrolled in grades 5–12. Vocal music applicants must be in grades 8...
An osprey watches over three chicks in a nest along Welcome Slough, Puget Island. There's always one chick who is fearless and sits at the edge of the nest. Photos courtesy of Sarah Lawrence....
Gov. Jay Inslee on Tuesday declared a statewide state of emergency relating to the growing risk of wildfires, including a statewide prohibition on most outdoor and agricultural burning through September 30. "Washington is facing a historic drought and we have already experienced record-breaking heat. We must be vigilant in our efforts to prevent wildfires, and the loss of life and destruction of land and property that comes with them,” Inslee said in a statement. “We don’t want a repeat of recent years with dangerous wildfires across the state...
HOT HOT HOT--Hot was the word for this past weekend and the start of this week, so for all you sun lovers, I hope you got your fill of it, as the rest of us folks who don't enjoy it as much, have had plenty of it! Being nice and warm is one thing, but once temps climb into the 90-100 range, it's just so dangerous for man and beast, that I really dread it. I hope all of you came through this heat bubble unscathed, as getting sunburned or having health problems from too much heat is not only miserable, but in some cases, can be deadly. Let's...
That heat we had will hopefully not come again. Yesterday's breeze from the ocean was heaven. That heat burned the new growth on a couple of my rhododendrons. And my lovely pink rose just wilted away. We and our plants are not meant for that kind of three-digit heat. That is for cactus! So glad I live close to Grays River and benefit from lower temps around water, or that's my theory! July 4th treats: The ladies at the Senior Lunch Club encouraged me to include recipes in the Dispatch, so in hon...
Living on the Land teaches small acreage landowners in Southwest Washington practices that will improve their property and protect the environment. This course deals with the real-life issues landowners must address when trying to manage their land. The class will be held virtually by Zoom on Tuesday nights from September 7 till November 2, 6:00 – 8:15 p.m. Learn how to improve the soil, reduce mud and weeds, protect water quality, manage a small forest, develop a farm plan and more. Find out practical tips for making a small acreage farm m...
On Tuesdays at noon, WSU Master Gardeners present free weekly on-line programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android from this link: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops will be held: July 13 Noon: Waterwise gardening--growing plants using less water. With...
Puget Island resident Tim Larcher looked out a window in his house and photographed a new born white-tail fawn having a meal. Photo courtesy of Tim Larcher....
PRETTY NICE--We had a very toasty Monday and if the forecast holds true, we've got another batch of hot days as well, so I hope you're all staying well hydrated and as cool as possible. However, our Tuesday morning "drizzle" was definitely a surprise, but probably not for those in the midst of making hay. Let's hope it's just a brief amount and it dries out in no time and the hay makers and beachcombers are happy once again by the time you read this. BE RESPONSIBLE--This is also the time that we hear many, many horror stories of animals and...
Greetings from the fair office. Fair Books should be out soon. The fair royalty will be kicking off soon and they will be out selling Fair Passes and Raffle tickets. I will know what the raffle is next week. Don't forget to stop by the farmers market and flea market on Tuesdays from 4-7 there are lots of good things to buy. My personal favorite: fresh strawberries. If you need to talk to someone or pick up entry tags I will be in the office on Tuesdays from 3-7 p.m. Otherwise call and we will set up an appointment. I will be contacting vendors...
It’s hot. That means my grass is “browning” and watering flowers is my focus. My pink rose is wandering all over the place and blooming. So stunning. Anyone who wants to stop by and just check it out is welcome. You do not have to knock on the door. My garden is “Open to the Public.” All the flowers are beautiful, but the pink rose is my favorite. It’s growing like the old roses we see winding over old plants around them. They are tough and great fighters for attention. I have plenty of benches in the yard and garden so you can sit and look ou...
Submitted by Carol Nahorsky Ocean Beach Hospital & Medical Clinics (OBHMC) is pleased to announce the hiring of Ryan Farwell, OTR/L, CSRS, CHES to the position of occupational therapist at the Ocean Beach Wellness and Rehabilitation Center. The announcement was made by Brandon Higa, PT, DPT, OCS and Director of Rehabilitation at OBHMC. “Ocean Beach Hospital is extremely excited to have Ryan join the rehabilitation team,” said Higa. “As we live in a critical access area with several avenues of health care still unavailable to the penin...
Dryer summers and more homes being built in heavily wooded areas increase the need to learn about ways to reduce the damage from wildfires. On June 30 at 6 p.m., WSU Master Gardener Judy Masura will explain ways to create a fire-wise landscape. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also call in by phone (no Zoom account necessary)....
Submitted by Valerie Antijunti Welcome back riders to the Wahkiakum Silver buckle gaming series. Due to my current chemo treatments I have had to delay the start of the series to August 7. We will still have five shows. This year's show dates are August 7, September 11 and 25, and October 2 and 16. Riders must attend all five shows in order to qualify for the series high point. There is a series high point prize for each age group. We will still have daily prizes going out to fourth place for each age group. There is also a daily high point...
When is the best time to prune? It depends! On June 29 at noon, WSU Extension Master Gardener Art Fuller will discuss the importance of summer pruning, types of pruning cuts, and what tools to use. You will learn the best time to prune and what pruning does for the health of a tree. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also call in by...
By Wahkiakum County Sheriff Mark Howie Regular life is coming back! I’m not sure if I know what “regular” life is anymore, but one thing is for certain: Summer is here, the sun is out, people are everywhere, kids are playing outside with friends again, events are happening, fishers are in boats and along the banks by the droves, honeybees are making a comeback, and the theaters are open! First, I want to give an update on the rash of car prowls we had in April. In one week, we had four car prowls that occurred in the Westend of the count...
SOGGY--We ended last week with a gorgeous day, as Saturday was just super sunny, but we have started this week, with a whole lot of rain this Sunday! The first part of this week may be on the damp side, but not to fret, as our Monday morning has been pretty nice and forecasters say by Wednesday, the skies should be drying out and we'll have a nice long stretch of dry and warmer weather, so that should make those "hay makers" happy! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from June 17-23 are Jason Ledtke, Keith Hoofnagle, Bobby Helms, Danny...
The Wahkiakum Fair Foundation will host The Challenge of Champions Pro Bull Riding Tour for the fourth year on Friday, July 16. The event takes place at the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds in Skamokawa. The gates open at 4:30 and the bull riding starts at 7 p.m. There will be food for sale on the grounds. This is a family friendly event; children five and under attend for free. Tickets are $15 pre-event and $20 at the gate. Admission tickets are available at Maria's in Cathlamet, The Duck Inn in Skamokawa, Johnson's One Stop in Naselle and Bob's...
Lower Columbia College, in partnership with the Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments, will host two workshops for small businesses. Registration is required and there is no fee to participate. The first workshop is on small business planning and strategy and will be held on Thursday, June 17 from 6-9 p.m., at the River Street Meeting Room in Cathlamet. The second workshop covers basic Quickbooks for small businesses and will be held on Tuesday, June 22 from 8:30-11:30 a.m., at Lower Columbia College. For more information and to register,...
Busy Days: It's early on Monday. What a busy weekend! I so enjoyed the Finnish Midsummer Tea at the Appelo Archives Center (AAC) and talking with women face to face again. It was fun for me to sit with ladies from the beach who are active with the Columbia Pacific Museum in Ilwaco. And I was happy to talk with Eagle readers, too. Friday, I interviewed the new CEO at the phone company. Last Thursday I had my first medical appointment with the new nurse practitioner at the Naselle Clinic. So much...
Hello from Pori, Finland! I'm sending a little story from history relating to Paul Lindwall, an uncle of mine who lived on Puget Island. This story is published in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet, which is the main publication for Swedish speaking people in Finland. This story is a part of an article which consists of the life of Finnish people who have found a new life in Oregon and Washington. This article is written by a reporter Ragnar ölander of the respective newspaper. The article was published Feb. 2, 1946, very shortly after the war...
KMUN listener Levi Lippold, Development Director Susan Peterson and Board Member Todd Lippold have been out picking up trash on Highways 26 and 101 in Oregon. Combining a passion for KMUN and having a healthy environment, the small but enthusiastic crew have been out with their safety vests and yellow bags, cleaning up along the first two miles of Hwy 26 and for two miles north of the Del Ray Beach turnoff on Hwy 101. "It's fun, good exercise and exciting to take a little ownership of a couple...
On June 15th, Gerry Brennan of Cathlamet was ordained in Seattle as a priest in the Episcopal Church, by the Bishop Greg Rickel. Gerry is a long-time resident of Wahkiakum County and a long-time member of St. James Episcopal Church in Cathlamet. She and her husband Mike moved to Cathlamet in 1973. They raised two children here, Sean Michael and Kellie Kay. They enrolled Sean in St. James Preschool in 1986, where Gerry was an active parent and eventually joined the St. James Board of Directors and joined the church as well. In 1994 Gerry began...