Sorted by date Results 826 - 850 of 2586
To The Eagle: To goose the economy, our Stable-Genius-In-Chief says it’s time to shed the regulatory structure of our industries and institutions. This very thing has been suggested by a conservative sage at this location in a past edition. Why? Because he posits that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may well be a nest of proto-Communist sleeper agents. Holy mackerel! How could I have not seen this? Apparently the EPA and other regulatory agencies share the same hidden agenda of shackling our society in the chains of Socialist s...
To The Eagle: This month marked the end of a decade long march through the federal justice system by attorney Sidney Powell in which she exposed a vipers’ nest of corrupt federal prosecutors who started with the Enron Task Force and ended up on the Mueller Russia Probe. Her work effected the exoneration and release of several executives from Merrill Lynch and Arthur Anderson Accounting who had been coerced into false confessions, or convicted on false charges. She then took up the case of General Flynn, who was nailed by the same bunch, and p...
To The Eagle: A friend of mine sent me a graph from a 1920’s publication showing the mortality rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. The graph shows that the 1918 pandemic lasted about 13-months and occurred in three waves. The first wave on the graph is represented by a small rise in mortality that lasted from June to September 1918, followed by a second wave, 300 percent more deadly than the first, that lasted from October 1918 through January 1919. The third and final wave lasted from February to July 1919 and was 200 percent more deadly than the fi...
To The Eagle: I have appreciated Jaime Herrera-Beutler’s hard work and initiative to help SWWA during the Covid-19 crisis. The online town halls with Dr. Melnick and business support organizations were informative. The presentations/Q&A provided essential information for preventing Covid-19 spread and surviving economically. Jaime’s website and emails provided vital information for individuals and for small businesses. The information was correct, easy to access and comprehensive. I personally know many for whom this service reduced the neg...
To The Eagle: Last week a contributor complained about his freedom being trampled under quarantine restrictions. His outburst against continuing public health and safety measures during this pandemic has little to do with exercising constitutional rights and much to do with his being compelled to exercise sustained social restraint. It’s a tantrum. Trump, our executive baby, has them all the time. It’s all about him. The reminder that patriots have died defending our freedom is noted. We honor their sacrifice best when we exercise our con...
To The Eagle: Wow! What an impressive edition of The Eagle last week! The progressive pandemic panic pundits showed up in force in the letters section (four of ‘em – count ‘em!) plus a doom and gloom disquisition from the Associated Press, offset only by the lonely but sane voice of Paul Schreiber. Ironically, a couple of them were touting Obamacare just as Obama was exposed as the ringleader of the attempted Trump palace coup which commenced with the Russian hoax and morphed into the hijack of the pandemic. The virus campaign did sorta follo...
To The Eagle: “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” --H.L. Mencken Covid-19 is the most contagious example yet to arise in recent history with a death rate of 30 percent for those over 70. Without comprehensive testing and a way to contact-trace, only social distancing offers a clear path to stymie this disease. The recent outbreak at Bornsteins in Astoria shows that even our lightly populated part of the state can be vulner...
To The Eagle: It’s been a while, only one trip for groceries. Thanks to seeing this coming. Few days before this: NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of ‘politicizing’ the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is ‘their new hoax' as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S. (CNN)." We went out and stocked up; we were able to see what Trump refused to see. Good for another month, thankfully have room to roam, getting lots of yard work and gardening done. I truly f...
To The Eagle: This pandemic highlights our shameful healthcare system. Access to healthcare is woefully absent for many Amercans and results in people not getting treatment due to the cost and uncertainty of receiving adequate care. Representative Herrera Beutler does not believe in affordable and accessible healthcare as demonstrated by her voting record to repeal the ACA over 80 times. Carolyn Long will work toward affordable healthcare for everyone. Ms. Long has the knowledge, skills, and policy proposals that ensure Americans can receive...
To The Eagle: In a typical display of malignant partisan petulance, Trump has personally refused to re-open Obamacare (ACA) exchanges to allow millions of laid-off workers to get health insurance. Our wannabe emperor cares more about trying to kill Obama’s Affordable Care Act than he cares about the newly uninsured, unemployed being killed by Covid-19. Statewide Medicaid can fill gaps in coverage, but many Republican governors have refused to expand that program under the ACA. A White House official said the administration has no plans to r...
To The Eagle: If you, as I, have had enough of the governor trampling on your freedom and your constitutional rights then I say let’s open up our businesses and put people back to work. We don't need anyone's permission to live free, so I ask every business owner to have the fortitude to open your stores, restaurants and bars, just as the salon owner in Texas did. I want people back to work feeding their families, paying their bills and enjoying what they have worked for, pursuing the life, liberty and happiness as is their constitutional r...
To The Eagle: Although COVID-19 was probably not developed specifically as a weapon in Wuhan Virology Labs, we do know that it was studied there with supporting funds of several million dollars from our own CDC, and when it did get loose, the ChiCom government vectored it effectively by shutting off internal travel with the rest of China, but launching unrestricted international travel, then lied about it, and propagandized it through their mouthpiece at the World Health Organization. Results: 75 percent of the deaths have occurred in the...
To The Eagle: I, as a reasonably intelligent person with no medical background, can look at the facts and data relative to COVID-19 and come to a much different approach and conclusion than our governor. First I leave politics out of the equation, then I look at the facts. The most important ones are the virus is not as bad as first thought in fact it acts like most viruses, that is most will recover from it. Then I factor in the knowledge that it is a greater danger to seniors and those with serious chronic medical conditions. A fact to...
To The Eagle: Summer is almost here and that means our kids will soon be out of school! Wait, they are already at home in their distance learning programs and have been since mid-March. A few weeks ago, Governor Jay Inslee and Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal announced statewide school closures for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year due to Covid-19. “This closure is guided by science and is our greatest opportunity to keep our kids, educators and communities safe,” Inslee said at a news conference on April 6. One of...
To The Eagle: The governor will not consider the facts or data when it comes to reopening the state. What he will do is wait to get his marching orders from the Democratic National Committee because he is a politician first, last and always. I am today asking our county commisioners, the kind of independent politicians I trust, to do the right thing for the good of our county and begin reopening businesses based on the facts and data about COVID-19. I truly believe that many politicians care only about getting re-elected and therefore are...
To The Eagle: Many thanks to The Eagle for covering the Pioneer Cemetery and the unanimous decision of the Town Council (April 20) to move forward with a "Stage 1" qualifying grant request from the Washington State Historical Society to preserve and improve Cathlamet's historic cemetery. I want to clarify that this is only the beginning of a lengthy process. The first step was submittal of the qualifying grant request (April 23). Upon approval by WSHS, the second deadline is June 25 when a fully-documented grant request must be submitted, with...
To The Eagle: The CenturyLink phone book for Cathlamet, to be recycled after May, 2021, has no numbers for Wahkiakum County other than a Grays River number. With the courthouse locked up there is no way to contact anyone in county government! Is this the new norm? P.J. Fleury Puget Island...
To The Eagle: It seems there are some political candidates who have not bothered to read the laws regarding campaign signs on state highways. Whether they are ignorant of the laws or just flaunting them, either way it shows they are not qualified to be elected lawmakers. Mariane Brightbill Puget Island...
To The Eagle: I suspect most of us, as I do, tend to judge the severity of an incident involving emergency vehicles by the number of units, the number of flashing lights, and the sound, volume and duration of the sirens. On April 20 and again on April 22, the residents of East Sunny Sands were subject to raids by squadrons of emergency vehicles including at least two from Skamokawa. I doubt an active shooter in our high school would have generated that much audible commotion. Investigation revealed these attacks to be in response to a birthday...
To The Eagle: This is not intended to be a political letter but if you read it that way it's on you. First, the earth doesn't need us anymore than it needed the dinosaurs before the last extinction. Secondly, we are by no means the only species regardless of how we think. Conveniently for humankind, we learned how to write and make up stories that give us total control over everything. Here's the rub. It doesn't work that way. Most of us realize that our species is aware of living on a globe rather than a flat surface such as a petri dish where...
To The Eagle: This week is National Volunteer Week. We can’t let it go unnoticed. As both the sheriff and a community member of this county, I have been fortunate to witness and experience firsthand, the incredible work of volunteers who have stepped up above and beyond their normal scope of responsibilities. I have always had a strong admiration and respect for the dozens of folks who volunteer in so many capacities. But these past few months of unanticipated disruption and upheaval to our daily lives have challenged even the most a...
To The Eagle: While studying issues relating to our Federal Reserve Banking System in 1987 I read extensively a book written by a fellow who was considered to be the world's foremost expert on world currencies and inflation. He published quarterly reports subscribed to by many around the world. He pegged the 1987 dollar at 3 and one half cents compared to the 1943 dollar, a widely used benchmark. How does our 2020 dollar compare with a 1943 dollar? At least one penny but surely not two. I use a simple method to estimate what a 2020 price would...
To The Eagle: This COVID-19 crisis has been tough for everyone. As we look for solutions, I’m thankful we have the steady leadership of Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler. When people have reached out to her office with questions about unemployment, getting their relatives home from overseas, or figuring out how to navigate small business loans, Jaime has promptly stepped up to the plate to fight on their behalf. I've been impressed by how she has risen above political party -- as she usually does -- to work with the governor, the vice p...
To The Eagle: Talk about global warming; not much we can do when dealing with Mother Nature, but to go with the flow. It’ll be hard to limit autos, trains and planes unless we want to go back to the days of horse and buggy. On industries, instead of thinking big money, the CEOs should with a conscientious mind find ways to make their plant environmentally healthy and dispose of toxins in a proper manner, not sneakily. Although this next topic is not about global warming but it does have a lot to do with our planet; and that is people t...
To The Eagle: As I was thinking about the terrible effects that COVID-19 is having upon the world we live in, its businesses, organizations, families and individuals, I also thought about how things are here in Cathlamet. And as I thought about that, I realized I was holding The Wahkiakum County Eagle in front of me. We all know that businesses and families are hurting and, hopefully, we are making contributions to help them out. But what about The Eagle itself? Then I thought about the loss of advertising and other related sources of income...