Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Leaders used to lead by leading

    Sep 17, 2020

    To The Eagle: Given the current state of the historical fires burning all up and down the West coast, one might wonder why the ineffable leader of the free world has nothing to say and nothing to offer either in platitudes or resources. Oh, I forget, all three states are strong Democratic bastions of what once was an America living with a Constitution that proscribed certain laws of governmental conduct. My impatience allowed me to start this letter before the latest news reveals that our esteemed leader did finally make it to California in tim...

  • Why doesn't Trump like to admit he knows things?

    Sep 17, 2020

    To The Eagle: So Donald Trump knew all along that Covid-19 was extremely contagious, that it was more deadly than your ‘most strenuous' flus (whatever that means), that children could contract and spread it. That's what we learned last week. Now don't you imagine that he also really knows that climate change is for real? That it's caused by humans burning fossil fuels, and that it's responsible for the horrible hurricanes in the south and east, the droughts that ravage more and more of the world, causing famine and water shortages, and of c...

  • Veterans of Foreign Wars observing Patriot Day

    Veterans of Foreign Wars, Wahkiakum Post 5297|Sep 10, 2020

    Submitted by Veterans of Foreign Wars Wahkiakum Post 5297 On September 11, 2001, America witnessed a brand of ruthlessness and evil beyond the realm of comprehension. It was difficult for us to grasp the scope of the tragedies that day. It was one of the single most tragic days in our nation’s history, and many of us thought it was the worst day of our lives. Nearly two decades have passed since that fateful day, and for most the memories of what happened that day are still as vivid and painful now as they were 19 years ago. And while time cann...

  • What if Hillary had been president?

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: For the past four years, we have read many news articles and letters to the editor, and listened to TV media about the hatred of Trump as our president. Out of curiosity, if Hillary had won, what chapters of events would you think our country would be in had she been our president? Toni Below Cathlamet...

  • A few comments about last week's letters

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: I am thrilled, as are many working parents, that our schools are beginning to open, even partially. Frederick Lehr wrote in effect we should feel bad because we don't want everyone in the world coming into our country illegally. Thereby being a burden on our schools, our health care system, our safety, crashing our economy and most important destroying our way of life. A country without borders won't be a country for long. James Roberts’ letter stated there are just a few people in our county that can even think. I hope he d...

  • We have a republic, if we can keep it

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: A Republic. If we can keep it. Sadly we have way too many angry idiots rioting, where peaceful protests used to exist. That I fear, will play right into Trump’s law and order theme. Fascism always starts with dire warnings of anarchy, disorder, lawlessness, and danger that only violent nationalist authority can protect you from. Then, when citizens rise up in protest of oppression, fascism names that terrorism and calls for law and order to justify the boot on your throat. Trump’s transgressions toward our democracy are so gla...

  • An endorsement of Blake and Takko

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: I come from one of the older families in Wahkiakum County. Over the past 150 years my extended family has participated in all three natural-resource-based occupations, fishing, farming and logging. I’d like to offer a perspective on the upcoming election that I hope will be helpful for our county. Wahkiakum County and the 19th District have a large stake in the health of natural-resource-based industries. They provide jobs, and also tax revenues that support fire and ambulance services and other necessary functions. I am a...

  • Some Labor Day history offered

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: This country’s historical amnesia ensured that few people mentioned or celebrated, this recent Labor Day, the progressive, radical Socialist, Marxist origins of the labor movements that united the workers of this country and gave them the strength to ‘break their chains’ and achieve better wages, safer working conditions, more humane working hours, and the elimination of factory child labor. The late nineteenth century was a time when industrial capitalism was new, raw, and brutal. Between 1881 and 1900, a period known as the G...

  • Writer remembers the 60's differently

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: The following was submitted as a rejoinder to J.B. Bouchard’s Merry Marxist Manifesto of two weeks ago, the counter to his Catastrophic Calumny Confrontation of last week will come next week. A hat tip to J.B. for his concern over my glaring mental deficiencies, but it is indeed difficult for me to reason out how sealing the doors of a police station and setting fire to it with the cops inside, or demanding defunding of all police is somehow anti-racist but not anti-cop. And being called Trump’s acolyte is a compliment I cou...

  • The president isn't important

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: Let's ignore politics. When I was younger I used to debate political ideas with my family pretty much every dinner we had. It was great! I remember when the Patriot Act was in the news we delayed dinner over 30 minutes just because we wanted a family friend to join the discussion. Since then I've redirected my thought process from the political topics to the political system. We can all have opinions on whether an idea will have a net-positive or net-negative effect on our lives and our country. These issues are important, but...

  • We cherish freedom of speech in this country

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: With respect for Lily Kolditz and sympathy over the horrors experienced by her family in Europe during the war years, I offer these observations about her recent letter. My imperfect understanding is that it was fascism, not socialism, that laid waste to Europe. One can hardly describe Americans as ‘remaining silent’ as they continue to demonstrate in the streets over the issue threatening America which is not socialism, but rather persistent racism and police brutality. Those ‘lying’ news outlets, politicians re-election campaig...

  • A vote for Jeff Wilson

    Sep 10, 2020

    To The Eagle: As you’re thinking about who to vote for, it’s helpful to look at who supports various candidates. Jeff Wilson is running against incumbent Dean Takko for state Senate. A look at the top 45 contributors to each campaign (PDC website) tells a story. Mr. Takko’s top 45 includes 43 donors outside of the Senate district, and zero individuals (all PACs or businesses). Lots of his donors are headquartered in Seattle or Olympia. Mr. Wilson’s top 45 includes three donors outside of the Senate district, and 42 individuals living, working...

  • Make America good again

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: Imagine during the pandemic there is a total collapse in our economy and criminal gangs start roaming the streets, breaking into homes, robbing and killing people. Imagine that your wife or your husband gets killed, and that you are left to take care of your 13-year old son and 8-year old daughter by yourself. And that after your spouse’s death your son is told that unless he joins one of the gangs he will be killed, and that the gang leader wants his help in selling his sister for sex. Afraid for your children’s safety, you decid...

  • All of us sacrifice to get back to 'normal'

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: This week, after a huge amount of work was done behind the scenes this summer, we have the reopening of the schools in Cathlamet. Kudos to everyone who helped get Wahkiakum to this point. Frankly this year has been awful for almost everyone. We miss milestone events, our families, favorite watering holes, restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, just about every social event at all. We all continue to do so much in sacrifice in order to get back to ‘normal’ sooner. School opening is a huge step on the road to normal. Will sch...

  • Food for thought

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: A bit of food for thought for those blessed with the ability to think, of which there are a few in our bucolic county. The dichotomy of life: The best laid plans of mice and men. vs: Planning makes perfect. Enough for this week. James Roberts Cathlamet...

  • Who will save us?

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: I can’t sit back without challenging these lies we witness on news outlets. The socialists/communists are openly peddling their propaganda. Have we forgotten the sacrifices and tears shed for our freedom? I am the daughter of European immigrants who had a front row seat to the atrocities of WWII and Communist Russia. As a child I listened to the stories of loss and heartbreak of my parents, grandparents, and their friends who gratefully found their way to this blessed land. My husband’s parents spent years in prison camps tha...

  • Thoughts on use of political signs

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: On State Route 4 descending eastward above county line, there is a hard man, naked, standing by the road, day or night. Also, in the locale, are loud signs, one of which associates Biden with social unrest – riots. Social unrest intensified after Cyrus the Great Bigot sleazed into office, so if people are inclined to incite social unrest, then The Great Bigot would be the appropriate choice. Loud signs should suggest so – Vote for Cyrus the Great Bigot. Also, might there be something The Wahkiakum County Eagle can do to enl...

  • Writer: Calumny, no; opprobium, yes

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: Let’s get the crap shoveled out of the way first. A contributor last week suggested that I have employed calumny--falsification or misrepresentation intended to disparage or discredit another--in my opinion letters. I don’t do falsification or fabrication, unlike that well documented pathological liar in the White House. I do well getting my point across without resorting to lies. Peddle your scurrilous innuendos elsewhere, sir. That I tend toward opprobrium was also mentioned by that author and is correct. I consistently cri...

  • Where's Jaime?

    Sep 3, 2020

    To The Eagle: Did you know Jaime Herrera Beutler voted to end Medicare and replace it with a private voucher system? She also voted multiple times to end the Affordable Care Act (which covers pre-existing conditions) and replace it. Replace it with what? No one knows. I’d like to hear Jaime’s response. I’d like to ask her questions face-to-face and get an immediate answer. In her 10 years in office, I’ve never seen her. She’s never held an in-person town hall in our area and many citizens in Clark, Pacific, Skamania and Klickitat counties...

  • USA holds promise of freedom

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: I wonder how many of our people around here witnessed the heartfelt and precisely truthful speech given by Maximo Alvarez at the RNC convention Monday night. A Cuban immigrant and grateful US citizen’s words will touch your heart and mind. Watch the rerun on YouTube. He gives lie to all of the balderdash and Marxist gibberish of the DNC platform and its scurrilous politicians. Give it a look, people. We love our country because it is the bastion of freedom in this dangerous world. Without the USA and its promise of freedom the w...

  • Takko is for safe streets and safe travels

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: Our state senator, Dean Takko, representing the 19th District, understands that the basic American expectation that travel be easy and safe is fundamental to who we are. I am not just talking about his tireless work on our infrastructure. I have seen how protective Dean is of our safety when, as Wahkiakum County Prosecutor, I discovered a loophole in the law, one that made the punishment when a motorist negligently kills a passenger on a motorcycle far less than if the motorist negligently kills the driver of the motorcycle. One...

  • We need a different leader to unite us

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: It was distressing to read Ms. Swift’s comments last week regarding her anxiety and anger about the rioting and violence in Portland. I did think her comment that “they’re coming for you next“ was a bit over the top. No need to panic. This too shall pass. We have as a nation been here before. The massive demonstrations during the 1960's against the Vietnam war, those for negro civil rights, and then for women’s rights, all seemed at the time terribly violent and confusing. We survived them and are better for it. I believe t...

  • Is there a color-coded etiquette in place?

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: A local Trump acolyte has been complaining that, allegedly, six out of seven participants at Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Portland and Seattle are white and a large percentage of those are college age ‘woke’ females. Is there a color coded etiquette specifying that racial justice demonstrations must have more dark skinned people in them than pale skinned people ? Do women in general, or just their activism, rankle that author most? One has to wonder if woke women on the march are more threatening to this guy than any str...

  • Jeff Wilson is a proven leader

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: Dean Takko wants to talk about “effectiveness” and “experience.” We need someone in Olympia that’s actually put people to work- someone that’s actually paid the taxes as a business owner. We need someone who actually is out working every day in the district. Dean has had 40 years of government paychecks. Maybe it’s time he retires. His version of effectiveness is sending us breadcrumbs in project dollars compared to what our people pay, while voting for tax increases at every single opportunity. Send Jeff Wilson to Olympia inste...

  • Statewide policies aimed at civil disorder

    Aug 27, 2020

    To The Eagle: “Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” So said Mark Twain in 1897, obviously anticipating the Covid pandemic by 123 years. The numbers submitted in a previous letter indicating that 80 percent of Covid deaths were folks over 65 with people 34 and younger accounting for less than 1 percent were from a CDC chart dated June 17. More recent info from the end of July shows 92 percent of Covid deaths were people over 55, with the same 1 percent below 34. This underscores the relative safety of schoolkids and their tea...

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