Sorted by date Results 929 - 953 of 2587
To The Eagle: There are two things I have a hard time understanding these days. The first is if our current White House administration has nothing to hide, why not let the people being requested to testify in the impeachment hearings say what they know? Wouldn’t that prove overall innocence? Not allowing them to speak is like vehemently resisting showing previous year’s income tax returns. What’s so bad that needs to be hidden? The second is these same people saying we have a great economy. How can the U.S. have a supposedly great economy when...
To The Eagle: In response to the recent dog attack that has folks focusing on a dog breed rather than an uncontrolled dangerous dog and owner accountability, I sincerely hope that people will allow officials to focus on the investigation and legal matters at hand. I encourage you all to educate yourselves on responsible pet ownership and dog psychology. When I visit my hometown, I take a step back in time, as I witness the laxest pet ownership that I’ve ever seen, since leaving 30+ years ago. It’s a rural community, yes. But I’m shocked at how...
To The Eagle: America can become a more just country in 2020 if we are united in the principals of equality, freedom and justice for everyone, and if we strive to judge people by their character (not their wealth, race, religion or their place of birth.) America can also be a wiser country in the New Year, if we seek and accept truth (the whole truth), regardless of our preconceived beliefs. And America can become a good country again, if we hold our leaders and ourselves to a standard of being moral, ethical, honest, and kind. Make America...
To The Eagle: I read in The Eagle where Gov. Inslee now seeks to ban “Assault Weapons.” Remember Inslee passed Initiative 1639 which calls any and all semi automatic rifle (one squeeze of the trigger, one shot fired) “Assault Rifles.” According to the article Inslee and Ferguson say “They want to make mass shootings less likely in the state.” Makes one think these semi automatic rifles are used a lot in mass shootings, so I did some research. Well, in 1996 14 year old Barery Loukaiitis brought a 30/30 rifle (this is one of the few rifles Washin...
t To The Eagle: With interest I read Mr. Brawn’s (12/5/2019) comments reminding me and all that Venice was built on a marsh many centuries go. He referenced historical “facts.” Wow, as I did not think the use of facts is a Republican standard. But the most shocking aspect of his letter was that he only mentioned Trump once. Rather off script for him as most of his wondering letters are mainly devoted to pontificating over his great leader. I realize I will not change the minds of 40 percent of the population. It is not my purpose to offen...
To The Eagle: I love our beautiful Island. One of my favorite things to do is go for a cruise around it. There is a lot of eye candy on this jewel. But someone wants to clearcut our dikes. I find no beauty in that. Now, I’m no tree hugger, I make a living making paper, a well loaded log truck is a gem and a woodstove can be a good friend. But to destroy trees just because you have been given some authority is just wrong. (Corps: Island dikes need a cleaning). Why can’t there be some common sense, some compromise? They say the big trees wor...
To The Eagle: A recent mailing entitled “2019 Cathlamet-Area Fund Drive for Wounded Warriors” from the Wounded Warrior Project has caused some confusion and misconceptions among some recipients. Donations to that mailing do not support our local Wahkiakum Warriors and Widows Salmon Derby and our organizations are in no way associated. Wahkiakum Warriors and Widows is a local event funded, staffed and operated by volunteers and local businesses. Our mission statement is “A tribute to post 9/11/2001 wounded warriors and families of those who m...
To The Eagle: Unsuited. Unwanted. Unhinged. Unrepentant. Unflushed. Yet. JB Bouchard Puget Island...
To The Eagle: Like Dennis (comments Nov. 28 on Venice) I too wonder about “lack of common sense among some people.” I agree with Dennis “we are all ignorant on many issues, it will not help to stay ignorant.” I looked into the scientific side of Venice’s water problem and found Venice is sinking naturally, which then exacerbates sea level rise. From scientific sources I found: “Venice's subsidence was recognized as a major issue decades ago, when scientists realized that pumping groundwater from beneath the city, combined with ground comp...
To The Eagle: Now that the recent election has been certified I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the voters of Pacific and Wahkiakum counties. When I was appointed by the governor to serve as the superior court judge it was a great honor, but it does not compare to the affirmation of the vote of the people. It is with deep gratitude and respect that I look forward to continuing the work of the superior court. My family and I love this community and throughout the campaign we had the opportunity to take part in many events and...
To The Eagle: A humble rejoinder to Dennis Gordon’s challenge (Eagle 11/27): Venice was built on 118 small islands in the Venetian lagoon by Romans fleeing barbarian invaders (no doubt early Republicans) around 421 AD. Building technique on these low lying islands was to drive wooden posts into the ground (mud), build wooden platforms on top of them, and erect stone and brick buildings on the platforms. The buildings sink at an average rate of 2mm per anum, so the oldest buildings have sunk 19 feet. The area always floods several times a y...
To The Eagle: Ron Chernov makes it clear in his biography of Alexander Hamilton that the man was an advocate of strong executive power, yet also envisaged the rise of a demagogue who would put liberty and the rule of law at risk and place his own interests before those of the country. Hamilton seemed to anticipate our current moment, when he wrote to George Washington in 1792, that: “ When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents is seen to mount the hobby horse of p...
To The Eagle: Just wanted to pass along a big thank you to all the volunteers who made the Cathlamet Community Thanksgiving Dinner such a success. The food and company was wonderful. Like the best of Thanksgivings past, I left knowing I had eaten too much! I can only imagine the hours everyone spent preparing, and your efforts made it one of the highlights of our family’s weekend. Again, thanks and Happy Holidays! Chris Damitio Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: I wonder about the lack of common sense among some people and politicians in regard to our environment. A recent visit and stay in Venice brought focus to my point-concern. Having arrived in Venice Italy (work and pleasure) in the late afternoon of Nov 12, by 10:00 p.m., I woke to the noises of people on the street below my window walking in 18-inches of water. The record floods caused by the high tides continued into the morning of Nov 17 when I left Venice. In the morning of the 13th, the water was over two feet deep in the...
To The Eagle: I clearly did not make my point well enough. And looking back, stating my personal considerations about poverty did not help make my point. That said, my point was that to penalize those who have succeeded in living above poverty is not a solution for poverty. And yes, I agree whole heartedly the Money Changers of the world are a big part of the problem. As are the scammers, liars, cheaters, thieves and anyone who chooses to take advantage in any way of others. Ben Elkinton Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: I was watching Jeopardy last night, and they had a category Islands in the "C" and when there’s a letter with quotation marks, the answer will begin with that letter as I'm sure someone there watches Jeopardy or knows someone who does. The answer was Puget Island and one of the contestants said "What is the Columbia River, and obviously got it right. So thought I would share that one of our geological places up here in the lower Columbia region was on Jeopardy. Pull up the November 19 airing to find it. I think it was the D...
To The Eagle: A recent contributor posited the question “why are there poor at all?” and concluded that poor folk “want to be poor and choose not to work to support themselves.” The Feds classify an individual as “poor” if their income is less than $12,000 yearly, or if a family of three is trying to survive on $21,000. See more about the gradations of poverty online, if you care. There are currently 100 million people hovering between those thresholds in the U.S. A large number of that 100 million are children and seniors. Over 12 million of t...
Commentary by Darrell Alexander Theron Frame is a 15 year old sophomore at Naselle High School who was given the opportunity to enter the contest with 21 other entries. His hope is to make the wider world better in some way after he graduates while still keeping in touch with his family. He entered the essay contest because he felt that doing so would honor those who have worked tirelessly to protect our and others’ freedoms. He says that we are fortunate to live in a country that had such strong moral values in mind when it was created, and o...
To The Eagle: Many thanks to those that recently trusted me with their vote as Cathlamet Town Council nominee. Helping turn the town around has been a strong, personal focus of mine for a couple of years now. Together, with the four other committed councilors, I feel really good about our ability to shape Cathlamet’s growth and future. What we need more than anything to be most effective though is additional input from both the town (and county’s) residents. We need to know how residents and tax payers want “their” town to look like. This ca...
To The Eagle: First of all a person only becomes rich if he/she or someone in their family had a good idea or a needed product and went about developing it and marketing it. Which resulted in wealth from exchange for their products or services produced and delivered. “Tax the Rich” is not a new idea. Even the Beatles had a song about it. “Tax the rich and feed the poor till there are no poor no more.” Nice idea, but… Why should a person who has managed to gather some wealth be penalized by being required to support those who choose not to wo...
To The Eagle: Are you looking for a special venue for hosting a large family gathering or holiday party, a wedding and/or reception, public meeting or reunions? I was looking for a special indoor place this year, to celebrate my husband's retirement from the Town of Cathlamet Public Works, plus his 75th birthday party. Some persons might advise others to look in Cowlitz County. I believe in shopping locally when possible, so I chose the grand and historic Norse Hall on Puget Island. This local landmark is located at 444 SR 409, Puget Island,...
To The Eagle: “There was no crime committed,” according to the Inspectors General of both the Dept. of Justice and the Dept. of State who exonerated Hillary Clinton after a three year investigation into her use of a private email server during her term as Secretary of State. Investigators found no “systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information by Clinton or her associates, nor was there evidence classified material had been compromised,” according to a State Department report presented to Congress. Regardless, Trump persist...
To The Eagle: Just a little follow up about the $30 car tab I wrote last week. As we all know, the $30 car tab initiative passed and yet the Seattle mayor threatened the very voters that helped pass it by filing a lawsuit to block that initiative. She also threatened to cut more than 100,000 bus hours and would hamper free bus access for students and low-income residents. What a nice mayor. She and the legislators do not want to think that there are other alternatives such as eliminating unnecessary regulations, fees and taxes to private...
To The Eagle: Last year I wrote to our legislators about why our renewal for car licensing had risen from $30 to $63.75 (this year went up to $68.25). I received a response from Damon Monroe who is the Rule Coordinator for DOL. This is his reply: “We apologize for not getting back to you sooner. We have reviewed the list of fees and concerns noted in the email sent to Governor Inslee and various legislators. We understand your concerns about the fees; however all of these fees are required by state law and can only be changed through l...
To The Eagle, Let’s straighten out one twisted fact mentioned in an opinion piece last week. I refer to the repeated lie that “Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of our uranium to Russia,” Folks who have casually smeared Clinton’s reputation by Trumpeting fake facts about her performance at the state department will no longer be receiving a free pass to traffic in such innuendos. The verifiable facts are these. In 2010 Rosatom, a Russian nuclear power consortium, purchased controlling interest in Uranium One, an American uranium mining company...