Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Don't blame others

    Dec 16, 2021

    To The Eagle: Liberals, you never seem to mention all the un-vaccinated millions coming over the border but I guess only American citizens can spread Covid right? Where did you hear that, from Dr. Fauci? I recognize there are many successful Black people, Black Lawyers, Black Doctors, Black Teachers, Black Scientists, Black Military Officers, Black Politicians, Black President, Black Senators, Black Supreme Court Justice and they should all be there as I am sure they earned it. I didn't get that far in life I guess because of Black Privilege...

  • We will get back to living our lives of freedom

    Toni Below|Dec 9, 2021

    To The Eagle: I canceled my subscription to the TDN a while back because of its propaganda, bias and misinformation in politics and coronavirus. However, TDN does send me emails on a daily basis of headline news with the hope that I will renew my subscription. I got an email of headline news from them that shows a picture of an airport at Netherlands about omicron showing up days earlier than first thought. What I want to point out is that photo of the airport. The photo shows two lanes with travelers standing and walking. A huge sign hangs hig...

  • India reports best recovery rate world wide

    R. Fritz|Dec 9, 2021

    To The Eagle: Bold statements need checking. JBB says “This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That is flat out mis-information. Bill of Responsibility requires the whole truth. Sweden’s Umeå University study found after six months vaccinated people have negative efficacy (more susceptible to Covid infection than unvaccinated). Study also found multiple, frequent vaccine boosters are required to maintain any durability once a person becomes vaccinated with either mRNA or DNA vaccine. Syracuse University reports 93 percent of campus Covid...

  • Reflections on Pearl Harbor attack

    Dec 2, 2021

    Submitted and edited by Bill Tawater Commander/Adjutant, Wah.VFW Post 5297 From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars When the men and women serving at Pearl Harbor awoke in the early morning hours of December 7, 1941, they had no idea of the trials and challenges they would face only hours later. They did not wake in the midst of war; they were peacetime soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who were suddenly engulfed by a war that would span the globe. For America, World War II began at 7:55 a.m. on December 7, 1941. In the...

  • Bill of Responsibilities would be welcomed

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has forced the Biden administration to suspend implementation of its workplace vaccination requirements. This most conservative appellate court in the country halted the requirements pending review, saying they’re “fatally flawed and raise serious constitutional concerns.” Show me a deadly virus that gives a crap about the constitution. Fatal flaws? There are three quarters of a million of them in cemeteries across the country- victims who never had the chance to be vaccinated, or even...

  • Horrors are piling up

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: No cash bail? No enforcement of civil order? Defund the police? Let major felons out on low bail? Persecute people for murder who obviously protect themselves from murderous rioters? Cut off energy production from oil and natural gas producers to somehow reduce pollution and reward our enemies? Cowardly abandon your fellow citizens, friends, and helpers to the Taliban? Teach children to hate themselves for their “white privilege.” Depress and step on the very people of your own country with a monstrous taxation and welfare sch...

  • Justice has been served

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: A recent writer stated that Kyle Rittenhouse had illegally purchased an AR-15 rifle; wrong! And that he was looking for trouble; wrong! He was there to protect a car lot from rioters and looters. The writer also stated that three men were trying to subdue him; wrong again! One of these men told Kyle he was going to kill him and one of them hit him numerous times with a skateboard. Does Mr. Bouchard know what a vigilante is? I would have done just what Mr. Rittenhouse did if people were out to burn businesses down here in...

  • Community Center is a critical facility

    Nov 25, 2021

    To The Eagle: What I learned from the Cathlamet Town Council meeting of Monday, November 15, was that the public officials responsible for maintaining the renovated old Fire Hall building (Library/Community Center) know very little about the Community Center, its history and services to our community. Several false statements were made by council members who should be more aware of the situation at hand, but the claim that closing the Community Center would not affect access to publicly available computers and internet use, because the library...

  • What damage was done to our electoral system?

    Nov 25, 2021

    To The Eagle: It seems the inmates still rule the asylum. Acquitted recently of all charges, Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17 year old minor in possession of an illegally purchased AR-15 rifle, went looking for trouble in riot plagued Kenosha, Wisconsin. He hooked up with an illegal local militia and shot to death two men and severely wounded a paramedic, all of whom were trying subdue him, thinking he was an active shooter, which he indeed proved to be. Rittenhouse found the trouble he was looking for and created the mayhem against which he “defended hi...

  • Bring supply chain and manufacturing home

    Nov 18, 2021

    To The Eagle: If you’re angry at the Biden administration about paying more for gasoline or groceries than a year ago, you should redirect your ire elsewhere- at those actually responsible for the highest annual inflation we’ve suffered in more than three decades. Some recent price increases are temporary and due to supply bottlenecks, but there is a deeper structural reason for inflation that appears to be growing worse- the economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to rai...

  • Writer challenges report's accuracy

    Nov 18, 2021

    To The Eagle: In regards to the article by Karen Bertroch on Nov. 11, Naselle school board meeting: What she wrote about the military man who spoke was totally wrong. What he said was he's been around the world and what is happening now is that our country is going down hill. He asked if the school board has access to a lawyer and if so, that they should utilize them. He never said to follow authority. If a reporter is there to report what happens and what is said they need to get the information right, if they don't get it correct then it...

  • Why we observe Veterans day

    Nov 11, 2021

    From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Going all the way back to the American Revolution, for everyone who served, there was no question about what they were fighting for; it was for their house, their home, their business, their farm, their village, town or city: It was for freedom. That freedom has transcended generations, not because it has been guaranteed, or has come easy, but because over the years, selfless Americans have continued to stand up, raise their right hand and commit to ensuring liberty for all. On November...

  • Will compensation be paid to illegals?

    Nov 11, 2021

    To The Eagle: Wow! No letters to the Editor last week. Well, here’s one. Am I reading this right? According to the Wall Street Journal, “the Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.” Are they actually considering paying individuals and families up to $450,000 per person to those...

  • FDA authorized, not approved, Pfizer for youth

    Nov 11, 2021

    To The Eagle: Error on Page 6: “I think the biggest news is the Pfizer vaccine being FDA approved for 5-11 year olds,” (Chris) Bischoff said. Wrong, wrong, wrong… total misinformation. Key: FDA did not “approve” the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for children use. FDA did issue Emergence Use Authorization (EUA) for Pfizer vaccine use by 5-11 year olds. FDA states: “Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products…” Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is still not approved by FDA for adults or children. It has only been FDA authorized mean...

  • Star Program is beginning

    Oct 28, 2021

    To The Eagle: If you need help with providing Christmas gifts for your children up through the age of 17, please fill out an application or contact our Star Program phone at 360-431-5232. All calls will be handled discreetly. This is a needs-based program. After Friday, October 29 you may pick up applications at either the Sheriff’s office or Health and Human Services on Elochoman Valley road. They must be returned no later than November 23. Because of the Covid pandemic restrictions, there probably will be more needs this year. We would like t...

  • Censorship is un-American

    Oct 28, 2021

    To The Eagle: When the editor stated misinformation about covid 19 would not be allowed I had to wonder what scientist on staff at The Eagle would make the determination as to what was misinformation. I guess now so long as you are on the same side as that scientist you can post misinformation such as the heading of one letter last week that "Low vaccination rates allow variants to evolve." Where is the science to support that claim MSNBC, CNN or Saturday Night Live? I have to wonder why we Americans can not debate Covid 19 without the anger...

  • Dealing with covid-19: Such a waste of time

    Wallace Pride|Oct 21, 2021

    It was in February and March that my wife and I received our covid vaccination. Then on August 19, we learned that a great grandchild, who visits quite often, was ill with covid. We decided we should be tested because my wife wasn’t feeling well, and I had a bad cough. We were tested on August 21 and had the results before the end of the day. We both tested positive, and we were to isolate for 10 days. My wife felt ill for about three days and then took care of me. She was worried about me and called our regular physician, who prescribed some p...

  • Low vaccination rates allow variants to evolve

    Oct 21, 2021

    To The Eagle I greet the news with mixed reaction. On the one hand, opinionated pestilential nonsense concerning the Covid-19 vaccinations being shut down seems a good thing. On the other, our frequent contributor from Puget Island is correct in stating the indisputable fact that the messenger was shot because the message was toxic to common sense and is probably a good thing to nip it in the bud, so to speak. Of course the cat is out of the bag and has been for quite a while. People that get their ‘facts' and do their ‘research' on Fac...

  • Censorship stifles free expression

    Oct 21, 2021

    To The Eagle: The following comments are in regard to your note following Toni Below’s letter to the editor published in the October 7th edition. In the interest of full disclosure, I do not know Toni Below. I presume, from the spelling of the name and the tone of the letter, that Toni is an outspoken lady who will say what she thinks. I must have misread her letter, because I did not see anywhere in the letter where she stated anything about the “proven effectiveness of vaccines, wearing of masks and other measures to prevent the spread of...

  • Some ways to combat erroneous information

    Oct 14, 2021

    To The Eagle: Our editor has pledged to protect us from the torrent of bum dope about vaccine efficacy that is now descending upon us (see editor’s note under Toni Below’s letter last issue). There are several ways to combat erroneous information. First is to meet it head on with corrected facts and superior logic (that’s called debate). Next is concoct a series of half-truths or lies and shout them louder than the other guy. Third is to impugn the integrity, character, or intelligence of the author, and suppress the info. That’s called...

  • Writer clarifies story on shoreline program

    Oct 14, 2021

    To The Eagle: I just received our copy of The Eagle in the mail and am concerned about factual errors in the article entitled, “Commission, advisory committee review comments for shoreline program." At the early August public hearings on the Real Property Rights Advisory Group’s (RPRAG) draft SMP, we set a deadline of August 19 for any additional comments anyone wanted to submit. We reported that we would then review any comments received, develop responses and, if appropriate, make amendments to the draft. We also stated we would review the...

  • Commissioners should support commercial fishers

    Oct 7, 2021

    To The Eagle: This letter is in reply to the letter in the 9-23-21 edition titled, “Sport fishermen: unite.” The writer of the letter seems to be totally unaware of the huge losses the gillnet fishery has had to endure since the 1970s. Less time to fish, closure after closure, more fish being allocated to the sports throughout the years. The latest, and by far the worst, coming in 2013 when Oregon Governor Kitzhaber started implementing a plan to remove gillnet fishermen from the main stem of the Columbia River. And, yes, he was successful in...

  • Writer gives reasons not to take vaccine

    Oct 7, 2021

    To The Eagle: In regard to Bill Wainright’s letter to the editor about people rejecting free vaccine to help them stay alive; I can think of two reasons why people rejected. One, the vaccine is still an experimental drug. The government and CDC are not on the same page anymore when spewing out information and statistics. Big media, big tech and big government want you to only read their narrative and so they banned and censored many conservatives and doctors websites, yet they allow terrorists like ISIS, BLM, Taliban, etc., to have their w...

  • Recreational fishers need commercial fishers

    Sep 30, 2021

    To The Editor I am responding to the 9/23 letter “sport fishermen unite” regarding the planning commission hearing on the proposed siting of a fish trap on Hunting Island. The letter was an outpouring of vitriol against local people whose families have lived here for generations. Instead of coming and talking to local commercial fishermen, it seems to be easier to make wild accusations based on internet gossip, which is disappointing. The issue that affects both sport and commercial fishers is the very real concern regarding large hatchery sur...

  • Sign vandalism not wanted

    Sep 30, 2021

    To The Eagle: Bad enough we have issues with political realities, people rejecting free vaccine to help them stay alive, etc, but now, in our small, supposedly tight knit community, Robert Stowe signs continue to get vandalized. I thought I left all this stuff behind in Portland. Bill Wainwright Cathlamet...

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