Sorted by date Results 757 - 781 of 2587
To The Eagle: I would like to address the false statements circulating, particularly on social media regarding a bill passed in the last session, SB5395, an act relating to comprehensive sexual education. First and foremost, SB 5395 is about health and safety. It’s about giving students the knowledge they need to recognize and resist inappropriate behaviors — from small children targeted by pedophiles, to older students pressured to have sex by their peers. At every grade level, the curriculum is age appropriate. Young people are taught bas...
To The Eagle: Come on now, did a writer last week really say "Workers of the World Unite?" I thought that Communist rallying cry died with Marx and Lenin but it lives somewhere on Puget Island. That is unbelievable after anyone with half a brain can see all the horrors of Communism. One letter seemed to defend Black Lives Matter and Antifa by trying to debunk the fact that they may have burned Bibles in Portland, Oregon. Well here is a news flash: When you riot, burn buildings, loot businesses and hurt others you don't need to burn the Bible,...
To The Eagle: The image of rioters stomping the head of an unfortunate motorist in Portland this weekend was both horrifying and disgusting. The amount of hate and depravity it takes for persons to perpetrate that kind of violence on a complete stranger is unnerving. BTW, how many of you saw this footage or any of the 80+ nights of violence in Portland? No? Or how about what’s going on every night just up the I-5 corridor in Seattle, where BLM rioters are going into residential neighborhoods chanting, “Give up your homes, this is our neighborho...
To The Eagle: 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. Many events important to us have been canceled. The saddest of these to me, and possibly to you as well, was the cancellation of our county fair. Fortunately, 4-H leaders and other 4-Hers like myself have found ways to make a virtual fair possible. I am writing now to encourage you not to give up but continue making your projects and enter them. For those 4-H members who have not entered your record book yet, they are now due by August 21. If you have not started your physical record...
To The Eagle: As the November election approaches I would like to encourage everyone, regardless of political affiliation, personal likes and dislikes, race, creed, color, religion, education or upbringing to consider the actual issues facing this country. And not be swayed by all the bad news and noise being sprayed around. Also consider the voting records and actions in the past of the various candidates. Is the person qualified to be in a leadership role for this country? Have the courage to confront the actual situations this country is fac...
To The Eagle: With the recent announced slowdown of the U.S. mail, impacting the speed of the bills you mail out, the checks you receive in the mail and the prescriptions you receive by mail, it’s time to express your concern to your local Congresswoman. Yes, it’s a pain to actually participate in government and contact someone who represents you. But it beats rolling over and taking this silently. What does the future hold? Following the slowdown of the mail, the closure of beloved rural post offices probably isn’t far behind. Contact Jamie...
To The Eagle: I agree with the no shooting zone around Vista Park as proposed by county commissioners. I own the tract bordering the park, and we do not allow hunting, as we are applying for wildlife grants to protect animals. Unless Vista Park residents and visitors feel the need to shoot at each other, there is no need for any gunfire. I wanted to open up the land for people to explore, but on the advice of neighbors, including a deputy sheriff, there will always be people who take advantage and cause problems, so we have a no trespassing pol...
To The Eagle: Does truth matter? A friend of mine recently posted an article on her Facebook page that she took from a conservative leaning internet site that showed masked protesters in Portland Oregon pouring gasoline on a fire. The article that accompanied the post said that BLM protesters in Portland were burning Bibles and American flags, inferring that BLM protesters in Portland hate God and hate America. I have lived in Portland for over 45-years and still keep a home there, and was sad to read that some Portlanders might be using the...
To The Eagle: The fake news machinery has ratcheted up in stridency, probably indicating death throes, since all major mainstream media outlets are hemorrhaging in terms of ratings, employees, and revenue. Makes reliable data and statistics hard to come by, since both the media and lefty politicians tend to squelch all info that doesn’t support their depraved narrative – but it’s still out there if you look hard enough. Local officialdom has questioned the observation that children are relatively safe from the covid virus, but in a CDC chart...
To The Eagle: We’ve read here, again, how those dastardly Marxists are responsible for all the dissidents protesting in our streets and are even internationally financed! To this I say, thank goodness. We’ve sent out billions of dollars in foreign aid to feed the hungry, mitigate disaster, protect human rights and promote ‘The American Way.’ It’s about time some of that generosity found its way back to us through global organizations, Marxist or otherwise, who recognize our need for financial help in combating institutional racism in our own c...
To The Eagle: As I begin my 78th trip around the star we call Sol, I find it interesting to note how the closer to the November election and how Trump's numbers seem to be falling behind Mr. Biden's, the more nonsense about delaying the election and dismissing the credibility of voting by mail bubbles to the top. I would hope that I'm not the only one that notices this, although I do wonder at times. Of note, Trump votes by mail. Hmm.... Equally troubling, if not more so, is listening to certain elected officials concerned that people that are...
To The Eagle: That fellow is still waiting to publicly debate anyone who thinks defunding the police, anarchy, riots, looting and socialism are solutions to anything. Hope he packed a lunch. It’s gonna be a long wait. First, neo-socialism actually is the solution to many things. Reactionary Republicans know this and hate it for that reason. Case closed. Otherwise, that fellow is right. Disruptive, peaceful mass demonstrations, violent riots and social disorder are not solutions. They are symptoms. They are a dynamic, necessary process. Call i...
To The Eagle: That fellow is still waiting to publicly debate anyone who thinks defunding the police, anarchy, riots, looting and socialism are solutions to anything. Hope he packed a lunch. It’s gonna be a long wait. First, neo-socialism actually is the solution to many things. Reactionary Republicans know this and hate it for that reason. Case closed. Otherwise, that fellow is right. Disruptive, peaceful mass demonstrations, violent riots and social disorder are not solutions. They are symptoms. They are a dynamic, necessary process. Call i...
To The Eagle: So many issues are before us and it’s all happening so quickly. I call our current national situation as a crisis. Three main areas are at the top of my list of concerns: 1) How do we help all Americans understand the Constitution? As a high school senior (1964 in Fort Worth TX), it was required for graduation that each senior pass a civics class. The time spent for half a school year learning how government works and what it does for us was so important. I have always used what I learned there as I’ve grown older and it’s helpe...
To The Eagle: I am thankful to Olaf Thomason, Sr., and his friends for their service in defending this country from its enemies. I am confused and saddened as well at this gentleman’s reference to the “hate of country as seen in this paper.” An avid reader myself of this ever interesting opinion section of The Eagle, I have yet to read any commentary expressing hatred of our country. I think perhaps he may be seeing things differently than I. The strong opinions I have read here are usually politely expressed, and others not so much. Miste...
Trump is master of distraction, deflection To The Eagle: The confirmed Covid-19 cases and deaths in America are 4.4 million and 150 thousand. The highest infection and death rate in the world. Trump’s response to the pandemic? He blames China to deflect criticism for not taking the Covid-19 threat seriously back in January and February, when he was first warned about the pandemic and when we had time to prepare for its eventual arrival in America. There’s the commutation of Roger Stone’s (friend of Donald Trump) sentence that observers belie...
To The Eagle: Republican candidate Joel McEntire made a fun comment on talk radio last week. He allowed as how the K-5 sex education bill the Dems are pushing in Olympia is so pornographic in nature that he couldn’t describe the details on public radio. This goes hand-in-hand with the Democrats’ tax increase legislation (property, B&O, gasoline) to increase revenue to pay for the damage caused by their own election campaign tactics which include the unnecessary covid-19 lockdown and the rioting and destruction going on in Seattle and other lar...
To The Eagle: Our Island crier sent several people and myself ‘studies’ of dubious nature. Seems these days one can find a study to fit our thoughts and pleasures. I appreciated the mail, and support of USPS, with double stamps, though the material, not so much. Then there was his writing last week, which prompts this writing. We have a son who was, as were we, looking forward to his sophomore year, and especially football, as he had been voted most improved, so to improve even more. He is as susceptible to getting and spreading the virus as...
To The Eagle: A week ago I was driving on Puget Island. I made the stop on the bridge at Birnie Slough and saw, to my horror, a dead raccoon displayed on the top corner of the bridge, obviously placed there for all to see. It was disturbing to think that someone would do this, and I hoped that it was a one time bad idea. Last evening we passed the same area and in the same spot was a dead nutria. Clearly placed by the same person. It made me sick to my stomach. Obviously this person has no respect for wildlife. Yes I know raccoons and nutria...
To The Eagle: Thank you to The Wahkiakum County Eagle for allowing opinions. I will vote for the following candidates: Dan Cothren County Commissioner Pos. 2. I would vote for Mike Backman if I lived in his district. Jim Walsh State Representative # 19. Jaime Herrera Beutler Congress District 3. I have never voted a straight party ballot but this election I can not in good conscience vote for any Democrat since they all seem to think Socialism is the way to go and after all the many good things President Trump has done for the working class...
To The Eagle: Kids are not very susceptible to corona virus; it doesn’t do them much harm when they do get it, and they’re also not very good at passing it to teachers or other adults -- the exact reverse image of the common flu. Therefore the best and safest place for kids is in school, which allows their parents to go back to being productive citizens. We are now the only country on the planet waffling about opening the schools. Our Covid-19 data has been scrambled from the very beginning by both the medical bureaucracy and the mai...
To The Eagle: The protests against police brutality now rocking the country have many catalysts. Among the more immediate is President Donald Trump and his first Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Trump predictably eviscerated federal police reforms of the previous administration because they were enacted by his nemesis, Barack Obama. Obama’s Justice Department had launched 70 investigations into state and local law enforcement agencies and negotiated 40 reform agreements through court enforced consent decrees with troubled police agencies, f...
To The Eagle: I’m on phase six of Covid-19, my friends also. Most of us have lived through a list of panics: Asian Flu, H3, N2, H1, N1, Swine Flu pandemic and the present flu season. What we fear most is the hate of country as seen in this paper. I served under two presidents while serving our country, along with countless other military. We love our country and support it against enemies domestic and foreign. Olaf Thomason, Sr. Where the flag always waves...
To The Eagle: It has come to the attention of the Republican and Democratic Parties that political signs are being stolen. The first thing that comes to mind is teenagers on a lark. It is hoped that misguided youth are responsible, but it must be stopped. Political signs are staples of American campaigns. If you remove political signs, you are guilty of stealing and a misdemeanor. Posting political signs is the property owner’s First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech. Political signs are also a way for candidates to reach large audiences o...
To The Eagle: Children need to be back in school, not just for the education but more importantly is that kids today hide in a room with video games when they need to socialize so much more. Maybe we all would be better able to resolve disputes if we reasoned together instead of forming our opinions in a dark room playing violent games or watching TV alone. Another reason is that for some children the school meals are the only balanced nutritious meal they may have that day but even more heart breaking is that for some it may be the only meal...