Sorted by date Results 806 - 830 of 2583
Student weighs in on possible pool closure To The Eagle: My name is Luke Bohn and I will be a senior at Wahkiakum High School next fall. I moved here from Portland, Oregon just last summer. I worked at the pool last year and it’s one of the most valuable experiences I’ve had here. I know it’s a difficult decision, but it would be very helpful to ask the right people. I’m glad the pool has another chance, but let me tell you why this shouldn’t even be a big discussion. The town council looked at the financial side of the situation, and I can...
For those interested in what your Cathlamet Town Council has been working on, in no particular order, here’s what’s been keeping us all busy: - securing overhead street banners promoting Cathlamet’s history and culture. - working in conjunction with Oregon and Washington state officials for both signage from Oregon to Cathlamet, and improved safety turning lanes for using the Puget Island Ferry. - securing grant funding to help pay for planned charging stations on the Butler Street property on Main St. - signing a 16-year lease with the Cemet...
To The Eagle: Most businesses I have frequented usually have signs posted announcing either “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service” or “We reserve the right to deny service to anyone.” Business owners have the right, within the limits of anti-discrimination laws, to deny service to the shoeless for sanitary reasons, I suppose, and troublesome customers for reasons of safety, one presumes. It is my opinion that certain businesses in Cathlamet whose physical layouts make social distancing difficult, need to post another notice, in the interest of public...
To The Eagle: The wrong that needs to be corrected is rather simple: For Blacks there is a different justice system, for them "they are guilty until proven innocent" and for us white folks it’s “innocent until proven guilty.” Think about it, and you will understand why the police act as they do and why our prisons are mostly occupied by blacks and browns. This must be changed or else nothing will change. Eric Skemp Puget Island...
To The Eagle: I believe in my heart and soul that all lives matter. If that makes me a racist to some morons I couldn't care less. I remember many years ago walking a peaceful protest line outside of a Woolworth Store in New York City because the store served Black customers at the lunch counter on paper plates and Whites on regular dishes. That was despicable in my eyes and I did my part to stop it. These days that kind of disgraceful action would not be tolerated by anyone of any color, my point being that there has been change for the...
To The Eagle: Summer is rapidly approaching and the Town of Cathlamet has some difficult decisions to make regarding the swimming pool. In an area with multiple waterways it is vital, and in fact lifesaving, that children learn to swim and learn water safety. Prior to the opening of the pool, drownings of children were not uncommon in this county. However we are still dealing with a pandemic and the safety restrictions necessary to prevent further outbreaks. The pool advisory committee would like to see the pool open, even if only for...
To The Eagle: It’s been quite a couple of months to say the least. I hope you all have been staying safe and healthy. I’ve missed seeing all of your friendly faces, and can’t wait to get back to doing what I love. While my business has been shut down I had the opportunity to evaluate my business and many of you have been wondering what my plans were. Well, I wanted to announce that Daisy Chain Floral is moving to a new private location. I am not going anywhere. I will continue to provide the same floral services as before, just without the s...
An anonymous comment drew our attention to a misstep in last week's edition in which we allowed the use of the term Chinaman in a letter to the editor. It was strange for us to see that term; it's an archaic term and not in our normal vocabulary. It was used in conjunction with writing from Cathlamet's past, perhaps close to 100 years ago. But after receiving that anonymous comment, I went to the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, always a good starting place for quick research. Here's what Wikipedia had to say about the term: "Chinaman is an...
To The Eagle: I told my son, that I would try to point to positive reasons for Biden, instead of negative Trump comments. I also said I’d have to close one eye, in order to not comment on his idiocy. That is extremely difficult, when during a double crisis, he tweets this: "vicious dogs" and "ominous weapons," “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” etc., etc. Many seem to think Obama caused the racism to increase. I think his election caused the already existing racism to show itself. The looting and violence will not, IMO, help the c...
To The Eagle: Not sure if I'm glad I'm a white man or embarrassed to wake up still white after all these years. Watching what appeared to be a bored white police officer murder a black man, handcuffed and pleading for his life, is just too much. There were several other officers just standing around to prevent the reasonably concerned citizens from stopping the killing is equally maddening. And then we're supposed to wonder why the black folks riot? Are you kidding me? This has been going on for nearly ever in this country. Being choked to...
To The Eagle: We are saddened to announce that the Cathlamet swimming pool may not be opening this summer due to COVID-19 implications. After much consideration and impact analysis, the town council unanimously determined that pool operations do not appear to be viable this season. Aside from the financial impact, social distancing requirements would greatly restrict occupancy levels and place too many limitations on swimmers. The council is however seeking written public comment which will be read aloud and taken into consideration at the...
To The Eagle: Our way of life is under attack, make no mistake about that. When a major political party such as the Democrats publicly take the side of the Chinese Communists over our own government in regards to the origin and spread of a pandemic that kills 100,000 plus Americans it is hard to believe, but believe it. The Democrats spend way too much time with the likes of anarchists, socialists, environmental terrorists and just a lot of people that want something for nothing to realize the following facts: 1. Most Americans love their way...
To The Eagle: I woke up this morning in my warm bed recognizing my good fortune of being born white in this country. I also recognize the pain of those who were born any other color. The inequality and injustice in this country is sickening. We cannot continue down the same path and expect a different result. Changes have to happen. We can either be a part of the problem or part of the solution. I cannot imagine the pain black and brown people live with on a daily basis- the fear of simply walking down the road with their hands in their...
To The Eagle: The election is rigged unless I win. The news is fake unless it’s flattering of me. Everything is a hoax unless I tweet it. Nepotism is bad unless it’s my family. I’m the most transparent president but you can’t see my taxes. I have the best and smartest people until I fire them. Corona virus is one person coming in from China and we have it under control, but it’s not my fault we have the highest infection and death rate in the world. Confederate flag waving protesters, brandishing assault rifles threatening state legislato...
To The Eagle: Well, I had the time to read the liberal gentleman from the Island’s letter in the paper in which he misrepresented my last letter to the editor, clearly he must have been reading someone else's comments while critiquing mine. The assertions he made about the points I was making of course were wrong but one thing you can say about him is, he is consistent and wrong most of the time. I must say unlike some people, that don't mind having their constitutional rights taken away by a politician in Olympia, I most certainly do. The p...
To The Eagle: For as far back as I can remember my dad insisted we put flowers on the Chinaman's grave every Memorial Day. He's the only one of the Chinese workers who was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery. The others who died here were buried on the hillside behind the old gym. Their markers were cedar boards that have long since perished. Only this Chinaman's grave stone is marble. It used to stand upright but years ago it was placed on its back in a concrete surround. This was probably for easier mowing once more land was needed for graves....
To The Eagle: Gee, looks like we turned the corner. Life in the USA is looking up. The virus will not conquer the people, the people will conquer the virus. Thank you Mr. President for your strong leadership, headed by VP Pence, Doctors Fauci, Burks and others. In this state we are on the road to recovery. Especially this county and town. Congratulations to our local officials. And thank the president for standing up to the fool press. Most edifying. Kudos to Kayliegh McEnany and Rick Grenell. Mike Swift Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: To goose the economy, our Stable-Genius-In-Chief says it’s time to shed the regulatory structure of our industries and institutions. This very thing has been suggested by a conservative sage at this location in a past edition. Why? Because he posits that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may well be a nest of proto-Communist sleeper agents. Holy mackerel! How could I have not seen this? Apparently the EPA and other regulatory agencies share the same hidden agenda of shackling our society in the chains of Socialist s...
To The Eagle: This month marked the end of a decade long march through the federal justice system by attorney Sidney Powell in which she exposed a vipers’ nest of corrupt federal prosecutors who started with the Enron Task Force and ended up on the Mueller Russia Probe. Her work effected the exoneration and release of several executives from Merrill Lynch and Arthur Anderson Accounting who had been coerced into false confessions, or convicted on false charges. She then took up the case of General Flynn, who was nailed by the same bunch, and p...
To The Eagle: A friend of mine sent me a graph from a 1920’s publication showing the mortality rate of the 1918 Spanish flu. The graph shows that the 1918 pandemic lasted about 13-months and occurred in three waves. The first wave on the graph is represented by a small rise in mortality that lasted from June to September 1918, followed by a second wave, 300 percent more deadly than the first, that lasted from October 1918 through January 1919. The third and final wave lasted from February to July 1919 and was 200 percent more deadly than the fi...
To The Eagle: I have appreciated Jaime Herrera-Beutler’s hard work and initiative to help SWWA during the Covid-19 crisis. The online town halls with Dr. Melnick and business support organizations were informative. The presentations/Q&A provided essential information for preventing Covid-19 spread and surviving economically. Jaime’s website and emails provided vital information for individuals and for small businesses. The information was correct, easy to access and comprehensive. I personally know many for whom this service reduced the neg...
To The Eagle: Last week a contributor complained about his freedom being trampled under quarantine restrictions. His outburst against continuing public health and safety measures during this pandemic has little to do with exercising constitutional rights and much to do with his being compelled to exercise sustained social restraint. It’s a tantrum. Trump, our executive baby, has them all the time. It’s all about him. The reminder that patriots have died defending our freedom is noted. We honor their sacrifice best when we exercise our con...
To The Eagle: Wow! What an impressive edition of The Eagle last week! The progressive pandemic panic pundits showed up in force in the letters section (four of ‘em – count ‘em!) plus a doom and gloom disquisition from the Associated Press, offset only by the lonely but sane voice of Paul Schreiber. Ironically, a couple of them were touting Obamacare just as Obama was exposed as the ringleader of the attempted Trump palace coup which commenced with the Russian hoax and morphed into the hijack of the pandemic. The virus campaign did sorta follo...
To The Eagle: “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” --H.L. Mencken Covid-19 is the most contagious example yet to arise in recent history with a death rate of 30 percent for those over 70. Without comprehensive testing and a way to contact-trace, only social distancing offers a clear path to stymie this disease. The recent outbreak at Bornsteins in Astoria shows that even our lightly populated part of the state can be vulner...
To The Eagle: It’s been a while, only one trip for groceries. Thanks to seeing this coming. Few days before this: NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of ‘politicizing’ the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is ‘their new hoax' as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S. (CNN)." We went out and stocked up; we were able to see what Trump refused to see. Good for another month, thankfully have room to roam, getting lots of yard work and gardening done. I truly f...