Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • We are bending slowly towards justice

    Jul 16, 2020

    To The Eagle: The United States’ effort to reinstate a ‘reconstructed’ South into the Union after the Civil War and provide just recompense to emancipated slaves, was a failure. It only took one powerful man, a president, to help the unrepentant South sow the bitter seeds that still yield fruit poisonous to this nation. The era of Reconstruction collapsed when Vice President Andrew Johnson became President after Lincoln’s assassination. A southern sympathizer, he quickly pardoned Southern secessionists, Confederate leaders and wealthy planter...

  • We can improve the situation

    Jul 16, 2020

    To The Eagle: This is a most troubling time. We have an occupant of the White House who engages in unethical and questionable moral conduct, but gets little public resistance from his staff or other elected officials from the same party. The growth of executive control over our governance must have a few of the founding fathers rolling in their graves. I cannot understand why our elected representative cannot rise to listen to her own conscience. The party has put “loyalty” ahead of the oath to support the constitution. This has been har...

  • Try giving some sound advice

    Jul 16, 2020

    To The Eagle: Do our county commissioners even realize that anyone is listening to their meetings these days? Some of their statements are so ridiculous they are laughable. Commissioner Backman states that we should have had a hospital built here by now, after all they've had months to get it done. Health care is a top concern in this country today and it is obvious he knows nothing about it. I suggest he contact Legacy Health Systems. He could ask how many years, how many permits, and how many hundreds of millions of dollars it took to build...

  • Trump has figured it out for us

    Jul 16, 2020

    To The Eagle: On July 13, 2020 I heard our president say about the corona virus and I quote: “When you test you create new cases.” I was astounded when I heard this. Mr. Trump had just found an answer to the decade’s long fight between the right and the left on abortion. If you do not want to have a pregnancy, you do not take that pesky test. Therefore you do not create that pregnancy. It’s been right there in front of us for all these years but it took Donald Trump to figure it out for us. Mr. President, you truly are a “very stable genius....

  • Thanks to Town of Cathlamet

    Jul 9, 2020

    To The Eagle: My thanks to the Town of Cathlamet for spending the extra dollars to use skid-proof paint when they refurbished the wooden footbridge to the marina area. The slippery surface has been a problem, even with posted warnings- now much safer for all our residents. Tom Roberts Cathlamet...

  • Intractable racism stains country's fabric

    Jul 9, 2020

    To The Eagle: Recent July 4th celebrants in the South displayed large Confederate battle flags flying from private property that were visible from many interstate highways and other public locations. Those flags are an arrogant declaration of white supremacist’s values in the darkest hearts of Dixie. Happy Independence day, y’all. Our nation is remarkable throughout the world for the stability of its government, the reach of its power, the depth of its generosity and the intractable racism deeply staining the fabric of American society. In thi...

  • Legislators used media to plant fear

    Jul 9, 2020

    To The Eagle: The legislators did a good job using the media to spread the fear of covid to us. They mandated a law that we must wear a face mask; else we be slapped with jail time and a fine if we don’t. I’m no doctor but common sense tells us it’s not healthy to wear a mask, especially for long hours. We need oxygen to breathe in and breathe out to rid us of the carbon dioxide. No government has the right to order you to do something that violates your freedom of choice, especially when it involves your body. It wouldn’t be surpris...

  • It should become more interesting

    Jul 9, 2020

    To The Eagle: Well, we're finally number one! After extremely useless and questionable leadership, our country has achieved the dubious honor of having more Covid-19 cases than every other country in the world. The United States has between 4 percent and 5 percent of the planet’s population and 25 percent of the total infections! Making America first has finally come to pass. I seem to remember a 2016 campaign promise that we would be winning so much that we'd be tired of winning. Seems to be the one and possibly only thing that was true. M...

  • Who's fanning the flames over racism?

    Jul 9, 2020

    To The Eagle: Thank you, J.B. Bouchard, for the education on white privilege. I didn't have a clue. I had been going down to Jim Crow Creek for 30 years without a racist thought until someone in Olympia educated me that it's racist. No, sir, I have not experienced any of the scenarios that you mentioned, but I have been in Atlanta where I was treated like a second class citizen . . . I've been in some pretty bad neighborhoods where I felt very uncomfortable for being white. If I only knew about my white privilege then. I do feel privileged,...

  • Board needs Westend voices to be heard

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: I have served on many boards and committees but I can say the County Planning Commission has been one of the best I have ever been a member of. So when I read that two of the commissioners resigned last week I was really sad, but not surprised because I too, was also very unhappy with how things went at our last meeting. There need to be changes and I will work with my fellow commissioners to discuss and make needed changes to bring order to how we do business in the future. I was one the commissioners that voted no on the PUD's...

  • Slavery and white supremacist culture

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: Of the 360,222 Union casualties who died in the Civil War, 16,000 lie cradled in the hallowed ground of Arlington National Cemetery. Each gravestone is a monument to a soldier who gave the last full measure of his devotion toward the preservation of the United States of America. The first veteran interred there was 21 year old Pvt. William Christman. On May 17, 1864, he was laid to rest beneath an arbor of Arlington mansion where Mary Lee, wife of turncoat Gen. Robert E. Lee, had enjoyed reading in warm weather, surrounded by the...

  • The rest of the story pointed out

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: Mucho stuff about Black Lives Matter in last week’s Eagle, but there’s more, or as the late newscaster Paul Harvey would put it, “the rest of the story.” Among the more amusing was Pelosi and Schumer donning colorful Kente cloth duds in support of BLM, oblivious to the fact that it came from the Ashanti tribe, who were leading suppliers of slaves to the Dutch and English slave trade for more than a century. Also entertaining was the story of Cheryl Selby, the mayor of Olympia, who supported and marched with BLM, so they rewarde...

  • Walsh is a maverick

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: What is a maverick? A maverick is a rogue hero, willing to break away from the norms of doing things, to stand up for what is true and right. In WA state, so many of our legislators are happy to listen to and follow suit with identity politics, cave to peer pressure and pacify extremism that has lead WA state into complete chaos from taxes to education and even property rights. Our politicians hide away in their offices until they are forced in some way to make a public statement to discuss current statewide and nationwide events....

  • Clint Bryson is the type we want in Olympia

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: I have heard Clint Bryson publicly speak twice and also had extended conversations with him twice. Clint Bryson is running for LD 19 position #1. Clint has demonstrated that his values in public office are very much in line with our county's values. One example happened just a year ago. Montesano, where Clint is a city council member, owns some 5,000 acres of timberland, which has always been open for public use in addition to being a source of sustainable timber revenue. When their forester came to the town council to ask that...

  • What science?

    Jul 2, 2020

    To The Eagle: After the last batch of letters to The Eagle, I was encouraged and prodded to write a rebuke of the name calling and fact missing letters. I was ready to do so, but instead I’ll quote something I’ve read many times: “Forgive them, they know not what they do (or say).” Instead, I will focus on some very serious problems I have watched happening under Trump. Science: When did Republicans, or so many of them, graduate from high school, taking science, presumably passing, then jumping on the Trump train of disregarding science...

  • Animal advocate group formed

    Jun 25, 2020

    To The Eagle: At last, a group of local volunteers has succeeded in forming a much-needed Wahkiakum Animal Advocates Group (WAAG). It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent animal cruelty and abuse, to foster and re-home unwanted, abused, neglected, abandoned and stray animals, to help with animal care, and to facilitate the spaying and neutering of companion animals. WAAG members will sell goods at the Elochoman Farmers Market on Fridays to raise funds. For more information on this new organization, please contact Wendy...

  • Planning commissioner resigns over project

    Jun 25, 2020

    To The Eagle: As a member of the Wahkiakum County Planning Commission, I assumed that when the commissioners voted down a permit that it was done, unless it was brought before us again with more discussion and information. Not so, with the Skamokawa Water Expansion project brought before us by the PUD. Following our rejection, our Wahkiakum County Commissioners unanimously approved it last Tuesday. There were valid concerns from the planning commissioners in the initial meeting and with no one in attendance to answer those questions it was...

  • Planning commissioner resigns post

    Jun 25, 2020

    To The Eagle: I must have misunderstood my role as a member of the planning commission and the role of individuals or companies coming before the commission for approval of their project. I reference the PUD Skamokawa project. The first meeting of the commission, to discuss and question content within the proposal, was fruitless as the author and person most likely with answers to commissioners’ questions, the manager of the PUD, could not be bothered to attend. One portion of the presentation submitted, was a technical memo from Cultural Resou...

  • Will fear of the virus bankrupt our lives?

    Jun 25, 2020

    To The Eagle: About Covid-19, in the USA; with the population of an estimated 330 million; over 2 million got the virus; 118 thousand died and over 873 thousand recovered. The numbers of our loved ones that died are not comforting; this shouldn’t be happening but it did. For coronavirus update, go to We still have much to learn about the virus but those with a high and mighty attitude telling us to get over it and wear the mask out of protection and respect for others does not swallow w...

  • Open minds, open hearts needed now

    Rick Nelson|Jun 18, 2020

    Last week, word traveled by social media that people supporting the Black Lives Matter would hold "A March of Silence" on Friday afternoon, state wide. According to news reports, the event's purpose was to honor those lost to police brutality and institutionalized racism, with the silent part also to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. I and members of my staff were pleased to learn a group of Wahkiakum County citizens would join the statewide event. They gathered in front of the community center in Cathlamet, held signs and waved at...

  • Join the debate June 24 on Zoom (Zoom link corrected)

    Jun 18, 2020

    (An incorrect link for the Zoom meeting was submitted in this letter. It has been corrected. --editor) To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Republican and Democratic Parties formed a joint Subcommittee for Debates/Forums. I was excited to serve on this committee and in January we began planning mass gatherings so Wahkiakum County residents could get to know political candidates and submit questions. That came to a screeching halt with Covid 19. And then Zoom arrived as a communication tool. I am pleased to announce that Wahkiakum County will...

  • Citizen appreciates letter writers

    Jun 18, 2020

    To The Eagle: Letters to The Eagle in the June 11th issue were so earnestly and respectfully written, on a variety of issues that I feel that the writers, Mr. Schreiber, Mr. Skemp, Ms. Ling, Ms. Brightbill, Nicole Emery and Luke Bohn should be commended. Our sheriff, Mr. Howie, weighed in also in the same manner. I appreciate being able to live in a community with individuals who can speak their minds with passion asking for change. Jacquelyn Ostervold Puget Island...

  • The facts are available, no need to debate

    Jun 18, 2020

    To The Eagle: Writing strictly as a Cathlamet resident and independent voter, I felt it necessary to comment on the article in the June 4 Eagle labeled Life under Attack. The writer made many statements I do wholeheartedly agree with. I do find though that he succumbs to using the same vitriol regarding the Democratic party that many other embarrassed and desperate GOP supporters increasingly have to resort to. In particular, it’s ironic he infers Democrats are the party of “handouts.” It’s hard to square that circle after after a $22 billion...

  • We need to vote the left out

    Jun 18, 2020

    To The Eagle: And now we are forced to witness another massive hysteria brought to us by our leftist media. The awful and destructive riots are meant to demoralize and terrorize our people. How they love to bring their lying and dispiriting ‘news’ to their audience. How they take pleasure in spewing their nasty and grim predictions of doom. Their non-stop contempt for their own country and traditions seems almost overwhelming to us who would be free of them. For those who live in the metropolises, it is getting to be unbearable. I ask what pol...

  • MAGA again

    Jun 18, 2020

    To The Eagle: There’s an old saw about the guy with excellent will power – could resist anything but temptation. Regardless of how the China Virus got started, the ChiCom government couldn’t resist the temptation to jockey around with travel policy, disinformation, and monopolistic medical supply practices to turn it into a worldwide pandemic. And then a few blue state governors and mayors couldn’t resist the temptation to turn it into a political football with querulous quarantines and economically disastrous lockdowns. By imperial decree, the...

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