Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Barking dogs pests? No, it's calling cows

    Oct 31, 2019

    To the Eagle, I was amused by the commentary here last week regarding how noisy dogs can get while chasing coyotes away from the herds of cows that range our island pastures. I have a slightly different take on the noises in the country issue. I hardly notice the dogs anymore. The cows are making most of the racket! Particularly around weaning season, the cow moms bellow all morning, all day and well into the night. I’m sure I hear distressed calf moooooos as a counterpoint, too. The distant howling, growling, booming, screaming and groanings I...

  • Vote no on I-976

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: Who should vote "no" on I-976? Nearly everyone. The argument in the voters pamphlet to vote in favor of I-976 primarily says that the state has too much money in this year's surplus, therefore vote "yes" to reduce taxes. This is short-sighted. The Democrats in the state legislature have agreed with the Republicans that this year's extra money needs to be set aside for a rainy day. If this initiative passes we lose nearly two billion dollars over the next six years (per the fiscal impact summary statement). In particular, with a...

  • What a nice surprise

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: We are lucky to have a Chiropractic Physician choose our little town. After many trips to doctors’ offices, I am feeling much better after seeing Dr. D at Care 31. Carol Geil Cathlamet...

  • Candidates Forum was a success

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: Last week’s Candidates Forum at the DeBriae Room was a success in my opinion for two reasons: the audience-half of the forum was respectful and civil in raising issues of local concern, and thereby the candidates seemed at ease to respond intelligently and eventually offer some creative ways to improve our community. The experience may have been the beginning of a new culture of civil demeanor at town council meetings. I do recommend better notification of future candidates forums and a venue that can accommodate a larger a...

  • Why are we paying more than $30 for car tabs?

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: Last year I wrote to our legislators about why our renewal for car licensing had risen from $30 to $63.75 (this year went up to $68.25). I received a response from Damon Monroe who is the Rule Coordinator for DOL. This is his reply: “We apologize for not getting back to you sooner. We have reviewed the list of fees and concerns noted in the email sent to Governor Inslee and various legislators. We understand your concerns about the fees; however all of these fees are required by state law and can only be changed through l...

  • These actions are tantamount to treason

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: I recently read here, with no great surprise, a stalwart Trump acolyte’s regurgitated sour grapes about the imaginary “crimes and misdemeanors of Obama and Hillary,” as well as all the fake news that isn’t and of course, fake whistleblowers who aren’t. That contributor wrote “this President has done more for our foreign allies than any other.” More fabulist Trumpist propaganda and untrue, as usual. To understand or predict Trump’s foreign policy ask yourself “what would Putin want him to do?” Primarily, undermine NATO, Eur...

  • Thanks for discussion

    Oct 31, 2019

    To The Eagle: I would like to thank the seven people who came to discuss current situations. Wished someone from the Republican point of view would also have joined. Thank you. Poul Toftemark Rosburg...

  • Another election, another bad initiative

    Rick Nelson|Oct 24, 2019

    What a ballot we have for the general election! So much of it advisory votes--non-binding votes by citizens to advise the legislature on tax increases passed during this year's legislative session. So, dig out a Voters Pamphlet or go on line and do your homework. We have a few pamphlets at our office on Main Street; more are available in the county auditor's office in the courthouse, probably at libraries, and of course, online at Check out Initiative 976, another effort...

  • Russian collusion morphed into Ukrainian corruption

    Oct 24, 2019

    To The Eagle: The tutorial on fact and opinion in these pages last week was wide of the mark enough to be reminiscent of Alice’s adventures with the Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts. We the public have been treated to a three year long fact-free perquisition under the rubric of Russian conspiracy and collusion in which the prevarications have emanated from the press, not the president, the most egregious among them being the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC. Paradoxically, the main source of hard fact during the witch-hunt has b...

  • Economic realities

    Oct 24, 2019

    To The Eagle: Many are so committed to their political leanings that they can’t accept reality, and just regurgitate comfortable tweets. Without even mentioning misinformation about the border points, trade, or foreign policy, let’s look at the supposed “soaring economy” issues we hear about. Yes, unemployment is low, but unemployment stats are a “rear view mirror” way of looking at the economy. Consider forward looking metrics such as: Private sector wages - dropping; Retail employment - dropping (remember, consumer spending is 70% of US GDP);...

  • Attorney endorses Richter for judge

    Oct 24, 2019

    To The Eagle: I have practiced law for over 40 years and had the opportunity to appear before many Superior Court judges in Wahkiakum and other counties. In the short time Don Richter has been judge he has shown the temperament, knowledge and hardworking attitude that makes a great judge. Pacific and Wahkiakum counties are fortunate to have such an outstanding individual as our Superior Court Judge. I urge all voters to support and vote for Don Richter Superior Court Judge. William J. Faubion Cathlamet...

  • Former court administrator endorses Turner

    Oct 24, 2019

    To The Eagle: This letter is to recommend and ask for your support and vote for Mike Turner for the position of Pacific and Wahkiakum County Judge. He was born and raised in Pacific County and graduated from Raymond High School. He is the third generation of his family to live here. He is involved in our community and belongs to many civic organizations and works hard on their projects. He is always willing to help if someone asks him. He has all the qualifications and much experience that make him the best choice for judge. He has worked in...

  • Writer reviews facts, issues invitation

    Oct 24, 2019

    To The Eagle: This letter was originally for two weeks ago, so had to do some editing, to try and keep up to date with Trump's idiocy. Well Thursday didn’t disappoint (my Eagle comes Thursday). Got my usual chuckles from opinion pieces, some contradicting themselves. Someone mentioned facts. Fact is, Denmark is not in The Netherlands. Seems most of the economy growth came from the gift to corporations at the expense of increased debt. If the US is doing so great on all the winning, why is our debt load growing? Why is our trade deficit h...

  • Working dogs are protectors of livestock

    Oct 17, 2019

    To The Eagle On Sept. 25, I was sitting in my barn office at around 10 p.m. I heard a deep growl directly under my window. I looked and there stood a coyote. The coyote saw me as a threat and gave me a warning. According to The Eagle’s sheriff reports, barking dogs are a recurring problem on the island. People who move onto the island have got to understand they moved to a heavy agriculture area. Yes, we have dogs. Our dogs bark. The majority of the Islanders, however, do not understand where the problem is. Most of these dogs are working d...

  • Couple supports Richter for judge

    Oct 17, 2019

    To The Eagle: We are writing in support of retaining Don Richter as Superior Court Judge for Pacific and Wahkiakum counties. Five years ago, we met Don and his family shortly after he moved to Pacific County to take the deputy prosecutor position. It didn’t take long for him to find himself at home here—serving the public, tending animals, and raising his family. His well-deserved selection and appointment by the governor last December was no surprise to his colleagues and others familiar with his resume and character. We have come to know him...

  • Cathlamet leads the US in parks per capita

    Oct 17, 2019

    To The Eagle: I googled, “What US city has the most city parks per capita?” Albion, Michigan, Population 8,700, has 17 public parks. This is approximately one park per 500 residents. This is thought to be the highest number of parks per capita of any incorporated city in the united states; wrong! Cathlamet leads the United States with the most number of parks per person. Cathlamet has six parks, Strong Park, Erickson Park, Waterfront Park, Julia Butler Hansen Swimming pool park, Queen Sally Park, and Butler Street Park. Cathlamet has 534 people...

  • Writer digs into facts and valid opinions

    Oct 17, 2019

    To The Eagle: So. Facts and opinions actually are different things. Who knew! They are, however, not mutually exclusive. Dictionaries define a fact to be a thing that is undisputably the case, such as information used as evidence or as part of a report, and define opinion as a view or judgement not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. An opinion based upon a premise supported by verifiable facts becomes a valid opinion, making it a matter of fact. Presenting a valid opinion is an excellent method of sharing the facts of matters to readers...

  • Tidy Up the Town event set for Oct. 26

    Oct 17, 2019

    To The Eagle: On October 22, 2016, The Pioneer Community Association sponsored the first “Tidy Up the Town” in recognition of National Make A Difference Day. The event was so successful that we hosted a second “Tidy Up the Town” event in April of 2017 to do some serious Main Street spring cleaning prior to the start of our tourist season; and since then have continued to host both fall and spring clean-up events. This coming October 26, 2019 marks the seventh time we have invited community members to join with us as we pull weeds, cut back bl...

  • Economy is soaring

    Oct 10, 2019

    To The Eagle: As a reward for recent efforts to pour oil on troubled waters, we’ve been consigned by a neighbor to a class of “greedy, amoral conservatives disguised as simple rustics.” I can only plead that I ain’t havin’ near that much fun. The “scream” of “Socialist Conspiracy” was in actuality a jocular revisitation of Hillary’s famed “vast right wing conspiracy.” It is interesting that his rant arrives the very week that the paranoid progressives, suddenly realizing that they have scant chance of winning at the ballot box, as their ca...

  • Opinions are not fact

    Oct 10, 2019

    To The Eagle: Well how blessed we Trump voters are that we have the genius of letter writers to show us the error of our ways. I read a letter last week and I must say it followed the Democratic party line to the letter but remember your opinions are not facts just your opinions. First of all in my opinion: Abortion is murder and not a women's issue alone until women figure out how to make babies without a man's blessed contribution, so yes men do have a dog in the fight and the right to our opinion about abortion. My second opinion is that Pre...

  • Tidy Up the Town event set for Oct. 22

    Oct 10, 2019

    To The Eagle: On October 22, 2016 The Pioneer Community Association sponsored the first “Tidy Up the Town” in recognition of National Make A Difference Day. The event was so successful that we hosted a second “Tidy Up the Town” event in April of 2017 to do some serious Main Street spring cleaning prior to the start of our tourist season; and since then have continued to host both fall and spring clean-up events. This coming October 26, 2019 marks the seventh time we have invited community members to join with us as we pull weeds, cut back bl...

  • We live in some interesting times

    Oct 10, 2019

    To The Eagle: Just wow! We certainly do live in interesting times. In the later half of my 8th decade I find myself becoming friends with some quite conservative folks even though by nearly any standard I would be considered a libtard, er, liberal. I actually believe women have the right to exercise control over their own bodies. I went to school and remember that a baby is born a person but until then is a fetus. I also am quite comfortable identifying as Atheist but flexible enough in my thinking to accept a Deity if one ever actually...

  • Retain Judge Donald Richter

    Oct 10, 2019

    To The Eagle: Soon we will be casting our votes for the Superior Court Judge for Wahkiakum and Pacific Counties. I am writing this letter in support of our current Superior Court Judge Donald Richter who was selected and appointed by the governor last December from four potential candidates to replace the previous elected judge upon his retirement. This appointment in itself speaks to his superior qualifications. I have not only personally met Judge Richter but I have also taken the time to sit and observe him performing his duties on the...

  • PCA announces quilt winner name

    Oct 3, 2019

    To The Eagle: Thursday evening, September 26, we drew the winning ticket for the Pioneer Center Association quilt raffle. I am happy to announce Pearl Blackburn won the beautiful quilt donated by the River City Strippers to aid the PCA in fundraising, and would like to thank the many people who donated by buying a ticket (or several) and helped us in our efforts to afford the many repairs needed at the center. There are many others who assisted along the way, and thank you as well to the merchants who put our flyer in their windows, Julius...

  • Keep out of other people's lives

    Oct 3, 2019

    To The Eagle: Two weeks ago I read in the sheriff’s report, not once but twice, complaints were filed against law-abiding citizens because do-gooder(s) thought some animals were too skinny. One was old and both were found well-cared for. I see the Angel Wings fiasco being kicked around some more and this is twice in the last year our injustice system has railroaded people in jail for practically nothing; Angel Wings for a few animals too many, another for having them get loose. I have seen way too many people get raided, to the point they d...

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