Sorted by date Results 707 - 731 of 2587
To The Eagle: We need a president who can be respected by the world. Our current president’s own view of his position as President of the United States is a barrier to his ever becoming more than that. By overtly using his role to alienate our long-term allies, play up to dictators, pardon friends and damage opponents, he has revealed his true character. It is common knowledge that he openly and knowingly lies whenever it suits him. This self-serving behavior automatically disqualifies him from ever becoming a world leader. Once proven a...
To The Eagle: In response to Mr. Bouchard’s letter to the editor in last week’s newspaper, the “absurd statue” that he apparently labeled “Wahkiakum County’s official roadside eyesore,” is a replica of a piece of art that was created by Michelangelo, and his name is David. Everywhere else in the world he is considered a masterpiece and even a symbol of the defense of civil liberties. If Italy isn’t embarrassed by him, why should we be? As for the “vote for Biden” sign, I ask how many Republicans are on the city councils of Portland and Seattl...
To The Eagle: It is an understatement to say that the ways in which we conduct our personal and professional lives has changed dramatically this year. As we work toward attaining a semblance of normal, we need experienced leaders who understand what issues are important to rural communities. I believe that Senator Dean Takko is this leader for the 19th Legislative District. He understands that, when it comes to meeting the economic and social needs of SW Washington residents, willingness to work with all parties can be more important than...
To The Eagle: The pandemic has provided a panoply of policies ranging from serendipitous to atrocious. The Darth Vader role was played by Governor Cuomo of New York, whose edicts directed thousands of vulnerable elders into nursing homes where they perished. His lead was followed by governors of five eastern states, accounting for 25 percent of the total US death toll. He also completely botched the use of both hospitals and respirators provided by Trump’s nimble use of the military and private industry. He was also one of the originators of th...
To The Eagle: Why so many problems with the mechanics and people conducting the 2020 Census? I fully completed my census questions online on March 30 and saved my confirmation number. In late July, and early August two different ladies showed up. Since I wasn't home they apparently put down I didn't cooperate with the census. I called the census toll free number and explained. The lady there said just to ignore the paper the prior ladies left. About Sept 1 a young man showed up, saying they will keep returning until I complete the census. He...
To The Eagle: Before launching into a recent screed advocating one- party rule, a recent letter writer blithely dismissed the implications of a hasty appointment of an ultra-conservative to the Supreme Court bench, claiming it just doesn’t matter. It does. Here’s why. In the book "Injustices," Ian Millhiser wrote, “The Supreme Court has a long history of comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted. Its decisions have consistently favored the moneyed and powerful. The court helped shape a nation where children toiled in coal mines, A...
To The Eagle: I fondly remember the day I first met Dean Takko. After the normal introductions, I asked him how his day was going. He told me he had spent the morning trying to get a widow’s benefits straightened out. “Really?” I asked. “Well, yes. If I’m not there to do it, who will?” Many times since then Sen. Takko has told me stories of helping constituents with personal issues. Things a senator would normally “staff out.” But that simply is not Dean. Yes, he sees the big picture issues that will benefit all of us like transportation,...
To The Eagle: As a conservative Christian voter, this upcoming election will find me backing President Trump for another term. I am backing the party platform that most closely reflects the integrity of our United States Constitution and the responsibility that comes with the beliefs of the Christian faith. In days past God fully evidenced His wrath in the destruction of entire cities and kingdoms for less than what is happening in today’s America. Our nation is under attack. Our enemy has not marched through our borders and demanded a...
To The Eagle: There is only one person in this race who's worked to lower the cost of prescription drugs and that is Jaime Herrera Beutler. She voted across party lines in support of H.R. 3, which would lower the cost of prescription drugs. Big Pharma spent millions lobbying against this bill, and thousands more attacking Herrera Beutler for standing up to them. There is another candidate running in this race who has up to $200,000 in retirement nest eggs tied directly to the pharmaceutical companies where her husband worked, Carolyn Long. If...
To The Eagle: Once again, Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler has navigated through the partisan sinkholes that stop so many good causes in Washington and succeeded in gaining a critical win for women and for Southwest Washington. Jaime’s bill, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, passed in the House last week with overwhelming support from members of both parties. This bill would implement reasonable workplace accommodations for pregnant workers to allow those women to continue working to provide for their families. This is significant and t...
To The Eagle: Last week’s letters contained more complete sentences and intelligent commentary than President Trump has used during his entire first term. Everyone’s opinions were expressed clearly, using words that no one would have had any difficulty understanding. I empathize with Poul Toftemark’s despair upon having his campaign signs destroyed by local yokels. As saddened as he is that “it has gotten this ugly in such a short time,” I am both saddened, and angry, that it has been this ugly for four long years. That absurd statue down the r...
To The Eagle: The United States Postal Service has sent out a general mailer to many states across the US. Many voters have already seen this in their mailboxes and others may be receiving it over the course of the next few weeks. Because this postcard was sent out universally, some of the points on this card do not pertain to Washington State voters. • Washington voters do not need to request an absentee ballot to participate in the upcoming November 3 General Election. • Every active voter will receive a ballot by mail automatically. • Washi...
To The Eagle: It’s pointless to point out the differences between the current SCOTUS battle and the one in 2016; Executive/Senate different Parties, 2nd term lame-duck president, hypocrisy of politicians because it just doesn’t matter. No quarter should be given to Democrats that smeared (and still smear) Justice Kavanaugh as a gang rapist without any evidence while calling those who disagree with them racists and fascists. No more niceties for Democrat leaders who bail out violent rioters putting them back on the streets to loot and burn. No...
To The Eagle: After months of quarantines and social distancing, getting outside into nature has never felt so important. It's important to take advantage of the opportunity and enjoy the great outdoors while we can. That is why I am so pleased our Congresswoman, Jaime Herrera Beutler joined her colleagues in passing the Great American Outdoors Act which addresses the billion dollar maintenance backlog on federal lands. This historic legislation is a huge win for our public lands, outdoor recreation, and economy. With the Gifford Pinchot...
To The Eagle: My sister and I, like many of the rest of you, look forward to receiving our local community newspaper, The Eagle, in the mail every Thursday. Through the years, it has added small, relevant features that provide and keep the interest of the community sparked. It also provides a common community forum in which opinions and ideas can be openly expressed by intelligent and community caring people. We do not always agree with the other, but we all are given an opportunity to exercise our right to express ourselves, keeping in mind...
To The Eagle: Jaime Herrera Beutler doesn’t only talk about lowering the cost of prescription drugs, she’s actually been taking action to do it. Earlier this year, she crossed party lines to vote for a bill that would cut the cost of prescription drugs. As a result, the pharmaceutical industry spends thousands of dollars running attack ads against her. You know you’re effective at lowering prescription drug costs if the pharmaceutical industry comes after you. If you want medications to cost less, vote for Jaime, because she has a proven recor...
To The Eagle: A public notice was sent to waterfront property owners regarding the upcoming application of herbicides to treat for aquatic and algae plants. There are several herbicides that will be used as well as salts and adjuvants (aides in improving herbicides to adhere to plants). I did some reading on the chemicals that will be used, some scientific and some in layman’s terms. All have some toxicity to aquatic fish and organisms, insects and bees, and humans. Not surprising. Most were tested on animals, including monkeys and beagle d...
To The Eagle: Someone came at night on Friday, 9/11, and tore down our son’s hand painted 4x8 foot BIDEN-HARRIS sign, leaving the other signs, and on the following night got Eddie Blain’s, also a BIDEN-HARRIS sign, so obviously a Trump fan. I am a Christian and probably wouldn't be so draconian, but anyone knowing the vandals should inform them that per Revised Code of Washington, 9A.20.021, they've committed a Class C felony, which is punishable by a five-year prison sentence and/or $10,000 fine. The law specifies punishment: (c) For a cla...
To The Eagle: There are not any members of Congress that can hold up to the achievements of our Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler. When asked to come and hear our commissioners, who have for two years been trying to establish a 10 year program for help with eroding properties on East Sunny Sands on Puget Island, she came, and with property owners and the county commissioners, walked the full length of the trouble area in a cold February downpour. When asked she’ll be there if she can to help our district. By the way, I am writing this note t...
To The Eagle: I was surprised to read in the August 13 issue of The Eagle that representatives of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife identified the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina as a species native to Washington state. A USGS profile provides a map of the native range of this species. This range encompasses most of the United States, but has historically not extended far west of the Rocky Mountains. There are isolated populations in Washington and Oregon, probably introduced as released pets. A WDFW webpage categorizes...
To The Eagle: I’d like to thank the writer of the article in last week’s Eagle questioning what the US would be like had Hillary Clinton become president. She’s fortunately making the point that many objective voters have been trying to make for months. Firstly, I don’t think the media and most of us progressives hate Trump so much as we’re disgusted with him. His self- serving actions at the country’s expense, and gross ineptitude on so many presidential levels require his actions, or lack of them, to be repeatedly pointed out as they occur,...
To The Eagle: During Bob Woodward’s March 19, 2020 interview with President Donald Trump, Trump admitted that he knew in January that Covid19 was a deadly and highly infectious air born virus; and that he deliberately ‘played down’ the health risk in his public comments. Trump’s comments throughout the pandemic show that he not only ‘played down’ the Covid19 health risk, he flat out lied to the American people. Some of Trump’s false and misleading comments (paraphrased) include: The virus is no worse than the flu. The virus is two people coming...
To The Eagle: The chilly feeling in your bones right now is as close as you’ll get to anthropogenic climate change, and what you’re seeing out the window and hearing on the air is a “lite” iteration of the biblical concept of Armageddon. The temperature this past weekend would have been in the nineties but for the smoke blocking out the sun (called “nuclear winter” by the anti-nuke crowd, and same phenomenon that dispatched the dinosaurs). The smoke is from fires caused by state and federal mismanagement of forests, helped along in California...
To The Eagle: I am grateful to Mike for making us feel welcome in a small town far from home. Headed to the Pacific Northwest where my parents lived since the early 70’s, we were greeted by Mike, exchanging stories and encouraged our decision to move was a good decision. Mike is a doer (and gets it done!) and does not like to stand out when helping others. While volunteering, Mike initiated a food delivery program with the Lions Club, health department, school, and food banks for those vulnerable during the Covid-19. He helped deliver g...
To The Eagle: I am grateful that I have been able to stay safely inside and out of the smoke that has blanketed the area. I have not lost my job due to Covid-19, and I do not have to worry about being evicted because I can’t pay rent. Many people in southwest Washington are not so fortunate. While millions of Americans are still struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table, Congress is at a stalemate in terms of passing a second round of Covid-19 emergency funding. The House approved a Covid-19 aid package in May. Congresswoman H...