Sorted by date Results 628 - 652 of 2587
To The Eagle: There is goodness and beauty all around us, yet we grow accustomed to it and sometimes fail to notice or feel gratitude. That is why I wish to extend my thanks to The Wahkiakum County Eagle for setting aside a full page each January to share poetry written by the residents of this community. The annual poetry corner invites all of us to take a break from the discord and unrest in the world and redirect our focus. It gives us an opportunity to find commonality, to see that we are not that different from each other. It lifted my...
To The Eagle: Miracles abound in Wahkiakum County. My wife and I got our Coronavirus vaccine shots on January 11, 2021, one year to the day after the first covid death was reported by China, and 10 days prior to the anniversary of the first reported case in this country, in Washington, on January 21. Our shots were administered by Wahkiakum HHS. Our doctor at PeaceHealth in Longview observed that they are still two weeks away from even making lists of civilians to be vaccinated, and most other states and counties are even further behind. Could...
To The Eagle: Enough! If anyone wrote a book five years ago about a political scene as exists now, no one would publish it as it would be considered unbelievable. Plus today all parties have a different view of what is happening. We just had an an election, so let’s concentrate locally to change our quality of living in Wahkiakum County. Wahkiakum is not getting the support for a small rural county it deserves. And this includes all parties at all levels. Wahkiakum County needs to work ardently to change this. The county is beautiful and f...
To The Eagle: According to the Scottish thesaurus, highlanders have 421 words to describe snow. You’d think we’d have quite a few words for rain but apparently one word is enough for the likes of us. We just add a lot of adjectives in front of it, few of which should be uttered in polite company. The Farmer’s Almanac is full of interesting folklore regarding the weather, little of which is based upon science and much of which invokes fanciful fictions. Hereabouts lately, the rate of precipitation is indeed approaching the realm of scien...
To The Eagle: I find it interesting but unsurprising that all the local, state and national election down ballot victories achieved by GOP candidates remain uncontested, as well as apparently immune to all those cheating election officials, fraudulent voters and persnickety voting machines. I’ll bet there were lots of mailed in ballots that all passed their signature checks with flying colors, with nary a recount needed. Funny how that all works out. Especially if you’re a Republican voter. Must be a conspiracy. Just shameful, isn’t it? Grace...
To The Eagle: We hold these truths to be self evident: That Donald J. Trump was elected president in 2016 and proceeded to restore the economy, improved the lives of people in almost every racial and social demographic, raising both employment and income, got us out of foreign wars, slowed illegal immigration, enhanced the military and police, made us energy independent, and negotiated peace in the Middle East. All this was achieved without support of, and with active betrayal by, the shiny-shoe Republicans in D.C. and the direct enmity of the...
To The Eagle: Dear Mr. Nelson, I appreciate all the work you do as editor of The Wahkiakum County Eagle. I would like to ask you to reconsider your decision of not publishing letters that contain “fiction.” I believe it is valuable for each of us to have the opportunity of reading and judging for ourselves all the different points of view in the paper. I feel that it is important for everyone’s opinion, even an opinion based on false facts, to have a chance to be read. I would like to suggest that you publish the objectionable letters and i...
To The Eagle: In the 1933 German federal election, Hitler’s party captured only 43% of the vote despite massive violence and voter intimidation by the Nazis, but it was enough to slink into power and legislate the Enabling Acts which accorded Der Fuhrer dictatorial status. Seventy two million citizens, 47% of the voting population, recently failed in their bid to re-elect a clearly authoritarian sociopath who’d also failed, so far, to find a way to pass his own version of the Enabling Acts and continue our transformation into the Con...
To The Eagle: I recently read about our government slush fund. I don't know how many of your readers know about this so I thought I'd enlighten them. Here is where some of our money is going: 10 m. to Pakistan for gender studies; 300 m. to the carribean to study how many fish are in the sea; 506 m. to Central America for corruption (don't know if that’s for or against it); 500 m. to build a wall between Jordan and Syria; 1.3 billion to Egypt to buy weapons. These are pretty hard core. Now for some–levity? 1.3 m. to study if Americans would eat...
To The Eagle: Let me get this straight. The social media are not allowing you or me to say the word fraud on their platforms, but they are allowing themselves to perpetrate fraud on said platform? Gilbert Vik Puget Island...
To The Eagle: Shall we take a step back in history when a certain Roman emperor fiddled while Rome burned? Nah...what could we possibly learn from that! James Roberts Cathlamet...
I hate to do this, especially in what should be a celebratory week, but this week, I'm going to toughen our standards for letters to the editor and refuse to print a letter that appears to be largely fiction. The writer repeats debunked claims that the US presidential election was rigged and goes from there. The electoral college has done its thing: Joe Biden, Jr., has been elected president and Kamala Harris vice-president. Lawsuits challenging election results have been thrown out of court for lack of merit and evidence. An article in this...
To The Eagle: Eagle Cliffs Distillery, maker of Exalt Vodka, will cease operations effective Dec. 31. We ceased production of our high quality potato vodka and will sell as much stock as possible. Interested consumers and liquor licensees may call the distillery for special offers through the end of the month. Consumers may continue to buy Exalt Vodka after Dec. 31 from both Cowlitz Co. liquor stores until supplies run out. One is located in the Triangle Shopping Mall, the other on Ocean Beach Highway across from Walmart. The distillery,...
To The Eagle: A recent letter was rife with silly misinformation soured by a preening arrogance, sneering at anyone who “has a problem” with those who refuse to wear a mask during this epidemic. That author’s proud declaration “I don’t know squat and I’m independent” speaks volumes. Here’s my opinion on why folks who refuse to wear face masks in public venues are indeed a problem for the rest of us. We are being urged to diligently wear facial coverings and maintain distance not merely because someone might cough in our face. Covid has prove...
To The Eagle: As a loyal reader of The Wahkiakum Eagle's Sheriff's Report, I am seeing an increase in incidences of people locking their keys in their vehicles then calling 911. On the face of it, this seems like a trivial misuse of emergency services during a time of global pandemic, but if you look more closely, you see the beginnings of a social movement. This bold act of environmental activism could quite possibly stem the rise of global sea levels and lessen our dependence on foreign goods and oil. As a symbol, the act is electrifying. No...
To the Eagle: I am responding to last week’s letter regarding the “Big Lie.” I don’t believe there was widespread fraud involved with the election even though I think fraud exists in some precincts. The real Big Lie has been perpetrated by most of the major news organizations and of course social media. For four years news media and social media have been repeating, ad nauseam, how President Trump is a dictator. For four years disinformation has been all we’ve heard from them, all the while, censoring conservative posts and views. Fascism i...
To The Eagle: Wishing all happiness and joy, I implore all to be safe and help protect ourselves and neighbors. As we traverse through these challenging times of differing views, I implore all to think for themselves rather than believing the constant bombardment of bizarre statements. Please do your own research, don't rely on others to form your truths for you. As vaccines become available I personally will receive one, as I hope most of us will. It will in my view, be the best way to start down what will be a long path to some sort of...
To The Eagle: Thanks for the two laughs while reading last week’s paper. Misinformation is rampant as two quotes exposed. “Vaccines are safe… The side effects are far outweighed by the disease you would get if you fail to get the vaccine.” This statement is true, but totally failed to directly acknowledge and boldly state that Covid vaccines do not prevent “infection” they only reduce the severity if you should become infected. Neither Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines provide “immunity” to the Covid virus (Google: Pfizer, Moderna, Mayo Clinc, CDC...
To The Eagle: The person writing the article in last week’s Eagle regarding wearing masks doesn’t seem to understand the #101 basics of wearing masks. Yes, they protect the person wearing it, but more importantly, wearing a mask lessens the chance of spreading the disease to others. Not wearing a mask while unknowingly infected can infect many, many people. Accordingly, mask wearing is a common sense safety courtesy. I repeat, a safety courtesy. Her overall article is so polarized it hardly warrants a comment. I do wonder though what she wou...
Submitted by Bill Tawater Commander/Adjutant VFW Wahkiakum Post 5297 On Monday, we recalled an event on December 7, 1941, that forever changed the United States of America. Seventy-nine years ago, the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan awoke a sleeping giant, and with it tested both the will of the American people like never before and produced what has been call the “Greatest Generation." President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s address to Congress the day after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, declaring our nation at war, is perhaps the mo...
To The Eagle: To individuals’ complaints regarding non-mask wearers, what is your problem? You’re wearing a mask supposedly to protect you from the virus and non-mask wearers. Do we spit or cough at your face? In fact, we respectfully stand at a distance. So what is your problem? I am not going to repeat myself but I stand by what I wrote in my past letters. Now that many months have gone by I am curious to know what the statistics are of those that got sick mask or no mask. Joe who claims he’s president even though President Trump hasn...
To The Eagle: Two important news stories have been suppressed by the mainstream media: Three vote fraud cases have wended their way through the states and will arrive at the Supreme Court by the end of this week. In a fourth case the State of Texas filed suit against four other states for changing election law in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, thus disenfranchising Texas voters. This case qualifies to go directly to the Supreme Court. Trump has not conceded, MAGA enthusiasts are rallying by the thousands, and the Biden gang is...
To The Eagle: We learned from the County Health department today that if more people installed the “WA NOTIFY” application on their Smart Phones, the community will benefit from increased ability to track and isolate Covid-19 cases in Wahkiakum County. In fact, we understand that if 60-70 percent of smart phone users installed the application, the need for lockdowns and pain to citizens and businesses might be reduced or diminished. Any degree of community use can only help. We installed the WA NOTIFY app. The process was simple. On our And...
To The Eagle: I am very curious, wondering if you, as many Republicans do, think that the election was fraudulent? People of my generation, from World War II in Europe, live permanently in a peculiar state of heightened vigilance. We are clearly more sensitized to the persisting threat of fascism than those who don’t feel or understand the darkness with the same intimacy. I have been acutely aware of this, throughout Trump’s move into politics! Democracy is government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them dir...
To The Eagle: Cholera is a terrible infectious diarrhea caused by the toxic cholera bacterium. It causes 3 million cases and 95,000 deaths each year worldwide. Unfiltered, untreated drinking water is the leading cause of cholera contagion. In India, women in 27 Bangladeshi villages, where drinking water is generally scooped from a river or canal, were taught to cover the urns they used for fetching water, with an old folded sari (a shawl-like garment). Over the next 18 months the rate of cholera in these villages dropped by about 90 percent,...