Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Proud and thankful

    Jun 17, 2021

    To The Eagle: They say it takes a village. A few weeks ago we put out a call to our community asking for their help in raising funds for Doug Sandell who is not only facing a very serious life threating issue but a huge financial burden, one that a very large part has not been covered by insurance. The response received has been overwhelming, not only did we receive local support; there was support from all our neighboring communities as well as distant supporters. Fund raising activities included Go Fund Me, a three day garage sale, eight...

  • Invest in the future of Wahkiakum

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: I had the opportunity to participate in the interview process with Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars (WDFS) for the 2021 graduates of WHS who were applying for scholarships. I, as well as the other interviewers, were impressed and amazed at the qualifications and aspirations of these young people! Our only disappointment was that we didn’t have more funding to provide to assist with their continuing education. WDFS is a non-profit volunteer organization and 100% of our fundraising goes toward scholarships for WHS graduates. You c...

  • We've done the best job of defeating slavery

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: No! Absolutely not. This writer was not “insulted” as your headline claimed. Enraged perhaps, disappointed certainly; but it was the people of this community who were insulted by the AP article in question. A bolt from the Stygian depths of Critical Race Theory, this hit-piece finds white people intrinsically domineering, oppressive and totally incapable of recognizing or dealing with this insidious iteration of “original sin.” Historically, it begs the question that we have done the best job of defeating both slavery and racism...

  • Racists come in all colors

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: In last week’s paper you made an analogy between cancer and slavery, well the horror that is cancer can be treated but has yet to be cured. Slavery was cured over 150 years ago even if some can't put it to rest. I hear the nonsense call for cash reparations to so called descendants of slaves in the news, so where is the call for cash reparations for the descendants of the nearly 330,000 Union soldiers who died in battle and battlefield diseases during the Civil War to abolish slavery? Fact: Racists come in all colors, shapes and b...

  • What an interesting world we live in

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: Last week had a couple of letters that caused me to scratch my head and wonder which country the respective writers were alluding to. Both writers seemed to find fault with a well written and thoughtful article about our country’s racial history and one found the letter ‘insulting and embarrassing.' I can understand the embarrassing part but for an apparently different reason. If I were to attempt an explanation it would most likely fly unfettered over the respective heads of these folks. One writer waxed poetic about how our nat...

  • Musings

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: Did you ever notice the people that complain most vociferously about The Eagle’s editorial content and perspective are arguably The Eagle’s biggest supporters? It seems those that bitch and complain the most are often the most frequent writers in the Letter to the Editor section, and clearly read the paper weekly, in detail, helping to form their own opinions and perspectives. On that basis, The Eagle is obviously doing a pretty good job serving the community on both current event updates, as well as presenting contrasting pos...

  • The diagnosis is rough and hard to talk about

    Rick Nelson|Jun 3, 2021

    A couple letter writers this week take me to task for printing an Associated Press article on racial issues. One said I should have featured Memorial Day. Well, on Page 1 was an article announcing the local Memorial Day ceremony presented by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297. And on Page 1 of this week's issue is photo coverage of that event, as has occurred as long as I can remember the event occurring. The editorial cartoon last week also highlighted the sacrifices of fallen members of the armed services. Next, I have come to the...

  • Perhaps we should form a new state

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: Voters in Malheur, Sherman, Grant, Baker and Lake Counties in Oregon State voted on May 18 to consider joining the state of Idaho because they like Idaho’s conservative political leadership. Of course they would have to go through various measures to reposition the border lines. The State of Washington was named in honor of George Washington. Personally, today I think George Washington would be appalled at what the legislatures have done to the State of Washington. Perhaps we should do the same as to what the voters in Oregon d...

  • I'm a proud US citizen, by choice

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: I was embarrassed to read a recent letter to The Eagle from a totally un-informed person; I will comment on it. As a European, we have always liked Americans. I came here happily and freely, joined the US Army, then proudly accepted US Citizenship. Must say, I was embarrassed when in Denmark, while 45 proposed to buy Greenland, many jokes, while repeating I did not vote for him. The writer also had trouble with math. Not sure why Georgia was on her mind, but Biden promised he would make the stimulus $2,000 for all of us, $1,400...

  • Writer insulted

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: This is a community comprised largely of “seasoned citizens” – folks who have been around the track, and through more than a few wars and disasters. We hit the road in the earlier parts of the last century wrapped in whatever skin God gave us, armed with whatever brainpower we could cobble together, and did our little part in contributing to the “land of the free and the home of the brave” that we were lucky enough to be born into. Last week’s Eagle should have been the Memorial Day issue, devoted to those of us who made the ul...

  • The people deserve a lot better

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: "This mess has been in our soil. It's in our soul." This is a quote from the insulting and scurrilous opinion piece by the AP reprinted for the pleasure of the editor, staff and leftist readers of this little newspaper last week. It wasn't printed for the purpose of edifying and educating our little community; No it was dumped on the readership for the purpose of demoralising our mostly "white" populace. The staff wishes to educate us poor benighted white folks on the vast injuries done by us to "people of color." We need to...

  • Election monitors

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: Has anyone spotted any third world countries clamoring for the U. S. to supply them with election monitors? Gilbert Vik Puget Island...

  • We hate the sins, not the sinner

    May 27, 2021

    To The Eagle: A recent contributor expressed pride in her Swiss heritage, but her claim of “zero home invasions” in Switzerland is false. That nation’s 2020 National Crime & Safety Report states“ Burglaries remain a primary concern. Home invasion remains more common than vehicle theft.” True, the Swiss population constitutes a standing national militia but military ordnance is kept at home under strict guidelines. The weapon is in the cellar, the firing pin in the cupboard, and the ammunition secured at a military arsenal. Does "A well regulate...

  • Those who work for social justice do not hate America

    May 20, 2021

    To The Eagle: A lady of Swiss lineage recently wrote in to express her scorn for social activists whom she describes as “Socialist/Communist” who hate America. How dare she accuse me of hating America because I don’t believe, like her, that “ no one’s home or loved one will be safe” in this country until we all go out and buy even more guns. “Love America as I do” she says. “Let us be kind” she says. Where’s the love and kindness in her lies, that those of us who work for social justice, the Woke, seek to “divide Americans, release viol...

  • Writer praises another

    May 20, 2021

    To The Eagle: In last week’s Letter to the Editor I truly liked what Lily Kolditz wrote: Don’t let “them” divide us. It was written with consideration, tact and common sense; I couldn’t have said it better. Toni Below Cathlamet...

  • Who has fascist yearnings?

    May 20, 2021

    To The Eagle: J.B.’s attempt to defend the indefensible last week scores zero for four: Abortion up to the point of birth and even after, and abortion for the purpose of selling baby spare parts qualifies as pretty much unlimited, and if those procedures are advocated or performed using taxpayer funds, then it is indeed everyone’s business. That “agonizing decision” should be made with input from parents and loved ones, particularly in the case of adolescents. Revered or not, monuments are public property and no one has the right to topple,...

  • Writer embarassed to be U.S. citizen

    May 20, 2021

    To The Eagle: I am so embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen. I've always wondered why Europeans didn't like [U.S.]Americans. Now I know. We are easily bribed! If I lived in Georgia and voted democrat I was promised a $2000.00 check. Instead most U.S. citizens received a check for $1400.00 including the people of Georgia. Not $2000.00 as promised by our president-to-be. If you get a covid vaccine shot you can get a free donut, free beer, free french fries, and if we live in Ohio a chance to win $1,000,000.00! No wonder people in Europe look down...

  • We should lead by the power of example

    May 13, 2021

    To The Eagle: I’d like to address some of the derogatory comments made by the fellow who mocked our country as having “adopted self-excoriation as a national pastime.” National retrospection is not a weakness, regardless of what Republican reactionaries or the Chinese communists might think. Recognizing our nation’s past errors, expressing our “mea culpas” and acting to correct those mistakes on behalf of those affected by them, is not excoriation. It’s the progressive development of our national conscience. It’s the honing of our foundationa...

  • Don't let "them" divide us

    May 13, 2021

    To The Eagle: We need to understand the propaganda of the “woke” Socialists/Communists for what it is. Their effort is to divide Americans, weaken our economy, release violent criminals back into the streets, demoralize good law enforcement officers making the nation unsure and less safe, destroy capitalism- and relieve us of our right to bear arms. Every civilization before us that lost the right to bear arms, lost their freedom overnight. Yet, amazingly, I have been reading in The Eagle letters stating things like, “Guns in private hands...

  • Anti-vaccination propaganda kills

    May 13, 2021

    To The Eagle: Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin recently said distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine should have been "limited." That undermines the national push to end the pandemic. Johnson, who has no medical background, said "I see no reason to be pushing vaccines on people. If you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not? What is it to you?" What a moron. Community vaccination programs are essential to public health. If vaccines against viral diseases like Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Poli...

  • We don't need any new taxes

    May 13, 2021

    To The Eagle: About three weeks ago I received a letter from Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler. To make it short, she stated that the talk in Olympia is surrounding new taxes, even a state income tax. She wrote to Inslee requesting to oppose all new taxes including state income tax. Let’s see if he listened to her. Also how in hells bells would Inslee and Brown allow BLM and Antifa Activists to have its own headquarters in Portland and Seattle terrorizing people and vandalizing properties? We need law and order. The legislators should be talk...

  • PUD should make existing utilities more bulletproof

    May 13, 2021

    To The Eagle: One of our PUD commissioners has started a crusade to bring city water to the folks in Deep River, and wants to dig into the two million dollar reserve fund to get the project going. Manager Dave Tramblie valiantly dug in his heels, gently pointing out that completing the project would be prohibitively expensive. He at least slowed them down to the point of deciding to discuss the matter further, but he’s a short-timer, soon to retire and be replaced by someone unaware of our rich history of water/sewer misadventures. Years a...

  • Background checks and waiting periods needed

    May 6, 2021

    To The Eagle: Last week a fellow provided a long list of statistics showing why gun violence was actually rare and mattered very little, at least to him. Here’s a statistic for you from the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers found that having a gun in the home was linked with nearly three times higher odds that someone would be killed at home by a family member or intimate acquaintance. I think much deeper background checks and much longer waiting periods would be helpful in keeping firearms out of the hands of a person who wants t...

  • Constant denigration of our country continues

    May 6, 2021

    To The Eagle: The constant unceasing denigration of our country continues apace. The self-anointed holy among us decry our allegiance to basic American values. They want us to disarm and beg forgiveness from the hateful Left. We Americans are guilty of racism, sexism, and our syrupy America-First beliefs. Did you ever stop to think why so many people hate their own country and a good half of its people? The virtue-signaling gun control cries from a few of our locals and the publisher of this newspaper clearly shows their disregard for our...

  • Clarification offered about autism

    May 6, 2021

    To The Eagle: There were some misleading things in your April 22 article "April is Autism Awareness Month." First, demographics. Autism is not a childhood condition. It's lifelong: you don't grow out of it. You just learn to live with it. One in 54 is the current estimate of the percentage of people who are autistic, not the percent of children currently diagnosed. Most autistics (especially older ones) are not diagnosed. (I was diagnosed in adulthood.) Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed because almost all studies are about boys,...

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