Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891
Sorted by date Results 505 - 529 of 2583
To The Eagle: We have a family member in California who has been under treatment for latent tuberculosis for the past 15 years and has received conflicting advice from doctors concerning Covid vaccination. Just after the July 4 holiday she was bullied by one of her doctors into taking the vaccine, and her vital signs went instantly off the charts in all directions. Ten days and four ER visits later she seems to be out of life-threatening danger and perhaps on the mend. In her neighborhood lives an RN who lost her son as the direct result of a...
To The Eagle: So now we see what the future holds for our republic; ever increasing violence and dependency for our people. This administration is ruining our very freedoms and the will to resist with lockdowns, collusion with Big Tech with censorship of free speech, the cheapening of our currency with its partner, ever-increasing inflation and reopening the floodgates to millions of undocumented immigrants will kill the United States of America. For all the soft-headed who believe that a little tyranny will help us get over our problems, I...
To The Eagle: About Bill Coon’s eight tiny homes project, I forgot to mention that he plans to build it all on the left side of the single lane gravel driveway right smack dab in front of the neighbor’s back yard. If you do drive out to see where he plans to build his project, ask yourself would you want this kind of development in your back yard? Again, we have no objection with low income/affordable housing but this is definitely not the place for it. Toni Below Cathlamet...
Submitted by Sheriff Mark Howie Changes in the law that went into effect on July 25, 2021, will make a difference in some ways the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office responds to calls for service. House Bills 1310 and 1054 made drastic changes limiting what police can do in many situations affecting public safety. First, I want to say that WCSO will continue to make public safety our number one priority and we will continue to respond to situations with the goal of protecting the public, keeping the peace, and holding law breakers a...
To The Eagle: Regarding last week’s article about “Planned development travels bumpy road,” Bill Coons bought two parcels of property to provide eight low-income tiny homes around our neighborhood. He was going to do this without letting the surrounding neighbors know what his intentions were. The neighbor who sold Coons the property had no idea he was going to do this until afterwards and wished he’d never sold it to him. Coons’ intentions may sound good but there is another side and more to this story. Coons’ comments “It’s amazing how nei...
To The Eagle: We know as a matter of ineluctable fact that the pandemic was badly mishandled by government entities and the media, if not from day one, at least from day 90 or so. Masks were ineffectual, other medical equipment misused, perfectly good therapeutics ignored or banned, lockdowns unnecessary and destructive after the first three weeks or so, and information constantly distorted in favor of inducing panic rather than facilitating good decision-making. In short, it was driven by bad politics rather than good medicine. The...
To The Eagle: Thank you for a great Bald Eagle Festival this year! It was wonderful to celebrate with you in Cathlamet, and to see so many families enjoy the parade, fireworks, music and businesses. Congratulations to the Grand Prize Trophy winner from Little Island who entered the parade as "Alpha's Little Nutes." Your "eagle nest" was truly amazing. Special thanks to the Chamber of Commerce, the Elochoman Slough Marina and the hundreds of volunteers who made Bald Eagle Days possible this year. The theme, "Fly Like An Eagle" could not have...
To The Eagle: Enough is enough. I am a 100% service-connected permanent and totally disabled Army Veteran (you're welcome). I moved to Cathlamet because I thought, way out here, people would leave me well enough alone, and mind their own business. Boy-Howe-D, did I get that wrong! Where to start? Although many of you are old as mud and will be soon pushing up daisies, that does not make you history buffs. General Grant did not stay in my house, before or during the Civil War. I know this, because my house was not built until after the Civil...
To The Eagle: What in the world happened to Rule #3 ? We of the scribbling class are admonished by The Eagle to eschew personal attacks and character assassination, but it appears that some can avoid rejection or censorship (editing) by circumspection. To wit: last week “a writer” calls out “a lady” for her perfectly valid commentary on Covid treatments, and then relegates her (somewhat indirectly) to the realm of “terminal stupidity and chronic gullibility.” Along the way he took a swipe at AFLDS, a group she had quoted, as “right-wing...
To The Eagle: I have observed recently on an ever increasing basis that it has become the trend for stores to give their customers less for more. Have you noticed what you buy is smaller, there is less of it, the containers are smaller? And it all costs more! I do believe this trend is the work of the “Bean Counters.” I am guessing they think that they have a captive customer base. “People can’t do without what we sell so we can get away with giving less product for more money.” Also this trend may be an attempt to offset inflation. Oops, Uh...
To The Eagle: Last fall the media turned color, even Jake from State Farm turned black. The sad part is the racist exclusion of Asian, hispanic and other minority groups in this agenda. Whenever you see a black person on TV, they are always portrayed as being more intelligent. You saw the smart black person gently put the Dominos pizza in the back of the car, while the dumb person throws it against the side of the car onto the ground. Every time a black male is interacting or shown with a female, the female is always lighter skin-toned. We...
To The Eagle: The irony of the week has to be the flapdoodle by the Honorable Governor of Texas stating, "It's outrageous that the Dems are obstructing voting on our bill." Of course the bill under consideration was designed to obstruct voting. He really did say that. Just wow. Not to be outdone, we have our own folks here that also seem to have attended the University of The Flat Earth Society. To wit: quoting a cabal of Qanon inspired doctors in regard to the efficacy of vaccines against Covid-19. Apparently the actual facts generated by...
To The Eagle: CDC reported that over 4,000 adults, including children and teenagers, that did not have COVID in their system and got vaccinated ended up getting COVID. We’re learning more reports of those who took the vaccine shot are suffering ailments like blood clots, paralysis, heart inflammations and more. The numbers are still rising. Americas Front Line Doctors (AFLDS) used HCQ to fight the virus. They also wrote articles on what we can do to fight the virus. It’s simple. We need to build up and strengthen our immune system by eat...
To The Eagle: A lady’s recently expressed opinions were unfortunately based upon disinformation disseminated by the AFLDS (America’s Frontline Doctors), a very small club of ultra-right-wing conspiracy obsessed physicians. This handful of doctors, who have no specific training in epidemiology, virology or infectious disease, claim to have better knowledge of COVID-19 than the thousands of academic and pharmaceutical researchers who have forged specialized careers in these areas. They’ve been notorious for dispensing falsehoods about the Covid...
To The Eagle: I understand that The Eagle has limited resources and isn't able to carry out much substantive reporting. But I have some complaints about your news items. You recently reported that the high school had the largest graduation class for several years. But carefully didn't tell us how large it was. My class decades ago was only 22--below average for then by a dozen or so. Would like to have known the current size. Likewise, you reported several times that a heat wave hit the county. But didn't say how high the temperature was. You...
To The Eagle: The recent decision by the PUD Commissioners to hire a general manager from out of our area in favor of a local applicant who knows the system in and out, was disappointing. On top of that, the article printed in The Eagle stated that the hiring was "subject to negotiation of employment contract." Wasn't the salary and benefit package set before the hiring? Why would there now need to be "negotiations?" I think a sampling of PUD customers would have favored the local candidate. Dennis Blix Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: The board of directors of the Wahkiakum County Historical Society is pleased to announce the reopening of the Wahkiakum County Museum beginning July 17. Beginning on and after that date, the museum will once again be open to the public Saturdays and Sundays, 1-4 p.m. through September 26. Public visiting hours will be 1-4 p.m. on each day. The museum has been undergoing renovations to accommodate refurbished display cabinets and rearranged exhibits. In conjunction with reopening, and in cooperation with WCHS Vice-President David...
To The Eagle: Regarding vaccines: From my past letters I wrote that doctors, members of AFLDS (Americas Frontline Doctors) and Declaration of Barrington, will not wear masks but they also will not take the vaccine shot because as they say it is still “an experimental vaccine. It has no independently published animal studies, shows no proof that it stops transmission of the virus, and it carries the possibility of lifelong infertility.” They also commented that policy rulings applied by government legislation and corporations, including airlines...
I was deeply saddened last week to learn of the unexpected death of former Cathlamet resident Mark Doumit. I think my first memory of him was in 1979 or 1980 when I went to the old cannery building in Cathlamet to photograph some gillnetters. Someone was unloading their catch, and Mark, then in high school, and another person were pitching the salmon into a tote so they could be weighed and sent to market. He started early in public service as a member of the Cathlamet Fire Department, if I remember correctly. After graduation from Wahkiakum...
To The Eagle: Interesting that Desantis, the governor of Florida, in his infinite wisdom, has determined that critical race theory (CRT) rather than being actual history, is nothing more than ‘a hotbed of stale ideology'. I can sort of see why some would think that considering our history is filled with the horrors of centuries of slavery, the near eradication of the societies our forefathers poisoned by small pox and starved nearly out of existence by killing huge numbers of the bison the plains Indians depended on for nearly everything. T...
To The Eagle: Happy Independence Day! On July 4th, 331 million of us will have occasion to celebrate the birth of our nation, and the dearly bought freedoms and liberties that are the foundation of our lives as its citizens. It is for us to continue to strive to make this nation a more perfect union. Let us do so by applying ourselves to: The Golden Mean: That virtue lies between the extremes. If we can travel the middle path of moderation and temperance, goodness and beauty will accompany us. The Golden Rule: That everyone on our national...
To The Eagle: In my last letter, I explained my support for the 2nd Amendment and how important it is if we want to remain free. I shared how Switzerland dealt with the right to bear arms. What I reported was 100% correct when my parents immigrated to America, and remained so for many years. I still have family there and called my cousin to see if things had changed. Her husband reported that about 20 years ago, the country began suffering from the same Socialist/Communist idealogical invasion America is dealing with. Apparently there are now...
To The Eagle: I was born in Cathlamet in my parents’ home on Spring Street. I am an avid reader of The Eagle, as is my sister Elizabeth (Goodfellow) Sears. We were very pleased that you chose to include an article addressing racism in The Eagle, in the issue coming out on Veteran’s Day weekend. My husband was a Marine Corps veteran of 20 years who served his country at home and overseas. As a military family we made sacrifices because we believe that true patriotism means standing up for principles upon which this country was founded -- equ...
To The Eagle: The analysis of Critical Race Theory in last week’s Eagle was concise, elegant, and precisely backward. Classifying all white people as oppressors and all other skin hues as victimized underdogs, reverses Reverend King’s dream by calling for men to always be judged by the color of their skin and never by the content of their character. Regarding this as an indelible trait imbuing a permanent aura of white privilege or superiority renders it both hopeless and inescapable. Such hopelessness breeds mental health problems and sui...
To The Eagle: I believe in the right of freedom of speech. I also believe that, like all freedoms, it should be exercised responsibly. With that in mind, I was surprised and angered to find Amazon is hawking merchandise emblazoned with the words, “Blue Lives Murder.” How this fails to violate their seller’s policy on “Offensive and Controversial Materials” is beyond me. It displays corporate support for inciting hate and violence against the men and women of our law enforcement community. In response, my wife and I sent the following letter to...