Sorted by date Results 479 - 503 of 2587
To The Eagle: Bad enough we have issues with political realities, people rejecting free vaccine to help them stay alive, etc, but now, in our small, supposedly tight knit community, Robert Stowe signs continue to get vandalized. I thought I left all this stuff behind in Portland. Bill Wainwright Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: My sign on Columbia was deliberately hit by a truck on Saturday. There were witnesses that saw what happened but did not recognise who was driving or the truck itself. This is an on-going problem whenever there is an election. Apparently there is a group of people in Wahkiakum County who think it's okay to trash signs, steal signs, and deface signs. While it may seem like fun, it is a direct attack on the political process and our way of life. Please stop! Robert Stowe Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: The Skamokawa fairgrounds arena footing is in rough shape. We raised enough money to buy an arena groomer a few years ago. In 2019 we used the money to purchase screened dirt for the arena. The problem is that the footing isn't very deep, only about two inches. It will take about 18-20 more dump truck loads of dirt to bring it up to where it belongs. I'm working on that with the profits from the series. What we need help with is for anybody who has a spring tooth harrow that we can borrow to help break up the hardpan that is right...
To The Eagle: The Supreme Court's right-wing justices have weaponized religious freedom. The problem isn't religion per se. Rather, it is the kind of religion at play, the kind embraced by the staunch conservative majority of Supreme Court Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, Brett Cavanaugh and Samuel Alito. It’s a crusading, theocratic, religious fundamentalism that prioritizes fealty to a particular conservative interpretation of a god's supposed will, over the democratically sustained rights of American citizens. It's the lethal mix...
To The Eagle: Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is a real threat according to doctors and peer reviewed medical studies. CDC Director Walensky said (March 2021) people who get covid-19 vaccine could not get covid virus, now she says (August 2021) people who got covid-19 vaccine have "increased risk of severe disease." That is ADE she is talking about without saying it. Dr. Fauci recently said people who get vaccinated, then get infected and die from the disease he called it "enhancement." Dr. Fauci was calling it ADE without using that...
To The Eagle: After reading last week’s Eagle letters, I scurried to my archives, unearthed the 8/19 edition, and ascertained that I am indeed the vaunted “neighborhood opinion troll.” I humbly accept that honorific appellation – with one minor clarification. I did opine that we would repair the damage done to the election machinery, and we obviously haven’t, so that was a “mistake,” one of the many utterances that fall under the left’s broadly inclusive definition of “lie.” In two letters last December, I submitted facts about the election...
To The Eagle: Commercial fishing interests are at it again. Another salmon net pen is being proposed for installation where the Elochoman River meets the Columbia. Placement as proposed would ensure that it would interfere with sports fishermen who fish out of Cathlamet using the Elochoman Marina. There currently is a working net pen on the east side of Cathlamet. The Nassa Point net pen gathers the salmon who have made it that far, separates the non-fin clipped fish, lets them go and prepares the others for market. Those fish sent to market...
To The Eagle: Let me explain: I believe most people are human racists just like me. If a person of any race enjoys hurting others in any of a hundred ways, such as physical harm, stealing from them and yes hating them for the color of their skin or their beliefs, then that is a human I can't stand no matter what race. Now if a person goes about their life being honest, being kind, caring about his or her fellow human being then that is a person I like no matter what race. I will give some examples of people I can't stand: those that blame...
To The Eagle: Texas Governor Greg “heartbeat” Abbott has signed another mendacious bill aiming to stop social media companies from banning users or nixing posts based solely on political opinions, claiming these tech giants are censoring conservative user’s views. “These sites are a place for healthy public debate where information should be able to flow freely, but there is a dangerous movement by social media companies to silence conservative viewpoints and ideas.” he said. Abbot has good reason to fear having deceitful right-wing propagand...
To The Eagle: The peaceful protest as pictured of seven people in the paper actually drew over 50 Cathlamet residents. Many in attendance were vaccinated and know a slippery slope when they see it. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were created to address government overreach. Now it’s time to remind our citizens to read it again. Take action and stand up to tyranny. Leave your personal feelings about masks/vaccinate out of the equation. Those of little vision, see beyond the scope of this issue. It’s not all about the masks or vac...
To The Eagle: Covid has been going on for almost two years. It’s time that Covid update changes its format. As to how many got it, recovered or died, they need to include did they wear masks or not? We all know many have worn masks. Did they have other serious health issues that were life threatening or not? Painful as it is, to say they died from Covid when they had other life threatening health issues is not right because those that did not have health issues recovered. Were they vaccinated or not? I’ve read reports that those who have not be...
To The Eagle: Our editor says he does not understand the reasoning behind the anti-mandates demonstration. Well, lemme ‘splain it! The editorial’s next sentence says the pandemic threatens the lives of young and old alike and that masking and vaccination are proven methods of preventing spread. That doesn’t even qualify in the “close, but no cigar” range. The pandemic doesn’t threaten young and old alike. Deaths below age 15 are statistically insignificant, the vast majority of deaths are people over 65, many of them over 80. Studies sho...
To The Eagle: As the Taliban’s fanatical woman hating religious zealots conquered Kabul, America’s own political terrorists, Republican misogynists, captured the Texas legislature and passed the most draconian anti-woman law in this country, known as the “heartbeat bill.” That new law has as much to do with saving babies as rape has to do with sexual gratification. Both are actually all about overpowering, humiliating, and punishing women. The so called “heartbeat bill” criminalizes abortion after six weeks gestation, when a woman doesn’t eve...
To The Eagle: The Supreme Court let stand the Texas abortion law that protects unborn human beings from slaughter. Now I know all you pro choice folks are going to tell me that a man shouldn't have an opinion but when a woman can create a baby without a man then and only then will I believe it is only a woman's issue. I know you abortion backers like to give unborn babies names like fetus and embryo but it is a baby. Don't just believe me ask God. One thing we can agree on, it isn't a Spotted Owl because you liberals would be trying to save...
The word on Facebook is that people opposing masking and other mandates to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus will hold a demonstration today (Thursday) in front of the county courthouse to make their feelings known. I just can't understand the reasoning behind that movement. The covid-19 pandemic is raging all around us, threatening the lives of young and old alike, and masking and vaccinating are the safe, proven methods of preventing the spread of the virus and even quashing it. According to a report from the Washington State...
To The Eagle: Part 2. Regarding The Eagle’s article on the commissioners’ meeting about public health and covid-19, Gene Strong and Chris Bischoff mentioned that the county and health department by law must follow the directives of the governor and the state Dept. of Health or the state could revoke its license to practice. For big government to order any businesses to mandate such mask and vaccines to their employees and customers or risk being fired, license revoked or fined with penalties is pure tyranny. As I said before, for big gov...
To The Eagle: To the yahoos in the red truck who dumped a load of used tires on Altoona-Pillar Rock Rd. Shame on you! Ann Dunkin Rosburg...
To The Eagle. Blame goes around. Someone with my name, spelled differently, must be buying gas elsewhere or full of gas, it is however getting close to $4, at the summer peak, with a year’s pent up driving causing a supply and demand spike. Sadly, our new administration didn’t account for the 400,000 well trained and armed troops and police to capitulate without a shot. Sadly, prior administration violated the law by failing to promptly resolve visa applications for thousands of Afghans and Iraqis who worked for American troops and dip...
To The Eagle: Hey Biden voters, are you happy now? The catastrophes are mounting in number and size. We are being inundated with a constant barrage of bad news and I’m not talking about the Mariners or Seahawks marginal seasons. Soaring prices for everything we buy, increased crime and savagery in our miserable cities, and a message of doom for our entire civilization from the “Woke” idiots. I refer to the consequences from our weak and confused “leader,” senile and weak Joe Biden. America is not back, it’s on its back. The rest of the world n...
To The Eagle: The anti law and order crowd who wish to “Defund the Police,” “abolish the Sheriff’s Department,” and think the 12 new laws restricting law enforcement officers in their duties are going to help the citizens of this state are sadly misinformed. Inslee signed these laws for his political gain, not your gain. If you take a look at the weekly ‘Sheriff’s Report’ published in this paper, you will find it filled with seemingly erroneous and mundane tasks; dogs barking, a cow is loose, abandoned vehicles, "suspicious people," goats...
To The Eagle: I remember reading an article about the Jan 6th rally in which a witness, Jenni White, was there and told her story of what she saw that day, “There were hundreds of thousands of people all standing together peacefully in one spot for more than five hours. A small percentage of this group entered the capitol and perpetrated mayhem while hundreds of thousands were peacefully milling around outside. Video of the event shows other attendees remonstrating with some who broke windows or stood on statues, telling them to stop.” If you...
To The Eagle: Rising gas prices are not a “Democrat caused problem.” According to a June 10, 2021 fact check from USA TODAY, fuel prices began rising well before Joe Biden was elected. Clearly, action by Democrats is not solely responsible for the increase. "Gas prices fluctuate regardless of who is in office," said Molly Hart, a public and government relations spokesperson for AAA. "During the past year and a half, pump prices have primarily been driven by the pandemic’s influence on supply and demand." Biden, speaking for Democrats durin...
To The Eagle: I go around the county reading safety books to nursery school children and daycares. The kids are given plastic Junior Deputy Badges. Before I pin them over their hearts, I have them raise their hands and take a basic oath that is appropriate for their age, just as every police officer does before they are given that enormous responsibility to protect and serve the people. I have them repeat after me: “I promise to be a good citizen. I promise to obey the laws. I promise to be a good neighbor.” As a police officer of 31 yea...
To The Eagle: Surveying the wreckage left in the wake of the bumbling Biden administration (he is at this moment re-creating the fall of Saigon) most of us have concluded that the only way to stop the carnage and start repairs is through the ballot box. In the short run and locally, there's not much we can do about Chinese treachery, terrorism, inflation, illegal immigration, incompetent medical bureaucracy, or disastrous forest management, but there are two problematic areas well within reach of rural and suburban voters: schools and law...
To The Eagle: Well, gasoline is approaching $5.00 a gallon again and I hope all the people that voted for the Democrats have long trips to work everyday; you've earned it. Why, don't look now, but the Taliban is back in control of Afghanistan so it won't be long before terrorist attacks come back to innocent people everywhere. I read the letter to the editor about how much sense it makes to defund the police, I had to wonder if the author may have had some run-ins with the law, or maybe he was just having a bad day or maybe he is a great guy...