Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • What divides us

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: I don’t dislike you because we have differences of opinion about national policy or because you vote Republican and I vote Democrat. No. I dislike you because you don’t accept truth and facts that don’t conform to your perception of reality. I dislike you because you cheered on a man while he mocked a disabled reporter in a crowd and made sexist and racist comments. And continued to cheer for that same man, when he called the press the enemy of the people, and encouraged violence against reporters and political opponents. I disli...

  • Writer fearful for future of democracy

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Something in last week's paper jumped out at me. Well, three things actually. Number 1: It's nice that the overseer of the PUD gets his 5% raise. Like the rest of us on SS that will help a little with the 5% inflation rate. Following that bit of news was that 18 customers will have their power turned off for non payment. I get it that they were given every chance but has it occurred to the powers that maybe some are simply unable to pay this and for whatever reason shouldn't be a public concern. We are in the beginning weeks of...

  • Not all countries possess a constitution

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Not every country possesses a single, written constitution, and some countries possess them in quirky forms. Nonetheless, these countries remain some of the most free and democratic in the world. Australia’s 1901 constitution lacks what many consider the crown jewel of such documents- a bill of rights. Having one document that sets up a government does not result in better democratic outcomes than having a mix of statutes, norms, and precedents instead. The United Kingdom famously does not have such a document. New Zealand possess...

  • Epidemiologist seems counterproductive

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: The latest entree in The Eagle's "dueling headlines" opines that some opinions shouldn't be repeated. The letter then goes on to attack several observations about the ineffectiveness of, and hazards caused by, masks. These observations may have started out as opinions, but for most of the past year they have qualified as cold, hard fact, with readily observable evidence to be found in the wreckage of much of our school system: collapsing athletes, teen suicides, adolescent mental health issues. All this in turn is based upon...

  • Who are the actual freeloaders?

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Elon Musk: “Let’s change the rigged tax so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else,” in which Elon responded “If you opened your eyes for 2 seconds, you will realize I will pay more taxes than any American in history this year. Don’t spend it all at once. Oh wait, you did already.” Not knowing who Elon Musk is, I reckoned I should read up on him. His income is estimated around $270 billion. I’m trying to grasp inside my head having an income in the...

  • The Grinch that stole the community center

    Jan 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: According to Town of Cathlamet Mission Statement: "Cathlamet is committed to providing credible leadership and quality services to the community through transparency of its processes, good stewardship of public resources, respect for the Town's heritage, and valuing its diverse citizenry." And where is that commitment when our past and present town council members have dropped the ball in maintaining our recently closed Community Center? After previous council members passed management of the facility to the Wahkiakum County...

  • SR 4 modification makes it less safe

    Jan 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: I attended school at George Washington Elementary in White Plains, New York from 1940 through 1944. The school was only about five blocks from my house, but it was on the other side of the Mamaroneck Parkway, a four lane divided highway, sort of a mini-freeway. These were the years of one-car families, and also war rationing, so everyone walked everywhere. To get to school, I walked half a block to where my street ended at the parkway, hung a left for about a block, then went over a pedestrian walkway bridge, a beautiful iron...

  • Resident thankful for local departments

    Jan 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: On a positive note, I would like to echo other comments of appreciation for our local PUD and our county road department. Compared to other areas on both sides of “the river,” they shine when the going gets dicey. Thank you again. Sharon Casapulla Elochoman Valley...

  • Some opinions do not bear repeating

    Jan 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: A contributor’s recent new batch of nonsense makes it clear that some opinions definitely do not bear repeating, yet keep popping up from the muck like poisonous mushrooms. We are being trolled again with “masks do not work,” “people with health issues should never wear masks,” “masks weaken your immune system,” “there are no scientific proofs that masks work at all” and "masks only work for doctors who perform surgery, chemical workers and construction workers.” Make up your mind lady. Either they work or they don’t, and as...

  • Masks don't provide protection for us

    Dec 30, 2021

    To The Eagle: Sometimes some things bear repeating. Masks. To understand why masks do not work, let’s first talk about breathing. It’s “the process of moving air out and in the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly to flush out carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen.” When we breathe in oxygen, it goes into our cells and it creates energy but it also makes carbon dioxide. To flush out the carbon dioxide, we breathe out. If we don’t breathe out carbon dioxide properly, it could lead to a variety of sicknesses such as...

  • Retiring mayor notes accomplishments

    Dec 30, 2021

    To The Eagle: Eight years ago, two highly respected citizens approached me with concerns about what was going on at the town, and they asked if I would consider getting involved. I decided to run, and in 2014 I was elected mayor. They were justified in their concerns, as there were some issues with the bookkeeping that were reviewed by the state auditor, but we were able to successfully resolve these issues with time and diligence, which allowed us to focus on other matters. After four years in office, I was re-elected to a second term. As mayo...

  • The assassins are not lurking at the gate

    Dec 30, 2021

    To The Eagle: As a recent writer adroitly pointed out, you’re not likely to read about American Communist activities in the local paper. They’re simply not exciting enough. You’d have to subscribe to the People’s World newspaper which informs the 5000 members of the American Communist Party. Connecticut’s World People’s Committee is a branch of our domestic Communist party and they met recently to present the Amistad Award to four dedicated labor organizers for their tireless efforts to advance worker rights, equality, and social justice. Jo...

  • Family grateful for local PUD crew

    Dec 30, 2021

    To The Eagle: We wanted to shed some light on the local PUD in our county for the work they did yesterday reconnecting our power after going nearly 12 hours without. I don’t know their names or who was in charge, but they were professional and polite even though they were cold and tired from Mother Nature dumping wet snow all day long. My wife and I were praying for help and God answered the prayer around 10 p.m., when they showed up. What a blessing to see them work as they did tirelessly to restore our power. Our family gratitude goes out t...

  • Jefferson changed property to happiness

    Dec 23, 2021

    To The Eagle: I disagree with a writer’s opinion that the Founders could not have intended the Constitution to restrict citizen’s access to the ballot or allow the wealthy to dominate the politics of power. That’s exactly what the founders intended. The new nation may have aspired toward the Enlightenment principles of liberty, equality and justice but there was scant evidence of those in 18th century America. A rough draft of the Declaration of Independence declared the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of property. Jefferson chang...

  • Two more years of Biden won't be picturesque

    Dec 23, 2021

    To The Eagle: The Connecticut People’s World Committee, a member of the CCP, presented its annual Amistad Awards on Saturday to mark the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party USA. Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat representing Connecticut and one of the wealthiest members of the Senate estimated at over $100 million worth, presented the awards to Sen. Julie Kushner, D-Danbury, Pastor Rodney Wade of Waterbury and SEIU activist Azucena Santiago. He was “excited and honored” to speak at the awards ceremony. Later he expre...

  • No religious test shall be required

    Dec 23, 2021

    To The Eagle: Article six of the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment states “no religious test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Article six is, in my opinion, a significant Constitutional flaw. The 1st Amendment would have better served the national interest had it mandated freedom ‘from’ religion, instead of freedom ‘of religion.’ A case in point is the pervasive influence of a dominant religion within the Supreme Court. Six of the nine justices sitting on our Supreme Cou...

  • Voting Rights Act was eviscerated

    Dec 16, 2021

    To The Eagle: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wondered during Dec.1st oral arguments on Mississippi’s anti-abortion legislation, whether the Supreme Court as an institution could survive the “stench” from overturning 50 years of precedent of its Roe v. Wade decision. The Roberts court already emits an offensive odor associated with its decisions to erode the principle on which our constitutional republic was founded- that the people are the ultimate sovereigns in America and exercise that sovereignty through voting. Those decisions by the...

  • Don't blame others

    Dec 16, 2021

    To The Eagle: Liberals, you never seem to mention all the un-vaccinated millions coming over the border but I guess only American citizens can spread Covid right? Where did you hear that, from Dr. Fauci? I recognize there are many successful Black people, Black Lawyers, Black Doctors, Black Teachers, Black Scientists, Black Military Officers, Black Politicians, Black President, Black Senators, Black Supreme Court Justice and they should all be there as I am sure they earned it. I didn't get that far in life I guess because of Black Privilege...

  • We will get back to living our lives of freedom

    Toni Below|Dec 9, 2021

    To The Eagle: I canceled my subscription to the TDN a while back because of its propaganda, bias and misinformation in politics and coronavirus. However, TDN does send me emails on a daily basis of headline news with the hope that I will renew my subscription. I got an email of headline news from them that shows a picture of an airport at Netherlands about omicron showing up days earlier than first thought. What I want to point out is that photo of the airport. The photo shows two lanes with travelers standing and walking. A huge sign hangs hig...

  • India reports best recovery rate world wide

    R. Fritz|Dec 9, 2021

    To The Eagle: Bold statements need checking. JBB says “This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That is flat out mis-information. Bill of Responsibility requires the whole truth. Sweden’s Umeå University study found after six months vaccinated people have negative efficacy (more susceptible to Covid infection than unvaccinated). Study also found multiple, frequent vaccine boosters are required to maintain any durability once a person becomes vaccinated with either mRNA or DNA vaccine. Syracuse University reports 93 percent of campus Covid...

  • Reflections on Pearl Harbor attack

    Dec 2, 2021

    Submitted and edited by Bill Tawater Commander/Adjutant, Wah.VFW Post 5297 From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars When the men and women serving at Pearl Harbor awoke in the early morning hours of December 7, 1941, they had no idea of the trials and challenges they would face only hours later. They did not wake in the midst of war; they were peacetime soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who were suddenly engulfed by a war that would span the globe. For America, World War II began at 7:55 a.m. on December 7, 1941. In the...

  • Bill of Responsibilities would be welcomed

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has forced the Biden administration to suspend implementation of its workplace vaccination requirements. This most conservative appellate court in the country halted the requirements pending review, saying they’re “fatally flawed and raise serious constitutional concerns.” Show me a deadly virus that gives a crap about the constitution. Fatal flaws? There are three quarters of a million of them in cemeteries across the country- victims who never had the chance to be vaccinated, or even...

  • Horrors are piling up

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: No cash bail? No enforcement of civil order? Defund the police? Let major felons out on low bail? Persecute people for murder who obviously protect themselves from murderous rioters? Cut off energy production from oil and natural gas producers to somehow reduce pollution and reward our enemies? Cowardly abandon your fellow citizens, friends, and helpers to the Taliban? Teach children to hate themselves for their “white privilege.” Depress and step on the very people of your own country with a monstrous taxation and welfare sch...

  • Justice has been served

    Dec 2, 2021

    To The Eagle: A recent writer stated that Kyle Rittenhouse had illegally purchased an AR-15 rifle; wrong! And that he was looking for trouble; wrong! He was there to protect a car lot from rioters and looters. The writer also stated that three men were trying to subdue him; wrong again! One of these men told Kyle he was going to kill him and one of them hit him numerous times with a skateboard. Does Mr. Bouchard know what a vigilante is? I would have done just what Mr. Rittenhouse did if people were out to burn businesses down here in...

  • Community Center is a critical facility

    Nov 25, 2021

    To The Eagle: What I learned from the Cathlamet Town Council meeting of Monday, November 15, was that the public officials responsible for maintaining the renovated old Fire Hall building (Library/Community Center) know very little about the Community Center, its history and services to our community. Several false statements were made by council members who should be more aware of the situation at hand, but the claim that closing the Community Center would not affect access to publicly available computers and internet use, because the library...

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