Sorted by date Results 388 - 412 of 2587
To The Eagle: The amount of lies we are bathed in are overwhelming and disastrous. We seem to be ahead of almost every country in this world at self-flagellation and recrimination. We are masochists who can’t even defend our institutions and basic history. The ignorance and mendacious misinformation spewed by the mainstream media onto the willing and lazy TV watching public is killing the freedom we so hardly fought for these past 246 years. Would a majority of our population, 20 years ago, be okay with two and a half million migrants c...
To The Eagle: The guy who expressed such sympathy for the energy industry here in the U.S. must have been talking about an oil industry on some other planet. The facts as I’ve read them are that this country’s petroleum industry enjoyed $111 billion in profits last year, as well as $20 billion in subsidies from our federal government. I understand that subsidies were granted many years ago to encourage the oil business to develop new wells and pipelines. Today, our tax dollars are still funding such outdated fossil fuel subsidies. It’s time...
To The Eagle: It was claimed recently that Trump brought us to “energy independence” and that Biden has rained on that parade. “Energy independence” is a political term, not a realistic description. So, what does it mean? The answer to that question is complicated but can be summarized thus: The U.S. enjoys energy independence when it exports more petroleum than it imports. Our petroleum imports have been steadily declining since the 2nd Bush administration. We continue to import Russian oil to West Coast refineries because, lacking suffici...
To The Eagle: Editor: Sheriff Mark Howie alerted us to this announcement: It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our K-9 Dakota. Dakota suffered from a very aggressive cancer in her chest and her health declined rapidly in the last few weeks. She passed peacefully at the Country Pet Veterinary Clinic with Undersheriff Gary Howell, Terrie Howell and Sheriff Howie and his wife Debra by her side. K-9 Dakota has been with the Sheriff's Office for 12 years. During that time Undersheriff Howell trained with her by his side, raising...
To The Eagle: The rant about corporate oil price gouging in last week’s letters to The Eagle may have been mired too deeply in the fever swamps of alternative reality to be dragged back to sunlight and sanity, but we’re willing to try. We achieved energy independence under Donald Trump, who immediately put it to good use, easing the Russian stranglehold on Eastern Europe, deterring Iran’s terrorist activities, and as a bargaining chip in the middle east Abraham Accord, finally bringing peace to that region. At home we had stable, relat...
To The Eagle: Victory! Thanks to the support of our local legislators and advocacy efforts of the Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities (AAADSW) Advisory Council members, the Washington State Legislature ended the 2022 legislative session with a major victory for individuals receiving in-home care by passing Senate Bill 5745. Special thanks to our region's legislators for taking time to review this important issue and voting “Yea” on SB 5745, including the 19th Legislative District's Senator Jeff Wilson (R), Representative Jim Walsh (R), and Rep...
To The Eagle: We have been able to control pockets of knotweed, blackberries, horse tail and alder brush. Though techniques vary, it is not rocket science. Know there are safe products that can be used. Our source for advice and product is Watkins Tractor and Supply in Kelso. There is also plenty of information on the internet. We totally agree with “Tony Aegerter of Consolidated Diking District No. 1....he’d like to see efforts to educate landowners about weeds....and be part of the effort.” An annual workshop would be effective. Area busin...
To The Eagle: The shabby and scary state of world affairs was succinctly summed up in two unique letters in last week’s Eagle. Unique in that they both came from a viewpoint so far out in left field as to illustrate the little-used legal concept of “depraved indifference.” The first letter laments the ruination of our democracy but tries to pin it on those of us who chose to fight the tyrannies of our deeply flawed pandemic response: A virus designed sorta accidentally/on purpose in a lab in Wuhan with help from our own CDC, wandered out of th...
To The Eagle: As Americans struggle to pay their heating bills and fill their gas tanks, petroleum giants Shell, Chevron, BP, and Exxon, are posting billions in record profits. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine promises them even greater crisis driven dividends. How are the oil companies using this windfall? To increase production output and refinery capacity? No. The petroleum industry and its Wall Street profiteers will maximize gains by limiting supply and raising prices instead. Despite that, Republicans would rather just curse Joe Biden at t...
To The Eagle: My Aunt, Sister Victoria Hunchak of Toronto, Canada asked me to submit this letter to The Eagle. As the war in Ukraine continued week after week I began to realize that what really thrives in Ukraine from February 24 is the very opposite of love: fear, refugees, killing, maiming, hate, desire for revenge, desire for total destruction of a young nation. Yes, there are many signs of love: many soup kitchens, volunteers driving the refugees to a safe country, serving in the army, no matter the health or age, offering hospitality to t...
To The Eagle: The overall state of democracy in the U.S. declined last year, according to an annual ranking published by The Economist's Intelligence Unit, which cited the continued erosion of trust in the country’s institutions. The report measures five main categories — electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture — and assigns scores to each one. The report cited the efforts by former President Trump and his allies to subvert the 2020 election results with...
To The Eagle: Despite higher wages, inflation gave the average worker a 2.4% pay cut last year, while unemployment went down to 3.6%, so great and not so great. Many factors involved, and I’m not an economist, but I consider the glass half full. The gas price seems to be the biggest creator of howling. Many blame the cancelling of the XL pipeline for us importing some oil. That is a fallacy supreme, as the pipeline was never completed and it was for Canadian tar sand oil. The imported oil is for refining and reselling to the world at large, s...
To The Eagle: Vladimir Putin, Russia’s autocratic tyrant, has ambitions to be the new all powerful Tsar of a resurgent Russian empire. Once a KGB officer of the former East German secret police, he has had an ax to grind with Europe and NATO since the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union in 1991. Having spent the last 20 years regressing Russia back into a Fascist dictatorship, he’s now reestablishing the horrific grandeur of the Soviet Union through the incremental recapture of former Soviet satellite states who regained their nat...
To The Eagle: Well I hope all you Liberals, Democrats, Dead People, and Illegal Immigrants that voted for Joe (Nevelle Chamberlin) Biden are getting what you wished for. The best president (Donald Trump) we ever had was sent packing because of his tone not being PC enough; really, my God help us all. We all should get used to the fact that we are no longer energy independent like we were a year ago as gas and oil prices and overall inflation destroys the middle class’s families budgets and our economy. Look at the horror Putin and his b...
To The Eagle: As residents of Wahkiakum County - including Mayor David Olson - we would be wise to remember there was community here on these lands prior to Birnie's arrival in 1846 and the township being established. The recent heritage celebration, unfortunately, seems to have overlooked (or omitted) the vital and vibrant history of the local indigenous peoples including those of the Chinook, Kathlamet, Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, and Confederated Tribes of the Siletz who have called this land their home for many, many centuries....
To The Eagle: Statutes granting personhood rights to fetuses are never more pernicious than when they criminalize acts of God. You might be surprised to learn that in the United States a woman coping with the heartbreak of losing her pregnancy might also find herself facing jail time. Say she got in a car accident resulting in the loss of the fetus, or simply gave birth to a stillborn. In such cases, women have been charged with manslaughter in Oklahoma, Georgia and Texas. It’s hard to find a compelling reason for prosecuting pregnancy loss. N...
To The Eagle: I am so glad we have Biden and his administration dealing with Ukraine and Putin’s war. While in office Biden has strengthened the NATO alliance and the rest of the world against Putin, the murderer. Sadly Putin’s war will add to our already high inflation and gas prices. Fortunately Biden has helped get us through the pandemic with the rescue plan, which helped so many and many businesses, though so many have forgotten this. Oh yes, he has also passed the infrastructure bill former presidents promised and didn’t do. Biden has b...
To The Eagle: Now what? Putin sends Russian troops into Ukraine attempting to take over their country. Nearly every country on earth has condemned this uncalled for war. Countries that have been traditionally neutral are getting involved. Switzerland has condemned Russia as well as Sweden and The Netherlands. Many countries are sending money and or weapons so the Ukrainian people can fight against the invaders. Huge sanctions have been placed against Russian financial institutions and Russia is being shut out of any and all business dealings...
To The Eagle: Republicans have started to blur the lines between birth control and abortion in the hopes of making it harder for American women to obtain either. Nowhere is this clearer than in the Missouri statehouse, where lawmakers debated whether they needed to restrict Medicaid coverage of birth control and limit payments to Planned Parenthood. It was a tricky play, attacking birth control as a way to attack abortion, and it didn’t work. This time. “Anti–birth control sentiment has been building for over a decade,” says Robin Marty,...
To The Eagle: To be led at this time by the weaklings and cowards in our national administration is truly a frightening reality and something to behold. Biden is a weak and failing man. He is a longtime front man for his family and associates. He and his family have made fortunes from his efforts through the years. He is a liar and a thief. And yet now we see his failing is leading us to Russian aggression, Chinese aggression and permitting Iran’s acquisition of the nuclear bomb. Our cities are falling apart. We are being invaded by the m...
To The Eagle: Once and yet again my recent letter was misinterpreted and rather than used as a starting point to actually learn something was turned into a pimple popping, well, I'm not even sure what the writer was trying to impart. Most of what I got was that he thinks he knows more about women and pregnancy than they do. Fascinating. Maybe he thinks the rapist or man causing the incestuous attack should be reminded to use a condom? Hard to tell as there was obviously no real thought put into his missive. To further his education may I add...
To The Eagle: I am saddened to see a free country like Canada suffer the horror that is Trudeau's dictatorship over vaccine mandates that are being ordered at the tail end of the covid pandemic and not really needed according to those scientists that are educated about these viruses. I tell you this, if you ask could it happen here in the USA, I reply were it not for our Supreme Court knocking down the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate not only could it have happened but may well have happened. Think about it, would you trust Inslee or B...
To The Eagle: I’ve got to tell you that some people tend to put abortion into two simple categories, one being pro-choice people and the other they seem to think are just religious zealots. Well there is a third group of which I am a charter member. The one that doesn't like seeing one of their own kind being ruthlessly murdered because two people were too stupid or lazy to use contraceptives if they didn't want a baby. In a letter last week a writer referred to the unborn as a blastocyst, a fetus, and an embryo. I guess you need to refer to an...
To The Eagle: The latest Republican statement on the January 6th riot-insurrection-attack on our capitol and Democracy, by the Republican National Committee, deems that attack as "legitimate political discourse." Some elected Republicans who were there now, too, agree with that, while they did not a year ago, when fresh in their minds. The Canadian trucker protest is by a minute section of truckers. Ninety percent of them are vaccinated, their union was against it. While distribution of parts and materials is causing work and production...
To The Eagle: I like good news, and covid-19 good news is always welcome. WA State reached 72.8% fully vaccinated, exceeding their stated 70% vaccination goal to obtain herd immunity. Wahkiakum has 301 PCR confirmed cases. Washington University says 60% of Covid cases are unreported. In Wahkiakum it means 301(40%) + 451(60%) = 752(100%) total cases, and these folks now have natural covid nucleocapsid protein antibodies from their infection. FDA Approved SpikeVax for ages 18+, joining FDA Approved Comirnaty for ages 16+. FDA website shows Modern...