Sorted by date Results 360 - 384 of 2587
To The Eagle: In case MSM hasn’t reported this, delegates from different countries met recently in Geneva, Switzerland behind closed doors. The talk was about Biden’s proposed 13 amendments that would grant new powers to WHO. Under the proposed amendments, Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus could declare a public health emergency in any country whether they agree with it or not. Delegates from Africa disapprove of the amendments; so should we. Do you know what this means? This should be one of the proofs of what the Biden administration is try...
To The Eagle: Is it really the gun and gunman’s fault? Or is it the lack of security at the school? How did an 18 year old kid get into a grade school anyhow? A few years ago, my wife was volunteering at the school garden here in Cathlamet. She needed me to bring her something from home, and I happily agreed to take it to her. I asked for directions once I got to the school and she said I could drive right up to the garden. So, off I went in my great big SUV and followed her instructions. Soon there I was driving at lunchtime and the nearby pla...
To The Eagle: Biden spoke at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers conference in Chicago on May 11: “Under my predecessor, the great MAGA king, the deficit increased every single year he was president. The first year of my presidency—the first year, I reduced the deficit—literally reduced the deficit by $350 billion. Right now, the majority of our Republican friends just see things differently. They don’t want to solve inflation by lowering the costs. They want to solve it by raising taxes and lowering your income.” He also adde...
To The Eagle: I was reading a recent letter to the editor and the writer said if you can write your name in the snow, "you have no business dictating policy in regard to reproductive issues." However the Supreme Court has never had a majority of justices that can't write their names in the snow, but they did make a landmark decision 50 years ago that the writer does agrees with. I find that interesting. However, I do agree we don’t need nine people deciding every tough decision for us. Their job is to make sure our laws follow our C...
To The Eagle: Are you a conservative? How conservative? I ask, as I have read some far right letters here in this paper. I have Republican friends I can discuss platforms with (45 had no platform), but they are very hard to find; instead I get called names and belittled for having different views. CPAC is the premier gathering of conservatives. I have a few comments on that. I wonder how many are in lockstep with them. The Republicans I can talk with are not. I guess the world doesn't want to see how racist CPAC has become; no press allowed....
To The Eagle: When my wife and I first visited Cathlamet we were amazed at the size and beauty of your marina. We bought land here and had a house built and over the years watched as our marina grew. Along the way we met the marina manager, Jackie Lea, and in doing so came to realize that she was the person who made the marina, through her efforts and ability, the nicest place to visit and utilize each and every day of the year. We all should be proud of our marina and thank Jackie Lea for the outstanding job she did over the years. Jackie,...
To The Eagle: Leakage from the Supreme Court is a rare phenomenon, so news of a possibly overturned Roe v Wade caused a tsunami of temper tantrums and assorted hysteria across the landscape of the woke folks, radical fems, and others in the looney left. One such rant actually washed up here in our quiet backwater, in the form of a polemic in last week's Eagle letters. In response, we'd say, calm down -- things ain't as bad for your side as you seem to think. First of all, 50 years is a pretty good run for such a monumentally odious decision....
To The Eagle: Ask why the Covid virus contains DNA segment that match a DNA sequence “patented by Moderna in February 2016” three years before the global Covid pandemic began. Moderna ‘legally owns’ part of the Covid virus. (DailyMail-UK) Ask why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its employees received $134 million in verified royalties from third parties like pharmaceutical companies between 2009 and 2014. NIH disclosed over 22,000 royalty payments to nearly 1,700 NIH scientists. “The agency admits to holding 3,000 pages of line-b...
To The Eagle: I quote Elon Musk: “At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a reason--it gives them a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in fake virtue.” Left and “liberal” narcissists have descended into a spiral of depression and hateful expression. If you don’t acquiesce to their political desires, you don’t like black and brown people. They label you “fascist”or “white supremacist.” Our mad president and his people running the show label half of our populace “white supremacists.” They d...
To The Eagle: I just found out that I received a promotion from President Biden. Previously, I was considered a "deplorable," but now I am a “ULTRA MAGA EXTREMEST” a “radical white supremacist”, a “racist”, and a “sexist”, etc. I guess that's because I support small federal government, low taxes, safe cities, secure borders, a strong military, energy independence, and our Constitution as written, with the ability to amend it by the people’s vote. I think people who know me know that I am not any of those labels, and it’s sad that you get called...
To The Eagle: How sad for the women of our once freedom loving country. Four men, of which two clearly lied during their confirmation hearings and one woman straight out of The Handmaid's Tale who very clearly lied during hers, are set to overturn 50 years of case law. All to support a position repugnant to 70% +/- of the American public. Heaven help us if as a country we let this travesty occur. Of course, the 30% +/- are just tickled silly considering it has no effect on them personally. These sanctimonious do gooders just don't care about a...
To The Eagle: The outpouring of support for our Wahkiakum 4-H and High School Mecha Mules robotics team has been heartwarming. We have 20 sponsors so far. We especially want to thank the Sons of Norway, Helgeland Lodge #30 for their overwhelmingly generous contribution. And the Wahkiakum Amateur Radio Club for their dedication to leading-edge tech. We have nearly reached our goal to fund our June trip to DC to participate in the International SeaPerch underwater robotics competition. Our next activity is a carwash in the parking lot of the...
To The Eagle: A letter last week summed up the greatest threat to our great Democracy with the writer more than suggesting that if he disagrees with you then it follows that he should dislike you. There was a time when we Americans welcomed differing opinions as it helped to find a consensus on issues, thoughts that shaped our lives, our future and our mutual respect for one another. I firmly believe every issue such as abortion, energy policy, the border, inflation, school curriculum and so much more is waiting to be solved if we would work...
To The Eagle: I can empathize with the fellow who recently mourned the casual slaughter he witnessed of wildfowl crossing the road. I would classify such barbaric rural behavior as the rule rather than the exception. You can be sure many a family pet has met a similar fate. Keep your children fenced in. We too were once at the front of a line of vehicles, stopped to wait for a brood of chicks and their feathered parents to cross the road. The peeping gaggle hadn’t quite crossed over the opposite oncoming lane when a rusty pickup came s...
To The Eagle: Because we are both Americans I use to think we shared common values that ran deeper than our Republican and Democratic party affiliation. Like you, I also voted Republican when I thought the Republican candidate was the better choice. Sadly, having watched and listened to you over the last few years, I now realize that our core values are very different, and have learned to dislike you, and dislike what you have become! I dislike you because you listened to and cheered for a man that mocked a disabled reporter in a crowd and...
To The Eagle: Last Wednesday my wife and I decided to take a leisurely drive around the island after dinner. While driving back on Welcome Slough Road we came upon two Guineafowl, probably a mated pair, crossing the road so we stopped to let them pass. A white pickup coming the other way at first slowed down but then accelerated and ran over the birds right in front of us, killing one and barely missing the other. We sat in stunned silence watching the bird die while it’s mate ran around it screeching. We both said, “What kind of person doe...
To the Eagle: A recent letter published in The Eagle highlighting Autism Awareness for our community included this all-important statement, namely that “Individual treatment…based upon that person’s unique needs, enables those on the spectrum to maximize their independence and help secure the highest quality of life.” This caused me to wonder how we can all promote success in the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and as a consequence, in their families too. One key to unlocking the challenges and mysteries of ASD lies in...
To The Eagle: The GFWC-Cathlamet Woman’s Club meets the first Tuesday of the month, except December and January. Our next meeting is May 3, at 12:00, upstairs at the Hotel Cathlamet. You can also drop by the Tsuga Gallery on Friday, May 6, between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m., for the 22nd Annual Pie and Cupcake Social. An information table will be available with GFWC-Cathlamet Woman’s Club information, also club members will be delighted to answer any questions. This year the Cathlamet Woman’s Club marks 92 years of community service. The Cathlamet Woma...
To The Eagle: Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken a lead role nationally in Republican efforts to aggressively push back against liberal cultural values and what he calls “woke indoctrination.” Part of that effort involves censoring children’s textbook choices. The “State,” ie: Ron DeSantis, is now the authority on “impermissible content” in kids textbooks. The Sunshine State's Department of Education rejected 54 math textbooks mainly for elementary school students, citing concerns surrounding "impermissible content," like Critical Race Theory, of wh...
To The Eagle: Don’t believe everything you read. This statement rings true once again when reading the weekly updates on active Covid cases in our county posted in The Eagle newspaper. I recently tested positive for Covid as did a friend of mine. We both called our doctors to let them know. I also called the Wahkiakum Health Dept. to report our cases. I was shocked to learn that they are not tracking the positive Covid home test. I was told that they rely on our doctors to report this information to them. My friend is with Kaiser and was t...
To The Eagle: I was remembering about the time when covid first hit us. All was going well and we were at our peak of doing great mentally, physically and economically. Then wham, the covid came. Almost the whole world was in lockdown. What a twilight zone feeling that was. Eventually, lockdowns slowly lifted and President Trump announced that a vaccine had been developed and was available for us to take if we wanted it; the same way he left the decision for us if we wanted to wear the mask. In other words, he treated us as adults and the...
To The Eagle: Not to be confused with strong men. In 1956, USSR brutally, with tanks and heavy force, put down an attempt by Hungarians to regain their freedom to choose. I was 12 years old, living in Denmark, and remember so vividly mine and others’ hope for USA to come and intervene. In 1991 Hungary finally got rid of Russian troops. Their elections went from flawed to now basically a farce, re-electing a Putin lover, for a third term, we had one such. Meanwhile their neighbor Ukraine, finally achieved Democracy in 2014, which Putin and R...
To The Eagle: The two proponents of the price gouging oil baron theory (last week’s Eagle letters) at least stumbled into “close but no cigar” territory. What the Trump administration got us into was genuine energy independence by making us an overall net oil exporter. Oil is truly a complex and intricate global market with lots of players and moving parts, so there will always be imports and exports. We had gained the advantage of being able to pick and choose our imports and exports, making oil into our proverbial “big stick” in the sanct...
To The Eagle: I found a recent letter by an apparently distressed gentleman to be both confusing and strange. There is much mention on this occasion, as there has been in his previous letters, about self flagellation, recrimination and masochism. He asks “Would a majority of our population, 20 years ago, be okay with two and a half million migrants crossing our southern border last year?” Who knows? Let’s just note that the Trump administration allowed the largest flows of migration at the U.S-Mexico border since the mid-2000s. Must be good. Tr...
To The Eagle: This story can be about any two or more people in a relationship, whereby one person feels they are being oppressed by another: There was a young woman who came from a very abusive home. She wore a brave face and appeared normal on the outside but inside, she was scared and lonely. One day, she met a young man. He was kind, charming, attentive and gave her compliments. Before long, they started spending most of their time together. Gradually, he started to say things that made her feel uncomfortable. He became increasingly...