Sorted by date Results 330 - 354 of 2587
To The Eagle: Our neighborhood troll’s “truly amazing” rejoinder to the previous week’s editorial reads like a MAGA rally speech, declaiming election fraud (disproved in every swing state), deriding the “false narrative” of climate change (on the way to making the Southwest uninhabitable) and declaring the 1.02 million fatalities caused by Covid to be part of some ”false narrative,” as well. Calling the Capitol riot of January 6th an insurrection, is not, a “false narrative.” That ongoing Congressional investigation is revealing it to hav...
To The Eagle: A writer in this column recently sought to remind us that the constitution has been amended 17 times, drawing the conclusion the Bill of Rights is not inalienable and insinuating these rights can be “amended.” The fact is if we look at those 17 amendments we will find nearly all of them are written to limit or control the government, not the people. Only one of those 17 amendments limited the freedom of the People. That was the 18th amendment which banned the sale and consumption of alcohol. This amendment proved to be such a bad...
To The Eagle: Dan Bigelow is a proven asset to Wahkiakum County. Dan has provided guidance through difficult union issues and shared his knowledge of proper reserve source usage. Dan is always available to advise our elected officials on legal issues pertaining to maintenance of our county government. Let’s show our gratitude to a job well done by re-electing Dan Bigelow as Wahkiakum County Prosecutor. Thank you, Dan Cothren Wahkiakum County Commissioner...
To The Eagle: All this talk about Roe vs Wade, how about preventing abortions? We all know it takes a man and a woman to make a baby. If you need sex and don’t want babies, it is the responsibility of both men and women to use condoms, diaphragms, or any form of birth control or just plain abstain to prevent making a baby. There was a time we saved intimacy and shared that with a mate we love. I hope it still exists. I understand tragedy can happen such as rape or a woman’s health is at a life and death situation. That’s different. Babie...
To The Eagle: I'd known Dan Bigelow for several years and always knew he was the coroner and prosecutor but had no idea that he was an emergency medical technician here in Wahkiakum county. A few years ago I showed up at our health clinic so ill with pneumonia that an ambulance was called to transport me into PeaceHealth in Longview. I imagine that, partially due to my very compromised condition, was the reason I initially freaked out when I saw the coroner come in. He quickly assured me that I wasn't actually dead and he in fact was the ambula...
To The Eagle: Wow; Rasmussen (July 11th) says President Biden’s job approval rating is 37% and his disapproval is 61%. Rasmussen (July 11th) says direction of USA on the right track is only 19%, while 76% say we are on the wrong track. The nation is hurting as the value of each US dollar is still dropping, which artificially triggers more inflation. Fuel costs are still rising, as our president has now started exporting our national oil reserves. The Biden and Patty Murray supported plan to begin taxing unrealized capital gains, is coming to l...
To The Eagle: I am writing regarding the issue of the PUD joining Northwest River Partners (Eagle, 6/23/22). The latest study, Draft Report by Ross Strategic/Kramer Consulting firms, Lower Snake River dams: Benefit Replacement Draft Report, 6/9, 2022, is quite clear there are few to no options left to save S.R. stocks, particularly steelhead, from extinction, without dam breaching. The lower four Snake River dams were situated right on top of salmon spawning and rearing habitat, and removed nearly 140 miles of the best habitat in the Snake....
To The Eagle: Over the last couple of months I have written a couple of opinion letters to The Eagle, unfortunately neither were printed. It seems a few of the same people are consistently having their letters printed in The Eagle. I am a Gold Star Family member. My father, Larry S. Pierce, was killed Sept. 29, 1965, fighting for his country in the Republic of Vietnam. During his service in Vietnam he was awarded the Silver Star. On Feb. 24, 1966, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. I have a huge amount of respect for our country...
To The Eagle: Some of us may remember when the Pledge of Allegiance was spared the ignoble Under God. It was slipped in during the time when Ike was president. It seemed innocuous at the time but time has shown it was the camel's nose under the edge of the tent of separation of church and state. Followed a few years later by In God We Trust on our currency. Now it seems that anyone that wants to be even considered for political office needs to approach the voters on knees bent in prayer. Just last week the supreme court decided that it was...
To The Eagle: We’d like to celebrate and commemorate the appearance of a truly amazing editorial in last week’s Eagle. In a dazzling display of journalistic virtuosity, our editor succinctly and accurately outlined the five steps Joe Biden took to transform our nation from the world’s leading democratic superpower into a third world authoritarian basket case, and then performs an astounding feat of literary prestidigitation to proclaim that what happened didn’t happen. The five steps: (1) establish a scapegoat (which in this case was Trump a...
Here's how you turn a democracy into an autocracy. Follow these steps: --Identify a group of citizens to vilify as The Enemy; it can be an ethnic group, immigrants, a political group/party, or other, such as the LGBTQ+ community. Identify them as threats to the nation and stir up anger against them so that the public will support you as the protector of the nation. Invoke religion to set the standards men and women must meet to be considered legitimate citizens and not part of The Enemy. --Take control of the media so that only your messages re...
To The Eagle: I disagree with the fellow who stated that the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is inalienable. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 declared four basic human rights, to life, equality, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to be inalienable for their having been “endowed to us by our Creator.” Later, a supporting document, the 1787 constitution, specified protected civil rights inherent to that pursuit. That constitution’s preamble states that "We the People” ordained and established it “in order to form a more perf...
To The Eagle: I’m not for abortion; I’m not against guns, but I am for using sensible choices and freedom for such choices. Republicans are right, “Outlaw guns; only outlaws have guns,” but outlaw abortion, you will go to back alleys, coat hangers, Mexico or unregulated drugs. Guns will never be gone or will abortions. Once again the minority wins; remember 45 did not win majority, nor did Bush. Together with sleazy conduct of Mitch McConnell, they now account for five of nine justices. The last three had no qualms of deceiving (lying) at thei...
To The Eagle: I recently learned that Port 2 decided to name the Skamokawa Church building after Carlton Appelo. I know he was actively supporting Port 2 and he really liked Vista Park. Carlton was a fine example of a local businessman who supported public projects. His name exemplifies community support. Our area needs these reminders of names and stories of those who worked to build up our county as he did, from Wahkiakum West to the Grays River Grange, to the Archives Center, American Legion, and other non-profits in our area. His...
To The Eagle: Field Day is again here this coming weekend, June 25-26. During the 24-hour period from noon Saturday to noon Sunday amateur radio operators flex their antennas to see how many other radio operators from around the world they can talk with. This year we have seven members of our local club tuning up: Richard KC4ONA, Steve K7SH, Bob WB6AGE, Bill KJ7KMP, Gordon WA6TTR, Jim KG7WSQ, Ron W7ERY. Gordon is our safety coordinator. Our satellite contact coordinator is Richard; come out to see his "ray gun antenna" in operation. We will be...
To The Eagle: It seems that America has come to a place where we as a nation either continue united or end up just another Banana Republic. The attempted coup on January 6, 2021 was certainly more than just a normal tourist day as proposed by some. The hearing presented to we the people on every TV station except FOX was shocking and frightening to the point that FOX wouldn't air it. Even went so far as to give Tucker Carlson an entire show without commercial break, unheard of in broadcast TV history. Was FOX afraid that during the commercial...
To The Eagle: A contributor’s recent claim of a strong correlation between public disarmament and mass exterminations requires some perspective. Important determining factors, most notably, what sorts of political regimes committed those atrocities, and who their victims were, deserve scrutiny. All the countries he’d listed were ruled by brutally repressive autocracies and dictatorships. Entire populations were not disarmed but specific minorities within them, were. The Christian Armenian minority of Turkey, German Jews, educated upper cla...
To The Eagle: Once again, we have certain people wanting to blame an inanimate object, and not place the blame where it truly belongs. What’s more is that it seems to mostly be coming from the same people who support our current Commanding Blamer in Chief. “Guns have become a scourge on our society.” Really? In my humble opinion, I would simply argue that certain human beings have become the scourge of society, and maybe enforcing the current laws on the books, getting these people the help they need, and/or the punishment they deserve, is at...
To The Eagle: A letter last week decried my comparing Fentanyl deaths to firearm deaths as a “false equivalency… like comparing apples to oranges,” but then continues on to compare automobile deaths to firearm deaths. That is somehow different? No mention was made that over half, 54 percent of those firearm deaths, were suicide. Of note; firearms do not increase suicide rate, Japan for instance has nearly twice the suicide rate of the US and no firearms other than police and military. The writer then compares the “Right to Drive” to the 2nd a...
To The Eagle: Inflation is twice the wage increase. According to economists, the main cause is the stimulus money to get us through the covid pandemic, causing the economy to overheat. Not sending it back, but doing things to help. I drive much less, don’t buy things unless I need them; mow less, three acres are now two foot grass. I also went on a diet--that’s for myself. Stock market going down, except oil stocks; just looked up the top performing--all oil or oil related! I think we are being greased! There is a parts shortage, truck dri...
To The Eagle: Our Community Garden volunteers say “Thank You!” to all who supported our plant sales in May. In addition to the many folks who purchased plants, several gave us generous monetary donations. Margaret Sears and Mariane Brightbill donated plants for our effort. Diana Zimmerman and The Eagle gave us good press, and many local businesses displayed our flyer. A shout out to Scott Anderson and Sam Longtain for their generous assistance in building our compost and soil storage area. And, as always, thanks to the Town of Cathlamet for...
To The Eagle: It is sad to see American citizens ignoring history and willingly give up their constitutional rights for the perceived illusion of security. Last week in this column was the statement “In my opinion, public disarmament is this nation’s best hope of avoiding our mutually assured destruction.” Public disarmament is and has been the tool of tyrants for many years: In 1911 Turkey disarmed its citizens, then murdered 1.5 million Armenians. In 1929 Russia disarmed its citizens, and then murdered 20 million Russians. In 1935 China...
To The Eagle: Three candidates are challenging our incumbents to represent us in the Olympia legislature: Cara Cusack from Chehalis, Jon-Erik Hegstad from Longview, and Kelli Hughes-Ham from Ilwaco. All three will be in a Town Hall Wednesday June 22 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in person, at the Norse Hall (downstairs) on Puget Island. Their meeting will also be live on Zoom and recorded on YouTube for later viewing. To receive the Zoom link (limited to 60) or to sign up for in-person registration (limited to 25), please email the organizers at...
To the Eagle: You hafta sorta admire the warped perspicacity of the DDIDs (Desperately Defending the Indefensible Dudes) – that brave small cadre of Eagle contributors who have stood staunchly in the face of fact, history, and common sense in order to support ersatz causes like Trump/Russia, Trump/Ukraine, Climate Change Disaster, Covid Tyranny, and Gun Control. The latest JBB polemic on gun control evoked images of starry-eyed debaters fighting Mutually Assured Destruction via negotiated disarmament – and then attempts a cute pirouette int...
To The Eagle: Call’em what you will, Winchester 1907, AR-15, AK-47, shotgun, rifle, or pistol. They are all engines of death. Their names are just semantics. You say tomato, I say tomahto. Semantics are interesting and useful, particularly for creating ‘false equivalencies’ such as a contributor’s recent statement that “In 2020 there were 42,700 Fentanyl deaths in the US during the same period that 455 people were killed with rifles.” That’s comparing apples to oranges. Let’s consider, instead, the comparative values of two deadly contrapt...