Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Vote for Hughes-Ham

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am writing to encourage you to vote for Kelli Hughes-Ham for state representative. We live in a beautiful corner of the state with many natural resources to enjoy. Kelli is a passionate, active member of our community. Her goal is to work with all our residents and businesses to continue living and working in our proudly Northwest environment. As an artist, Kelli works to find creative solutions to complicated problems. As an educator, Kelli is inclusive of all our community members. As a small business owner, Kelli will fight...

  • Are we better off today than yesterday?

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: American voters must decide if they like our runaway inflation at the grocery store and gas station. Federal Reserve, in Forbes article, promised to devalue our US dollar. We are seeing the nasty effects in our economy. The next few years look bleak, as both state and federal taxes are increasing and destroying any pay raises we receive. Then our President said the “Pandemic is Over.” But, oddly many hurtful mandates still continue. Are we truly better off today, than we were last year? Congressional leadership promises big...

  • Updated: "David"

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: This story applies to any group of people who live as a family unit, where there is an aggressor and one or more victims of abuse. David kept his eyes on his cereal bowl, avoiding eye-contact with his mother, who was sitting across from him. He didn’t want to see the bruises on her face or the look of defeat, he knew he would find there (again). He put his bowl in the sink, slung his backpack over his shoulder and mumbled “bye”, as he slammed out the door. David arrived in his Human Development/Family Studies Class, where they wer...

  • Kent is totally against women and their needs

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Like most of you I just received the voters' pamphlet. While reading through the folks running for congress I was stunned by the entry of Mr. Kent. Like him I'm an Eagle scout and a veteran. There the similarity ends. At 79 I'm several decades his senior and have attained a certain amount of knowledge apparently unknown or worse yet ignored by young Mr. Kent. History of 1930's Europe reveals eerily similar trends to his campaign. Germany First=America First. Championing the Big Lie. Lying about the current congresswoman who has...

  • Residents urged to show support

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Charlotte House, a program of St James Family Center, invites all of Wahkiakum County to show support to victims and survivors of domestic violence! Many victims and survivors of domestic violence have lost connection with their friends, family, and their community. Around town, you may notice an abundance of purple. There are purple lights in storefront windows, purple ribbons on cars and light poles, flyers around town, table tents in restaurants. The abundance of purple is to sh...

  • Dan Bigelow, the best choice

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: If you were a victim of assault, fraud or any number of serious crimes, who would be the best choice to represent you in a court of law? Wouldn't it be someone with the qualifications, skills and experience to successfully prosecute your case, using sound objective legal advice? Dan Bigelow is such a person. He has spent decades developing a body of experience in both misdemeanor and felony cases as defense and prosecuting attorney. His qualifications began with a law degree in 1991 at the University of Puget Sound. He has...

  • Praise given to local teacher

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: I want to send out a big congratulations to Jeff Rooklidge. I have watched and admired his Environmental Science classes for years, marveling at his commitment to teaching high school students about the world they live in, the fish they eat, the land they live on and the future it holds for their own children. He emphasizes the importance of teaching environmental science as a career, working in the many fields of science and giving them new confidence about how their lives can make a difference in the very place they grew up. Jef...

  • Your vote is important

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: With your midterm ballots coming soon, please think about how important this election is for preserving our democracy. Historically Wahkiakum County led Washington State in voting with the highest turnouts, unfortunately we have slipped in recent years. Your vote is important! In order to not be ruled by a minority of voters you must turn in your ballot to have your voice heard. Apathy is unacceptable in voting, as Americans we must exercise our votes. The number of people who gave up their lives to preserve your ability to vote...

  • Let's reelect Dan Bigelow

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Dan Bigelow has done a fine job as our Prosecuting Attorney. I doubt very much that anyone could perform this job at a higher level. He has far more experience than his opponent, and has been performing public service for our county for over 30 years. He listens, asks, and clearly understands the issues before he makes a decision. With every interaction we’ve had, Dan has always been thoughtful and reasonable. I’m sure there are some who’ve been unhappy with the outcome of their case, but he rules with careful thought. Dan Bigel...

  • It's obvious that your best choice is Dan Bigelow

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: I've had the privilege to work alongside Dan Bigelow as Assistant Victim/Witness Coordinator in his office for many years during my 10 year residency in Wahkiakum County before I moved to Indiana to be with family. Dan is truly honorable because of his fairness, high standard of ethics, caring, and commitment to your community and public safety. He has the experience, education, and skills to serve as prosecutor, coroner and EMT responder. His door is always open to anyone that wants to talk. I know that everything I have written...

  • Understand the basics before complaining

    Oct 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: I’ve heard lots of people complain about and blame the Biden administration on our current inflation situation. The most recent example was Mr. Schreiber’s Eagle article last week about the price of gas. Gasoline, Natural gas, Brent Crude and West Texas Crude are all commodities that are traded on worldwide markets. These commodity “contracts” are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange by thousands of international players, both buyers and sellers. To assume an American President, whether Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, etc., c...

  • Please continue to support our democracy

    Oct 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: The Republican party censured Jaime Herrera Beutler in 2021 because she stood up against Donald Trump and supported our Constitution and democracy. Congresswoman Herrera Beutler worked very hard for the constituents of the third congressional district. She worked well with our Senators, who are Democrats. She worked for all of us, even those of us who did not vote for her. This is how mature, smart elected officials do their jobs. We now have a choice in November. If you want to continue this type of representation in Congress,...

  • Inflation caused by corporate greed

    Oct 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: MAGA-man wrote an evocative letter last week, spoke his truth eloquently, but degenerated into Republican-speak about how “Democrats didn't (even) wait until after the election to stick it to us with $5.69 a gallon gas”- an issue perennial as crab grass and election cycles. Inflation at the pumps, supermarkets, and anywhere else consumers are feeling the burn, is the fault of industry -- not the fault of the customers buying their goods, or of the administration currently in power. Corporations have the power to raise prices wit...

  • Many Republicans have already left

    Oct 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: Calling all Conservatives. The real ones. Not the phonies. Ones whose cornerstone values are the Constitution, the rule of law, and institutions that make those possible. When are you going to take your party back? Yes, you who used to call yourselves Republican before your brothers and sisters swallowed the Kool-Aid of Putin’s puppet. And you, who still hold onto the Republican label, just because you have no place else to go. A political party without a moral core grounded in reality, not self-delusion, eventually s...

  • Where is the Republican party?

    Oct 6, 2022

    To The Eagle: Steve Bannon (Trump’s pardoned chief strategist) helped get Mussolini’s party back in power, 70 years after he was hung upside down. Giorgia Meloni and her far-right party, along with Hungary's autocratic leader tells U.S. conservatives to join his culture war, at CPAC. Ted Cruz calls CPAC crowd "dangerous radicals" to raucous applause, obviously in ‘jest’ for fodder. After winking at QAnon for years, Donald Trump is overtly embracing the baseless conspiracy theory, even as the number of frightening real-world events linked...

  • This disabled Vet's shoes fit just fine

    Sep 29, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am MAGA and proud of it. What does that mean? Well let’s have a look. First I believe our children should be educated and not indoctrinated in school. I believe our borders must be secured so we can allow those in that can obey our immigration laws by filing properly for entrance and prove that once here they will not become a burden on hard working Americans. I believe criminals should be treated like criminals and not better than their victims as many Democrat lefties seem to have forgotten. Our streets must be safe and the c...

  • Access to literature broadens young minds

    Sep 29, 2022

    To The Eagle: One of the ‘side effects’ of keeping an open mind is that scammers, shifty politicians and other professional liars keep trying to toss their trash into it. They depend upon people believing just about anything. Consider these few examples. 1- Critical Race Theory (CRT): Dishonest political opportunists push two lies about this. First, that CRT is all about White people being oppressors while Black people remain oppressed victims. The other lie is that CRT, a university level subject matter, is being taught to children in gra...

  • Another idle threat?

    Sep 29, 2022

    To The Eagle: Since the police department doesn’t usually enforce parking in Cathlamet, will they have to start when we are limited to two hours? Or is this another idle threat? Maybe we could hire a meter maid. Michael Nunes Cathlamet...

  • Only love of people can protect the innocent

    Sep 29, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am not interested in opinions, mine or other people’s. I am more interested in truth and facts. I have found in living 78 years that truth is not always easy to accept and harder to live. Seems to me there are two power sources of information and truth. The positive or negative which seems to govern lives either toward good or evil. I have spent way too much of my life in the negative, even after I read what Jesus taught about truth. He heard the voice of His Father God and taught us truth. Or we can turn toward deceptions w...

  • If that shoe fits, wear it

    Sep 22, 2022

    To The Eagle: I’ve been chastised for “name calling” after supporting President Biden’s statement that while not all MAGA supporters are fascists, the movement’s ideology certainly leans that way. MAGA , like fascism, scorns liberalism’s emphasis on reason, the rule of law, individual autonomy, and pluralistic representative democracy. Fascism is typically rooted in the cult of a “supreme leader.” MAGA both worships and fears its swaggering paragon. Fascism’s most extreme expression were the Nazis. My late father, a 100% disabled vet, fou...

  • Group thanks staff at public swimming pool

    Sep 22, 2022

    To The Eagle: As summer draws to a close, we want to publicly thank the amazing staff at the Julia Butler Hansen Swimming Pool. The youngest generation of Neilson children had the great fortune to practice ice cream scoop arms, beaver dives, frog kicks and starfish floats under the skilled and watchful eyes of the Cathlamet swim coaches and lifeguards. The kids adored their joyful and kind approach while the grown-ups appreciated the life-saving water skills they imparted. We watched from the same bleachers where Dave and Laverne once cheered...

  • A look at how inflation affects property is offered

    Sep 22, 2022

    To The Eagle: It seems there is a lot of conversation about inflation lately. Maybe we can illustrate what it means locally by using the assessor’s figures for property taxes applied to 100 foot waterfront lots. We will begin with a 100 foot lot from 1969 being valued at $250. I myself have a 100 foot waterfront lot assessed just a few days ago at $211,000 rounded off for easy arithmetic (my kind of arithmetic). If someone in 1969 had $211,000 to buy 100 foot waterfront lots he would have 844 of these lots which would amount to 15.98 miles o...

  • Public trust lacking in mRNA vaccines

    Sep 22, 2022

    To The Eagle: A PhD. asked “how science communicators might restore public trust?” Answer is simple, logical and ignored by medical administrators, vaccine manufacturers, politicians and media. All science communicators must tell the truth, the whole truth and be 100% honest about the science from all research and study findings worldwide. When “science communicators” pick and choose which science to embrace, and which science to ignore and then try to silence it; that destroys any public trust. In science, to avoid prejudiced pseudo-...

  • Study candidates, vote for the best people

    Sep 15, 2022

    To The Eagle: Wake up people of USA--voters and a recent writer: Seems there are too many following information from social networks, not bothering with a little research, which is so readily available to us all. Seems some still don’t think covid was real. [Former President Trump] 45 has endorsed some candidates who deny democracy. The 2020 election was a great message from voters. Sadly, many from the losing side are now not believing in democracy and the vote. The counting and recounting, even with 45’s special ninjas, found no fraud against...

  • Republicans, What have you become?

    Sep 15, 2022

    To The Eagle: I use to think Republicans and Democrats shared common values that ran deeper than party affiliation. And although I am a Democrat, I admit to having voted Republican when the GOP candidate was the better choice. However, I’ve noted the change in the GOP these last 10-years and realize that our values are very different. Ten years ago I saw Tea Party Republicans holding signs that portrayed president Obama as a monkey and heard their talk of revolution. I ignored those Republicans back then, believing they did not represent the v...

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