Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Sincerity is not a test of truth

    Nov 10, 2022

    To The Eagle: Our few weeks’ respite of JB Bouchard’s rantings ended last week with his typical attack on Republicans. He continues to position himself and Democrats as exclusive to valuing facts, reason and decency. Here are some facts that Mr Bouchard consistently omits. Inflation was 1.4% when President Biden took office, it was 7.9% in February, 2022. That was before Putin invaded Ukraine. It’s running 8.2% currently. The vast majority of inflation happened due to Biden policies, not Putin. The math ie “facts” are that the 6.5% inflation...

  • Trump's allies pled the fifth

    Nov 10, 2022

    To The Eagle: So, a recent contributor “wants the truth” heard about Jan 6th. Good luck with that. Trump’s closest allies, whom he presidentially pardoned after their convictions for election related crimes, have “pled the 5th” against self incrimination while under oath to the Jan 6th investigation. Trump’s legal team, paid for by your “Save America” contributions, has surely warned him that lying while under oath to the Jan. 6th investigators would be a crime -- perjury. That must be a bit of a conundrum for the Biggest Liar in the nation....

  • Racist remark was reprehensible

    Nov 10, 2022

    To The Eagle: Two Tuesdays ago, deadline day for The Eagle, I got a call from a friend with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The Eagle had rejected his letter for being too close to the election, he said, and pointed out that election day was still two and a half weeks away. Checked my email and saw that they had rejected mine, too, and sent a note reiterating my friend’s criticism. And lo! They relented and published our letters. The next Tuesday was, in fact, “the week before the election” referred to in The Eagle’s letter policy, and yet...

  • Writer takes issue with prior letter

    Nov 3, 2022

    To The Eagle: A contributor helpfully illustrated last week how Republicans distort issues to inflame conservative voters. Take a look behind his insinuations about: “Ongoing deterioration of our military?” Our professional armed forces are second to none. He thinks training soldiers to fight both enemies in the field and racial and gender discrimination within their own ranks, causes martial weakness. It doesn’t. It promotes moral strength. “Erasure of our national borders?” Factually, more immigrants enter the U.S. legally than not. That...

  • I want the truth, don't you?

    Nov 3, 2022

    To The Eagle: A front page headline was shown recently in The Eagle “Jan 6 panel subpoenas Trump, shows startling new video.” I haven’t seen it but can only guess what startling new video they came up with and edited it for their narrative. Trump and many of his closest allies that the Jan 6 Committee subpoenaed would have appeared before them but they will not behind closed doors. They will with doors wide open and with all the TV stations there ABC, OAN, CNN, NBC, Newsmax, CBS for the simple reason because when filming live they cannot edit....

  • From The Editor

    Rick Nelson|Oct 27, 2022

    The election is coming, but not as fast as we thought at The Eagle. We have a policy of not printing campaign endorsement or similar letters in the last edition before an election, for a candidate who is attacked wouldn’t have a chance to respond. Thinking the election was coming sooner than it is, we told letter writers we wouldn’t run campaign letters this week. When one pointed out our error Wednesday morning, we decided to run the letters. As you can see, there are many, and because space is tight, we’ve cropped some of the extra...

  • The Star Program will begin on Monday

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: If you need help with providing Christmas gifts for your children up through the age of 17, please fill out an application or contact our Star Program phone at 360-431-5232. All calls and applications will be handled discreetly. This is a needs-based program. On Monday, October 31, you may pick up applications either at The Bank of the Pacific in the Star Program mail box in the foyer or Health and Human Services on Elochoman Valley Road. They must be returned to where you picked them up no later than November 22. Stars will be...

  • Vote for Marie

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: Joe Kent would be a disaster and an embarrassment to Washington. He is a Trump wannabe who believes the much debunked big lie. He is a white nationalist who associates with Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. He says Jan 6 was just a single day incident and wants the participants pardoned. He wants to defund the police and the FBI. He would set women's rights back more than a century. He is so ignorant of the laws that he claims he himself will impeach the president in a single day. We don't need any more militant, know-nothing,...

  • Cast your vote

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: MAGA zealots still believing the 2020 election was stolen from former President Trump have crafted a plan that, in their telling, will thwart ‘cheating’ in this year’s midterm elections. Their strategy? For voters who receive a mailed ballot- hold onto it and hand it in at a polling place or election office on Nov. 8 at the last minute. The plan is based on unfounded conspiracy theories that voting systems will be manipulated to rig results for Democrats once they have seen how many Republican votes have been returned early...

  • Preserve democracy

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Importantly, voting and accepting the outcome, as voted by all. Right now, we are facing many election deniers; Kent is one of them, supported by denier in-chief, who has pushed the Big Lie for years, leading up to now. Many reasons beyond Democracy to vote, but without democracy, it will be meaningless. . . . Whomever you choose to vote for, should be a believer in DEMOCRACY and the...

  • McKean is ready

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: I urge the citizens of Wahkiakum County to vote for Holly McKean for prosecutor. I worked for the City of Port Townsend's City Attorney Office when Holly joined the office. In fact, I was one of her tutors as she completed the APR 6 program You may not be familiar with the program, but as someone who both graduated from law school and has now tutored two law clerks as they study the law, I can assure you that the law clerk program is a vigorous legal education that more than prepares someone to practice law. Law school teaches a s...

  • We are in trouble

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: First, I am not enamored with either the Democratic or the Republican party. Corruption and incompetence are rampant on both sides of the aisle. However, Trump and Trump sycophants (?psychophants? – my word) have dragged the once respectable political party into the mire. How could our proud republic allow itself to be presented to other nations by a vulgar, uncultured, loud-mouthed, racist, misogynist buffoon - and consider to do so again? Has any previous president been laughed at during a meeting of the United Nations, been s...

  • Stick with Bigelow

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: . . . Wahkiakum County ranks high among the most peaceful, successful, and secure counties in the nation despite being in a state that routinely ranks among the worst. Some of this is no doubt due to the fact that we are a small rural county, but I attribute much of our recent success to the quiet, competent leadership of three people in particular: Commissioner Dan Cothren, Sheriff Mark Howie, and Prosecutor Dan Bigelow. One of them, Bigelow is running for re-election this year and the upcoming midterm election is our first...

  • Before you vote

    Oct 27, 2022

    To The Eagle: Things to ask yourself before you vote democrat are worth asking. Will you vote for the ongoing deterioration of our military?, the decline of our standard of living?, the erasure of our national border?, or the basic moral and civil code? Will you support kicking parents out of their say in their kids’ education?, or the sterilization of minors with government gender bending? Do you support abortion up to the moment of birth?, the destruction of US industry?, the demonization of half or more of our population?, or herding p...

  • A vote for Marie

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: Southwest Washington's District Three has a long history of representation in Congress by men and women of both parties, most of whom have held our rural interests first in mind, and have represented us well. Now we have a choice before us—the choice of an ideologue from the radical right who wouldn't know Wahkiakum County from Timbuktu, versus a working person's rural Democrat who actually lives in the country, labors for a living, and, as one of us, will represent all of us. If you think Joe Kent will give our concerns the same...

  • Holly will do a good job

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I was very disappointed to hear that our Prosecuting Attorney, Dan Bigelow, refused an offer to debate his challenger for office, Holly McKeen. Disappointed, but not surprised. You see, I have seen Dan in action in the courtroom. Some years back I was called to be in the jury pool for a criminal case Dan was prosecuting. During the screening process, Dan asked me a question that I felt was insulting. It implied that if I were being asked some difficult or embarrassing questions that my first reaction would be to respond with...

  • Vote Julie Anderson

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am voting for Julie Anderson for Secretary of State. Anderson has been Pierce County's nonpartisan auditor for 12 years. She has the experience to run elections and serve the other duties of Secretary of State. Washington ballots allow candidates to describe their party preference or send other cues to voters. Anderson is stating the nonpartisan ethic on the ballot — pick the person and not the party for the highest election official in Washington State. Vote Julie Anderson. Krist Novoselic, Deep River...

  • Bigelow combines care with empathy

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am writing to share my experience with Dan Bigelow, Wahkiakum County prosecutor. I’ve appreciated the opportunity to work on a variety of projects in our county in my last 17 years living and working here. These are often with state agencies and contractors as partners on grants with multiple deliverables. Dan, in his role as prosecutor, reviews contracts and agreements to ensure Wahkiakum County is protected, and that contracting processes are done correctly. With grant projects usually having tight timelines, this is no s...

  • Former co-worker supports Bigelow

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am writing to support Dan Bigelow for re-election to the position of Wahkiakum County Prosecuting Attorney. Dan and I became friends during 25 years of service as EMTs on the Cathlamet ambulance, answering hundreds of calls yearly. It didn’t take long to recognize Dan’s knowledge and understanding of the law and his pride of working for the county residents. It is important to Dan to treat people fairly and with respect. In his job as coroner I have witnessed his compassion and kindness in delivering difficult news to fam...

  • Only votes for MAGA

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: Since 2012, Tulsi Gabbard served for the Democratic Party as Congresswoman in Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district. In 2020, she campaigned for President but dropped out of the race in which she gave her full support to Biden. Before that, she enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard and in 2004 got deployed on a 12-month tour in Iraq as a specialist with the Medical Company. This woman served and was promoted to various ranks while in the military. Why am I writing about her? As I mentioned, she’s been a member of the Dem...

  • Don't vote for the obstructionists

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: Jim Walsh and Joel McIntyre have accomplished nothing in the legislature. Their sole purpose for being there is to obstruct and they have even failed at that. They subscribe to Trump's debunked big lie and would both deny women the right to make their own decisions. If you want to see this area continue to get nothing at the state level then vote to reelect the obstructionists. If you want this area to have a voice in Olympia vote for representatives who know how to work for the people and work with, not against other people....

  • Strong welcomes concerns

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: I am endorsing Gene Strong for county commissioner. He was the commissioner who helped so much during the Naselle Youth Camp closure. He was at the public demonstration along with Jim Walsh, one of our State Representatives for District 19. Not one Pacific County commissioner attended the two public events to protest the closure, but Gene was there. He regularly attends the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District meetings and has been actively working to gain progress with the Army Corps of Engineers for dredging Grays Bay. He...

  • Dan Bigelow is best

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: Rose and I support Dan Bigelow for re-election as Wahkiakum County Prosecutor. Dan has served and is currently serving the citizens of Wahkiakum County as prosecutor with all the qualifications, 10-years’ experience as prosecutor, trial experience, education and a law degree, too! Additionally, Dan has earned the respect and trust of the community for the past thirty-years as a volunteer fire fighter and EMS technician. Dan is the best choice for all of us. Dan works for our community; let’s work for Dan with our votes! Ple...

  • Liberal writers distort the truth

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: Well, as is almost always the case, when I send a letter to The Eagle, the following week there comes a number of liberal writers sending letters in bunches to distort the truth with their misinformed spin. One writer blames the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for the rise in the price of energy, ignoring the fact that the Biden administration shut down pipelines, leases to drill on Federal lands and ANWAR, etc. Biden and the Democrats that worship at the Altar of Climate Change should keep in mind the climate changes four times a...

  • Vote to preserve our Democracy

    Oct 20, 2022

    To The Eagle: “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” Liz Cheney, - January 6, Congressional Committee. Congresswoman Cheney is right; when politicians lie about the outcome of a free and fair election to gain and hold on to power they not only dishonor themselves, but also undermine American democracy by undermining Americans’ faith in democratic institutions. To win the GOP primary earlier this year, Joe Kent told...

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