Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Former board member was community asset

    Jul 28, 2011

    To The Eagle: Last week's Eagle contained an obituary for Ken Terhaar which listed his extensive community involvement in the Longview area, but what was not included was the role he played in Wahkiakum County. I would like to make sure that local residents realize this and how important it was. For a number of years, Ken served on the board of the United Way of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties. In that capacity he was appointed to serve as the liaison between that organization and St. James Family Center, which has long been supported by it....

  • Energy is vital to economic future

    Jul 28, 2011

    To The Eagle: For years LNG energy speculators promised us, “If we import foreign LNG it will diversify the supply and stabilize natural gas prices.” Now they claim, “If we export our generous supplies of domestic natural gas in the form of LNG it will stabilize prices.” Thanks to Ted Sickenger (Oregonian, July 17) for exposing this ultimate bait and switch scheme. If we allow these energy speculators to export away America’s energy future, you can kiss any form of economic recovery goodbye. In addition LNG terminals will destroy critical...

  • Another attempt to cause hate

    Jul 28, 2011

    To The Eagle: It looks like EGT Development’s Larry Clark made a very clever move in his quest to hire non-union workers at the Port of Longview. This battle closely resembles a chess game, Larry’s latest move to hire a different union to man the work at the Port is an effort to pit one union against another. Now, instead of focusing the ILWU’s efforts on EGT ‘s earnings, $2.5 million yearly, they created a distraction. Meanwhile, a CEO from a very large international based corporation has decided to change the way we operate here in Cowlitz...

  • Another fabulous job while on vacation

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jul 28, 2011

    Once again, I have to congratulate my staff for getting The Eagle out while I was on an unscheduled vacation last week. Betsy, Geri and Caroline did a whale of a job picking up the loose ends. Ruby was on vacation, too, a planned vacation, and she's picked up a big load since she came back. It's nice to know that the paper is in good hands. Not only does the publisher not have to worry, but our subscribers also have the best quality product coming to them that we can produce. I use the term vacation loosely. I developed an infection in my leg,...

  • Will the light come on in the other Washington?

    Jul 21, 2011

    To The Eagle: In 2007 President George Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA). This bipartisan bill simply requires that new light bulbs use 25 to 30 percent less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. No light bulbs are banned. No one will be forced to use one type of light bulb over another type. Michelle Schaefer of Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports states: "Rather, they set benchmarks that are technology-neutral, and manufacturers have already developed more efficient incandescent...

  • Are the Dark Ages upon us?

    Jul 21, 2011

    To The Eagle: The Dark Ages are upon us. Not quite here yet, but you can see the lengthening shadows approaching just as depicted in a Harry Potter movie. Using tactics of demonization, our leaders have created apocryphal shortages of energy and resources, bringing the wheels of industry and finance to a grinding halt. Let's take it from the top: Ninety four percent of global trade depends on diesel and gas turbine engines and internal combustion engines allow us commoners to participate in both the production and consumption of this global cor...

  • Resident not a willing seller

    Jul 14, 2011

    To The Eagle: Just wanted to express my thanks to all my clients throughout the years, I will miss everyone. I will be moving at the end of the month. Columbia Land Trust has succeeded in running me out of home and business. My health can not take the constant terror they put me through. This is how they get what they call “willing sellers.” I am not willing but my health and sanity must prevail. Those of you who assume they gave me big bucks are mistaken; I do not even have enough to buy a new home and the financial losses to me are exo...

  • Money system forever unworkable

    Jul 14, 2011

    To The Eagle: Consider this list of words that accurately describe our nation's bank operated money-created -as-debt system--fraud, hoax, swindle, deception, theft, legalized ongoing criminal enterprise, unstable, racket, scam, robbery and looting. These adjectives, shameful, corrupt, unethical, and immoral are also accurate. Are we supposed to be happy with a system like this? This system is forever unworkable. The longer we use this system, the worse things will get because it always creates an ever increasing unpayable debt. It is...

  • Former manager deserves praise

    Jul 14, 2011

    To The Eagle: I've been reading in The Eagle about the big 30 Year Anniversary Party for the Skamokawa Vista Park to be held the end of this month. There is one person I haven't heard mentioned in any of the articles, and had it not been for him, the park certainly wouldn't be as successful as it is today. The person I am talking about is Steve McClain. It was his many years of hard work, love, devotion, blood, sweat, and tears, that built that park and kept it going until he was dismissed. When the powers that be stand up to give their...

  • Thanks offered for The Focus on Wahkiakum

    Jun 30, 2011

    To The Eagle: Wallowing in projects here, I just finished The Focus on Wahkiakum, 5/26/11. It's an endearing tabloid that I will share with close friends and visitors. I thank Ruby, Rick and Kay for the thoughtful journalism; all the familiar merchants being solidly there, Geri; and the whole Eagle staff for the extra effort. It's a keeper. Vail St. Vrain Seattle...

  • Follies cast member praised

    Jun 29, 2011

    To The Eagle: In last week's edition of The Eagle, specifically in the Skamokawa News column, the author Kay Chamberlain promoted the Smoky Water Follies. She listed many cast members and included in many cases the musical and dramatic numbers they were to perform. Kay omitted one very important name. Without this name, the Follies would not have been as successful as it turned out to be. This individual's attention to every detail along with her acting and musical abilities were the reason for the show's success. The name that was left out of...

  • TV news channel hears biosolids issue

    Jun 23, 2011

    To The Eagle: KATU, Channel 2 Portland, came to the North Coast June 15 to cover a story about tiny Wahkiakum County's fight with the state Department of Ecology (DOE), a sort of David versus Goliath issue regarding the dumping of sewage within Wahkiakum County. The DOE issues permits regarding this kind of activity state-wide, but Wahkiakum County is also claiming authority. The Wahkiakum Board of County Commissioners recently passed an ordinance regarding the dumping of raw biosolids sewage onto lands that is more restrictive than what the...

  • Refuge teeming with litter

    Jun 16, 2011

    To The Eagle: As I'm driving on my way to Long Beach, I near the Wildlife Refuge. Since I'm getting bored with all the scenery, I turn on my blinker and enter. As I wind through the tall grass and trees, I notice all the trash lying around. Then I scan my car and notice all the garbage I need to throw away. "Hmm..." I grab a crumpled McDonalds bag, look around outside then chuck it out the window. "Haha! That felt great." I pass some kids sitting around a fire pit on the beach, one of them carelessly tosses a pop can over his shoulder. "Well,...

  • Is compensation appropriate?

    Jun 16, 2011

    To The Eagle: Pursuant to a freedom of information request under Revised Code of Washington to Wahkiakum PUD, I am advised that the PUD manager's salary is $114,865.08 and the auditor's salary is $62,469.84. As of April 30, 2011, the PUD services 2421 electric accounts and 827 water accounts. We must ask, is the management compensation appropriate for the number of rate payers of the PUD and the number of employees? P.J. Fleury Puget Island...

  • Congress should reclaim authority

    Jun 16, 2011

    To The Eagle: How can our government be creating money? Congress can use the same technique banks use to create their money. But there is a major difference. Banks create their money "out of thin air." By what authority do they do this? Their claim is that the constitution gives Congress the authority to do this and that Congress has delegated this authority to the banking system. Therefore Congress can reclaim this authority. If Congress does create our money, it can be spent into circulation. This is the complete opposite of what the...

  • Students thanked for food bank work

    Jun 9, 2011

    To The Eagle: We want to recognize three students at Wahkiakum High School for the time and effort they have invested in working to provide foodstuffs and personal care items to the Helping Hand Food Bank. Jo-Ceph McCall, a sophomore; Michelle Scheible, a senior; and Kenzi Abbott, a junior, all took time from their busy schedules and performed service to their community. They are also planting a portion of the community garden to grow and donate to the food bank. We also want to thank the people who donated to the young people and who bring ite...

  • Reclaiming sovereignty would make world better

    Jun 9, 2011

    To The Eagle: In the 20 plus years I have spent studying our money system, I have become aware of reforms that need to be implemented to improve conditions for people living here and also those living in other countries. I am presenting a list of them in this forum, but it will be a serial list. First, "The New World Order" is not just a slogan or phrase that is bandied about. High (and low) profile financiers around the world have been planning and making arrangements here and abroad to consolidate their control over governments. Here we will...

  • Time for fun, part 2: Take the citizenship test

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 9, 2011

    Here, from the Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service, is the second installment of questions and answers to the US Citizenship Test. See how you do. I plan to run more of the test in subsequent editions, but you can find the test online if you're interested. Sample US Citizenship Test Questions 30. Who is the head of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government? 31. For how long is the President elected? 32. Name the highest part of the Judiciary Branch of our Government. 33. What are the duties of the Supreme Court? 34....

  • Who needs protection in the courtroom?

    Jun 2, 2011

    To The Eagle: Patronage is the financial aid or support that an organization or individual bestows to another. Normally the term has a positive connotation. Last fall, the presiding judges of the superior and district courts requested that the county commissioners fund selected individuals to provide for security during their court sessions. The commissioners denied this request as they should have. However recently, the district court judge proposed to the commissioners a creative set of fees to be levied against defendants to fund court...

  • Athletic achievement needs to be recognized

    Jun 2, 2011

    To The Eagle: Brett Chaput was also a district discus champion and was not mentioned in your article with Land and Baker. It is unfortunate that such an outstanding achievement by a local student athlete was not given the recognition it deserved. He is ranked number two in the state and has a very good chance of placing very high in that event this weekend. Joleen Koehler Cathlamet...

  • Time for some fun: Take the citizenship test

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 2, 2011

    This past weekend, I picked up a copy of the Spanish Yellow Pages, a publication that lists businesses serving the Hispanic population of the lower Columbia area. It also includes advice for dealing with US law, and there was a section with the U.S. Citizenship Test. Hmm, I asked myself, can I pass? Well, I didn't get all the answers, but it was fun. So, from the Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service, here are the first 29 questions and answers for you. They shouldn't be too hard. I plan to run more of the test in...

  • PUD asked to freeze management salaries

    May 26, 2011

    To The Eagle: Have you heard the word from the PUD lately? This is the time of the year that the annual ritual begins where management starts their lament about being underpaid. It starts out about how the ratepayers cannot afford to lose their PUD managers to other higher paying PUDs or private employers. The request for 10 percent increases were denied by the board the past two years and management had to settle for a mere four percent per year. However, by comparison, local county officials and many state workers have seen their salaries...

  • Money and influence can't defeat majority

    May 26, 2011

    To The Eagle: The recent court defeat of Oregon LNG is especially relevant as this month is also the one year anniversary of the defeat of proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal and pipeline. It is good to live in a country of laws where sometimes ordinary citizens can prevail against overwhelming amounts of money and the influence it can buy. The Texas energy speculators promoting Bradwood Landing spent 100 million dollars over five years trying to buy our river. But estuary citizens rolled up their sleeves and went to work. They formed local...

  • Time to recognize emergency responders

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 26, 2011

    Last week was National EMS Recognition Week, and the Cathlamet Town Council and Mayor George Wehrfritz adopted this resolution recognizing the work of emergency responders. We heartily endorse the proclamation. The local volunteers make significant sacrifices and do wonderful work. Proclamation Whereas, May 15-21, 2011, has been designated as National EMS Recognition Week, and Whereas, It is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to our Cathlamet Fire Department and EMS services for their service and sacrifices to the Town of Cathlam...

  • Administrative code gives control over biosolids

    May 19, 2011

    To The Eagle: I am not a lawyer, and I’ve found over the years that things that seem obvious to me can have a different meaning when subjected to the light of the law. In the May 12 edition of The Eagle, the Department of Ecology Director Ted Sturdevant is quoted as saying “Wahkiakum County does not have the authority to prohibit biosolids management practices authorized by the State Regulatory Program” However, when I review Washington Administrative Code 173-308 which governs Biosolids Management, in particular WAC 173-308-030 Relat...

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