Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Property advisory board here to help

    Apr 19, 2012

    To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Real Property Rights Advisory Board was created for the benefit of Wahkiakum County residents. Its function is to review and comment on plans and policies developed by the county authority which can affect the real property rights of county residents and then, after evaluation of these, advise the county commissioners how the plans or policies may relate or impact the property rights of the citizen. This committee, consisting of nine Wahkiakum County residents, can only be effective if the residents of the...

  • DeBriaes are asset to community

    Apr 19, 2012

    To The Eagle: A short note to say thanks to the DeBriaes for their generosity over the years and of lately to Wahkiakum County and Cathlamet in general. When the community is in need, they step in to give aid. The fire department that you see today would not be, without the aid of the DeBriaes and the host of volunteers, both medical and fire who are called night and day to give us aid. Again we thank you for all your giving. Olaf Thomason, Sr. Puget Island...

  • Family center proud to be part of United Way

    Apr 12, 2012

    To The Eagle: St. James Family Center is proud to be one of the recipients of the United Way of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties' funding allocations for 2012. SJFC received $42,000 from United Way this year. St. James Family Center provides a variety of programs that focus on children and families in our community. United Way support assists SJFC to be able to continue to make a positive impact in the lives of families who use our services. In addition to funding, United Way organizes opportunities for volunteers to work with agencies in a...

  • Weather dependent satellite a pain

    Apr 5, 2012

    To The Eagle: About an hour ago I lost the satellite signal for television. When I called I was told to wait until we had no weather and they could send out a technician to look at the system. I told the representative that it rained about nine months of the year and we have about two months to go. I asked her what she recommended ? She said, sorry but there was nothing she could do....She was going to hang up! I am waiting for her supervisor – five minutes later, still waiting. Still on hold, I think Lawrence Welk is playing a polka........

  • Visitors treated by anonymous local

    Apr 5, 2012

    To The Eagle: I just wanted to share a wonderful story that happened in our little village of Cathlamet. As the owner of the Villa at little Cape Horn B&B we try to send our guests to venture into town and shop, have lunch and dinner. On Sunday afternoon, we had a couple check in from Lake Oswego, Ore. They were celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary. Janette and Dan are a special couple as Dan just had his 99th birthday. We worried that they may have trouble finding our B&B and Jeanette informed us that she would use GPS and if they got...

  • Talking about "it" raises sexual assault awareness

    Apr 5, 2012

    To The Eagle: Let's be honest, "it" is not an easy subject to talk about. Most of us are uncomfortable talking about sex. But let's take a moment and get past the blushing, because this conversation is so important. April is Sexual Assault Prevention Month and this April, communities across Washington are proclaiming "Voices. Actions. Communities." This year's campaign encourages individuals and communities to bring healthy sexuality into the conversation on how we connect with and respect one another in order to prevent sexual violence. By...

  • Port criticism still holds true

    Apr 5, 2012

    To The Eagle: My friends suggested I apologize for my criticism of the port. I can't do that when I'm right; I never criticize unless I have a better solution. The shower floors were extremely slippery because of the type of high gloss paint they used. Use a flat rubber based exterior paint. Making sure it won't be slippery, add ground walnut shells. Toilet dispensers ideally should be as follows: The aft end of any dispensers should be in line with the front edge of the toilet. And the bottom of the dispenser should be 40 inches from the...

  • Commissioner thanked for hard work

    Apr 5, 2012

    To The Eagle: On behalf of Grays River Grange #124 and personally as well, I am writing to congratulate Commissioner Dan Cothren on the successful passage of legislation providing compensation for timber-dependent counties that host threatened and endangered wildlife, such as ours and to recognize and thank him for his faithful efforts in this direction over a long period. When a limited resource base must provide for many needs, such as fiber, income for schools and counties and jobs as well as for watersheds and wildlife including the...

  • Community club extends invitation

    Mar 29, 2012

    To The Eagle: The Rosburg Community Club wishes to see the programs we host extend into the future for the well being of our community. We wish to ensure continued good health through healthy food programs which explains why we have supported lunch programs through the years. We accomplish these goals by paying for unmet costs in heat and utilities, supplies and labor and by keeping the hall available. Our goal is to achieve a balance, to continue making the hall available to meet what we perceive are the needs of the community versus the...

  • Writer grateful for help in time of need

    Mar 22, 2012

    To The Eagle: Early evening on Monday, March 12, my son and I were returning home to Grays River from Longview. As you may remember, it was a snowy evening. KM Mountain was treacherous and after a harrowing slide, our Jeep was in need of a winch to get us back on the road. Two Wahkiakum deputies arrived immediately. They calmed and reassured us, then made us laugh a bunch, all while calling a tow truck. Then for nearly an hour, they sat behind us in their car to protect us from other vehicles. After some time, Shane Fredrickson and another...

  • Politicians getting us back on the right track

    Mar 22, 2012

    To The Eagle: It's really exciting to read about all the scientific and technological breakthroughs that have been made recently by our politicians. Yep, you read that right. We used to have to hang around waiting for people like Einstein, Galileo, and Newton to get us on the right track, but now our politicians can perform these wonders, probably inspired by founding father Al Gore who invented the internet but then went dormant before he could re-invent government. One of these great discoveries, made recently up in Olympia, is that you can...

  • Issues with the marina still ongoing

    Mar 22, 2012

    To The Eagle: Over 26 years I have relied on the Elochoman Marina to take my showers. Eighteen of those years I lived on my boat at the marina, until the staff members collaborated with a pike minnow fisherman falsely accusing me of threatening to shoot him. I'm guilty of shooting a picture of his boat that I sold him earlier. The marina wanted to get rid of me because I called the sheriff when drunken parties went on all times of the night. After 18 years, they evicted me from the marina. Last time I was accused of shooting anyone was in the...

  • Council hasty in adopting ordinance

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 22, 2012

    So, the Town of Cathlamet has a new ordinance governing the operation of the Cathlamet Fire Department. It takes effect five days after today, the day it is published. You can find a summary of the ordinance on Page 8 of this week's edition. If you've been following this issue, the town's fire department has been operating under an ordinance developed in 1932, which put supervision of the department under the now defunct Cathlamet Commercial Club, subject to approval by the town council. Mayor George Wehrfritz and state auditors have said this...

  • State patrol gives thanks for compassion

    Mar 15, 2012

    To The Eagle: The Washington State Patrol would like to thank all the wonderful people of Washington who showed their compassion and care following the tragic death Trooper Tony Radulescu. When we in law enforcement lose one of our own, the outpouring of support from Washingtonians is a big factor in easing a very difficult time, and helping with the healing process that follows. We find real comfort in a community that cares, and I can assure you, so do the family and friends of the fallen officer. So on behalf of all of us who work to...

  • Considering impact of a megaquake

    Mar 15, 2012

    To The Eagle: It is heartening to read that county officials are taking seriously the impact a magnitude 9 earthquake will have in Wahkiakum County. While it is true that the risk of tsunami related problems here is low, we shouldn't be lulled into a sense of false security. In fact, geologists have determined that we are right on the edge of the zone of highest severity for the earthquake itself. So when we talk about bridge approaches being destroyed, we are talking about the Puget Island and Elochoman River bridges. We can also expect the...

  • Writer announces commission candidacy

    Mar 1, 2012

    To The Eagle: I'm writing you to announce I'm running for county commissioner for District 1. I read last week's Eagle and Lisa Marsyla's letter saying she wouldn't be seeking reelection. I want to thank Lisa for a job well done in serving her constituents. I'd like the opportunity to do the same. If you have questions for me, email me at Mike Backman Cathlamet...

  • Gallery gives thanks for successful opening

    Mar 1, 2012

    To The Eagle: On behalf of the Tsuga Art Association, I'd like to give a big thanks to all of you who joined us at the Tsuga Gallery for another opening this past Friday. We were quite amazed at how many people came, considering the rainy weather and after dark winter hours for the reception. Also, we'd like to extend a very special thanks to Gerry Ledtke and Rick Nelson who took the time to share their beautiful acoustic guitar music with us throughout the evening. It was much appreciated. The support we feel from all of you in this community...

  • Coverage of fire dept. issues could be better

    Mar 1, 2012

    To The Eagle: Our community deserves to know the context behind the Town Council's effort to draft a new ordinance governing the Cathlamet Fire Department (CFD). Unfortunately, The Eagle's recent coverage has failed to put this important legislation into perspective. Allow me to remedy that with a few important points: 1) The CFD has been operating virtually without Town oversight since 1932. Yes, our volunteers do fine work and have saved many lives over the years. But the culture within the department is openly hostile to the Town. Council...

  • Locals impressed with presidential candidate

    Feb 23, 2012

    To The Eagle: We travelled to Tacoma Monday evening, February 13, to hear and meet with Republican candidate for president Rick Santorum. We were very impressed with Rick's straight forward family values way of thinking and speaking. He was also very sharp on economic issues, stressing the need for immediately lowering fuel prices. We feel he would make a good president for all. Santorum also reminded everyone of our county caucus soon coming up and the national importance for Washington State. The Wahkiakum County Republican caucus will be...

  • Commissioner won't run for reelection

    Feb 23, 2012

    To The Eagle: I would like to thank the residents of Wahkiakum County that have supported, trusted and encouraged me to serve them as Wahkiakum County commissioner over the past three years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my position on the commission and have found it to be one of the most rewarding jobs of my career. Today (Tuesday) it is with sadness and much contemplation that I am announcing that I will not seek another term as county commissioner for District #1 at this time. I have a wonderful opportunity to potentially enroll my daughter in...

  • Bad weather didn't put damper on good deeds

    Feb 23, 2012

    To The Eagle: Work doesn't have to feel like work, even in the pouring rain, as long as you are doing something you believe in and so long as you have a good crew working with you. Last Saturday, a crew of 13 volunteers, plus a very efficient machine, dug 56 fence pole holes and set posts at Erickson Park on Columbia Street. These posts will be the first step toward a fence to protect our community garden from the deer that frequent the park, especially in the early morning hours. In particular, the Friends of the Garden want to thank Dandy...

  • Obsession with equality will lead to regression

    Feb 16, 2012

    To The Eagle: I lament the passage of the "gay marriage" bill in our State Capitol yesterday as most of my conservative friends do. I await the petition for the referendum that I will sign to put the matter to the vote of the people of this state (unaccountably named for the father of our nation.) All this hooha in the name of and attainment of "equality." Equality, that chimera of all good liberals, secularists, and statists (communists and collectivists too.) Have any one of these preening, back-slapping politicians in Olympia ever studied...

  • February is teen dating violence prevention & education month

    Feb 16, 2012

    To The Eagle: One in three teens will experience some form of abuse in their dating relationships and two thirds of those who do will not report it. The physical, emotional and sexual abuse that occurs in the relationships of teens is often similar to that of older people, but has its own set of issues. Younger daters are more likely to be harassed via text message, social media or e-mail and many young people have a hard time recognizing abuse in their relationships or those of their friends. Boyfriends and girlfriends are usually trusted...

  • Donate or volunteer to support Red Cross

    Feb 16, 2012

    To The Eagle: March is Red Cross Month – a time to recognize the work of the Red Cross in our community, and a time to recognize local donors and our more than 600 volunteers by letting them know how much we appreciate and depend upon their support to help people in need. Last year chapter volunteers assisted 112 families that had fallen victim to disasters, provided service to 545 military families, trained 9,099 people in lifesaving skills, and collected 24,417 units of blood. Nationally, the Red Cross responds to nearly 70,000...

  • Writer thanks helpful FFA youth

    Feb 9, 2012

    To The Eagle: I'm writing this letter to publicly express my gratitude to the four FFA boys from Wahkiakum High School and their teacher, Kyle Hurley, for the much needed help I received from them last weekend. They loaded 75 concrete blocks, each weighing at least 40 pounds, onto a flatbed truck and transported them from my good and generous friend Michele Smith's farm to my yard where they neatly stacked them in rows. I plan to use them for two 4' x 8' raised garden beds. The boys and Kyle did this for me as a community service project, a...

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