Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891
Sorted by date Results 2132 - 2156 of 2582
To The Eagle: On September 14, I took a boat out to Miller Sands, across the channel from Altoona. This was the site of the only White Pelican nesting colony west of the Cascade range. When I arrived the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were working at the site. They had bulldozed all the vegetation and were pumping dredge spoils on the nesting area. Now that the site is steep and free of cover, it will not be usable for the pelicans next year. I contacted Bird Research Northwest and a biologist from the Lewis & Clark National Wildlife Refuge, who...
To The Eagle: Dear 795-3333, I wish you would have invited all the candidates to your meet and greet or made it clear that you didn't. Some of us have worked hard to meet the people and get our platform out. Mike Backman Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: A couple of years ago, in honor of St. James Family Center's 25th anniversary, I ran the Portland Marathon in tribute to them and invited people to donate to SJFC in celebration of their quarter-century of service.The generosity of the community overwhelmed me: More than $800 was donated to this essential, local institution. I was thrilled at this response, but I shouldn't have been surprised: SJFC is extraordinary.For 27 years, now, SJFC has been providing a safe place for children to learn, stay, and grow.My own children, now...
To The Eagle: I have run some sizable operations in the international oil business and think I understand what it takes to make an organization go. Tammy Peterson strikes me as someone who is qualified for Treasurer. I have no disagreement with anyone who supports and votes for her. But there is an intangible that makes organizations go: someone around whom the department will solidify and rally as a constructive element of transformational leadership. I think Marlena Silva exhibits this quality. She supports county employees and their...
To The Eagle: In my opinion, the three most devastating events that can occur in a person’s life, but not in order of trauma are: 1) the loss of son or daughter in war; 2) a woman’s awareness and treatment for breast cancer and; 3) a bitter divorce. You might have a different opinion and change the subjects or circumstances. Being a Vietnam veteran, I witnessed many boys/men who would not come back to their parents; sad. Working and lecturing in the field of health and wellness with many women, and having female relatives that were dia...
This week, I announce some changes in staff. Reporter Melissa Linquist is leaving us, more or less. When we hired her last spring, she was completing her student teaching. It looked like none of the local school districts would be hiring a full-time elementary school teacher, and she would be a substitute teacher. That would have allowed her to continue as our part-time reporter. Alas, the Ocean Beach School District experienced some staff changes in August, and when an elementary position came open, they snapped up our enterprising reporter....
To The Eagle: Although I did not interview for or know that an article was going to run about the August 12 fund raiser event for Brandi Thomas, I wanted to clear the record because many things that were said in the article were taken out of context. Some of the information came from an email that I sent to Ms. Lindquist who wrote the article. I know her on a personal level and know that she is one of the sweetest people I’ve met. I have taught in the same building as she did her student teaching and quite a bit of substitute teaching during t...
To The Eagle: Governor Kitzhaber has called for an end to commercial gillnet fishing. Hmm. I don't understand all the hullabaloo! I'm glad and thankful we have commercial gillnetters. I love to eat fish but I do not like to fish for it. For many years, I commuted to work from Cathlamet to Longview. From Nassa Point to county line I would see less than 10 gillnetters (I know there are more going toward Astoria). They are not out there every day or every night; they are out there only when allowed. Now, the sport fishermen, that's a different...
To The Eagle: Speaking of our community’s wonderful spirit of volunteerism, (August 16 ‘Opinion’) I would like to acknowledge the exceptional work done by volunteers on behalf of Cathlamet Public Library. Not only do they provide fine customer service checking-out nearly 12,000 books and movies every year, they also perform a wide variety of other tasks that keep the library running smoothly. Thanks to volunteer generosity, the library is now open Tuesday through Saturday, five afternoons a week. In addition, the library is governed by a board...
To The Eagle: The article that was in last week's Eagle speaking to the Governor Kitzhaber plan is related to a proposal that goes back several years when the State of Washington also tried to out the commercial fishermen put of business on the Columbia River. I've been a Grange member for over 60 years and was on the Fish and Wildlife committee at that time. When we were meeting with this group who were making the proposal which our committee opposed, I asked what percentage of the people in the state of Washington actually had a license to...
To The Eagle: Thanks very much for the stories regarding the Oregon Ballot Measure 81 and Governor Kitzhaber response, regarding gillnetting on the Columbia River. Both of these endeavors could cause great harm to our local fishermen here in Wahkiakum County and in Washington State. Gov. Kitzhaber is apparently not aware that the only Select Area for fishing on the Washington side is in Deep River and it is maxed out in terms of fish production and too limited in space to permit many fishermen. There have not proven to be any other places in Wa...
To The Eagle: At last we have a sequel to the fascinating, cliff-hanger Saga of the Sewer to Nowhere. The gravity-defying engineering project slated to be our greatest future tourist attraction, the Cathlamet Uphill Sewer System (CUSS), has hit a challenging snag. Attempting to burrow under SR4 on its journey up the mountainside, it ran into a large boulder, a totally unexpected phenomenon in this sandy, loamy valley. The powerful Bureau of Transport and Alchemy was able help initially by levitating bedrock up and down, but attempts to bypass...
To The Eagle: I would like to thank all Wahkiakum county residents for the opportunity to run for office in our wonderful little corner of the world. I also want to personally thank all who took the time to vote and to those who voted for me; it was an honor. I also want to thank the other three candidates who were in this campaign for county commissioner. In a world of nothing but negative campaigning, this county rose above it. I believe that's why we live here. Lastly, I would like to express my support for Greg Prestegard. I believe he...
First, we are reminded once again of all the wonderful volunteers we have in our region. This week, we'll enjoy the county fair, largely run by volunteers. Last Sunday, volunteers put together a fabulous fund raiser for a cancer victim. The weekend before, we had volunteers putting on festivals in Skamokawa and Naselle, and the weekend before that, Cathlamet's Bald Eagle Festival and a new festival at the Grays River Valley Center. Volunteers put on a couple forums for political candidates in July. The Grays River Grange held one of their...
To The Eagle: The All School reunion was a great success and a good time was had by all. Many thanks to Susan McClain Kuhn for many hours of hard work to bring it all together. Job well done, Susan! Ray and Ora Loraine Bauer Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: This letter to-the editor contains only the opening paragraphs of my letter to Sheriff Dearmore regarding juror notification. A complete copy of my letter can be obtained by contacting me at Here is how the letter began: "We all know it is an honor and duty to be available for and serve as a juror. Recently, I received your notification to register for jury duty and complete the juror qualification/profile forms, which are enclosed. However, this letter serves to notify you as to my difficulty and or...
To The Eagle: We will be voting for Jon Haugen to represent us in Congress from the Third Congressional District from the State of Washington. Being a military veteran and a person of good conscience, he will represent the people of his district well. He is running against Jamie Herrera Beutler, in both the primary and general elections. Four important areas are among his priorities: - The Affordable Care Act must be kept in place because repealing it would be a disaster for young people, people with pre-existing conditions and those with high...
To The Eagle: Shame on the Bald Eagle Day parade coordinators for placing Wahkiakum County's 4-H youth equines in front of the log truck. How sad that makes me feel to know how little value our youth mean to you. Sharin Skamokawa...
To The Eagle: Thanks to the Grays River Grange for another spirited and well-attended candidate's forum held Tuesday night. Unlike many years, several incumbents this year have opposing candidates vying for their positions. The forums are a good way of getting to know those who are new to the political arena. I have to say I was disappointed though, that nearly all of the candidates present spent too much of their precious little time on the floor talking about such things as their family tree connections to the logging and/or fishing...
To The Eagle: I’m sure that readers of The Eagle are as concerned about the increased cost estimate for a new ferry as the county commissioners are, so it may be helpful to provide more information about the cost estimate increases. As reported by The Eagle, the new ferry had an estimated 2010 construction cost of $2,914,527. This estimate was the basis for grant applications, and the county received $2.8 million in federal ferry boat discretionary grant funding last fall. After we received the news about the grant, the ferry boat designers u...
To The Eagle: Now that our primary ballots have arrived in the mail, we have some pretty tough choices to make. There are many qualified people running for many offices but only two for each office will eventually go on the general election ballots. In a few instances, only one person is running for a particular office, but the point of my letter is to remind you that you have the opportunity to write in and candidate of your choice, if you wish. That said, Brian Blake is listed for the office of State Representative, District #19, position...
To The Eagle: I could not believe the hateful letter in last week's Eagle about homosexuality. If we were to take everything the Bible says literally then according to Exodus 21:7 "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go free as male slaves do." I didn't know we could sell our daughters; if I tried to sell my daughter I am sure she would object quite strenuously. Leviticus 25:44 states that "Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided that you buy them from among neighboring nations." Owning slaves is against th...
To The Eagle: Candidates for the Wahkiakum offices of PUD commissioner, treasurer, and county commissioner were on center stage Monday night at the packed Pioneer Community Church. They distinguished themselves with thoughtful and informative answers; public information and transparency at its best! Two questions addressed and paraphrased to the county commissioner candidates were: 1) what is one major goal you would like to initiate for the good of the county and; 2) what is one serious or important issue that should be addressed by the...
To The Eagle: The letter from last week’s editorial really burdened my soul. The writer stated that Cathlamet was “doing something immoral and disgusting by allowing the PFLAG (gay/lesbian) group to participate in the Bald Eagle Day parade, spreading gay and lesbian filth.” He asked, “When are Christians going to take a stand for the truth?” First of all, I am willing to take a stand and state that I am a Christian. What that means to me is that I believe in Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, having died and was raised fr...
To The Eagle: I am motivated as I write this letter to our community paper. Wahkiakum county residents and friends nearby are always remarkable at showing others what being generous really looks like. In the many years that I have lived here, I have seen many charitable fund raisers. Every time, I am awe struck at how compassionate a town can be. People are willing to give prayers, food, money, and much more when someone is in need. I know it should not be taken for granted either. Here we go again... This is my challenge for you: Please come...