Sorted by date Results 105 - 129 of 2586
To The Eagle: First they condemned brown people, accusing them of being rapists, murders, and drug dealers. Then it was Muslims, suggesting they were closet terrorists that need to be deported. African Americans protesting police violence, were accused of being Antifa. Gays, lesbians and transgender people they called perverts. They called the press the enemy of the people, and Democrats they called baby killers. In several states they restricted a woman’s reproductive right, and her access to contraceptives, while also banning books that s...
To The Eagle: I write to you today representing myself, and only myself. I am Garrett Radcliffe, the volunteer Advisor for the GSA at Wahkiakum High School. As I understand it, the GSA has been quite the talk of online forums. What is the GSA? Well, it’s many things really. Some call it the Gay Straight Alliance, others the Gender Sexuality Alliance. It doesn’t really much matter what it’s called, the goal remains the same: include everyone and respect everyone. The GSA supports any and all students, even those who may disagree, so long as it...
To the Eagle: For millions of people across the country, domestic violence is something they face on a daily basis. National statistics show that roughly 12 million people will experience domestic abuse in a single year – that’s about 20 people per minute. These people need our help and support so they do not feel alone and know that there are resources available to them. So how can you help? Look for the warning signs, and offer help to those who may be experiencing violece in their home. Some signs to look for can include lack of com...
To The Eagle: The Middle East, is once again in a war. Religious, territorial or both. The Ottoman Empire, which ruled much of the Middle East for centuries, collapsed. The empire was divided into smaller territories (which did not take ethnicities into consideration) and mandates, to be administered by European powers, including Britain and France. This marked the beginning of a period of colonialism and foreign intervention in the Middle East that continues to this day. I truly wish more people would study history! It is very important to...
To The Eagle: A recent article in the Eagle about Kandice Merz, running for School Board position 4, indicated she has received campaign contributions from the Family Policy Institute of Washington. Curious about what they represent, I went to the website where it explains that the Family Policy Institute is “promoting Christ-centered policy” and that their mission is to “unite, represent, educate and equip Washington legislators, pastors and Citizens to knowledgeably speak out on authentic biblical values, public policy, and bills impac...
To The Eagle: I am fairly new to Wahkiakum County and continue to learn its ways. I cannot express my utter amazement that the vast majority of candidates for various elected positions submitted absolutely no information for the Voters' Pamphlet (elected experience, other professional experience, education, community service or a statement). They didn't even provide a statement as to why they should be elected or what they want to accomplish if elected. I'd like to ask each of them why they think anyone should vote for them based on no...
To The Eagle: I believe Brian Heston has the qualities to make him an outstanding candidate for the Wahkiakum School District Board position. I have worked with him for the past three years on the Wahkiakum Robotics team where he dedicated hundreds and hundreds of hours of volunteer instruction to help our robotics students improve their skills in coding, electronics and engineering, which contributed to helping our students advance to the national championships. Brian is dedicated, levelheaded and a team player who cares deeply about student...
To The Eagle: Karen Bertroch is spot on suggesting survey staff go through local groups in trying to reach west end residents. Her most recent Downriver Dispatches (Oct. 19) reminded me of when I helped serving CAP meals in Rosburg. A speaker came from Longview to share information on senior services. Our people looked around, twitched a bit and didn't look like they were paying much attention until the speaker said how happy she was to get to come to Rosburg, as her great grandparents lived here years ago and she came to visit in the summertim...
To The Eagle: The mayor was quoted in the last issue of The Eagle, as saying that our new charger in town is a level one charger that will charge a car in 30 minutes. In fact a level one charger would put about 1.5 miles of charge in an electric car in half and hour. Level one is 120 volts like a household outlet and not at all efficient for charging an electric car. Eric Skemp Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Because our community is so small, we rely on people to wear many hats to provide necessary services. Brian Heston is running for the School Board’s position 2 this fall. Besides having a son in the local schools and volunteer experience with the Robotics team, he has an excellent background in IT and cybersecurity and is employed by Cisco, a well-known name in IT. He brings valuable IT expertise to the table and would be a valuable asset to the school district as it faces future IT challenges. I encourage people to vote for B...
To The Eagle: I believe Patty Anderson to be the best candidate for Wahkiakum School Board Position No. 4. If you have not had a chance to read her interview published in The Eagle on August 24, I would strongly recommend it. It is impressive! She has been an educator for 38 years in the public school system. During that time, Patty also was appointed to be a substitute principal when needed, a department head, and she coached volleyball teams from youth through the college level. She cares about the kids and the future of the school system...
To The Eagle: Brian Heston has what it takes to be a great school board member for us (position #2), and for our future. He is involved with kids in our school now as a mentor and as a parent. He works remotely from home here in Cathlamet for an industry-leading internet-era company: Cisco. His job is troubleshooting internet connectivity issues for customers, from very high-end companies to individuals. After growing up in Kelso, he and his family could be living anywhere in the world, but they chose Cathlamet. For the schools; for our...
To The Eagle: As we are on the edge of a big Middle East War, we have Republicans bickering over who to lead Congress. We have one Republican senator holding up military promotions and appointments. Minority Republicans are intent on destroying this country. Republicans want to destroy the ‘deep state.’ Do they even know the meaning? A body of influential members of government agencies and military believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. (In other words, anything they don’t agree with, which inclu...
To The Eagle: I would like to endorse Kandice Merz for school board. Kandice is a candidate with high moral standards, who has a true servant heart. She is actively involved in our community with her children, a business at the marina, works with youth at a local church. She is very approachable, humble and is deeply committed to making school a safe and better environment for children. I rarely endorse political candidates but give Kandice my 100% support. Steve Marshall Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Brian Heston, a lifelong Lower Columbia resident, is running for position 2 on the School Board. Aside from his expertise in IT, which would be valuable for the school, and his volunteer work with the school’s robotics team, he brings no specific agenda to the table and isn’t funded by any outside groups. He is a true centrist whose primary concern is for the general student population and is well though of by school leadership. I encourage people to vote for Brian. Floyd Young Puget Island...
To The Eagle: Brian Heston is my choice for Wahkiakum School Board position #2. With all the issues facing our young people today, it’s important to give our kids a good education, in a facility that is safe and a credit to our community. Our school board needs to build on the past, but look toward the future. After reading the newspaper articles and listening to both candidates I am convinced that Brian Heston is the better choice to do this job. Libby Vik Whitney Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Anti-C.R.T. mania and book banning are the latest tactics being employed by reactionary White supremacist conservatives in the Republican party, to derail the racial justice movement. Recently, Critical Race Theory (C.R.T.), an academic concept examining the evidence and effects of institutional racism, and taught exclusively to post graduate and law school students, has been catapulted into the public dialogue. It has become the catch-all phrase of those seeking to censor or actually expunge educational discussions dealing with...
To The Eagle: We are local Republicans who talk, work, and socialize with many other Republicans. The school board candidate running for Position No. 4 who is supported by the Republican party group of this county does not represent these Republicans and many others in the county. They do not speak for us. School board positions are non-partisan positions. They are not political, but have been made so by the other candidate. Our vote is for the kids, schools, and people of this community. These Republicans are voting for Patty Anderson for...
To The Eagle: Wahkiakum County has many retired people. Some have been nurses, social workers, first responders, teachers, coaches, and lots of others with valuable skills that are still needed. Being retired just means that you have had valuable training and experience, skills that could be dedicated to others if you had the opportunity to serve. The Emergency Warming Center (EWC) needs more volunteer hosts for the upcoming winter. Beginning November 15 and continuing through March 15, we serve those in need of a secure place to spend the...
To The Eagle: The election of school board members is very important to our kids’ education and safety. Board members should be reasonable, educated, and knowledgeable about schools. We don’t need people who think everyone should have to subscribe to their radical beliefs. Kandice Merz has stated in a public meeting that she has requested a complete list of all books in our school libraries. This leads me to believe her intention is to ban books she does not agree with. Apparently she has never read any books that would tell her how that wor...
To The Eagle: Last week’s letters “Stop the blame game” and “Place credit where it’s due,” were supported by facts gleaned from the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, Neil Cavuto on Fox, the bipartisan immigration bill passed by the Democratic Senate (which House Republicans refused to debate), the Deptartment of Energy, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, and Biden’s White House proclamations. Ludicrously, a contributor last week, declared those sources to be “in her opinion, disinforma- tion because they were written by Democrats and liberals....
by Karen Bertroch When the NGRV School Board met on September 19, there was a good-sized audience with comments and questions. They were, for the most part, respectful. On the other hand, board member Tyson Vogeler continues to challenge most items on the agenda and how the meeting is run. His actions set a tone for everyone in the room to do the same, which is unfortunate. To my knowledge, no one on the board is embezzling money. Nor is the board intentionally ignoring state law involving board procedures. As the “newspaper lady” att...
To The Eagle: In regard to last week’s letters “Stop the blame game” and “Place credit (and blame) where due,” in my opinion, the articles they’re getting their information from are disinformation. These articles are written by Democrats and liberals who will not report negative activities against their own party. They’ll come up with justifications in a way that doesn’t make sense. I hate to say this, but Republicans do the same. So really we are on our own to find the truth. Disinformation is not important but what’s important is that...
To The Eagle: In last week’s letter titled “A Wild Idea,” a contributor skewered the libs ‘humorously’ by cracking wise at the expense of this nation’s homeless. That writer suggests, only for our ironic amusement of course, that our increasing population of American families who will endure another winter in tents, on this nation’s sidewalks and back alleys, could profitably be “taxed to build nice homes” for undocumented emigrants, that other vilified population of the desperate, huddled poor. What other class of afflicted humanity is this...
The Eagle continues to evolve. Our staff is taking on new roles and responsibilities. Diana Zimmerman continues to report on matters of interest to our readers in Wahkiakum County, but additionally has taken on the mantle of News Editor, determining the scope of each weekly issue’s reporting. At her direction, new publisher Brandon J. Simmons has taken on some writing duties; and regular readers will have noticed that business manager and photographer Ian Brandon has taken on the weekly county commissioner’s meetings. Many of these changes hav...