Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Voter's Pamphlet hazy on marijuana definition

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: Prospective voters on Initiative Measure 502 who read the full 17 page text (Voter's Pamphlet, pages 100-117) will notice the deceptively included legalization of hashish as well as marijuana. Hashish is a product of the hemp plant (cannabis), not a "product of marijuana" as implied on page 101 (Part II, Sec. 2, p(2), paragraph beginning '"Marijuana" or "marihuana" means..') Hashish derives from the resin scraped from the flowering tops. It is a more serious hallucinogen, yet in this elaborate proposition it is mentioned only...

  • Utilities are engines of growth, not barriers

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: Let me thank the Chamber of Commerce and our county commissioners for hosting last week’s “sewer summit,” and also commend The Eagle for its coverage of that event. One issue that deserves more attention is the role of well-managed public utilities as engines of growth. The Town of Cathlamet operates water and sewer utilities, each with service areas that extend beyond Town limits. These utilities allow development that would otherwise not be possible; homes can be built on lots too small for septic systems, or where drill...

  • Take time to vote in important election

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: It is time to vote in Wahkiakum County. This is an extremely important election, both locally and nationwide. I would like to think that our local candidates have the interest of the residents of Wahkiakum County at heart. Not maintaining a residence in another state, as a PUD candidate does. Nor a candidate for county commission whom is an avid supporter of the comprehensive plan (required by law to have one) which if enacted is usually followed by zoning and development laws and ordinances. In today's economy, the comprehensive...

  • Support bond for new fire truck

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: I am writing this letter to urge support for the Fire District #4 General Obligation Bond to purchase an upgraded fire truck. Before my retirement in 2005, I served in District #4 for 26 years and saw first hand the evolution in fire fighting equipment and safety gear. I can say, with certainty, that the expenditures for these improvements paid off for all the area's firefighters and the people served by them. We purchased the existing truck in 1988 and it has served us well for 24 years. This truck has been well maintained and...

  • Pastor in support of marriage equality

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: As a Christian pastor employed by a tax-exempt church, I am not allowed to endorse candidates or political parties from the pulpit. But I can support issues that are related to my faith and ministry, so I am urging support of Referendum 74. In my 44 years as a pastor, I have officiated at hundreds of marriages. It seems clear to me that the success or failure of these marriages has depended more on the love, respect, and caring of two people for each other, than on sexual orientation. As a New Testament Christian, I look to Jesus...

  • New faces help keep community thriving

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: I am writing to encourage voters to support Joan Harvey Chester for District #2 County Commissioner. Joan has many life experiences which make her a very qualified candidate. In addition to those skills and attributes, Joan is a bright and positive face, just what we need to move forward in the "tough economic times" her opponent likes to talk about. Lastly, it is my opinion that new faces and ideas are what make communities thrive. Let's fill our elected positions with folks who will work to better our county. Diane Stockhouse...

  • Marsyla has right qualities for PUD

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: I would like to urge the voters of Wahkiakum County to cast their vote for Lisa Marsyla as Wahkiakum PUD commissioner. Lisa is currently your county commissioner and she has also served as the auditor of the Wahkiakum PUD. In both positions, Lisa has proved to be a leader. She is willing to ask the tough questions and fully understands the economic situation and what it takes to get the job done within our county. Lisa has a commitment to the residents of the PUD to be financially responsible. She has a degree in accounting and ha...

  • Healy's experience a bonus for PUD

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: The ratepayers of Wahkiakum County PUD are fortunate to have three excellent commissioners. Each one has their own unique experience that complements the whole board. Gene Healy's background in the utility industry is a definite asset. I have become acquainted with Gene through our mutual attendance at the monthly Pacific Power Council meetings. With Gene's utility background and his experience on the PUD board, I recommend that the ratepayers of Wahkiakum PUD retain Gene Healy as commissioner. Mike Swanson Commissioner Pacific...

  • Economic development should be encouraged

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: Just for the record, in the nine years I have lived here and been involved with Chamber and Economic Development Council, there have been inquiries every year by employers seeking manufacturing space. They are looking for 2,000 or more square feet, with concrete floors, power and sewer, and easy access for trucks. I certainly realize that filling the Main Street store fronts is a major objective, but manufacturing is as well. Last week, the Chamber received such an inquiry for 5,000 square feet from someone with a home on Puget...

  • Definition of poetry challenged

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: These are sad brutal times when the newspaper has a policy against printing poetry. I read your editorial guidelines with dismay, but wondered, what is poetry really? Modern poetry is defined by both it’s profound irrelevance and it’s focus on vernacular and visual presentation. I think it’s not a stretch to read many of these folksy political diatribes as some of the best poetry ever written, and therefore ineligible for publication. I hope The Eagle considers relaxing its policy on publishing poetry. As is, I find craft...

  • Comic relief; but who gets the last laugh?

    Oct 25, 2012

    To The Eagle: While my letter is intended for Ms. Petralia (Eagle, Oct 18, 2012) all residents of Wahkiakum County should have an interest in my candidacy for Superior Court Judge. Any speaker should be happy to provide some comic relief to any program. All I can ask is to be invited back to address the voters and I will work to balance my convictions and keep you in stitches. And I feel honored that Ms. Petralia praises me as a comedian and encouraged me to run for county commissioner (by e-mail and phone, February 23, 2012). While Ms. Petrali...

  • Support Proposition 74 for marriage equality

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: Re: marriage equality. We have two married daughters. One was married in Iowa and lives in Texas where her marriage is considered valid. The other was married in Massachusetts and lives in Washington where her marriage is not considered valid. This is not fair and I want justice for both girls and their marriages. Therefore I support Proposition 74 that provides marital equality. Carol A. Kriesel Cathlamet...

  • Reed supports Wyman for secretary of state

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: Wahkiakum County Auditor Diane Tischer and I enthusiastically support Kim Wyman for Secretary of State. As your Secretary of State for the past 12 years, I fully understand the qualities needed to serve successfully in that position. It’s not a matter of political party preference. Instead, it’s the ability to rise above party and oversee elections and the other office functions in a fair, non-partisan way. Kim Wyman has demonstrated that quality for twelve years as the Thurston County Auditor. She is endorsed by 66 present and...

  • Let's not lose two commissioners

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: As your ballots are mailed out this week, I take the liberty of reminding all that every vote counts and what a privilege we have in our country to do so. There are many problems with our system as we all know, but I know of none better. On our local election, I point out a problem in our county commissioner elections. The current terms are four years rather than three or six years. That means that two commissioners come up for election at the same time. This creates the possibility of losing two experience commissioners at the...

  • Healy brings ability, experience to PUD post

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: I am writing to encourage your readers to join me in voting for Gene Healy as Wahkiakum PUD Commissioner, District #1. We need to retain Gene in this leadership position because of his experience, his ability and his decency. I served with Gene on the Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Council. Gene would always provide leadership by asking meaningful questions that brought our focus to the big picture and prompted insightful discussions. I was very pleased when Gene sought to serve our community by offering to complete Larry R...

  • Grays River Grange forum shows candidates need to focus on wider range of issues

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: First I want to thank the Grays River Grange for hosting the candidate forum and the generous grangers for providing delectable snacks - the fresh bread was spectacular! Not surprisingly, the principal local issues addressed by the candidates were the faltering economy and the concomitant loss of jobs, the education of our children, and taxes/budgets. Sadly, none of the candidates offered fresh insights or new solutions. Political party preferences were easily detectable as specific candidates short-sightedly blamed the demise of...

  • Candidate forum made choices clear

    Oct 18, 2012

    To The Eagle: 'Tis the season of high political theatre and the first two presidential debates did indeed provide great drama with President Obama doing a dispirited defense of the indefensible and Vice President Biden attempting to avoid defending the indefensible with a squirming, eye-rolling, interrupting tantrum worthy of a five-year-old, (apologies to any five-year-old who may be reading this.) Our own candidate forum in Grays River last week was more sedate, but it had its entertaining moments and provided some really clear distinctions...

  • So long, Sid Snyder; election comments

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 18, 2012

    This week we note the passing of former Senator Sid Snyder. A story elsewhere in this edition chronicles his career. I didn't know him when he was appointed to a vacancy in the state Senate, but I soon came to appreciate him. As a representative, he was acutely in touch with his constituents and represented our area's particular points of view very well in the Senate. He was an extremely effective legislator and quickly rose to the top leadership post. He worked well with members of the Republican party and with the bureaucrats. And he never...

  • Local attorney sets record straight

    Oct 11, 2012

    To The Eagle: Over the last several weeks, I have been hearing from various clients and friends that "the word on street" is that I no longer live in the area or practice my Attorney at Law business in the area any more. I would like to dispel this rumor and reassure my clients that, as my recurring ad in The Eagle states, I am still very much engaged in my business here and remain committed to serving the Wahkiakum, Cowlitz and Pacific county areas that I have served since opening my private practice in 2004. It is true that my wife and I...

  • Former senator gives McKenna his support

    Oct 11, 2012

    To The Eagle: I’ve worked with many people in both parties who held diverse interests but also held the value that the decisions we make as elected officials are about the people, not the party. This is why, as a democrat, I support republican Attorney General Rob McKenna for Governor. My experience working with Rob is that he puts the people and issues first, over the party and positioning. He understands that the work of the legislature and government is about getting the job done for the benefit of the public. When I was in the l...

  • Domestic violence has no place in our community

    Oct 11, 2012

    To The Eagle: This month welcomed October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. One in four women will be the victim of domestic violence at some point in her lifetime, and on average, three women are killed every day at the hands of a current or former intimate partner. The economic downturn has had a devastating effect on programs working to serve survivors of abuse. While a bad economy does not cause domestic violence, it can make it worse. At the same time, there are fewer options for survivors to escape. According to the 2012...

  • Apologies for missing fund raising dinner

    Oct 11, 2012

    To The Eagle: Oops, did I slip up--I forgot the dinner at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church on Sunday. I was reminding myself all the time so I would remember but on Sunday it was 1:30 p.m. when I remembered. Do I feel lower than mud. It was to benefit the Wahkiakum Food Bank and I was not there, (and do those ladies know how to cook.) I am so sorry and I apologize from the bottom of my heart, please forgive me. I did not have enough time to get this in last week's paper. Our Saviour's church does much to help the Wahkiakum Food Bank. Jimmie Lou...

  • Repeating mistakes will not fix them

    Oct 4, 2012

    To The Eagle: One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, despite the fact that it doesn't work. Here are a few things that don't work: Solar and wind power don't work as sources for the electric grid because they only produce power for short unpredictable periods of time, and the power must be used when it is generated. It is also prohibitively expensive unless subsidized by government, which is already running out of money. Light rail doesn't work because it only goes where the rails go, not where people want to...

  • Meet and greet different to open forum

    Oct 3, 2012

    To The Eagle: Obviously Mike Backman does not know the difference between a meet and greet which is sponsored by the backer and backers of particular candidates, and a forum which is open to all candidates. A lack of that knowledge is one reason we are backing Greg Prestegard for county commissioner. Mike Mouliot Cathlamet...

  • Removing crosswalk smacks of arrogance

    Sep 27, 2012

    To The Eagle: The Washington State Department of Transportation wants to remove the only well used crosswalk in the town of Cathlamet on Main Street. This seems to be a case of bureaucrat incompetence or arrogance! P.J. Fleury Cathlamet...

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