Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Facebook notifications stun troopers

    Jan 29, 2015

    Submitted by Robert Calkins, Captain, Washington State Patrol On January 4, 2015, troopers in Lewis County were called to a two vehicle collision on State Route 12 involving a passenger car and semi-truck. The driver of the passenger car, Mr. Jay Sume of Randle, was fatally injured when the vehicle he was driving crossed the center line, impacting the front of the semi-truck. The cause of the collision is still under investigation. This fatality collision presented another obstacle for troopers. The wife of Mr. Sume arrived on scene after...

  • Superintendent seeks support for levy

    Jan 22, 2015

    To The Eagle: The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District board of Directors recently authorized the placement of a three-year Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Levy on the February 10th ballot. This levy, which is a renewal of the existing tax, asks voters for a collection of $715,000 per year at an approximate rate of $3.05 per $1,000 of assessed valuation to help fund existing school programs and district operations. The current levy expires in 2015, and compares at a rate of $3.06 per $1,000. Naselle-Grays River has had a long history of...

  • Government oversight, or control?

    Jan 22, 2015

    To The Eagle: As commissioner of Grays River Habitat Enhancement District, I am responsible for how the taxed money is spent. I take that very seriously, since we (the commissioners), never see or handle any of the money, only the county, it is quite difficult to misuse that money. That said, the Washington State Auditor demands a lengthy full report on our finances. A report so lengthy, they give a three hour class just to file this report. I took the class, and at that time was ready to resign as commissioner. With some help we conquered the...

  • Attempt to stem erosion doesn't work

    Jan 15, 2015

    To The Eagle: In response to the two previous letters about my comments on the Watson house being in danger of being swallowed up by the encroaching Columbia River, I want to thank the writers for validating my point that putting sand on the beach in a never-ending attempt to stem the erosion simply does not work. A solution exists: Since all the land covered by dredge spoil is claimed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), it should be the legal responsibility of that agency to protect the buildings on it. They claim th...

  • East coast resident speaks to legal conflict

    Jan 15, 2015

    To The Eagle: New Jersey's system of medical marijuana regulation, which requires all patients obtain a state-issued patient identification card to possess and purchase medical marijuana, in tracked sales, is unconstitutional. Federal law still criminalizes marijuana. New Jersey medical marijuana patients must not be forced to incriminate themselves federally in order to obtain their medicine and be protected from prosecution under state medical marijuana statutes. In 1969, the United States Supreme Court struck down the federal Marijuana Tax...

  • A police officer's invocation

    Jan 1, 2015

    To The Eagle: In the wake of all the negative fallout from negative coverage on our nation's law enforcement, I wanted to share my husband's writing - "An Invocation For Police Officers" written many years ago when he was a young officer. We are proud of our public safety officers at the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office and we know the sacrifice they make every day they put on the uniform: An Invocation For Police Officers Dear Lord As a police officer, help me To do your bidding, To bring light where there is darkness. Make me a warrior...

  • Writer opposes government by religion

    Jan 1, 2015

    To The Eagle: There are several different beliefs of religious zealotry in our midst today that claim they are commissioned by God—the creator of the universe—to pressure you, me, everyone—to believe and act and live their way and if we don’t then the penalty is abandonment by God and them for eternity. The wonderful thing about our Constitution is that it frees you to believe that way and it frees me to reject that way and neither of us are allowed to use the property held in common by everyone (government) to impose their, or our, zealous...

  • Letter of correction from Skamokawa sewer district

    Dec 25, 2014

    To The Eagle: Attention all Skamokawa Sewer District Customers: Due to a clerical error, half of our customers (about 30) were sent a faulty newsletter last month stating that they would be billed for sewer services this December, while the other half received an updated letter stating that they wouldn’t receive a December bill. We regret the confusion caused by this mix-up and wish to affirm that our 2014 Fiscal Year needs have indeed been met with the November billing cycle (mailed Nov. 20 due Dec. 20), and that we will therefore not be i...

  • Tempest in a teapot over manger scene

    Dec 25, 2014

    To the Eagle:   In the Middle East, west Africa, and China, Christians are being persecuted and in some areas slaughtered, while in Europe Christian faith slowly fades away, complemented by a rising tide of anti-Semitism. Locally, a brave band of Christian soldiers has arisen, leaping into the breach and striking at the very heart of evil by attacking our county commissioners for nay-saying a nativity scene in the courthouse garden. The commissioners have stuck to their guns, no doubt fearing that capitulation would bring down the wrath of t...

  • Reader applauds commissioners

    Dec 25, 2014

    To the Eagle: I applaud your editorial in last week’s paper (Lights, Festival, and a Manger Scene) and at the same time applaud our county commissioners for having the wisdom and foresight to avoid opening the Pandora's box that allowing a Manger scene on County Property would cause. A Government agency has to remain open to all of its citizens' protected status, Race, Color, Sex, Age, Sexual orientation, etc; including Religion. Frederic Carroll Cathlamet...

  • Willing to wait

    Dec 25, 2014

    To The Eagle: I and four other concerned citizens of Wahkiakum County approached the county commissioners about putting up a nativity scene on the courthouse yard. It would go along with the other display already there. We felt the true meaning of Christmas should be represented. The decision of the commissioners was we should wait till next year to bring this up as the season was running short. They also stated other reasons, which we were in total disagreement with. We left feeling disappointed but agreed to wait till next year. We then went...

  • End of an era

    Dec 25, 2014

    To The Eagle: In January the Skamokawa Post Office will not only lose half of the open hours but will also lose its leader. The Postmaster, LouAnne Johnson (well she was Johnson when we were in school) will have to retire. The long standing tradition of exceptional Postmasters and outstanding service will be ending. The days of receiving your mail even if someone made a little mistake on your address will be over. If someone should use your physical address instead of your post office box, you will no longer receive your mail even though they...

  • Lights, festival and a manger scene

    Rick Nelson|Dec 18, 2014

    by Rick Nelson I came to work full-time at The Eagle as a reporter in February, 1979. At some point I joined the Cathlamet Commercial Club, an organization of merchants, local elected officials and community minded citizens who wanted to promote fun and prosperity in Cathlamet. At one point in the early 1980's, we decided to hold a Christmas lighting festival and sought permission to use the courthouse lawn, the closest thing to a town square that we have around here. The festival included lighting a large tree and decorating the lawn. A...

  • President of United Way asks for help

    Dec 18, 2014

    To the Eagle: This holiday season, as we enjoy family and friends and give thanks, we hope you will join us in remembering those in need. For many of our neighbors, the holidays are a difficult time. They may be struggling to pay the bills, might not have enough to eat, or could be without a safe place to live. Our local United Way campaign supports 23 partner agencies and their programs. These agencies count on your generous gifts to the United Way of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties to provide the services that gives those in need a helping han...

  • By special request

    Rick Nelson|Dec 18, 2014

    Little notes: I've been in this business now for 40 years and have learned a few things. One is that it is tempting but ill advised for local elected officials, during their meetings, to toss "story requests" to members of the press. The reporters are there for purposes other than creating an announcement for the elected officials. For best results, officials should contact the news desk during regular business hours. I was on the receiving end of two such requests in meetings I covered Monday and Tuesday. I'll do the best I can with them. 1....

  • Writer says put Jesus back in Christmas

    Dec 18, 2014

    To the Eagle: Let’s put Jesus back in Christmas. It is his birthday! He is the Son of God and greatest gift of love who came to earth in human form because He and Father God loves us so much. He came to save the world and will come again soon for those who love Him. Since our christian government cannot acknowledge Him let’s celebrate His birthday and decorate our lawns, homes, and church yards with His nativity. After all it is Christ-mas! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him sho...

  • Little things mean a lot to writer

    Dec 18, 2014

    To the Eagle: How easy it is to criticize when things don’t go well, and how easy it is to take things for granted that do. I have been delighted each morning to go to the front door and find my newspaper placed neatly by the screen. I used to have to hunt through the bushes or look around the yard and often to find it rain soaked somewhere, anywhere but the front door. Thank you Mr. Hess for being such a thoughtful, careful delivery person. I hope you continue your job because I, for one, will sure miss you when you leave. Dixie Swart C...

  • Pray for commissioners; they've lost their way

    Dec 18, 2014

    To the Eagle: Last week my neighbor called me and said he wanted to put a manger scene in front of the courthouse and was told no! What? This is Wahkiakum County. Fast forward: The county commissioners told us no. “We don’t want to open the door for others to put displays on county land.” But this is Christmas. If we can’t be proud of the birth of the saviour of the human race, what then? Rewind: You remember good will toward men, go tell it on the mountain, saviour of the nations come. How about, to us a child of hope is born, to us a son is...

  • Wendt PTO offers update of activities

    Dec 18, 2014

    To The Eagle: Just a quick reminder that the JA Wendt PTO is still offering raffle tickets for our Movie Night gift basket. Tickets are $1 and everything you’ll need for a fun-filled evening of family fun is in there: Movie of your choice from Cathlamet Video, pop and candy, and lots of popcorn! Winner’s name will be announced at the end of the movie on December 19. Need not be present to win, we will get it to you. We will host “Movie in Your Jammerz” Friday, December 19, at the elementary school at 6 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Donatio...

  • Christmas party was great

    Dec 18, 2014

    To The Eagle: I went to the spaghetti supper at the Skamokawa Grange Christmas Party and enjoyed my self completely. If you didn't attend you are the loser. The food was very very good and everyone had a good time. Carol McClain Skamokawa...

  • Food bank gives update and thanks

    Dec 11, 2014

    To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum Food Bank served 130 families with turkey baskets. Believe me, there is more to it than just handing out baskets. We had many outsiders come in and help our regular workers and volunteers. Ritchy and his crew cleaned out and made ready the big area to keep the food in. Also helping were the girls in #3 and the girls in the office. I know I no doubt left some out, please forgive me, but know that we thank you, too. To those that received a basket, just know that many were involved with time, food and money. Maybe...

  • Spouse of veteran has some questions

    Dec 4, 2014

    To The Eagle: When I first saw Cathlamet, it was just as my husband had described to me. A beautiful home town community full of many wonderful people, and the most beautiful place I had ever seen. He had lived here prior to joining the United States Navy in 1987, and planned on retiring here after his 20 years of military service were over, so that's what we did in 2007. He wanted to come back here and put his exceptional work ethics and extensive knowledge and work skills to work for this community. We had heard such wonderful stories how...

  • PTO members update community at large

    Dec 4, 2014

    To The Eagle: We would like to give a great big thank you to all of the people that volunteered and helped us with the Scholastic book fair, and another big thank you to those of you that helped us reach our $3000 goal. We made it! With this we will be able to purchase some new books for our school library and a few extras for the classrooms. We are so excited about this. We will be painting the library during the Christmas vacation session and new books will just be a great touch to this. We are looking for a few volunteers to do this. If you...

  • Living well event was well received

    Nov 27, 2014

    To The Eagle: The 2nd Annual Living Well in Wahkiakum resource event was held on November 5 at the Grays River Valley Center in Rosburg. This event brought together resources like DSHS, Peace Health, NorthWest Justice, 911, Area on Aging and Disabilities, Goodwill, the area Food Banks, Washington Health, Longview CAP and many, many more. Residents received information on all available assistance in Wahkiakum County. Approximately 100 people attended this daylong event that also included a wonderful hot lunch. This event gave everyone the...

  • Sand replenishment is of urgent concern

    Nov 20, 2014

    To The Eagle: Mr. Carlsen’s letter to the editor from Nov. 13th is inaccurate. The erosion on Pancake Point and East Sunny Sands has been an issue for decades. Dredge spoils have been placed on Pancake Point on down several times within the past 40 years. The beach erosion is not just about the Watson house. The erosion affects all properties along East Sunny Sands Rd. Reference the Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Substantial Development, Conditional Use permit for Variance Permit May 2007. This permit was for “ Propose pla...

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