Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • More on vaccines

    Jul 8, 2021

    To The Eagle: Regarding vaccines: From my past letters I wrote that doctors, members of AFLDS (Americas Frontline Doctors) and Declaration of Barrington, will not wear masks but they also will not take the vaccine shot because as they say it is still “an experimental vaccine. It has no independently published animal studies, shows no proof that it stops transmission of the virus, and it carries the possibility of lifelong infertility.” They also commented that policy rulings applied by government legislation and corporations, including airlines...

  • Remembering Mark Doumit

    Rick Nelson|Jul 1, 2021

    I was deeply saddened last week to learn of the unexpected death of former Cathlamet resident Mark Doumit. I think my first memory of him was in 1979 or 1980 when I went to the old cannery building in Cathlamet to photograph some gillnetters. Someone was unloading their catch, and Mark, then in high school, and another person were pitching the salmon into a tote so they could be weighed and sent to market. He started early in public service as a member of the Cathlamet Fire Department, if I remember correctly. After graduation from Wahkiakum...

  • CRT and Chinook Nation discussed

    Jul 1, 2021

    To The Eagle: Interesting that Desantis, the governor of Florida, in his infinite wisdom, has determined that critical race theory (CRT) rather than being actual history, is nothing more than ‘a hotbed of stale ideology'. I can sort of see why some would think that considering our history is filled with the horrors of centuries of slavery, the near eradication of the societies our forefathers poisoned by small pox and starved nearly out of existence by killing huge numbers of the bison the plains Indians depended on for nearly everything. T...

  • Holiday should be celebrated

    Jul 1, 2021

    To The Eagle: Happy Independence Day! On July 4th, 331 million of us will have occasion to celebrate the birth of our nation, and the dearly bought freedoms and liberties that are the foundation of our lives as its citizens. It is for us to continue to strive to make this nation a more perfect union. Let us do so by applying ourselves to: The Golden Mean: That virtue lies between the extremes. If we can travel the middle path of moderation and temperance, goodness and beauty will accompany us. The Golden Rule: That everyone on our national...

  • Americans free to work hard, follow dreams

    Jun 24, 2021

    To The Eagle: In my last letter, I explained my support for the 2nd Amendment and how important it is if we want to remain free. I shared how Switzerland dealt with the right to bear arms. What I reported was 100% correct when my parents immigrated to America, and remained so for many years. I still have family there and called my cousin to see if things had changed. Her husband reported that about 20 years ago, the country began suffering from the same Socialist/Communist idealogical invasion America is dealing with. Apparently there are now...

  • Patriotism means standing up for founding principles

    Jun 24, 2021

    To The Eagle: I was born in Cathlamet in my parents’ home on Spring Street. I am an avid reader of The Eagle, as is my sister Elizabeth (Goodfellow) Sears. We were very pleased that you chose to include an article addressing racism in The Eagle, in the issue coming out on Veteran’s Day weekend. My husband was a Marine Corps veteran of 20 years who served his country at home and overseas. As a military family we made sacrifices because we believe that true patriotism means standing up for principles upon which this country was founded -- equ...

  • CRT reverses Rev. King's dream

    Jun 24, 2021

    To The Eagle: The analysis of Critical Race Theory in last week’s Eagle was concise, elegant, and precisely backward. Classifying all white people as oppressors and all other skin hues as victimized underdogs, reverses Reverend King’s dream by calling for men to always be judged by the color of their skin and never by the content of their character. Regarding this as an indelible trait imbuing a permanent aura of white privilege or superiority renders it both hopeless and inescapable. Such hopelessness breeds mental health problems and sui...

  • Amazon incites hate and violence against officers

    Jun 24, 2021

    To The Eagle: I believe in the right of freedom of speech. I also believe that, like all freedoms, it should be exercised responsibly. With that in mind, I was surprised and angered to find Amazon is hawking merchandise emblazoned with the words, “Blue Lives Murder.” How this fails to violate their seller’s policy on “Offensive and Controversial Materials” is beyond me. It displays corporate support for inciting hate and violence against the men and women of our law enforcement community. In response, my wife and I sent the following letter to...

  • Local radio operators take to the field

    Jun 24, 2021

    To The Eagle: Field Day is again here this coming weekend, June 26-27. During the 24-hour period from noon Saturday to noon Sunday amateur radio operators flex their antennas to see how many other radio operators from around the world they can talk with. This year we have seven members of our local club tuning up: Richard KC4ONA, Steve K7SH, Bob WB6AGE, Peter WR8Z, Ron W7ERY, Bill KJ7KMP, Jim KG7WSQ. Peter is coordinating our results for reporting to the Amateur Radio Relay League. This is a part of our emergency preparedness in Wahkiakum...

  • From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars

    Jun 17, 2021

    Submitted by Wahkiakum VFW Post 5297 When we talk about the American flag --our flag --we are not just talking about a piece of red, white, and blue cloth. We are talking about our country. We are talking about you and me and our parents and our friends. We are talking about every American across this great nation we call home. When we talk about Old Glory, we are talking about our hopes and dreams, and each plan for the future. And we are talking about our form of government; a government that even despite its own faults and shortcomings...

  • Supreme Court once ruled Blacks are not people

    Jun 17, 2021

    To The Eagle: My neighbor is presumptuous to claim he speaks for our community. He certainly doesn’t speak for me. I felt no insult and considered the editor’s AP article on racism to be timely and informative. To those protesting its publication, I say if the shoe fits, wear it. That author compares teaching Critical Race Theory to teaching just another version of original sin, of which we are all supposedly guilty at birth -- an odious anti-humanist religious belief. The fable of “original sin” -- of God’s children choosing to eat fruit fro...

  • Positive news factoids are appreciated

    Jun 17, 2021

    To The Eagle: I see too much negativity in media today. Maybe we should look at the positive side of racial issues and Covid disease. On the bright side, Census Bureau Income Report stated: in 2019 29% of Black households had income greater than $75,000. Also American Enterprise Institute reported: Black median household income in 2019 rose by 7.9%; largest increase ever on record. To top that, Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finance reported: in 2017-2019 Black net worth rose 32%. The increase was not isolated to Blacks, as Hispanic net...

  • Proud and thankful

    Jun 17, 2021

    To The Eagle: They say it takes a village. A few weeks ago we put out a call to our community asking for their help in raising funds for Doug Sandell who is not only facing a very serious life threating issue but a huge financial burden, one that a very large part has not been covered by insurance. The response received has been overwhelming, not only did we receive local support; there was support from all our neighboring communities as well as distant supporters. Fund raising activities included Go Fund Me, a three day garage sale, eight...

  • Invest in the future of Wahkiakum

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: I had the opportunity to participate in the interview process with Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars (WDFS) for the 2021 graduates of WHS who were applying for scholarships. I, as well as the other interviewers, were impressed and amazed at the qualifications and aspirations of these young people! Our only disappointment was that we didn’t have more funding to provide to assist with their continuing education. WDFS is a non-profit volunteer organization and 100% of our fundraising goes toward scholarships for WHS graduates. You c...

  • We've done the best job of defeating slavery

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: No! Absolutely not. This writer was not “insulted” as your headline claimed. Enraged perhaps, disappointed certainly; but it was the people of this community who were insulted by the AP article in question. A bolt from the Stygian depths of Critical Race Theory, this hit-piece finds white people intrinsically domineering, oppressive and totally incapable of recognizing or dealing with this insidious iteration of “original sin.” Historically, it begs the question that we have done the best job of defeating both slavery and racism...

  • Racists come in all colors

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: In last week’s paper you made an analogy between cancer and slavery, well the horror that is cancer can be treated but has yet to be cured. Slavery was cured over 150 years ago even if some can't put it to rest. I hear the nonsense call for cash reparations to so called descendants of slaves in the news, so where is the call for cash reparations for the descendants of the nearly 330,000 Union soldiers who died in battle and battlefield diseases during the Civil War to abolish slavery? Fact: Racists come in all colors, shapes and b...

  • What an interesting world we live in

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: Last week had a couple of letters that caused me to scratch my head and wonder which country the respective writers were alluding to. Both writers seemed to find fault with a well written and thoughtful article about our country’s racial history and one found the letter ‘insulting and embarrassing.' I can understand the embarrassing part but for an apparently different reason. If I were to attempt an explanation it would most likely fly unfettered over the respective heads of these folks. One writer waxed poetic about how our nat...

  • Musings

    Jun 10, 2021

    To The Eagle: Did you ever notice the people that complain most vociferously about The Eagle’s editorial content and perspective are arguably The Eagle’s biggest supporters? It seems those that bitch and complain the most are often the most frequent writers in the Letter to the Editor section, and clearly read the paper weekly, in detail, helping to form their own opinions and perspectives. On that basis, The Eagle is obviously doing a pretty good job serving the community on both current event updates, as well as presenting contrasting pos...

  • The diagnosis is rough and hard to talk about

    Rick Nelson|Jun 3, 2021

    A couple letter writers this week take me to task for printing an Associated Press article on racial issues. One said I should have featured Memorial Day. Well, on Page 1 was an article announcing the local Memorial Day ceremony presented by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297. And on Page 1 of this week's issue is photo coverage of that event, as has occurred as long as I can remember the event occurring. The editorial cartoon last week also highlighted the sacrifices of fallen members of the armed services. Next, I have come to the...

  • Perhaps we should form a new state

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: Voters in Malheur, Sherman, Grant, Baker and Lake Counties in Oregon State voted on May 18 to consider joining the state of Idaho because they like Idaho’s conservative political leadership. Of course they would have to go through various measures to reposition the border lines. The State of Washington was named in honor of George Washington. Personally, today I think George Washington would be appalled at what the legislatures have done to the State of Washington. Perhaps we should do the same as to what the voters in Oregon d...

  • I'm a proud US citizen, by choice

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: I was embarrassed to read a recent letter to The Eagle from a totally un-informed person; I will comment on it. As a European, we have always liked Americans. I came here happily and freely, joined the US Army, then proudly accepted US Citizenship. Must say, I was embarrassed when in Denmark, while 45 proposed to buy Greenland, many jokes, while repeating I did not vote for him. The writer also had trouble with math. Not sure why Georgia was on her mind, but Biden promised he would make the stimulus $2,000 for all of us, $1,400...

  • Writer insulted

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: This is a community comprised largely of “seasoned citizens” – folks who have been around the track, and through more than a few wars and disasters. We hit the road in the earlier parts of the last century wrapped in whatever skin God gave us, armed with whatever brainpower we could cobble together, and did our little part in contributing to the “land of the free and the home of the brave” that we were lucky enough to be born into. Last week’s Eagle should have been the Memorial Day issue, devoted to those of us who made the ul...

  • The people deserve a lot better

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: "This mess has been in our soil. It's in our soul." This is a quote from the insulting and scurrilous opinion piece by the AP reprinted for the pleasure of the editor, staff and leftist readers of this little newspaper last week. It wasn't printed for the purpose of edifying and educating our little community; No it was dumped on the readership for the purpose of demoralising our mostly "white" populace. The staff wishes to educate us poor benighted white folks on the vast injuries done by us to "people of color." We need to...

  • Election monitors

    Jun 3, 2021

    To The Eagle: Has anyone spotted any third world countries clamoring for the U. S. to supply them with election monitors? Gilbert Vik Puget Island...

  • We hate the sins, not the sinner

    May 27, 2021

    To The Eagle: A recent contributor expressed pride in her Swiss heritage, but her claim of “zero home invasions” in Switzerland is false. That nation’s 2020 National Crime & Safety Report states“ Burglaries remain a primary concern. Home invasion remains more common than vehicle theft.” True, the Swiss population constitutes a standing national militia but military ordnance is kept at home under strict guidelines. The weapon is in the cellar, the firing pin in the cupboard, and the ammunition secured at a military arsenal. Does "A well regulate...

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