Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • PTO members update community at large

    Dec 4, 2014

    To The Eagle: We would like to give a great big thank you to all of the people that volunteered and helped us with the Scholastic book fair, and another big thank you to those of you that helped us reach our $3000 goal. We made it! With this we will be able to purchase some new books for our school library and a few extras for the classrooms. We are so excited about this. We will be painting the library during the Christmas vacation session and new books will just be a great touch to this. We are looking for a few volunteers to do this. If you...

  • Living well event was well received

    Nov 27, 2014

    To The Eagle: The 2nd Annual Living Well in Wahkiakum resource event was held on November 5 at the Grays River Valley Center in Rosburg. This event brought together resources like DSHS, Peace Health, NorthWest Justice, 911, Area on Aging and Disabilities, Goodwill, the area Food Banks, Washington Health, Longview CAP and many, many more. Residents received information on all available assistance in Wahkiakum County. Approximately 100 people attended this daylong event that also included a wonderful hot lunch. This event gave everyone the...

  • Sand replenishment is of urgent concern

    Nov 20, 2014

    To The Eagle: Mr. Carlsen’s letter to the editor from Nov. 13th is inaccurate. The erosion on Pancake Point and East Sunny Sands has been an issue for decades. Dredge spoils have been placed on Pancake Point on down several times within the past 40 years. The beach erosion is not just about the Watson house. The erosion affects all properties along East Sunny Sands Rd. Reference the Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Substantial Development, Conditional Use permit for Variance Permit May 2007. This permit was for “ Propose pla...

  • Erosion is about more than one property

    Nov 20, 2014

    To The Eagle: Mr. Carlsen’s letter is clearly inaccurate and full of unsubstantiated claims. This is not about saving the Watson home. It is about saving the property of homeowners up and down East Sunny Sands. It is also about saving property on other parts of Puget Island that are or soon will be suffering the same fate. If Mr. Carlsen took the time to research the issue, attend the county commissioner meetings, talk to his neighbors, and maybe take a walk along the beach, he would be aware that the erosion has extended well beyond where i...

  • Wendt PTO book fair is now open

    Nov 20, 2014

    To The Eagle: Just a quick announcement to let everyone know that the JA Wendt Elementary School Scholastic Fall Book Fair is now open. The hours for the fair are from 8 a.m. to 4 pm., November 17-25. We will be open during conferences, so please feel free to come look at all the wonderful books that we have to offer. We have set our sales goal for $3000 and we need your help to achieve this. If we reach our goal we have the opportunity to purchase almost $1800 in books for our classrooms and library at the school, and we need your help to do...

  • Take care of outside water in cold weather

    Nov 20, 2014

    To The Eagle: As winter's cold blast starts across the nation, this is a great time for everyone to make sure that their outside hoses are disconnected and that outdoor faucets are winterized. Any exposed water pipes should be protected from freezing. During the cold weather a great thing to do is to visit Cathlamet's library to get warm and check out a book or two. The library remodel is complete and readers will find the building much improved. Library users may enjoy the following email exchange between myself and librarian Carol Blix, the b...

  • Adding sand to Pancake Point not the solution

    Nov 13, 2014

    To The Eagle: Save the Watson house? The Watson house was originally on a dock on pilings in the Columbia River. The owners of the house were told when they had it moved onto dry land that they did not move it far enough from the river. They wanted it near the river for 'the best view.' As a result, that house is now being threatened by the river. Adding sand to the Pancake Point area is not a solution to the problem. It will wash away--and the spoil will threaten the ferry landing. More dredging will then be necessary. The logical action...

  • School district says thank you

    Nov 13, 2014

    To The Eagle: On behalf of the student body, staff and board of directors of Wahkiakum School District, I would like to extend our gratitude to our voters for passing our 4-year technology and security capital projects levy. We realize that it is not an “easy pill to swallow” when being asked to raise taxes, no matter how small the raise. We at your schools will do our very best to ensure that your dollars are used wisely, as we strive to provide our students with a safe and technologically efficient environment in which to learn. Bob Gar...

  • Legislators, governor should hear message

    Nov 13, 2014

    To The Eagle: November is National Family Caregivers Month and each year more of us are caring for a loved one with a chronic condition, disability or simply the frailties of old age. Over 850,000 Washington citizens are unpaid family caregivers, providing 80% of the services that allow family members to remain at home as long as possible. Recent state agency data reports this uncompensated caregiving is estimated to be valued at $10.6 billion. Washington State has a Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) but it currently serves less than 1%...

  • Thanksgiving is just around the corner

    Nov 6, 2014

    To The Eagle: The Lions Club is helping the Wahkiakum Food Bank again as it has for years, and the food bank and the people that receive the food surely are thankful and appreciate the food. They will start picking up the food at 9 a.m. on November 8 at your doorstep, so please, have the food ready. If perhaps you do not have it ready, or you forgot, they will wait a short time. You can also bring it later at the food bank, 42 Elochoman Valley Road, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on that day. If you would like to give a turkey (please) we would appreciate...

  • Hoof rot disease hasn't run its course in elk

    Nov 6, 2014

    To The Eagle: I enjoyed the beautiful photos by Poul Toftemark of about 50 elk around Seal River. I look forward to the time when healthy elk will again roam our fair state from west to east and north to south, and this is quite possible to achieve, but we believe that will not happen with the present “team” of Drs. Mansfield, Jonker, Besser, Pamplin, and their technical advisory group. First of all, among the 50 or so elk in the photo, it would be difficult to spot an elk with hoof rot because they move less than healthy elk and might not be...

  • YOYO plan about only way out for ratepayers

    Nov 6, 2014

    ToThe Eagle: A bit of this week's political activity is devoted to trying to get the area's escalating utility rates under control. Here in Cathlamet, a town hall meeting is scheduled to try to sort out sewer fees, and next door in Longview a couple of nice folks are on the ballot for PUD Commissioner to try to end bickering and gridlock in that organization. That town's water supply, administered by the city council, is also out of control both financially and chemically, but no one figured out a way to get it on the ballot. Just as well,...

  • Watch those Mules!

    Oct 30, 2014

    To The Eagle: How did it happen? Last Friday evening the Mules got off to a slow start, until about four minutes were left in the game. Then a second touchdown that made it 12 to 13. They got possession about the time for the two minute warning. It seemed they may have gone into a run-down-the-clock drill, ultimately leaving just two seconds in the game. Then, just like the pros do, they scored as the clock ran out. Could it have been planned? Let’s keep an eye on them tonight. Jim Brown, Cathlamet...

  • October is Disaster Preparedness Month

    Beau Renfro, Wahkiakum County Emergency Services Coordinator|Oct 23, 2014

    The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Each week in October I am discussing a different aspect of being prepared. This week I am going to discuss the second component of being prepared “Creating a Plan” and an upcoming test of the Emergency Community Notification System (ECNS). Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance: how you will get to a safe place; how you will...

  • Writer offers version of Sandy Hook killings

    Oct 23, 2014

    To The Eagle: Allow me to present a short list of things that indicate the ‘alleged’ Sandy Hook school shooting was no shooting at all, but an ‘enhanced’ FEMA drill that went viral on the national media. The school itself had been flooded more than once and had been shut down. Many first responders went to the wrong school, the one where former Sandy Hook students would have been. There were portable restrooms on site. There was an enormous number of cases of bottled water on hand. There was a sign that said you must sign in. A large number...

  • Couple endorses Howie for sheriff

    Oct 23, 2014

    To The Eagle: We first met Mark Howie shortly after we bought our home. Mark and his wife, Deb, were on a leisurely drive in the country and pulled into our driveway to introduce themselves, welcome us to Cathlamet, and to thank us for putting so much effort into transforming our home. He mentioned how much he loves Wahkiakum county and that he loves seeing people take pride in where they live. Mark mentioned that he worked for the Sheriff’s office, and asked if we had any problems or concerns. We told him that it was a little scary to walk a...

  • October is Disaster Preparedness Month

    Beau Renfro, Wahkiakum County Emergency Services Coordinator|Oct 16, 2014

    Submitted by Beau Renfro County Emergency Management Director The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. There are three primary components to being ready for an emergency or disaster: Be informed, Create a Plan, and Build a Kit. This week I would like to talk about the first component which is “Being Informed” and an upcoming National Weather Service (NWS) Weather spotter class. Our county has five primary ways of getti...

  • Ballots are coming for the general election

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 16, 2014

    And so we have an election upon us with measures of utmost importance. Well, maybe. Two initiatives, I-594 and I-591, deal with gun control. I-594 would tighten rules on gun sale background checks in a state effort to keep guns out of the hands of people with felony convictions or who have a history of mental illness, sex offenses or domestic violence. People now may take advantage of a loophole in state law that doesn't require the same level of checks at gun shows or over the internet. If the initiative passes, all sales would have the same...

  • Teacher asks for community support

    Oct 16, 2014

    To the Eagle: “It’s so quiet in here,” a student whispered in my Wahkiakum High School English classroom a few weeks ago. Students were so absorbed in reading and responding to each others’ essays on our classroom computers, the whisper almost resonated. Beneath the silence, however, the online dialogue was constant as students offered praise and constructive criticism. As class time dwindled, one student planned ahead: “Essay party tonight at 7pm?” Thanks to shared documents online, the collaborative revision could continue at home. This...

  • Writer draws attention to "Voices Have Power" site

    Oct 16, 2014

    To The Eagle: Amid all the recent horrific domestic violence reports from the NFL, Verizon Wireless, one of the league’s biggest partners, has stepped up to reaffirm its stance on domestic violence: We must all band together to end domestic violence. The company’s CEO, Lowell McAdam, made it clear in a recent editorial that the real issue at hand is not the image of Verizon or the NFL, but “the scourge of domestic violence itself.” He noted that it’s highly likely that you know someone who has been abused, physically or emotionally, by someon...

  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    Oct 9, 2014

    To The Eagle: October is here and once again The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, is raising awareness around the issues of domestic violence. We have placed purple ribbons up and down Main Street Cathlamet. Several individuals and businesses have requested ribbons to adorn their porches and buildings to show support to survivors and the work we do. We need this month to bring awareness to the devastating issues that surround domestic violence victims and survivors. We need people to talk about the fact that 3 out of 4...

  • Superintendent asks support for levy

    Oct 2, 2014

    To The Eagle: In your August 7, 2014, issue of The Eagle, Diana Zimmerman did an excellent job of conveying accurate information regarding Wahkiakum School District’s upcoming levy election on November 4, 2014. Along with other local and state issues, Wahkiakum School District will have a Capital Projects Fund levy request on this fall’s ballot, specifically to meet security and technology needs of its school buildings. Most of you will recall that our community overwhelmingly supported our maintenance and operations levy held last Feb...

  • District 19 legislators will vote "no" on Initiative 594

    Oct 2, 2014

    By Sen. Brian Hatfield, Rep. Dean Takko and Rep. Brian Blake On this November’s ballot, Washington state voters will be asked to approve or reject ballot measure Initiative 594, which calls for expanded background checks on most firearms transfers, including loans and gifts. We are voting “No,” and we want to share our reasons with our constituents. In 1997, voters were asked to approve a similar measure, Initiative 676, and rejected it by nearly a 71 percent to 29 percent margin. We view the intent of the current effort behind I-594 in much...

  • Gordon answers PDC complaint by Faubion

    Oct 2, 2014

    To The Eagle: I appeared before the State of WA Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) on Sept. 25 based on a complaint filed by Bill Faubion, District Court Judge, Wahkiakum County (WC). I failed to file a Candidate Registration and a Personal Financial Affairs Statement in my 2012 candidacy for the Superior Court Judgeship against Mike Sullivan. I am not a lawyer; I am basically an unknown, and my candidacy was solely based on my perception of the lack of judicial integrity exercised by Mr. Sullivan. I also felt and still feel his conduct with...

  • Fisherman endorses seine fishing

    Oct 2, 2014

    To The Eagle: I want to encourage the commercial gillnet fleet to embrace to switching of fishing gear from gill net to the beach seine/ purse seine systems. I have successfully fished for subsistence salmon here in Alaska. We have done it from a skiff and we are able to release the fish we do not want to continue up to spawn. We are limited to only so many fish per day and if too many fish are caught in a set the extra fish can be safely released. I believe that the existing boats can be used with some changes to work the different gear. The...

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