Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Really not news

    May 7, 2015

    To The Eagle: Honestly, I don’t care what anyone does in their bedroom or in the choices they make about themselves, but really, almost a full page in last week’s paper about what Bruce Jenner’s new feminine wardrobe is shaping up to be? Come on, you should have a better understanding of what is real news in our community than to report on that. If these choices are so personal and painful, why not keep them within a person’s circle of family and friends? There’s nothing anyone can do or say and then expect universal approval and/or acceptanc...

  • Understanding transgender

    Rick Nelson|Apr 30, 2015

    It's not everyday that one outs oneself on national television. That's what Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner did last Friday on ABC News with Diane Sawyer. Jenner recounted how even as a youngster, he felt he was female in a male body, how he tried to deal with that reality, and how at age 65, he has decided to embrace it. "Yes, for all intents and purposes, I am a woman," he said. Because feelings of gender identity are deeply personal, people don't usually share them in public. It's very hard for individuals to reveal to family and friends...

  • Superintendent is grateful for cooperation

    Apr 30, 2015

    To The Eagle: I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it again, but I would just like to repeat, “What a great community in which we live!” On behalf of all of us at Wahkiakum School District, I would like to express our gratitude to the Wahkiakum County Commissioners (Mike Backman, Dan Cothren and Blair Brady) and the Wahkiakum County Treasurer (Tammy Peterson) for their willingness to serve and work cooperatively with the school district. By allowing a short-term loan in the amount of $500,000 (the collective total of dollars tha...

  • Seal River Cemetery clean up scheduled

    Apr 30, 2015

    To The Eagle: A cemetery clean-up day has been scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 16 and an annual meeting at 2:30 p.m. at the Grays River Fire Hall. Bring a sack lunch and we will have coffee at the fire hall when we get there. One of the biggest expenses we incur each year is the mowing of the cemetery grounds but this annual clean-up makes a big difference for the whole year. We appreciate the Naselle Youth Camp mowing just before our clean-up day too. Many hands make the duties enjoyable and lots of stories can be heard....

  • Agencies are not voted on by public

    Apr 30, 2015

    To The Eagle: Our state government and the 19th district who we elect is no longer a representative government that earlier and worthier hands had gathered for us. What remains the duty of who we elect is defense and preservation of our government that was built by worthier hands. Our representatives proper business is improvement, not to give their responsibilities as elected representatives away to the agencies that they create and are not elected. Thousands of rules and regulations are made each year by these agencies and most are not voted...

  • Denim Day is not about love of jeans

    Apr 23, 2015

    To The Eagle: April 29th is Denim Day. No – this is not a day for celebrating America’s love for jeans. It’s the anniversary of an event that sparked international outrage – when someone was wearing jeans that were “too” tight. At least the High Court of Italy saw it that way when it only took them a few days to overturn a rape conviction. The victim, an 18 year old girl, was assaulted by her 45-year old driving instructor during what was supposed to be her very first lesson. The Chief Judge argued “because the victim wore very, very tight je...

  • April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

    Apr 16, 2015

    To The Eagle: April is nationally recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. St. James Family Center/The Charlotte House is Wahkiakum County’s Community Sexual Assault Program. Throughout this month you will notice table tents and posters in various businesses in the county. These table tents display contact information for you or someone you care about who has experienced sexual assault at any time in their life. You might also recognize that we are using the logo from the No More Campaign along with personal thoughts on what we would l...

  • Interesting concept

    Apr 16, 2015

    To The Eagle: What is imagination? It is a thinking process that allows one to create the future any way one wants it. Once one has imagined something it is just a matter of logistics to make it become real, something that exists. This applies to any aspect of life, items one owns or wants to own as well as relationships one is in or desires to be in or not in. How? I will give an example of the first time I tried this concept. My brother is interested in my ‘08 GMC but since it is the best truck I have for hauling I was not sure I should l...

  • Emergency coordinator thanks volunteers

    Apr 16, 2015

    To The Eagle: I would like to say "Thank you" to everyone that volunteers throughout our community. The week of April 13 is national volunteer appreciation week. It is an honor to have such a wonderful group of volunteers that I have the pleasure of working with and leading. I would like to personally thank each of you for your dedication and selflessness in making our community a better place to live. Cathlamet Fire and Ambulance: Aaron Russell, Allen Bennett, Amy Gorley, Andrew Elkins, Annika Vik, Arthur Carr, Austin Smith, Bill Ower, Cara...

  • Barn doors were closed too late

    Apr 2, 2015

    To The Eagle: Three is sort of a magic number. In structural engineering or carpentry, a triangle is the strongest geometric figure. In navigation, it takes three lines of position to determine a fix. And, of course, the sturdiest steadiest piece of furniture is the three-legged stool, which is why it has been in use ever since dairy cows were invented. As the aviation industry grew and airplanes became larger and more complex, three in the cockpit became the custom for large multi-engine airplanes. It was the general rule by the end of World...

  • More notice needed to plan for events

    Mar 26, 2015

    To The Eagle: For those of you who are planning events, please remember that you need at least two advance announcements in The Eagle prior to your event (not the day of the event) as having something announced on the day you're going to have it, like on a Thursday, really makes no sense. There are many of us who get our paper in the mail, so if your event happens to be held in the morning hours, we don't even receive the paper until the event is over. Not to mention, people have to plan their days, or take some time off and so events/meetings/...

  • PTO expresses thanks for support

    Mar 26, 2015

    To The Eagle: I would like to take a minute to express my sincerest thank you to the students and members of this community for making the 2015 PTO Talent Show a huge success! We never thought that this would be so big. The comments that I heard after the show were so appreciated. I believe that everyone on the PTO feels the same as I do. Job well done! Without the help of Kandice Merz this event probably would not have happened. It was her volunteering and help that got the ball rolling on this. Thank you so much! A parent of one of the partic...

  • What will you do?

    Mar 19, 2015

    To The Eagle: If Wahkiakum County is cut off from the rest of the world due to some sort of disaster, manmade or natural, what will you do? If you have to evacuate, where will you go and how will you get there? If you can’t evacuate, will you have enough food and water? If we have no electricity, how will you stay warm, how will you heat water, how will you cook food? If our water and sewer systems are inoperable, how will you flush your toilet? Beau Renfro, Wahkiakum County’s disaster preparedness expert, will be at the Cathlamet Com...

  • From the desk of the JA Wendt PTO

    Mar 19, 2015

    Happy Spring Everyone! Just a couple of things going on for the rest of this month and some doings for the upcoming month. We are pleased to announce that the JA Wendt PTO Talent Show will be held this Friday the 20th of March at 6 p.m. Tickets are one dollar at the door. We will have some concessions but will close before the start of the show. So come on down and show all of our many talented entrants your support and give them a wonderful warm applause. I believe that this is only the first of many. We have so much talent in this community....

  • Not all pathogens in biosolids are killed

    Mar 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: Greenwood residents are fully justified to be concerned about the odor being emitted from so-called Class A biosolids. Odor means that the material has destabilized and is still putrefying, emitting endotoxins and other harmful bioaerosols. It is incorrect to claim that all the pathogens in Class A biosolids have been killed. Many survive or are re activated when this material is stored. In fact, Class A often morphs back into Class B. In addition to pathogens, Class A contains the vast array of toxic and persistent chemicals,...

  • My new hero

    Mar 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: I have a new hero. Her name is Michelle Collupy (even though she is a Husky). She has taken it upon herself to clean up the roadside for all of East Valley. This has taken her several days and sometimes working until dark. She has even taken time off from work to finish up the task. She knows that we live in a beautiful place and is doing her part to keep it that way. I feel guilty because she cleaned up both sides of the road on the quarter mile that runs through my place. But I sincerely thank her for her toil and dedication to...

  • Couple happy planners nix spoils inside dike

    Mar 5, 2015

    To The Eagle: We want to thank the Wahkiakum County Planning Commission for standing with the community in their February 26 vote to reject the Port of Longview's proposal to dispose dredge material inside the dike of East Sunny Sands Road. The proposal was vague in long term management while wanting to begin in September. But the most important failure in the proposal is that it would by-pass the necessary replenishment of sands onto the beaches of Puget Island. This was the community's vital...

  • Government partner in legalized crime

    Feb 26, 2015

    To The Eagle: Did you know the U.S. government is an active partner in an ongoing criminal enterprise? The mafia, the mob, drug cartels and gangsters belong to this category. However, these groups can only dream of the power, scope, profitability and prestige afforded to our government’s partners in legalized crime. Unfortunately, our government is the partner that does the dirty work. It collects the protection or payoff money and imprisons or penalizes those who either will not or cannot pay. The other partners, the banks, receive all the p...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Feb 26, 2015

    Sheriff’s Corner By Sheriff Mark Howie Throw back Thursday! An incident that happened a couple years ago involved a teenager who was a passenger in a car on SR4 approaching town. He threw a beverage out the window which struck the front of another car in the adjacent lane. The victim driver called 911 and soon after, the passenger was contacted in town. During the contact the teen took off running toward the marina where he climbed the chain link fence surrounding what he described as a “pond.” He refused to come out until the deputies convi...

  • 'Yes' votes mean a lot to staff, students, directors

    Feb 19, 2015

    To The Eagle: I would like to thank the voters of the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District for their recent support of our school’s Maintenance and Operations (M&O) levy. In this time of economic challenge, a ‘yes’ vote is of major significance and a tremendous sign of the value you place in our children’s future. Your ‘yes’ sends a message to every child and staff member that you believe in the power of education and community support. I am proud to represent a community that supports its school in this manner! On behalf of the student...

  • Former mayor comments on water pact

    Feb 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: After reading in The Eagle that the Town of Cathlamet had reached a water sale agreement with the PUD, I contacted Town Hall to get a copy of the new contract. To my surprise, I was told that a draft contract did not yet exist, that the contract wasn’t even on the last meeting agenda and that no documentation was provided to the public or to the town council before the decision was made. It also seems that the town agreed to join the PUD as a junior partner in a grant proposal to study creating a combined water system. It is time...

  • No more IRS

    Feb 12, 2015

    To the Eagle: There are many ways to describe what banks are allowed to do to create our so called money. They create their “money” out of thin air. They create “money” by making a bookkeeping entry in a ledger or an account, as they say. They “monetize” debt. This is the term economists commonly use, seemingly to give the activities of banks a noble air. They “loan” credit they don’t have against a borrower’s asset to receive profits (interest) they don’t deserve. They call this fractional reserve deposit expansion. I call it fictional res...

  • This is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness, Prevention Month

    Feb 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: Dating abuse isn’t something anyone wants to talk about, but as long as we ignore it, the problem will never go away. Did you know that: • 1 in 3 teens will experience dating violence and 2/3 will never report it. • 1 in 4 teens who have been in a serious relationship say that a boyfriend or girlfriend has tried to prevent them from spending time with friends or family; the same number have been pressured to only spend time with their partner. • Half of teen girls who have experienced sexual pressure report they are afraid...

  • Donations sought for children's theater

    Feb 5, 2015

    To The Eagle: My name is Shawn Deal and I need your help. At this moment there is to be no Missoula Childrens Theatre coming to our school district this year. Unfortunately, the funding for this wonderful program does not exist for this year. Hopefully, this is only a one year problem. For the past 20 years, The Missoula Children’s Theatre has given our school district a much needed drama program. Not only have they put on a play in the course of a week, they also come in to teach classes at the grade and middle schools. I have had the p...

  • Condescension of previous letter writer addressed

    Feb 5, 2015

    To the Eagle: Poul Toftemark deserves extra high marks for his literary efforts in these pages two weeks ago. Not only did he treat us to some wry and incisive observations on the frustrations of dealing with our Olympian overseers, but he also provoked a piece of equally entertaining vainglorious puffery in response. In answer to Paul's comment that the State Auditor requires a "lengthy full report," the auditor's DDT (Deputy Director of Talking) asserts that he is incorrect -- it is a requirement of those nasty old legislators in RCW...

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