Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • A happier story offered about poisons

    Apr 13, 2023

    To The Eagle: A contributor’s letter asking “Who’s shaking the jar?” reminded me of the parable of the 6 blind fellows who each handled a separate part of an elephant’s anatomy before likening the beast variously to a wall, snake, spear, tree, fan and a rope. They couldn’t individually encompass the whole of it. I’m not blind. I write frequently and forcefully to describe the many parts making up the whole, terrible nature of that symbolic elephant now trampling upon our civil liberties and national discourse. A different writer stated that ...

  • Why do we let crazy people kill our children?

    Apr 13, 2023

    To The Eagle: Any person that shoots a child is CRAZY!!! It’s so simple. The gun didn't wake up one morning and decide it was going to shoot someone, it didn’t aim itself at a child and pull it’s own trigger, a crazy person did! Crazy people are born every day! We can’t stop that in the foreseeable future. Millions are born with all kinds of problems. We used to put them in institutions, because families couldn't take care of them, local agencies did not have the resources to handle them, and it was more humane than letting them walk the str...

  • Biden blamed Trump for Afghanistan withdrawal

    Apr 13, 2023

    To The Eagle: For seven years the Biden regime kept accusing Trump with false allegations they could never prove. The latest is unspeakable; an allegedly one time sex with Stormy Daniels that supposedly happened 17 years ago. How in hells bells did they come up with 37 counts for an allegedly one time sex as a felony? If it did happen, so what? Nothing to brag about. Let’s face it, many of our past presidents had mistresses to frolic with; only a handful of presidents were ever faithful to their wives. What has the media not reported? The CCP p...

  • Laws of unintended consequences afoot

    Apr 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: Another writer’s recent comments that “social justice as practiced is a political nightmare and a perverted concept of actual justice that artificially balances natural inequalities in unjust ways” is in many ways accurate and in some ways, not so much. ‘Woke’ initially referred only to matters involving the oppression of Black people and has expanded to include many other iterations of ‘social justice.’ Conservative Republicans have turned ‘woke’ into a Swiss army knife of intellectual laziness used to describe, deflect...

  • Where are all the young people?

    Apr 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: Where to start; there are so many people without housing or jobs that many if not most cities have people living in tents on the sidewalks. Not enough people apparently for the GOP because not only are they against reproductive health care for women, they are against education to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Both Portland and Seattle are becoming unlivable from the hoards of street people with more on the way. Now, rather than spend the money here in our country to help fix the incredible problems, our fearless democratic leader ha...

  • Writer offers thoughts on previous letters

    Apr 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: In last week’s paper there were two letters that I found interesting yet very different in meaning and purpose. The first the letter, "Who's shaking the jar" used an analogy of two types of ants in a jar coexisting until someone shakes the jar which insights disagreement and ultimately deadly violence. The letter was spot on, interesting, informative and most importantly thought provoking; a true lesson for us all in these times of extreme political polarization. Now the second letter I am referring to, "Republican C...

  • Here is what frightens us about injustice

    Mar 30, 2023

    To The Eagle: Mr Bouchard, here is what “frightens us” about “social justice”: "Social Justice" as practiced is a political nightmare that pursues stupidity for the sake of their own agenda. Allowing men to compete as women has destroyed female sports and invalidated real women’s accomplishments. We have an obese man who thinks he is a woman as our Secretary of HHS which is the antithesis of being mentally and physically healthy. We have a Transportation Secretary who takes two months “Paternity Leave” with his “husband” instead of dealin...

  • German Club to explore Bavaria

    Mar 30, 2023

    To The Eagle: As you're reading this, four students at Wahkiakum High School are on their way to Germany, where they'll be spending their Spring Break exploring northern Bavaria and the castles along the Rhine River. That they're able to experience this once-in-a-lifetime adventure is in no small part a credit to the members of our community who have supported the German Club's fundraising efforts over the last 18 months. I'm the club's advisor, and this is my seventh time taking this trip with a group of high school students. It's my first...

  • Republican conservatives see obscenity everywhere

    Mar 30, 2023

    To The Eagle: A Florida school principal was recently forced to resign after a parent complained that students were “exposed to pornography” during a Renaissance art lesson featuring Michelangelo's iconic statue of the biblical “David.” Like much classical statuary, David is naked but for his slingshot, and lacks the concealing fig leaf mandated by Pope Paul IV in a papal bull dated 1557, declaring the Church's proscription against nudity in art. We don’t know what most offended that prudish parent- the classical nudity of the human subject,...

  • Who's shaking the jar?

    Mar 30, 2023

    To The Eagle: I ran across this analogy the other day about ant behavior and thought it asked a question that maybe we should all be asking ourselves when we watch TV, listen to the radio or read our favorite newspaper or political magazine. If you collect 100 black ants and 100 fire ants and put them in a glass jar, nothing will happen. But if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other. Red believes that black is the enemy, while black believes that red is the enemy when the real...

  • There are 4800 other adjectives to use

    Mar 23, 2023

    To The Eagle: Whaddaya call a chicken that quacks? Bilingual! We have a parrot with a male name, Zacharia. She lays eggs. No, she’s not a cross-gender bird. She was just named before her gender became fully apparent. It happens. She has an extensive vocabulary of one word- her name. She can clearly enunciate her name, in about 50 different ways. Having had her in the family for 20 years, we can tell by the modulation, pitch, intonation, emphasis, or tone of that one word whether she wants to snack- or go to bed- or play on her perch- or that I...

  • Video offered as truth

    Mar 23, 2023

    To The Eagle: There is a video available on the internet about Sandy Hook that everyone should see. I would describe it as “The truth in 30 minutes.” There are very few times nowadays that you can find the truth in 30 minutes. So enjoy it when you can. The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed on Vimeo. Gilbert Vik Puget Island...

  • Be skeptical never cynical

    Mar 23, 2023

    To The Eagle: Did I provide false information, maybe not. Always fact-check at the actual source, ignore false Snoops weasel wording. I’m told in an Eagle letter “From the outset and ever since, FICA taxes have never been tax deductible.” That is just wrong (another Snoops oops). On SS taxation visit “” “history taxation of benefits”: Original SS Act became law Aug 14, 1935. Until 1984 SS benefits were not being federally taxed. SSA “Research Note #12: Taxation of Social Security Benefits: …1938 Treasury Department Tax Rulings, and anot...

  • Government's role is not to solve society's problems

    Mar 16, 2023

    To The Eagle: State and Federal legislators need to focus on helping citizens by “reducing the burden” of unethical government regulations and oppressive taxation. Government’s role is not to solve society’s problems, but to “prevent government created problems” from occurring which hurt society by legislative design. My wife and I request that all legislators judge every bill with a mature analysis, [1] will this bill reduce or increase government regulatory burdens forced on citizens? [2] will this bill reduce or increase government...

  • Conservative extremists slander gender support

    Mar 16, 2023

    To The Eagle: Republicans are talking a lot about pedophilia. Over the past year, GOP candidates, elected officials, and media influencers have been increasingly obsessed with conversations about children’s sexuality. Republican conservative extremists have been slandering gender support and care for kids as acts of predation, or “grooming,” as they like to call it. Such repulsive innuendoes subject loving families and dedicated teachers to surveillance, investigation, and violence while leaving kids isolated, afraid, and vulnerable. There...

  • No single gene is responsible for sexual orientation

    Mar 9, 2023

    To The Eagle: A Genome Association Study involving 500,000 participants from the United States, the United Kingdom and Sweden, studying genes associated with sexual orientation, has confirmed that sexual preferences and behaviors are polygenic: determined by a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences.* Since no single gene appears to be responsible for sexual orientation or preference, it seems reasonable then, that gender orientation, and gender dysphoria, would also share the same interplay of complex factors....

  • Republican elephant should be retired

    Mar 2, 2023

    To The Eagle: It’s my opinion that the Republican party’s emblematic elephant needs to be retired. That poor pachyderm is collapsing under the weight of its party’s last straw, denialism. A suitable new logo would be a sketch of Edvard Munch’s iconic artwork, ‘The Scream.’ The haunted face in that painting, an image of howling anxiety, eerily illustrates MAGA’s jaundiced view, eyes huge with imagined fears, mouth agape as if babbling “la-la-la,” with hands locked over the ears, refusing to hear unpalatable facts. This new GOP, like the Par...

  • CRT is actual history

    Mar 2, 2023

    To The Eagle: To say I was shocked by Fox News being for entertainment only would do a disservice to my integrity. When they finally admitted it was when I was shocked, but only for a moment. When it was revealed that the powers that own and run the network were losing audience and money, they quickly reversed themselves and went back to telling sweet lies to the folks that wanted nothing to do with the actual truth. Of course their ratings along with audience went back to their previous levels. Somewhat along the same lines is the regrettable...

  • Liars, lies and people that believe them

    Mar 2, 2023

    To The Eagle: If you wondered why FOX News promoted Trump’s unfounded assertion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen these last two years, the answer was recently made public by the Delaware Superior Court from evidence gathered during the discovery and deposition phase of Dominion Voting Systems Inc. 1.6 billion dollar liable and slander lawsuit against FOX News, Network LLC (CaseNo.N21C- 11-082-EMD). FOX’s internal company emails and related court depositions reveal that Rupert Murdoch - FOX Chairman, and TV hosts Tucker Car...

  • The truth for a change

    Mar 2, 2023

    To The Eagle: A letter in last week’s Eagle written by the liberal Town Crier loaded with a ton of personal beliefs purported to be facts can not go unchallenged. I grew up in New York City in integrated neighborhoods, went to school where I was the only White kid in my classes for years. I was one of only two whites in our large Cub Scout Den and Boy Scout Troop. I served in the Army with many black soldiers. I have been in three integrated Labor Unions. So I have been a member of the great American melting pot and referred to by my many Black...

  • Ignore arguments devoid of nuance

    Feb 23, 2023

    To The Eagle: A writer’s list submitted last week emphatically stated it contained the “facts” about social security. With respect to the writer, an easy, quick fact-check shows that everything on the list is either demonstrably false or a gross misrepresentation. The list appears to be a nearly verbatim recast of a partisan email first circulated in 2005, the last time politicians proposed privatizing SS or cutting benefits, and has been thoroughly debunked. Without going through every item on the list here are a few samples: -- “FDR said mo...

  • Not education, but political indoctrination

    Feb 23, 2023

    To The Eagle: The expression ‘stay woke’ has been used by Black folks since the 1920's, urging people of color to stay aware and vigilant against racial discrimination. The subsequent Civil Rights movement fostered cross-cultural awareness of other forms of oppression; against women, homosexuals, immigrants, Jews, and other targeted non-Christian minorities. Conservatives have co-opted and inverted ‘woke’ into a slur, mocking what activists of my generation refer to as ‘having a social conscience,’ being alert to injustice in society, es...

  • Shut down all CCP operations in the US

    Feb 23, 2023

    To The Eage: Has the Longview TDN or CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC reported that LA and NYC permit CCP (Chinese Communist Party) police stations into their cities? Why on earth would LA and NYC allow CCP police stations on USA soil? If they exist in LA and NYC, in a matter of time it will spread across the USA. Already, they exist in Toronto, Canada, Western Europe, South America, Africa and other countries. So why are they here? Why is the news media silent? This is important information; we need to know what is going on in our country. Makes you...

  • Don't fall victim to cyber crime

    Feb 16, 2023

    To The Eagle: Cyber crime, is for the most part, tricking someone, or someone’s computer, into doing what the criminal wants it to do, without you knowing. I was a victim of that last week, and would like to let the community know, that they are here as well, or rather their intrusions are here. “They” could be anywhere in the world, connected in, to me, unknown ways of cyber space. Do not do, as I did, call the number provided in the following account, of what happened. Working on the computer, all of a sudden, the screen is black, with a prom...

  • Black history should be studied in school

    Feb 16, 2023

    To The Eagle: Sports’ greats Jack Robinson, Hank Aaron, Jim Thorpe, and Roberto Clemente, as well as Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, civil rights heroine Rosa Parks, and Nelson Mandela, Africa’s former president and apartheid’s legendary nemesis, all share two commonalities: First: they are ‘people of color’ whose published biographies reflect upon their lifelong struggles against, and personal triumphs over, the racial prejudice and bigotry they had to overcome as they fought to live successful, ultimately famous, lives. The second co...

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