Sorted by date Results 1759 - 1783 of 2586
To The Eagle: Our signs for Puget Island and Cathlamet, and even Erikson Park have been redone and they look fabulous! Thank you so much to whomever worked to make these signs look new and beautiful. I smile every time I see one. I especially love the red barn on the Puget Island sign. Kim Sharp Puget Island...
To The Eagle: I want to send a thank you to a few people who stepped up for the gallery and the parade on Bald Eagle Days. I had mentioned to Ray Badger that we had a spot in front of the gallery and it would be cool to display a Model T out front because we have that Model T fender hanging over the gallery door. People could get a better idea of what it belonged to. Ray had Bill Ower bring his Model T truck to the gallery the Wednesday before the parade. David Goodroe measured the bed and said...
To The Eagle: If you are considering theft of any kind please consider the following before you act. Anything you take from someone else without permission or making payment for is theft. This is against the law to say the least. The first thing you need to realize is that whoever owns what you are considering stealing, worked for it. They put in the hours of work or provided exchange for that item. When you steal it you are stealing their honest labor as well as what they bought with their wages. Now if this does not mean anything to you, then...
To the Eagle: There was some great news for cops and kids that came out of Olympia this year. The legislature passed and funded the Early Start Act and increased funding for home visiting programs. It’s probably obvious to most people why this is good news for kids, but you may be wondering why it’s also good news for cops. The good news for law enforcement is in the fact that high-quality early learning and home visiting programs have been proven to get kids off to a good start so they are more likely to arrive at kindergarten ready to suc...
To The Eagle: We have permission from the Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet to submit the following letter to the editor. Linda Williams, St. James Family Center To: Nancy McCoy, Chair St. James Family Center Board of Directors Dear Ms. McCoy, In light of recent events in the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum United Way and related financial issues, the Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet voted at a recent meeting to publicly express both our appreciation and our support for St. James Family Center and the essential programs that you provide within Wahkiakum County. One cannot...
To The Eagle: In last week's Eagle, a remark by Hannah Booth-Watts in a letter to the editor, was made concerning the paving of the Elochoman Road by the county. My husband and I think that is in error. For those of us who have lived here a long time, we remember that the Elochoman Road was once a state highway, and they are the ones that actually paved the road. Later on, as the state starting giving the counties some of these smaller highways, the county took over. So, while continuing maintenance and improvements happened while under the...
To the Eagle: This is in response to a letter which appeared in last week’s Eagle. The writer of that letter wasn’t aware of all of the facts, and I would like to explain. The mayor and Cathlamet council members are not the heartless, uncaring people he describes. Background: A resident and his family on Elochoman Valley Road suddenly found themselves without water because of a ruptured pipeline. Their house is on one side of the road; their meter is on the other side, and their water pipe runs under the asphalt street. It’s not just town...
To the Eagle: Back in '92 when we retired, we bought a derelict cedar cabin 4500 feet up the south slope of Mauna Loa on the "Big Island" of Hawaii. The water system source was a rain barrel, but a huge one, nine feet tall, 16 feet in diameter, built with 150 redwood staves. We rehabbed the system with some trepidation, since you could see daylight between the dried out staves, and the property was in the middle of the Ka'u Desert, so rainfall was sparse. But rain did come, and with 1600 square feet of tin roof, every inch of rain put nearly...
To The Eagle: The WSU Extension Nutrition Education Program would like to thank the Wahkiakum School District, Garden Mentor Team, local farms, and businesses, for the opportunity to bring local foods to the students of Julius A. Wendt Elementary School and John C. Thomas Middle School over the past few months. We introduced “My Plate Tasting Days” over the past few months and students have had the opportunity to taste fresh, local products from Stockhouses’ Farm, Island’s End Farm, Zimmermans’ Farm, Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery, and Maria’s P...
To The Eagle: Recently, an effort was made to trap a large number of feral and stray cats in a neighborhood on Columbia Street in Cathlamet. These cats are the result of irresponsible neighbors who would not spay and neuter their pets and then moved out and left several cats behind. These cats have continued to breed. Because of this, my aunt has ended up feeding many homeless and feral cats over the last four years or so. This has cost her many hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in cat food as well as a huge amount of worry and stress over...
It’s time for a reminder about fireworks safety and especially this year with the extra dry weather, it is extremely important that caution is taken when setting them off. Here are some safety tips from Only light fireworks on a hard flat and level surface to ensure stability. Do not set off fireworks directly on grass. Instead, use a wooden or board of non-flammable material. When selecting an area, make sure it’s clear of structures, vehicles, trees, dry grass, brush and other flammable items. When lighting fireworks nev...
by Rick Nelson In my youth, newspaper persons used to tell of the publisher of a major weekly newspaper in Skamania County. They said he had been a press agent for Marilyn Monroe and that he was accustomed to shooting from the hip. So when a man was arrested for murder, the publisher printed a story about the arrest with a headline saying something like this, "Hang the SOB!" Prosecuting attorneys and other officers of the court frown on newspapers printing such material that might prejudice a jury, so they confronted the publisher, who repented...
To The Eagle: On May 21 an article appeared on the front page of The Eagle reporting a water outage to a couple of residences on the Elochoman Valley Road. The residences were served by a meter across the road. A town policy states that the customer is responsible for all repairs beyond the meter. The town officials, (public works director, town council and mayor) had this handy little policy to hide behind and absolve them of any further responsiblity to provide good water to these families. What they passed over was the fact that it was the...
To The Eagle: Historically Wahkiakum County has had problems finding a Professional Engineer to fill our public works and county engineer position. I know that in the past it has been difficult to find a P.E. to reside in our beautiful county. We spend a lot of money on consultant engineers to stamp and sign the plans the county needs. So ideally a P.E. that already resides in county with a civil engineering degree who has management and design experience is what we need. If that engineer could design, draw up plans, and sign off on them as...
To The Eagle: I’m curious as to why there was no national anthem nor pledge of allegiance at the high school graduation last Friday evening. They do it at all the sporting events. Has patriotism gone out of style? Please don’t tell me that it might have offended someone who is not a citizen. The graduation was, in fact, well done and a nice tribute to the graduates. I just wish they would have paid tribute to this fine country of ours. I hope they appreciate the freedom we have here in America. I also missed the graduates processing out ins...
To The Eagle: It was with dismay that I read last week of the intent of two of our county commissioners to increase our property tax in order to fund the county fair. Many of us are living on pensions or fixed incomes. Alterations in budgets cause problems. Higher tax rates in this poor economy are uncreative and will further injure our local businesses. When councils have no ideas they propose more taxes. If proponents and organizers of our fair can find no better way for it to pay for itself, it should probably be retired. Mike Swift...
To The Eagle: A new tax on home and property owners has been proposed by an individual who has no property or home in his name in Wahkiakum County and agreed to by an individual with little tax liability in the county. Could there possibly be a conflict with a family member who would benefit financially from the revenue generated by this tax? I would hope that is not the case. Many of us in the county would go for a minimal tax if the sole beneficiary is the fair and fair grounds, not every wanting group or individual in the county. The fair...
Some good news I have to share is that incidents of thefts on Puget Island have plummeted in the past two months. One theft report of a boat motor was taken on East Little Island Road in May. The Sheriff's Office took only one theft report in the Elochoman Valley area and two theft reports of metal and garden tools in the Deep River area. Deputies have been working with neighboring residents to keep a close eye on people wandering in their neighborhoods or acting suspiciously. After the arrest of two known individuals on Puget Island, there...
To The Eagle: I miss the people, culture and geography of Wahkiakum County. Our time living in Rosburg and getting to know and like the people of the county was wonderful. We moved to Kalama to be closer to children, a common goal of our generation it seems. But I have a heartfelt message for you all: whatever you do, keep fighting the pressures from Olympia, it’s your only salvation to preserve what you have. The federal and state government programs, agencies and the powers and money they flaunt in your face are akin to drugs, with absolute a...
To the Eagle: A word of reassurance to Paul Schreiber, who wrote the letter a couple of weeks ago expressing dismay at the inordinate and inappropriate amount of ink and space devoted to Bruce Jenner and his newly acquired sex or gender or attitude (or whatever we are calling it these days) and matching wardrobe. I, too, was well into a seizure of head-shaking and eye-rolling until I realized that a minor miracle had occurred. In the same press interview in which he revealed his transgender journey, Jenner also outed himself as a c...
To The Eagle: Suppose you tasked a group of bankers to devise a money system for a nation, a system in which the bankers would have complete control. This leaves it to them to come up with a system that would be very good for bankers but not so good for everyone else or a system that would be beneficial for everyone. Will they pick a system that is good for bankers instead of one that benefits everyone? History shows that they will do so one hundred percent of the time. Surprised? The world has swallowed the lie that what is good for the...
To The Eagle: Am I surprised? No, but very disappointed. So much talk of a smaller government, het the ‘machine’ keeps growing, adding to the cost of “protecting” us from ourselves. The biosolid decision is an example of government telling us what we can’t do, showing their power, while collecting wages paid by us. Why in the world they had the farce of a hearing is beyond my understanding. There was approximately 90 percent (or more) opposition to it. The following commissioners meetings were well attended with same percent against. Examples...
To The Eagle: Honestly, I don’t care what anyone does in their bedroom or in the choices they make about themselves, but really, almost a full page in last week’s paper about what Bruce Jenner’s new feminine wardrobe is shaping up to be? Come on, you should have a better understanding of what is real news in our community than to report on that. If these choices are so personal and painful, why not keep them within a person’s circle of family and friends? There’s nothing anyone can do or say and then expect universal approval and/or acceptanc...
It's not everyday that one outs oneself on national television. That's what Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner did last Friday on ABC News with Diane Sawyer. Jenner recounted how even as a youngster, he felt he was female in a male body, how he tried to deal with that reality, and how at age 65, he has decided to embrace it. "Yes, for all intents and purposes, I am a woman," he said. Because feelings of gender identity are deeply personal, people don't usually share them in public. It's very hard for individuals to reveal to family and friends...
To The Eagle: I have said it before, and I am sure I will say it again, but I would just like to repeat, “What a great community in which we live!” On behalf of all of us at Wahkiakum School District, I would like to express our gratitude to the Wahkiakum County Commissioners (Mike Backman, Dan Cothren and Blair Brady) and the Wahkiakum County Treasurer (Tammy Peterson) for their willingness to serve and work cooperatively with the school district. By allowing a short-term loan in the amount of $500,000 (the collective total of dollars tha...