Sorted by date Results 1701 - 1725 of 2586
To The Eagle: I am writing to recognize the wonderful sponsors of the Wahkiakum 4-H Robotics Club. These local businesses are supporting STEM education in our community: Cathlamet Pharmacy, Backmans’ Farm and Fish, Bank of the Pacific, Cathlamet Building Materials, the Video Store, Moore Auto, and Lulu’s Burger Shack. Thank you! Julianne McKay-Beach President, Wahkiakum Robotics Club...
To The Eagle: RIF-Reading is Fundamental-is a literacy program that came to the St. James Family Center Preschool and Kindergarten through 3rd Grade at the J.A. Wendt Elementary School in 1993. Children in these grades receive three free books of their choice each school year to keep and take home as their very own. Wahkiakum County was asked to join RIF of Cowlitz County in an effort to bring books to a rural population of students with the hope of creating a love of books and an early interest in reading. When RIF first came to Wahkiakum...
To The Eagle: I would like to see Wahkiakum County become a Federal Income Tax free zone. And here is the outfit that can assist us in doing just that; Weiss & Associates. They have a web site which is the way they inform and interact with most of their clients. They are specialists in certain aspects of U.S. tax law. Most citizens of this country qualify to revoke their participation in the Federal Income Tax. Weiss & Associates will guide you through this process for 200 Euros. If you choose to participate and can complete...
To The Eagle: With a sad and hopeful heart, I have chosen to step down from the Director position at the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce. I have recently experienced some personal difficulties and am grieving the sudden passing of a loved one. I want to communicate my gratitude with everyone! I have truly appreciated serving Wahkiakum County this past year and found significant value in your assistance, support, and welcoming attitudes. I will certainly miss the relationships I formed here and wish nothing but the best for the residents and...
To The Eagle: I have questions about the US Army Corps of Engineers. I understand that some homeowners that live along the Columbia River, especially in areas of Puget Island, Cathlamet and other locales I’m not aware of, are losing their homes from erosion caused by freighter and tanker ships cruising back and forth on the river. Thinking back it seems if I recall that for years, to help prevent erosion and to keep the river channel deep for the ships, the US Army Corps of Engineers dredged the river and refilled sands back to the shores of t...
To The Eagle: Dear friends, I will not be seeking another term as the Pacific/Wahkiakum County Superior Court Judge. Therefore, in respect to those who are interested in filing for this position, I am announcing this decision well ahead of the filing period. This will also afford the electorate more time to consider the candidate selection pool. Sincerely, Mike Sullivan Wahkiakum Superior Court Judge...
To The Eagle: A huge thank you to all the people of Wahkiakum County who gave of their time and to those who gave cash donations. Thank you to all of the people who took stars from our trees and fulfilled the wishes of the children in the program. Thanks to the girls in high school who did a walk and knock to raise funds for the Stars and to the grade school class that raised funds and shopped for Stars. All of us working together make this program work. Thank you to the various businesses for displaying our Star trees. A special thanks to...
To The Eagle: My views, opinions or motives have never been questioned, vetted nor suspected regarding my interests in volunteering with local community groups. I have asked to participate on some working committees and have been welcomed. I am always impressed with the faithfulness and commitment of leaders to be inclusive and dedicated to their respective causes. I know information is disseminated a variety of ways, particularly at the county level via the Wahkiakum County website and in The Eagle. With just a call to most community service...
To The Eagle: The GAP (Giving Action Program) that provides food to students at Wahkiakum grades K-12, effective January 1, 2016, will be operating under the 501c of St. Vincent de Paul. All donations to our program will continue to be tax deductible. If you currently contribute or would like to start contributing, please send your donations to St. Vincent de Paul, PO Box 2957, Longview, WA 98632. It is very important to note that the donation is for the Wahkiakum GAP. We are very thankful and continue to appreciate all donations to this great...
To The Eagle: Ferry, Wikipedia: "boat used to (ferry) primarily people across a body of water." I thought when you're right, it was supposed to feel good. When I heard we were getting a new ferry, I said, "Why?" We just need to use the Wahkiakum more effectively. Two runs an hour when needed. I've done more driving to work at the Wauna mill the last few months than the last 30 years combined. Certainly there must be a lemon law for boats. What we have here is a boat tied to a dock. There are ships and tugs going up and down the river all day...
To The Eagle: As I went to get my Christmas lights to string across my house, I discovered they were part of many items that were stolen from my home Sept 6, 2014. I was so aggravated, I wrote this letter. If nothing else, it felt good to vent. After over 100 finger prints were pulled and a year later waiting on them to be examined in Olympia, I was told none were clear prints and could not be used to identify anyone — a total loss and no personal property insurance! I am very grateful, though, that the thief did not "trash" my house. Sue G...
To The Eagle: Thank you for the excellent story about Mary Ann Nelson being honored by the Cathlamet Womans Club as citizen of the year in recognition of her volunteer work in the community. As a regular reader of The Eagle and a periodic visitor to Cathlamet and Wahkiakum County, I am heartened to see the community moving in the positive direction of caring, sharing and tolerance. Those who may feel this is the wrong direction are welcome to go back to where they came from or to hasten to the eternal happiness they profess to look forward to....
To The Eagle: The huge turnout at the celebration of Rod Prestegard’s life last Saturday reminded me of the time after I bought his old brown Chevrolet pick-up. From that time until recently, complete strangers would often honk and wave at me (or more likely the truck). It seems that although Rod was a couple of years older than me, in an old baseball cap, people who cared so much for Rod assumed I was Rod. I hope those who now realize that it’s not Rod driving that old truck, will continue to honk and wave, not only because I’ve gotten quite...
To The Eagle: I would like to clarify an article dated November 19, 2015 regarding the Port District 1 plans for the decommissioned town sewer lagoons. The Town of Cathlamet has received a grant from the National Park Service for rivers, trails and conservation assistance. According to Dan Miller, NPS, you can estimate that this award is roughly $10,000-$15,000 per year or $20,000 to $30,000 over two years. Most projects like this take approximately two years. To the best of my knowledge, this grant is for technical and funding assistance, not...
To The Eagle: A big thanks to Norse Hall and members for a wonderful children's Christmas Party. Our grandchildren were so excited to sit and visit with Santa and excited for his bag of goodies. The crafts and games were perfect. Cookies and punch were a hit. Again, thanks for all of your kindness and hard work to make this happen for the kids. Jeff and Sherrill Bollen Puget Island...
To The Eagle: I feel so hurt when I see what is going on in such a pretty little town. As I drive down the Main Street there is no mention of the real reason for Christmas except for the one church on Main. The courthouse that is owned by us all chooses only to display the worldly view of Christmas, a fictitious Santa Claus. This is okay if the real reason is on display as well. It should represent us all. On Bald Eagle Days sinners are encouraged to march in the parade. This really hurts. What is next? I am afraid to think of it. This country...
To The Eagle: We would like to give everyone the opportunity to shop for the stars that they have taken, so we will extend the gift return date to December 14. Families will start to receive their gifts from December 14-18. Thanks to everyone who has supported this program by taking stars or donating monetary funds. This program would not exist without your help. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas. John Knopp Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: I have been working and doing my AmeriCorps service at the Community Center since September 16 and it has been a joy to be in this community. I feel so much a part of Cathlamet and Wahkiakum County. On Saturday, November 28, the Community Center had the pleasure of hosting Santa Claus which was wonderful, but I could not have done this without the help and donations of people and businesses from the community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses for their donations of goods and services: The...
To The Eagle: I was in such a hurry to get the news in before it was too late Tuesday, I forgot the most important part. We, the Wahkiakum Food Bank, would like to thank the Lions Club for the “Walk and Knock” they had for us. They are all a great group of people, always helping others. The Wahkiakum Food Bank greatly appreciates the big boost they gave us. God Bless you all! Jimmie Lou Cleveland Wahkiakum Food Bank...
I don't feel I can let slide some of the comments coming this past week from Republican politicians commenting on Syrian refugees wanting to come to the United States. The comments are completely foreign to the principles that form the moral backbone of our nation. A mayor of Roanoke, Virginia, suggested Syrian refugees be sent to internment camps, such as those created for Japanese Americans in World War II. That action has been acknowledged as a shameful, racist action. The mayor apologized for the remarks on Friday. Actor George Takei, who...
To The Eagle: The July 16, 2015 Eagle has a front-page story: “County loses $1 million in last minute legislation.” On page 2 Rick Nelson reports that DNR’s practice is to extort (my word) a 25% commission off trust timber sales, to be raised to a kleptomaniac (my word) 30%. Thirty percent! County Commissioner Dan Cothren made the math real--$1 million trust sale proceeds equals $300,000 DNR rakeoff (my word). Please go back and read that story. If there’s that kind of gravy in timber, why in April 2014 was I forced to sell Rayonier stock b...
To The Eagle: The Walk and Knock food drive the Lions Club had for the Wahkiakum Food Bank helped fill our shelves and just in time for Thanksgiving. Thanks so very much to all of you that helped pick up the food and then put it on the shelves. You are helping those that need some help. Hope you all have a very good Thanksgiving. God Bless Jimmie Lou Cleveland and all the Wahkiakum Food Bank members and our very good helpers...
To The Eagle: I offer this three step process to reorganize. First, get everyone that doesn’t work or volunteer at Fire and EMS services completely out of the decision making process. Secondly, have only the good folks that do the work, volunteers, etc., in the fire department and EMS services get together and decide how they want to reorganize to accomplish their mission. Thirdly, have them tell us how they believe it best to reorganize and what they need to get it done. Then give them everything they ask for without debate. Thank them over an...
To The Eagle: As was reported in last week’s Eagle, the community garden contributed 1540 pounds of fresh seasonal produce to the food banks. We estimated that in the six plus months growing season, about 720 distributions were made to families who needed food, particularly garden fresh vegetables. This represents about 25 percent of the population of the county. Gardens always have ongoing expenses like soil and amendments, seed and integrated pest control. In 2016 we have several projects we would like to develop, including a spiral herb gard...
To The Eagle: It’s time - November 14, 9 a.m. Please put out your sack of food for the Lions Club and helpers to pick up and we can make the Thanksgiving Baskets for the many that need it. No baby food or perishables, please. For questions call me at 795-3553; if no answer, please leave a message. Many many thanks and God bless. Jimmie Lou Cleveland, Wahkiakum Food Bank; Lions Club and the many helpers...