Sorted by date Results 1676 - 1700 of 2586
To The Eagle: As a Christian, American and a veteran, I am happy and proud to be an American. I served, to help preserve the rights of us all, to choose, which party we feel will do best for the country. Someone is boasting that they will make the (already great) country great again. As a veteran, I also served, to preserve the right to believe in Jesus Christ, while allowing my neighbors, to choose not to do so, which by the way, is part of our Constitution, It is my "duty" to let my neighbor know The Way. My wife and I adopted a son; many in...
To The Eagle: I was unaware our county had areas bearing the name “Jim Crow.” Had my family and I known about these places prior to moving to Cathlamet, we would have given prayerful consideration to if the move was in our best interest and, honestly, if it was safe to live here. I understand that political correctness has become overbearing in recent history; however, there is a difference between politically correct and stubborn insensitivity. Whether or not you have felt the sting of discrimination or racism, it is undeniable the neg...
To The Eagle: Regarding Dan Cothren's idea of why we shouldn't take exception to the term "Jim Crow" as applied to local geographic sites, here's another take according to Was Jim Crow a real person? January 29, 2014 By Evan Andrews ( The term “Jim Crow” typically refers to repressive laws and customs once used to restrict black rights, but the origin of the name itself actually dates back to before the Civil War. In the early 1830s, the white actor Thomas Dar...
To the Editor: Bait and switch! This is how fisheries management in the State of Washington works. First, you advertise in January that we are expecting the biggest run of fish this year in the Columbia River since 1938. You then open fishing when there are very few fish in the river. On April 1st you sell all the excited fisherman their required new fishing licenses for the year. On April 8th, when the fish are finally in the river, you close all fishing. All the fish go up the river to be gillnetted above the dam, the lower river sport and...
To The Editor: Amendment 14 of the United States Constitution reads in part Guarantee of Protection to All Citizens: Section 1. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.’ The Shoreline Management Plan is designed to take life, liberty and property without due process of the law. It is a c...
To The Eagle: As you may know our only public safety agency is the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s office which is three deputies short. Our sheriff has attempted for several months to recruit new deputie who are certified via what is called a lateral hire. This could put a new hire on the road in a very short period of time versus the nine months it takes to train a totally new deputy. However, the sheriff is so far unable to hire either a lateral or a rookie because Wahkiakum County is the lowest paid police agency in the state. Therefore, we a...
To The Eagle: I applaud your Jim Crow editorial. The power of the press is very convincing. It worked in Nazi Germany. With only one newspaper in the county, it will surely work here. I believe we should go back to the principles of the Salem witch hunts and root out all suspected racists and kick them out of our county, since we can’t burn them at the stake. We can have you and Senator Jayapal point them out for us. We have less important things that concern us, like hungry people and terrorists. Let’s go back to the McCarthy era and blacklist...
To the Eagle: Just as many other months are assigned a cause – April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Yes, this is a difficult subject to talk about, I know. Creating open dialogue is however, the only way to reduce the shame and stigma survivors often face in coming forward and getting the help they deserve. We must start believing that people we know can be perpetrators of this violence and take a stand to show how unacceptable it is. I am not asking anyone to set out to change the world – but I do want you to know that sma...
To The Eagle: If I was a Democrat I could kill little babies by abortion and not have to feel guilty. I could have sex with another man and even marry him if I wished and not feel guilty or condemned. I could have a woman possibly involved in criminal activities run for president of my party or better yet a Socialist that would take away all my democratic rights but give me lots of freebies at my neighbor’s expense. Sounds good to me. We would not have to be a republic anymore--just let the responsible people pay an extremely high tax rate s...
Scooped. That's what we are at The Eagle. Last fall, we decided to do a story about the African-American man who lived at Brookfield at the end of the 19th Century. Jim Crow Point and Jim Crow Creek were named after him; there may even be Jim Crow Hill. The lore is that there was a popular song, "Jump Jim Crow," which caricatured African Americans, and the man, Jim Saules, sang it as a way of mocking the song and Jim Crow. Jim Crow, of course, refers to laws adopted in states of the Confederacy to enforce segregation of African Americans,...
To The Eagle: Now that Winter is over, I went outside at 2 a.m. and discovered we have our star-filled sky back, due in part to the dark skies initiative for town lighting. Another legacy of David Goodroe. J. Reed Cathlamet...
To the Editor: It was amazing that more than 100 voters were motivated to attend the Democratic caucus at the Cathlamet elementary school. Among them were several young first-time voters who deserve special thanks for setting aside weekend time to participate in our privilege/duty as American citizens. Two young men and a young woman even volunteered to be delegates – thank you Tyler Gorley, Connor Emlen-Petterson, and Bryanna Peek! Ms. O’Connor deserves praise for running a smooth event. As the months between now and November will det...
To the Eagle: At this moment, the race for the presidency is shaping up to give us some pretty appalling choices come November. On the democrat side we have old Bernie who bills himself as a socialist, but is actually an admirer of Joe Stalin whose achievements in the field of human butchery made Hitler look like an amateur (Bernie actually honeymooned in Russia), and Hillary, a thoroughly unpleasant woman who is not only "running for" but also "fleeing from" charges of various felonious activities, as well as a record of betrayal and...
To the Editor Your voice does matter! No matter which of the presidential candidates you favor, and even if you favor none, it is important that you make your opinions known to those in your government. Your vote is the only tool you have to express your pleasure or displeasure with your current economic condition and the political and social situation around you. Not only yours but also your childrens’ future depends on the kind of government we, the people, choose in November. If you feel helpless and hopeless about your and your c...
To The Eagle: I just want to remind Wahkiakum County Democrats that their caucus will be held at 10 a.m. on March 26 in the multi-purpose room at the elementary school and at Rosburg Hall for Westend voters. Come meet with your fellow Democrats. B.J. Cornett Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: I would like to take this opportunity to let the people of Pacific and Wahkiakum counties know that I will be a candidate for the position of superior court judge in the upcoming election. I have spent many years preparing to serve the community as judge. I have taken every opportunity available to gain experience and develop the skills necessary to be the best judge possible. To that end I have been the judge for the Cities of Raymond, South Bend, Long Beach and Ilwaco. I have also been judge pro tempore in the Pacific County...
To the Eagle: To those of you who keep removing the “Bernie” signs on my property: Have you heard of the autochthons? For each sign that disappears I will buy two more from the Bernie campaign. So, thank you for inadvertently supporting the “Money out – Bernie in” movement! Ursula Petralia Skamokawa...
We want to thank all of you who were patient with our recent heightened security measures at the courthouse during our jury trial the last two weeks. For a minute of inconvenience, we maximized the safety and security of the visitors and employees of the courthouse. It is a very rare occasion that we would put that level of security into place. It was a group effort that made it go smoothly and we extend our appreciation for your cooperation and understanding. Remember that the public’s safety is a priority in every decision I make. I have r...
To The Eagle: Some of you may know that I am no longer employed with the Sheriff’s Office. I was terminated last Wednesday by Sheriff Howie. My disagreements with Sheriff Howie and Undersheriff Marshall capped a nearly 19-year career with the Sheriff’s Office. I want to let you know how much I valued working with and knowing all of you over the years. After serving in the U.S. Air Force for 24 years as a law enforcement officer, my wife, family and I came to Cathlamet to enjoy living in this wonderful community. Next to my family, it has als...
To The Eagle: I think the discussion of courthouse security could benefit from extended treatment by the citizens and employees. I did not get to the meeting in time to hear the comments, so the basis of my letter is from your newspaper report and my personal experience with courthouse staffs here and elsewhere. I am 84-years old and retired from a lifetime of working with and serving county and state people in many places. The greatest security you can have is to treat people generously, fairly, caringly, and with love, dignity, and respect; t...
To The Eagle: In my Letter to the Editor last week regarding Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, I should have credited an article entitled “Stop, Drop & Roll: 5 Tips to Keep your Teen Safe in Dating Relationships” by Shalada Moten, which I found on the Huffington Post website. She concisely stated the teen dating warning signs I listed. Susan Schillios, Shelter Manager/Prevention Coordinator, The Charlotte House...
To the Eagle, In response to last week's letter regarding the fire departments merging, the new six member board of commissioners would set the tax rates, from what I can determine. The bond that District 4 now has will be paid for by the taxpayers of that district, not Puget Island residents. The main reason Puget Island Fire Department was able to purchase a new truck five years ago was because a gentleman donated about $170,000 to the department; otherwise we would have had to go to the taxpayers of the Island for a bond to buy that truck. O...
To The Eagle: Recently the residents of Puget Island received a petition in the mail to merge Fire District #1 into Fire District #4. Fire District #4 has a levy base rate of 59 cents per $1000 of assessed valuation plus 23 cents per $1000 assessed valuation to pay its bonded debt. Fire District #1, Puget Island, levys 49 cents per $1000 of assessed valuation with no apparent debt. Is a merger with District #4 in the best interest of Puget Island? P.J. Fleury Puget Island...
To The Eagle: Can we invoke the Lemon Law on our ferry boat and get our money back? You know that boat will never be right. It’ll nickel and dime us to death. Michael Nunes Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: I, Olaf Thomason, will not pay for an assessment fee for dredge spoils until all port districts who also are benefitting commercially pay. Since the 1940s the Corps of Engineers and ports have come begging for places for their dredge spoils. Now they are to be paid for the spoils. I have never benefitted from them. I support my neighbors who want to pay and are in need of sand refreshments. Olaf Thomason, Sr. Puget Island...