Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


Sorted by date  Results 1657 - 1681 of 2586

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  • Local landlord offers insight to costs

    May 19, 2016

    To The Eagle: After reading last week’s Eagle about lack of affordable housing, I would like to give you some insight as to costs for the landlord(s). I have had rental houses for over 25 years in Cathlamet. The article by Ms. Zimmerman does not give information on how much it costs to provide basic housing for those who want to rent at $400 per month, or possibly to be even more affordable for those who are in need. Set costs are sewer, water, property tax and insurance on the building that must be paid. These basic services total $200 per mon...

  • Local Boy Scout troop seeks members

    May 12, 2016

    To The Eagle: I was a boy scout in my native country of Iran and then in 2008 my son and I joined Boy Scouts Of America troop 241 of Clatskanie, Oregon. Now he is 21 years old and has never left scouting since he started. He is a scout leader in the troop that he was a member of in 2008. His mother is also a scout leader so we eat and sleep scouting and I can take all your time to tell you what this great program has done for my family and many other’s. Sharon Kuroda, who is the DE of our district, started a cub scout pack 556 in your area a...

  • Jim Crow represents disgraceful period

    May 12, 2016

    Jim Crow represents disgraceful period Editor’s note: We accidentally left a sentence out of this letter last week, so we’re reprinting it entirely. We apologize for the error. To The Eagle: Fifty years ago I had the honor of serving in the United States Marine Corps. Six or seven times during my time at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, I was assigned to funeral details. This involved riding on a bus to a country churchyard and firing a 21-gun salute at the burial of a fallen Marine. These Marines had two things in common: they were all black and...

  • You should be aware of shoreline plan

    May 12, 2016

    To The Eagle: To some, I’m sure what I’m saying here will seem insensitive. To me, it is being pragmatic and realistic. An update to the Wahkiakum County Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is being developed by the Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) in conjunction with the Washington Department of Ecology. That plan, as currently drafted, will significantly limit how a large number of property owners in the county may use their property. I find that to be a much more important issue for public involvement than changing the name of geog...

  • Shoreline Master Program: Questions and Answers

    May 12, 2016

    Editor’s note: Wahkiakum County and the Town of Cathlamet have been working on updates to their Shoreline Master Programs, and citizens have raised concerns about the effects of the program on various activities. The county Public Works Department provided the media some responses and explanations to the concerns. Here is the first, to address those concerns. Others will be published in following weeks. How can I weigh in on the SMP update? Answer: There a few ways to participate in the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) update process. They includ...

  • Local attorney to close office

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: I am announcing that I will be closing my Cathlamet law office, located at 99 Main St., effective June 30, 2016, in anticipation of retiring from the practice of law. During this transition time, I will finalize as many pending cases as possible, but will bring to completion all unfinished client work from my office in Westport, WA. If you are a client, or former client, and would like to receive your case file, please contact Tom Doumit at (360) 795-6044, or by mail at P.O. Box 151, Cathlamet, WA 98612, and those requests will...

  • Student thanks teachers and staff

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: I am a senior at Wahkiakum High School, and I’d like to give a shout out to all of the teachers and staff members of Wahkiakum High School who have helped me through the years. My principal, Stephanie Leitz, has been a crucial factor in not only my success, but the success of my classmates. I would also like to especially recognize our cafeteria and maintenance staff who have continued to work hard behind the scenes to keep our school clean throughout each year. I have grown to love the staff at Wahkiakum as if they were my own k...

  • Movement to deny past is self delusional

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: Many people feel that the changing of names of historical personages or sports teams will erase the ‘bad history’ that they are ashamed of. Our “history” can be improved and even enriched by hiding and or destroying the unfit memories from the past. I think this movement to deny the past is self-delusional, cowardly and masochistic. It is a childish and therefore dangerous way to treat what has happened. We, all of us, need to accept that humanity is deeply flawed. What has happened is in the past. But what we can do about o...

  • Dropping Jim Crow would be a sign of respect

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: This is the test of a statement read to the Wahkiakum County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday: Our Pledge of Allegiance contains principles that the United States of America stand for throughout this country. Our annual Bald Eagle Days in July celebrate our beautiful community as well as reflect the same principles of our county. In our Pledge of Allegiance we proclaim that the United States is an indivisible nation. Indivisible can be defined as to not be separated into parts. I say this not to undermine anyone's knowledge, but...

  • Jim Crow represents disgraceful period

    May 5, 2016

    Editor's note: The original version of this letter was missing one sentence; this is the correct version. We apologize to the writer, Peter McGuire. To The Eagle: Fifty years ago I had the honor of serving in the United States Marine Corps. Six or seven times during my time at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, I was assigned to funeral details. This involved riding on a bus to a country churchyard and firing a 21-gun salute at the burial of a fallen Marine. These Marines all had two things in common: They were all black, and I don't think any of...

  • Presidential candidates disturbing and depressing

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: The choice of candidates campaigning for the highest honor of serving our country is rather disturbing and depressing. The Democrats can’t come up with a better candidate than Hillary? Sanders? Republicans are no better. The ballots should also include “None of the Above” when time to vote. I’m fed up with experienced politicians that sugarcoat the talk and once elected they snub us with an about-face turn and live their merry way doing their thing. A while back, I wrote and poured out my heart in a 3-page letter to the preside...

  • Locals to raise money for American Heart Association

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: A year has passed since the last American Heart Association Annual Walk. Last year your local team consisted of Sandy Boldt, Vickie Bergseng, Marnee Davis and myself. We reached our goal of $300. This year we are again walking to make money to help people in this community live longer, free of heart disease and stroke. We have set our goal this year of $400. This year we will walk around the lake in Longview on May 14. If you would like to donate, we will gladly accept donations. Each donation should be made out to the American...

  • Appreciative PTO planning for future

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: The PTO would like to thank all who participated in the "Spring Blossom Bingo" event that was held last Friday. Although there wasn't as big a turnout as we hoped, it was still a lot of fun. I want to personally give a huge "Thank You" to all the representatives from the Wahkiakum Lion's Club for helping and for letting us use most of their equipment. It was much appreciated. Also to the Wahkiakum County Fair for use of some of their equipment. As well, many thanks to our local sponsors such as the Cathlamet Pharmacy for a...

  • Finland resident has ties to Puget Island

    May 5, 2016

    To The Eagle: Hello from Pori, Finland! By a note of my family member by name Lindwall, I saw my mom’s name in your paper in an obituary of Henry Lindwall. He was one of the three Lindwall brothers Paul, Henry and Charles, from Pori, Finland to my mother who ended up on Puget Island in early 1900. Your paper’s post number Cathlamet WA 98612 became very familiar to me when the letters were moving between Pori, Finland to Puget Island. Understood that there was no post office on Puget Island and all the post was addressed to Cathlamet WA, through...

  • Shoreline management rules update unwanted

    Apr 28, 2016

    To all Wahkiakum County land owners: The proposed Shoreline Management Program rules, if enacted, will affect a majority of us. The Dept of Ecology will control your land, not you. Note the following Shoreline Management Program Definitions and Excerpts taken from the Final Draft, ready to be presented to the Commissioners. Add up the set-back distances- you won’t have any land left. While there is still time, tell Dan Cothren, Blair Brady and Mike Backman to reject it. Shorelines: All shoreline of streams or rivers having a mean annual flow o...

  • Advances in dentistry are pleasing to patient

    Apr 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: Modern hi-tech dentistry has come to Cathlamet! Locally I recently had a broken crown replaced. Much of the variable art of human artisans has been replaced with the perfection and precision of the computer. The computer reads and collects a record of all the pits, grooves, bumps and every variable of the tooth that makes up the grinding surfaces of the tooth that one uses to chew food. The new tooth, when glued into place, matches the opposing surface perfectly. No back and forth to the lab, and a 10-day wait, and then the...

  • Polarized perspective just not helpful

    Apr 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: I had to shake my head after reading the article in the Eagle’s 04/21 paper titled “ I wish I was a Democrat.” The sarcasm coming from the writer seems to be fear based (for obvious reasons), and reflecting an inability to see the big picture. I/we increasingly hear this divisive rhetoric as our much needed Republican party self-implodes. For the record, I am an Independent voter. I’ve voted both sides of the aisle over the years, at the federal as well as state levels, depending on the candidate and the responsibilities at stak...

  • Junk/waste ordinance a future headache

    Apr 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: I did not go to meetings in regards to the new junk/waste ordinance. I did not feel that it applied to me. I also voted against the ordinance. The ordinance basically says that your neighbors have a right to not have to look at anything that they feel is junk on your property. But it actually does not matter who is offended by something on your property, anyone can file a claim against anyone. This is a county ordinance, but you only have to comply if someone files a complaint against you. I think that everyone in the county...

  • It's time to change names that promote racism

    Apr 28, 2016

    To the Eagle: We don’t need to memorialize “Jim Crow” with a place name in Wahkiakum County. Removing artifacts of racism is a way to acknowledge that we are moving on from the racist history that Oregon (and this country) is still living down. See the Oregon Historical Society’s Encyclopedia of Oregon for a summary of exclusion laws, and the complicated history regarding slavery. Until 1926, it was illegal for black people to move into the state. How we talk and what words we use convey our attitudes to our children and grandchildren. If name...

  • This writer is proud to be a democrat

    Apr 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: As a Christian, American and a veteran, I am happy and proud to be an American. I served, to help preserve the rights of us all, to choose, which party we feel will do best for the country. Someone is boasting that they will make the (already great) country great again. As a veteran, I also served, to preserve the right to believe in Jesus Christ, while allowing my neighbors, to choose not to do so, which by the way, is part of our Constitution, It is my "duty" to let my neighbor know The Way. My wife and I adopted a son; many in...

  • Choose to be admirable

    Apr 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: I was unaware our county had areas bearing the name “Jim Crow.” Had my family and I known about these places prior to moving to Cathlamet, we would have given prayerful consideration to if the move was in our best interest and, honestly, if it was safe to live here. I understand that political correctness has become overbearing in recent history; however, there is a difference between politically correct and stubborn insensitivity. Whether or not you have felt the sting of discrimination or racism, it is undeniable the neg...

  • The actual "Jim Crow"

    Apr 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: Regarding Dan Cothren's idea of why we shouldn't take exception to the term "Jim Crow" as applied to local geographic sites, here's another take according to Was Jim Crow a real person? January 29, 2014 By Evan Andrews ( The term “Jim Crow” typically refers to repressive laws and customs once used to restrict black rights, but the origin of the name itself actually dates back to before the Civil War. In the early 1830s, the white actor Thomas Dar...

  • Game Department doing disservice

    Apr 21, 2016

    To the Editor: Bait and switch! This is how fisheries management in the State of Washington works. First, you advertise in January that we are expecting the biggest run of fish this year in the Columbia River since 1938. You then open fishing when there are very few fish in the river. On April 1st you sell all the excited fisherman their required new fishing licenses for the year. On April 8th, when the fish are finally in the river, you close all fishing. All the fish go up the river to be gillnetted above the dam, the lower river sport and...

  • Shoreline plan designed to take property

    Apr 21, 2016

    To The Editor: Amendment 14 of the United States Constitution reads in part Guarantee of Protection to All Citizens: Section 1. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.’ The Shoreline Management Plan is designed to take life, liberty and property without due process of the law. It is a c...

  • Lack of deputies is danger to citizens

    Apr 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: As you may know our only public safety agency is the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s office which is three deputies short. Our sheriff has attempted for several months to recruit new deputie who are certified via what is called a lateral hire. This could put a new hire on the road in a very short period of time versus the nine months it takes to train a totally new deputy. However, the sheriff is so far unable to hire either a lateral or a rookie because Wahkiakum County is the lowest paid police agency in the state. Therefore, we a...

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