Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Commissioner answers previous letter

    Aug 4, 2016

    To The Eagle: Not based on fact: In a letter to the editor, Mr. Roberts states that Wahkiakum County receives 10 percent revenue from marijuana sales. Wahkiakum County does not have any retail marijuana sales businesses. We receive no revenue from marijuana grow operations. I believe what Mr. Roberts was upset about was something that recently happened during a local commissioners meeting when a prospective buyer wanting to open the old Rosburg Store approached the board. As was described by the buyer, the store was to include a dedicated...

  • AmeriCorps volunteer says goodbye

    Aug 4, 2016

    To The Eagle: July 29th was my last official day as the Americorps Community Center Coordinator. It is with great sadness to say that my year here has come to a close. I would like to say thank you to all of you, you made my service in Wahkiakum County a pleasurable and wonderful experience that I will forever be grateful for. Thank you for making me feel a part of your community (now also mine). Thank you for giving me a chance and your trust to serve you. Thank you for the help and service you gave me. Thank you for your much welcomed and...

  • Chris Reykdal knows the ropes for SPI job

    Rick Nelson|Jul 28, 2016

    With all the other stuff that's going on around here, the primary election snuck up on me. it caught up with me last week when I got to sit down with Chris Reykdal, a Lacy resident who's running for the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI). If the Reykdal name is familiar, yes, he hails from Snohomish and is a younger brother, by 16 years, of Vic Reykdal, who taught and coached at Wahkiakum schools from the late 1980's to the early 2000s. Chris Reykdal also went into education, teaching three years in the 1990s at Mark Morris...

  • See something, say something

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: With Police and Sheriffs being targeted, most probably, we with military police, and civil police training, and experience, should function as a force multiplier, as to, See Something, Say Something! However, with Mark’s work on community policing, we have, and need, the common senses of our county’s citizens, too, also, See Something, Say Something. As former Academy trained, although dated, I know what is important. Based upon the Sheriff’s report, we have a good start on community policing, via Mark’s work on the issues,...

  • Commissioner opinion is not based on fact

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: I attended the meeting of the candidates at the Skamokawa grange last Tuesday evening and was very interested to note that counties that allowed the sale of recreational marijuana received 10 percent of the funds raised in their respective counties. When I questioned the politicos in attendance they said that it was true but Wahkiakum county has refused to allow the business. When further questioned, Dan Cothren stated that he was personally against it. I suppose my next question should have been since when does his personal...

  • Purcell able to navigate the system

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: I don’t know if the voters are aware that the 19th legislative district has an exceptionally well qualified candidate running this year. Teresa Purcell has a working background in politics at the local, state, and national levels. That’s not my opinion, it’s a matter of record. In listening to Teresa Purcell on several occasions, I am impressed by her depth of “been there, know how to make it work”, knowledge on issues relevant to us in the nineteenth district and in the state as a whole. Purcell’s ability to navigate the system...

  • Purcell offers real solutions

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: I ask your support for Teresa Purcell for State Representative. Getting things done takes working with people. Teresa has a lot of experience in bringing people together to solve problems. She recognizes that "cast-in-stone" political philosophy often gets in the way of answers, and that working with others leads to real solutions of the real problems that we face. Teresa will be a great Representative for all of us in Olympia. Joel Rupley Longview...

  • We need a change

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: SW Washington lags behind in basic measures of economic opportunity, health, housing, safety and education. We need a change in our politics. Teresa Purcell is just what our district desperately needs now. Teresa is not in this for herself. She was born and raised here. She is well educated and well known as a consultant, lobbyist (American Cancer Society) and activist. She can’t be bought. Example: Why sell off prime land for a handful of jobs when it can be cleaned up and bring in thousands of jobs? Teresa Purcell knows how t...

  • Vote for Purcell

    Jul 28, 2016

    To The Eagle: As you go through your primary ballot please tick the box for Teresa Purcell for 19th district legislative representative. Good governance has always been the art of the possible and Teresa has the experience, enthusiasm and people skills to make things happen in Olympia and be the next great representative of our district. Only occasionally does someone with real leadership ability rise up to grace our political scene and offer a clear choice on our ballots; someone who honors the past but who also looks forward candidly to...

  • Writer replies to previous letter

    Jul 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: The letter to the editor last week (It just makes no sense) seems to me was appropriately titled. The first point I guess the writer was trying to make is White Americans are more important to the media than people of color. Her proof was one killing got more coverage than another. I listen to and read many news sources and heard and read many reports about both horrible events. Perhaps if I only listened to public radio as the writer indicated she does, I too would be ignorant of the facts. Decent people of all races are shocked...

  • Judge offers correction

    Jul 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: A recent article in your newspaper quoted one of our county commissioners as saying “Money from citations all goes to the state. There’s no county share.” The above statement is in error. While District Court should not be looked at as a revenue producer, the county does in fact receive a share of revenue from traffic citations. Anyone wishing a breakdown of citation fines should feel free to contact the Wahkiakum County District Court for further information. William J. Faubion District Court Judge...

  • We need to change course of events

    Jul 21, 2016

    To the Eagle: Sometimes a window of opportunity opens that could change the course of events. When an old way of doing things no longer seems to be working and nothing desirable arises to take its place, it is time for a big change - often in leadership. This election cycle offers such an opportunity with the candidacy of Teresa Purcell for State Representative for the 19th District. She brings her intelligence, energy, creativity, and courage to this important work for the benefit of all. Her will provide you with...

  • Let's reach 40 units this time

    Jul 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: It is time again for our local Wahkiakum County American Red Cross Blood Drive. It will be held at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 549 SR 409, Puget Island, on Tuesday, August 2 from 1 to 6 p.m. I want to express my gratitude to all who donated at our last drive. We surpassed our goal of 24 units with a collection of 31 units. That is the second best result in the past 10 years. Way to go Wahkiakum! Let’s amaze them again with another great turnout. What do you think; can we do 40? Yes, we can. To schedule an appointment ple...

  • Commissioner thanks lawmakers

    Jul 21, 2016

    To The Eagle: I would like to start by personally thanking our state lawmakers; Senator Dean Takko, Representatives Brian Blake, JD Rossetti and Ed Orcutt for their steadfast support and representation of the citizens of Wahkiakum County. Their work has been instrumental in procuring timber funding for Wahkiakum, Pacific and Skamania counties. This work has provided Wahkiakum County alone, $2.5 million in funding. These four men have all demonstrated their unswayed and dedicated support for our counties. They always go the extra mile to listen...

  • Erosion problem is man made

    Jul 14, 2016

    To The Eagle: As a long time owner of river front property, I have watched my, and my neighbors, shoreline disappear. I have been denied the right to stabilize the shore. Meanwhile the channel is deepened to accommodate even bigger and deeper ships. These ships bring goods to our great land and haul our products to the world markets. We need them and enjoy seeing them go by. We also as kids loved to play in the surf they throw up as wake. My point here is that just like a major highway has concrete walls to separate the traffic from the people...

  • It just makes no sense

    Jul 14, 2016

    To The Eagle: There has been continuous coverage of Thursday’s murder of five white male police officers on KUOW, a National Public Radio station. One pabulum after the other offered prayers, sympathy, and love. When a white male massacred nine black churchgoers in Charleston, the media reported the event and then moved on to other issues. Is the difference that the Dallas victims were white? Police? We claim to be shocked and heartbroken but continue to train young, minimally educated men and women to kill in foreign lands and then offer t...

  • Support sought for AmeriCorps volunteer

    Jul 7, 2016

    To The Eagle: Margaret Lapic, c/o Americorps Grants Program Subject: Grant status for Wahkiakum County Dear Ms. Lapic: As a committed volunteer at both the Cathlamet Community Center, and the Cathlamet Library, it was immensely disappointing to learn that the Americorps grant to continue support for a coordinator position at the Community Center was denied for fiscal 2016-2017. I realize that Wahkiakum is a much smaller community than Cowlitz County, but we have basic needs as does your county. We have no youth center, no senior center, and...

  • It's time for a woman in the 19th district

    Jul 7, 2016

    To The Eagle: The 19th Legislative District in Washington State, which includes Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Pacific, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties, has had no representation of women in that district in over thirty years! We now have an opportunity for an educated, informed, and experienced candidate in Teresa Purcell. Teresa was raised in this area; she cares about this area; and, through her business and contacts from Olympia, Teresa knows the process. Isn't it time? Teresa has my vote - join me! Sandra Davis Cathlamet...

  • Free lunches offered for youth

    Jun 30, 2016

    To The Eagle: Attention parents with children 18 years and younger: The USDA has a program called Summer Food Rocks and this summer our kids 18 years and younger get to benefit from it starting this Tuesday! From July 5 through August 17, every Monday through Thursday, lunch will be served at noon, free of charge to all kids 18 years and younger with no enrollment and no added requirements-including residence. Meals will be served and eaten in the JA Wendt multipurpose room. While the kids are there they will be able to interact with various...

  • Citizen supports Purcell for legislator

    Jun 30, 2016

    To The Eagle: I am endorsing, supporting, doorbelling and campaigning for Teresa Purcell for the 19th District (D) State Legislator. Teresa was born and raised in Longview. She returned to the community nine years ago and has been active in community service and political leadership since then. She is deeply concerned about the issues we face in Cowlitz County: health, housing, safety, educational outcomes, and economic opportunity. As our representative, Teresa will bring considerable experience in problem solving. She consults nationwide on...

  • Can we do without politicians?

    Jun 30, 2016

    To The Eagle: There are two types of taxpayers: authentic taxpayers and taxpayers. The authentic taxpayers are homeowners and employees that earn their wages by working for themselves or nongovernment businesses. Taxpayers are homeowners and employees that work for the government and they earn their wages by pocketing off the authentic taxpayers’ paychecks. That said, I’m all for paying our military, veterans, law enforcements, firefighters, roads and education. However, I question the thousands of politicians living high off the authentic tax...

  • Coordinator thanks donors

    Jun 23, 2016

    To The Eagle: I would like to take a moment to thank the brewery in Cathlamet, River Mile 38, for donating their Rollie’s Root Beer, KFC/A&W Longview for donating cups, spoons, straws and lids and also Dairy Queen in Longview for donating ice cream sundae cups and spoons for the last day of school celebration, hosted by the Community Center. Children/teens from Wahkiakum school district were given a ticket in which they could come to the Community Center and choose either an ice cream sundae or a root beer float. Ice cream and toppings were s...

  • PTO winding down for the year

    Jun 9, 2016

    From the Desk of The PTO: I’d like to thank each and every individual that made the 2015-2016 school year a great success! We worked hard and accomplished a lot, and that was only with the help of the volunteers, parents, grandparents and community. Thank you! This year we put a lot of our efforts into the School Library and were able to purchase approximately $4000 worth of brand new books for the great kids at JA Wendt and we also were able to buy new books for the classroom libraries. This is awesome! The teachers and kids in their c...

  • LCFRB has appointed a new director

    Jun 9, 2016

    To The Eagle: It is my pleasure to announce that at its’ June 3rd meeting the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board appointed Steve Manlow as my successor effective July 1. Over the past five months, Steve has made a significant contribution to the work of the Board, demonstrating his ability to quickly grasp issues and effectively take on new work and responsibilities. He has a strong technical background and has considerable experience from his past positions working for the Board, local government, WDFW and the Corps of Engineers. Steve has a...

  • Visitors thank cemetery crew

    Jun 9, 2016

    To The Eagle: My husband and I prepare every year for our annual visit to our local cemetery. To prepare we load fresh cut ferns, cut flowers, along with a scrub brush, hand grass clippers, rags, cleaning solution, two gallons of water and a large screwdriver to remove the upside down vase that is in front of the headstone (usually it is stuck because moles have pushed dirt inside the vase.) When we get the vase out we have to clean inside as the dirt is packed in it. We brush dirt off the stones, wash using the scrub brush, rinse the...

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