Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Support extended to Prestegard

    Sep 22, 2016

    To The Eagle: With the election coming up quickly in November, we would like to extend our support and endorse Greg Prestegard for County Commissioner, District 1. We believe that Greg is the most qualified candidate for this position. His professional background supports his abilities to thrive in a leadership position, and his compassion towards his community shows that he would make a positive difference for Wahkiakum County. His experience owning and operating his own business makes him an entreprenurial asset, and his experience would...

  • Couple urges voters to support Prestegard

    Sep 15, 2016

    To The Eagle: This fall the citizens of Wahkiakum County have the opportunity, and the duty, to carefully evaluate and elect the best candidates running for a variety of local, regional and national public offices. Locally the county commissioner position is of major importance because the commissioners are both the legislative and the executive branches of our local government. As such the position of county commissioner requires the office holder to possess the education, experience and personality traits we expect to see in successful...

  • Reader comments on 'recycling woes'

    Sep 15, 2016

    To The Eagle: I noticed a new sign up by the recycling bins stating what is acceptable for recycling. Obviously, it changes things quite a bit. Before, the bins just said plastic, tin, mixed paper and cardboard. Now we learn that tin means crushed cans, with no paper on them. Plastic means only #1-2 designated items. And, if certain items are included, it will designate the whole bin as garbage. So, if cans have paper still on them, or are not crushed; or any cardboard has food residue on it, or if any of the bins have a plastic bag in them,...

  • Let the marijuana project take shape

    Sep 8, 2016

    To The Eagle: The brouhaha over legalized pot that has churned through several recent editions of the Eagle has been entertaining and informative -- I have 'em neatly filed as "The Pakalolo Papers." The protagonists, coming at it from several directions, seem well informed, accurate and up to date. The anti's (comprised mostly of Commissioner Cothren and staunch defender Schreiber) are pounding the drum to make points all of us agreed with before the argument started -- drugs ruin lives, and kids shouldn't have 'em. No kiddin'! But the whole de...

  • Couple urges vote for Prestegard

    Sep 8, 2016

    To The Eagle: We are submitting this letter to encourage our fellow residents of Wahkiakum County to vote for Greg Prestegard for County Commissioner, Dist. 1. We got to know Greg when we hired him to do a building project for us. He runs a solid, financially sound business, and the quality of his work, from framework to finish work, is first class. Besides managing his successful business for over 25 years, Greg has volunteered his time to the community in a wide variety of ways. Greg expresses himself easily and clearly and will represent...

  • A message from the fire chief

    Sep 1, 2016

    To The Eagle: Attnention Skamokawa and Wahkiakum residents: Ever since the Skamokawa Fire District installed reflective (red) roadside signs, emergency responders have been telling us how much easier it is to find an address in our district than elsewhere, especially during foggy evenings. Alas, after standing three years, some of those signs have either gotten dirty, been covered by weeds, or been blown ajar. Since finding addresses quickly is vitally important, we are asking Skamokawa area residents to take a few minutes to check the...

  • County does not need taxes from drugs

    Sep 1, 2016

    To The Eagle: I see by last week’s edition that someone got a little fired up reading my letter (8/18/2016) regarding my opinion about not needing or wanting the sale of marijuana in our county. The person’s letter stated they had all the facts on their side, noting that they gleaned their facts about weed from something called “The Pot Book.” Really, give me a break, can you say propoganda? I wish people like the writer could have seen what drugs and alcohol use did to some of the soldiers I led while a sergeant in the US Army or the workers...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Mark Howie, Wahkiakum County Sheriff|Sep 1, 2016

    By Wahkiakum County Sheriff Mark Howie As I witnessed and partook in the activities that unfolded last Friday during our live exercise at the school I was struck with immense pride in the professional, collaborative, skilled teamwork displayed by all of our first responders under the most extreme pressure. Over 160 people participated in one of our county’s biggest mass casualty incident (MCI) training exercises to date. By now many people have heard about the active assailant MCI that has been eight months in the making. What you may not r...

  • Opinions do not carry same weight as facts

    Aug 25, 2016

    To The Eagle: The letter submitted by a Mr. Paul Schreiber and published on 8/18 is at best ill informed and insulting to the previous writers on the matter of legal sales of marijuana in Wahkiakum county. He apparently fancies opinions to carry the same weight as fact, which is obviously ridiculous. Opinions are a great deal like a certain anatomical feature generally not discussed in polite company and of course everybody has one. Facts, on the other hand, are well researched and scientifically proven. It was suggested by Alex Docker that the...

  • Land owner against assessments

    Aug 25, 2016

    To The Eagle: I, Olaf Thomason, Sr., being a beach front land owner, am against any assessment made by the Corps of Engineers or the county. The damage caused along the beaches was, or is not, caused by the adjacent property owners. Therefore, any assessments by the Corps of Engineers and/or the county, should be paid for by the Corps of Engineers, who with the port districts, want bigger ships and want a deeper shipping channel. If the county thinks they have a say with the Corps, they should remember what happened to the white-tailed refuge...

  • Writer suggests government is behind shootings

    Aug 25, 2016

    To The Eagle: This letter is in response to Dennis Gordon’s recent request for people in the community to air their concerns about activities of government agencies that we find disturbing. The one I feel is most diabolical is government agencies (FEMA, Homeland Security, and others) initiating emergency training events called Integrated Capstone Events (ICE), not be confused with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In these events participants are required by law to act as though the event was actually real. There are, in fact, legal p...

  • Job description needed

    Aug 25, 2016

    To the Editor: Regarding the upcoming local election, I propose that we the voters be presented with a detailed job description and the salary attached to each position so we can evaluate the past effectiveness of incumbents (performance review), monitor the job performance of newly-elected officials, and validate the remuneration attached to each position. Ursula A. Petralia Skamokawa...

  • Special memories shared of Kim Hedges

    Aug 18, 2016

    Special memories shared of Kim Hedges To The Eagle: I have meant to write this for some time but neglected to do so. Many of your memories of Kim, told at her memorial, were different than mine. My special memories are when she was a young girl and attended church with us. She was also a member of the missionette group, like Girl Scouts, only through the church. After we put our pool in, she was the first to be baptized in it. As she lay in a coma, I prayed that somehow God would allow her to remember those good times we had together. I...

  • Water intake plant improvements to begin

    Aug 18, 2016

    Water intake plant improvements to begin To The Eagle: As readers will no doubt have already read elsewhere in The Eagle, the Town of Cathlamet’s Contractor will be beginning work on improving the water intake to our drinking water plant. This is exciting news! The reason for this work is to allow the plant to pull more water out of the river and to get closer to the volume of water that the plant itself can treat. Assuming all goes well, we should be allowed by regulators to provide water to as many customers as want our water. All this g...

  • Writer offers opinion

    Aug 18, 2016

    To The Eagle: There are many new age snake oil salesmen telling anyone who will listen about the many wonderful benfits marijuana has in store for you. Get real, the only thing that belongs in your lungs is air. I know you can ingest it in food, too, just to get that high you think you need or worse, maybe even have become addicted to. I know a lot of you won’t gather round to hear my pitch, but here it goes anyway. If you need to feel good, you know, get that high, why not visit a lonely person, maybe mentor a child, buy a kid in need some s...

  • SJFC says goodbye

    Aug 18, 2016

    To The Eagle: Mary Ann Nelson has worked as a teacher at St. James Family Center since 1985 when SJFC first began providing early childhood education as St. James Preschool. Many things have changed since that time, but what has never changed is Mary Ann’s love of children, families and teaching. On Monday August 22nd from 4-6 we will host an open house in the SJFC gym to celebrate Mary Ann and all that she has given to our community. We would like to invite community members, alumni and anyone whose life has been touched by Mary Ann. We c...

  • Say no to income tax

    Aug 18, 2016

    To The Eagle: Citizens of Washington, are you aware that the Democratic Party under Governor Inslee wants to tax your hard earned paycheck and retirement check? You have worked too hard for your money to give more of it to state tax collectors to spend on their desires. Vote for Bill Bryant and the Republican Party in November. Protect your hard-earned income, say no to a Democrat Party sponsored income tax. Your friend and neighbor, Len Lindsley Puget Island...

  • Let entire community decide on retail sales

    Aug 11, 2016

    To the Eagle: I read with dismay Commissioner Cothren's letter to the editor last week. He states that Mr. Roberts said "that Wahkiakum Co. received 10 percent revenue from the sale of marijuana". (August 4, 2016, Eagle) Fact check: He actually wrote "counties that allowed the sale of marijuana received 10 percent of funds raised in their respective counties.” (July 28, 2016, Eagle) Some months ago (March 24, 2016, Eagle) Commissioner Cothren stated "the people of the district do not want us to grant a waiver." "We don't want another drug in o...

  • Enormous ignorance surrounds cannabis

    Aug 11, 2016

    To The Eagle: I read with interest James Roberts’ letter of July 28 regarding the legal sale of cannabis products in Wahkiakum County. With equal interest, I anticipated a reply on August 4 from Commissioner Dan Cothren. Reading the Commissioner’s reply to Mr. Roberts, it became immediately apparent that he had not paid sufficient attention to Mr. Roberts’ letter to The Eagle. James Roberts did not say that the county received the 10 percent of revenue given to all counties that approved legal sales of these products. On the contrary he asked...

  • This is not 1958

    Aug 11, 2016

    To The Eagle: Ok, I get it. This is how politics works. I had a letter printed in this paper on 7/28 clearly stating that I had questioned the politicos in attendance at the ‘Meet the Candidates' gathering at the Skamokawa grange why Wahkiakum county wasn't receiving the 10 percent from the sale of legal and voter approved recreational marijuana. Representative Brian Blake stated that Wahkiakum County had refused to allow the sale or cultivation of this legal crop. I questioned him and Mr. Rossetti as to what we, the citizens of our cash s...

  • Important for nation?

    Aug 11, 2016

    To The Eagle: After our forthcoming elections are finalized in November, and our new leaders are in place, and their promises have been made, what should they do? What are our true/immediate/important needs to be addressed/prioritized and resolved? I believe there are two main objectives of our/any government. They are to insure our safety, promote a harmonious life for all, and promote a prosperous economy. Here in alphabetical order are my five top issues that need to be resolved; Discrimination, Education (address/resolve student loan...

  • Call for free lunches

    Aug 11, 2016

    To The Eagle: Since July 5, Mondays through Thursdays from 12:00 p.m.-12:30 p.m., we have offered free summer lunches to anyone 18 years and younger at J.A. Wendt Elementary in the multipurpose room. We have had a wonderful time over the last few weeks serving lunches to the kids in our community. As we are getting ready to finish up next week, we wanted to say thank you. For all the local businesses that helped make treat Tuesday special: Gragg's General Store, Waterway Espresso, Sharon's Pizza Mill, Chevron on Highway 4, and the Cathlamet...

  • Commissioner answers previous letter

    Aug 4, 2016

    To The Eagle: Not based on fact: In a letter to the editor, Mr. Roberts states that Wahkiakum County receives 10 percent revenue from marijuana sales. Wahkiakum County does not have any retail marijuana sales businesses. We receive no revenue from marijuana grow operations. I believe what Mr. Roberts was upset about was something that recently happened during a local commissioners meeting when a prospective buyer wanting to open the old Rosburg Store approached the board. As was described by the buyer, the store was to include a dedicated...

  • AmeriCorps volunteer says goodbye

    Aug 4, 2016

    To The Eagle: July 29th was my last official day as the Americorps Community Center Coordinator. It is with great sadness to say that my year here has come to a close. I would like to say thank you to all of you, you made my service in Wahkiakum County a pleasurable and wonderful experience that I will forever be grateful for. Thank you for making me feel a part of your community (now also mine). Thank you for giving me a chance and your trust to serve you. Thank you for the help and service you gave me. Thank you for your much welcomed and...

  • Chris Reykdal knows the ropes for SPI job

    Rick Nelson|Jul 28, 2016

    With all the other stuff that's going on around here, the primary election snuck up on me. it caught up with me last week when I got to sit down with Chris Reykdal, a Lacy resident who's running for the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI). If the Reykdal name is familiar, yes, he hails from Snohomish and is a younger brother, by 16 years, of Vic Reykdal, who taught and coached at Wahkiakum schools from the late 1980's to the early 2000s. Chris Reykdal also went into education, teaching three years in the 1990s at Mark Morris...

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