Sorted by date Results 1551 - 1575 of 2586
To The Eagle: The PTO would like to thank everyone in the community for your continued support and help in all of the school activities that we work on. From the Fall Fundraisers, Book Fairs, Christmas Shop, everything. It's because of students, parents, and community that all of these events do well! We have another fun activity coming up in February. It's our annual Box Top for Education Drive. Our next submission date is February 27 and we want this one to be the biggest our school has ever turned in! For every one of those little pink Box...
To the Eagle: I hope I'm not being paranoid, but I had family members who were in the Normandy landing and fought on Iwo Jima against the very same thing that is happening here and now. Alternative facts? The dog ate my homework is an alternative fact but even my third grade teacher knew I was lying. Early in the eventual complete takeover of German society, the news was demonized and the one person who knew how to fix everything said all reporters were liars and barred them from what passes for a White House press briefing. Excuse me. I could...
Editor's note: I had a conversation with a friend about what media to believe during this era of hacking and fake news. I responded that one should start with established media such as The Associated Press (AP), The New York Times, and ABC, CBS, NBC, and NPR, organizations whose journalists, for the most part, subscribe to journalistic ethics such as those established by the Society of Professional Journalists. Journalists play an important role in our society. Here's a Dec. 27, 2016, editorial from The SunSentinel of Fort Lauderdale, Florida,...
To The Eagle: The citizens of Wahkiakum County are fabulous. The Wahkiakum Star Program wishes to pass along a special thanks to the many residents that helped us this December. Through the help of the Leadership Class of Wahkiakum High School who did the walk and knock to raise funds, Mrs. Merz’s class who also fund-raised and purchased gifts for 20 children, as well as providing five dinners for families, the people that donated dinners, and the many others that helped in various ways. We thank those that could take multiple stars and also d...
To The Eagle: With all the snow, ice and frozen temperatures we have been having this winter, I can't help but think of the fantastic road crew we have here in Wahkiakum County. I live on one of those town hills that might be overlooked in other large counties but here, our hard working county employees never fail to de-ice, plow and/or sand our hills. I don’t know all the names of our county or state road crew employees but I know you have been working hard, putting in a lot of extra effort to make sure we can get to work and school and I, f...
To the Eagle: Citizens, do you agree that our civil rights must be protected, no matter whether donkeys or elephants are in charge? Did you know that there’s a women’s march in Longview on Saturday to send this message to the other Washington? It is a chance for women (and men) of all political stripes to express their support for our Constitution and to stand against misogyny, racism, and hate. The march starts at noon at the Longview Civic Center (16th Ave). If you need a ride, please call 360-795-3025 no later than noon on Friday. Urs...
To The Eagle: Sadly, neither the chair nor the vice chair of the Wahkiakum Democratic Party (WDP), and only one of the elected committee persons of the 11 precincts in our county attended an important meeting to elect/re-elect candidates for these positions. At-large voters I contacted expressed their disgust with national and/or local politics and with both political parties. I wonder, are you ready to turn our country over to the most corrupt with the most money? Is that how you would honor those who fought and died in two world wars? Will...
To The Eagle: Many years ago, a former Russian leader, I believe it was Gorbachev, made the statement that the Soviet Union would never attack the United States, that they would destroy us from within. I believe that they are well on their way to doing just that. Richard Anderson Puget Island...
To The Eagle: This is additional information regarding the article in The Eagle 12/22 about the county commissioners’ meeting with community center representatives. The advisory group for the community center in Cathlamet is seeking a small contribution from the county to help pay for a part time coordinator/manager to keep the center open to the public and schedule volunteers and programs. The commissioners have so far denied any funding. The building is owned by the Town of Cathlamet and leased to the county for the sum of one dollar per y...
To The Eagle: Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet would like to thank all the wonderful people that attended the St James Holiday Gift Fair this year. The winner of the Mule basket, donated by Cathlamet Pharmacy was Kayla Bowcutt and the winner of the members basket was Lou Ann Hedges. We felt the fair was a great success and plan to be back next year but we need your help. We had our annual booth with used Christmas items and our sales were way up from years past. We had a lot of nice things. We need the community's help for next year as we are very low...
To The Eagle: Okay, so we have that life is all about motion, right? Now here is a little goodie that you can apply to motion - life. Always turn motion to advantage. There are several ways to do this. One is based on the concept of I, me, my, mine - everything is about me type attitude. The other is based around we, us, they, them - motion intended to create the greatest good for the greatest number. Here is how it works. No matter what happens in your life find a way to turn it into something good. If it is already good, make it better. The o...
To The Eagle: As the appointment of generals, industrialists, Wall Street insiders, and bankers to the cabinet of the new administration indicates, a vulgar egomaniac is in the process of turning our country into the world’s largest military-industrial complex. The president-elect is not taking time out to celebrate the holidays and neither can we! To retain our rights as free citizens of a democracy able to speak out, to earn a living wage, to obtain health care, to benefit from social security programs, and to live at peace with each other an...
To the Eagle: Thank-you, Rick for the AP article discussing the Electoral College [EC] process. The AP journalist missed a few key components of EC design. The EC was created at a Convention of States. That convention met so states could create our federal Constitution, while protecting their state sovereignty. That is, the dual sovereignty republic we live in today. Alexander Hamilton wanted direct citizen election of the president, but the states said no. Selection of the states president, was not to be a popular vote, as the job is not...
To the Eagle: T'was refreshing to note the caution and restraint voiced by our county commissioners over sewer issues, as reported in last week's Eagle. Some of this is no doubt due to hindsight or experience, but credit is also due to Bob Junger's election campaign in which he brought sewer issues into focus. As Commissioner Brady pointed out, there has been propaganda issued by the usual suspects to encourage passage of coercive county ordinances to force folks in the suburbs to hook up to the system -- which is not only distasteful but a...
By Sheriff Mark Howie Phone Frauds and Cons Here’s hoping everyone is staying safe and warm during these cold days and nights. I’d like to highlight some phone scams that continue to con folks out of their hard earned money. 1. Law Enforcement or Fire Fighters Fund – Just know that neither the police nor the fire department will ever call on the phone for donations to any charitable fund. These groups DO NOT represent public safety and instead fraudulently solicit money by impersonating police or fire. 2. Jury duty fines – Callers try to soli...
To The Eagle: Life is in motion, Life is motion. The more motion there is the more life there is. If your life is not as you want it, create some motion. Any motion; but be aware that motion that is pro-survival enhances ones life while non-survival motion decreases life potential. Yes it is that way, sorry to say. Example: Let’s say I have a vehicle I would like to sell. I can either sit here at my desk and “wish” the darn thing would sell and someone would come along and buy it. Likely it will not sell. (No Motion.) Or, I get my body movin...
By Rick Nelson Some prophet I am. When Donald Trump announced his bid for presidency last year, I broke out in a spontaneous laugh of disbelief. He's completely untrained for the job, I thought to myself. Who's laughing now? Right. I still believe he's completely unsuited for the presidency. A majority of voters seem to agree, but with our nation's 19th century electoral system, it doesn't matter: He'll be our president. I've always said the voters deserve the people they elect; the trouble is that the people who voted against a candidate pay t...
To The Eagle: Americans chose a vulgarian who vowed to cut taxes for the richest, impose trade restrictions that will raise prices, dismantle unions, restrict wage increases, curtail the entry of workers who pick our harvest, deny health insurance to millions, and who reopened the wound of racism and bragged about his sexual exploits. The Democratic officialdom arrogantly chose Ms. Clinton over Mr. Sanders and recklessly overlooked her serious ethical turbidity. Ms. Clinton will continue to do well for herself. We shall see how distressed...
To The Eagle: As a member of the Washington State Council on Aging, I am writing this letter because November is National Family Caregivers Month. The theme for 2016 is “Take Care to Give Care.” Caregiving deserves our attention, as a human and financial concern. Over 900,000 Washington State citizens serve as unpaid family caregivers. According to data from the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, uncompensated, informal caregiving is estimated to be valued at $10.6 billion. These unpaid caregivers lose about $300,000 in sa...
To The Eagle: This Friday, November 11th, is Veteran’s Day. To the many men and women who have served our country, thank you! Veteran’s Day is a time to reflect on the liberties we enjoy in the United States of America. While we live in the land of the free, the liberties we have were not free. The men and women of our Armed Forces have, and continue to, pay for those freedoms with blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifices too numerous to name. As our humble way of saying thank you, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church is honored to host our 3rd Veteran’s D...
To The Eagle: To whoever accidentally shot and killed the Black Angus bred heifer along Foster Road near Longtain Rd.: Accidents can happen, granted. However, the loss of that animal set back the increase of our herd by a year and we lose the value of the heifer as well as the unborn calf she was carrying and other calves in the future. Please either replace her with a bred heifer or a cow calf pair or pay $1200 to reimburse us for the loss. If you wish to remain anonymous, arrange for the replacement via Stanley Farms, Don Wages or anyone...
To The Eagle: I have observed Mike Backman doing so much for our community over the years, volunteering, etc. He is not a politician and to my knowledge has never conducted county business acting as partisan. He has identified himself as an independent and governed that way. I have respect for Mr. Prestegard, but I am concerned about a partisan of either major party bringing the mess we have at the federal and state level of governance to our county government. I can say, and I believe most would agree, we have had some pretty fair governing...
To The Eagle: Hillary Clinton is not presidential. She and her husband are thieving, conniving politicians. Folks who pay attention are aware of their many and sordid violations. We, many millions of us, are sick and tired of these people and the faltering country we are stuck with. We want our good economy and the general good feeling among our citizenry back! Trump is not perfect, but he is the only alternative for our beloved country. Mike Swift Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Center line rumble safety strip, Longview to US 101, makes for many small water reservoirs during/after moisture falling. Each reservoir will puddle, creating spray from a passing vehicle, endangering vehicle passed. Plus, these puddles will freeze over and the center line will be like an ice skating rink. Even though the driving surface may be dry, there will be multiple single vehicle incidents due to the ‘rumble’ black icing. Yes, rumble stripping will alert an inattentive driver moving over the center line into oncoming tra...
To The Eagle: In just a few weeks, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church on Puget Island will be collecting shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child- a program through Samaritan’s Purse. This year we are inviting the community to participate with us in sending some Christmas hope to those who greatly need it around the world. Samaritan’s Purse sends shoe boxes filled with goodies to children wherever they are needed. Your shoe box could bless a child here in the States who has lost everything due to flooding or across the globe to a struggling count...